public int enter(DeclarationDescriptor descriptor, Type type) { int index = myMaxIndex; myVarIndex.put(descriptor, index); myMaxIndex += type.getSize(); myVarSizes.put(descriptor, type.getSize()); return index; }
@SuppressWarnings({"HardCodedStringLiteral"}) public void dumpStatistics() { System.out.println("Statistics:"); final TObjectIntHashMap<Object> map = new TObjectIntHashMap<Object>(); final PsiElementVisitor psiRecursiveElementVisitor = new XmlRecursiveElementVisitor() { @NonNls private static final String TOKENS_KEY = "Tokens"; @NonNls private static final String ELEMENTS_KEY = "Elements"; @Override public void visitXmlToken(XmlToken token) { inc(TOKENS_KEY); } @Override public void visitElement(PsiElement element) { inc(ELEMENTS_KEY); super.visitElement(element); } private void inc(final String key) { map.put(key, map.get(key) + 1); } }; accept(psiRecursiveElementVisitor); final Object[] keys = map.keys(); for (final Object key : keys) { System.out.println(key + ": " + map.get(key)); } }
private static <E extends ArrangementEntry> void sortByName(@NotNull List<E> entries) { if (entries.size() < 2) { return; } final TObjectIntHashMap<E> weights = new TObjectIntHashMap<E>(); int i = 0; for (E e : entries) { weights.put(e, ++i); } ContainerUtil.sort( entries, new Comparator<E>() { @Override public int compare(E e1, E e2) { String name1 = e1 instanceof NameAwareArrangementEntry ? ((NameAwareArrangementEntry) e1).getName() : null; String name2 = e2 instanceof NameAwareArrangementEntry ? ((NameAwareArrangementEntry) e2).getName() : null; if (name1 != null && name2 != null) { return name1.compareTo(name2); } else if (name1 == null && name2 == null) { return weights.get(e1) - weights.get(e2); } else if (name2 == null) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }); }
private TIntArrayList getParametersToRemove() { TIntArrayList list = new TIntArrayList(); for (Object o : toRemoveCBs.keys()) { if (((JCheckBox) o).isSelected()) { list.add(toRemoveCBs.get((JCheckBox) o)); } } return list; }
@NotNull private static OrderMap fromList(@NotNull List<HighlightSeverity> orderList) { TObjectIntHashMap<HighlightSeverity> map = new TObjectIntHashMap<HighlightSeverity>(); for (int i = 0; i < orderList.size(); i++) { HighlightSeverity severity = orderList.get(i); map.put(severity, i); } return new OrderMap(map); }
public int leave(DeclarationDescriptor descriptor) { int size = myVarSizes.get(descriptor); myMaxIndex -= size; myVarSizes.remove(descriptor); int oldIndex = myVarIndex.remove(descriptor); if (oldIndex != myMaxIndex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Descriptor can be left only if it is last: " + descriptor); } return oldIndex; }
private static int getAttributeId(String attId) throws IOException { if (myAttributeIds.containsKey(attId)) { return myAttributeIds.get(attId); } int id = myNames.enumerate(attId); myAttributeIds.put(attId, id); return id; }
private OrderMap(@NotNull TObjectIntHashMap<HighlightSeverity> map) { super(map.size()); map.forEachEntry( new TObjectIntProcedure<HighlightSeverity>() { @Override public boolean execute(HighlightSeverity key, int value) { OrderMap.super.put(key, value); return true; } }); trimToSize(); }
private static TObjectIntHashMap<String> buildNamesIndex(Instruction[] flow) { TObjectIntHashMap<String> namesIndex = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); int idx = 0; for (Instruction instruction : flow) { if (instruction instanceof ReadWriteVariableInstruction) { String name = ((ReadWriteVariableInstruction) instruction).getVariableName(); if (!namesIndex.contains(name)) { namesIndex.put(name, idx++); } } } return namesIndex; }
@Nullable private PsiElement findAnchor(String name) { final int myPriority = PRIORITY.get(name); final PsiElement[] modifiers = getModifiers(); PsiElement anchor = null; for (int i = modifiers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PsiElement modifier = modifiers[i]; if (PRIORITY.get(modifier.getText()) <= myPriority) { anchor = modifier; break; } } return anchor; }
@Override public void dispose() { synchronized (ourInstances) { ourInstances.remove(myParent); for (Object o : myCounts.keys()) { VirtualFilePointerImpl pointer = (VirtualFilePointerImpl) o; int disposeCount = myCounts.get(pointer); int after = pointer.myNode.incrementUsageCount(-disposeCount + 1); LOG.assertTrue(after > 0, after); pointer.dispose(); } } }
/** * Reads events from <tt>eventStream</tt> into a linked list. The predicates associated with each * event are counted and any which occur at least <tt>cutoff</tt> times are added to the * <tt>predicatesInOut</tt> map along with a unique integer index. * * @param eventStream an <code>EventStream</code> value * @param eventStore a writer to which the events are written to for later processing. * @param predicatesInOut a <code>TObjectIntHashMap</code> value * @param cutoff an <code>int</code> value */ private int computeEventCounts( EventStream eventStream, Writer eventStore, TObjectIntHashMap predicatesInOut, int cutoff) throws IOException { TObjectIntHashMap counter = new TObjectIntHashMap(); int predicateIndex = 0; int eventCount = 0; while (eventStream.hasNext()) { Event ev = eventStream.nextEvent(); eventCount++; eventStore.write(FileEventStream.toLine(ev)); String[] ec = ev.getContext(); for (int j = 0; j < ec.length; j++) { if (!predicatesInOut.containsKey(ec[j])) { if (counter.increment(ec[j])) { } else { counter.put(ec[j], 1); } if (counter.get(ec[j]) >= cutoff) { predicatesInOut.put(ec[j], predicateIndex++); counter.remove(ec[j]); } } } } predicatesInOut.trimToSize(); eventStore.close(); return eventCount; }
public int storeSafe(Object obj) { if (safeClone.isSafeToReuse(obj)) { int description = safeToReuse.get(obj); if (description == 0) { safeToReuse.put(obj, safeToReuse.size() + 1); description = safeToReuse.size(); reuse.add(obj); } return description; } else { return 0; } }
public static TObjectIntHashMap<GrParameter> findParametersToRemove( IntroduceParameterInfo helper) { final TObjectIntHashMap<GrParameter> result = new TObjectIntHashMap<GrParameter>(); final TextRange range = ExtractUtil.getRangeOfRefactoring(helper); GrParameter[] parameters = helper.getToReplaceIn().getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { GrParameter parameter = parameters[i]; if (shouldRemove(parameter, range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset())) { result.put(parameter, i); } } return result; }
public static boolean isNumericType(@Nullable PsiType type) { if (type instanceof PsiClassType) { return TYPE_TO_RANK.contains(type.getCanonicalText()); } return type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType && TypeConversionUtil.isNumericType(type); }
public int findIdInCacheWrite(final Object obj, boolean immutable) { if (immutable) { return findProperImmutableCache(obj.getClass()).get(obj); } else { return objectsCacheOnWrite.get(obj); } }
public int putObjectInCacheWrite(final Object obj, boolean isImmutable) { objectsCacheOnWrite.put(obj, ++objectIdOnCache); if (isImmutable) { findProperImmutableCache(obj.getClass()).put(obj, objectIdOnCache); } return objectIdOnCache; }
@Test public void testTermCodesPut() { TermCodes.reset(); final int termsLength = terms.length; TObjectIntHashMap<String> check = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < termsLength; i++) { TermCodes.setTermCode(terms[i], i); check.put(terms[i], i); } for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < termsLength; i++) { int code = TermCodes.getCode(terms[i]); assertEquals(check.get(terms[i]), code); } } }
public boolean hasExplicitModifier(@NotNull @NonNls String name) { final GrModifierListStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { final int flag = NAME_TO_MODIFIER_FLAG_MAP.get(name); return (stub.getModifiersFlags() & flag) != 0; } if (name.equals(GrModifier.PUBLIC)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kPUBLIC) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.ABSTRACT)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kABSTRACT) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.NATIVE)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kNATIVE) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.PRIVATE)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kPRIVATE) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.PROTECTED)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kPROTECTED) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.SYNCHRONIZED)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kSYNCHRONIZED) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.STRICTFP)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kSTRICTFP) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.STATIC)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kSTATIC) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.FINAL)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kFINAL) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.TRANSIENT)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kTRANSIENT) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.NATIVE)) return findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kNATIVE) != null; if (name.equals(GrModifier.DEF)) return findChildByType(GroovyTokenTypes.kDEF) != null; return name.equals(GrModifier.VOLATILE) && findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.kVOLATILE) != null; }
public void reset() { if (safeToReuse != null) { safeToReuse.clear(); } objectsCacheOnWrite.clear(); objectsCacheOnRead.clear(); immutableCache.clear(); objectIdOnCache = 0; }
@Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { if (WEIGHTS.containsKey(o1) && WEIGHTS.containsKey(o2)) { return WEIGHTS.get(o1) - WEIGHTS.get(o2); } else if (WEIGHTS.containsKey(o1) && !WEIGHTS.containsKey(o2)) { return -1; } else if (!WEIGHTS.containsKey(o1) && WEIGHTS.containsKey(o2)) { return 1; } else { return o1.hashCode() - o2.hashCode(); } }
@Test public void testTermCodes() { TermCodes.reset(); TObjectIntHashMap<String> check = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); final int termsLength = terms.length; for (int i = 0; i < termsLength; i++) { int id = TermCodes.getCode(terms[i]); check.put(terms[i], id); } int code; for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < termsLength; i++) { code = TermCodes.getCode(terms[i]); assertEquals(check.get(terms[i]), code); } } // TODO: get a new term, then check that the new id is unique }
private void writeVertices() throws IOException { /* * Start indexing with 1 since 0 is returned if no mapping is found. */ vertexIdx = 1; for (Vertex v : graph.getVertices()) { vertexTmpIds.put(v, vertexIdx); writeStartTag(GraphML.NODE_TAG, getVertexAttributes(v), true); vertexIdx++; } }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (myVarIndex.size() != myVarSizes.size()) { return "inconsistent"; } List<Trinity<DeclarationDescriptor, Integer, Integer>> descriptors = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Object descriptor0 : myVarIndex.keys()) { DeclarationDescriptor descriptor = (DeclarationDescriptor) descriptor0; int varIndex = myVarIndex.get(descriptor); int varSize = myVarSizes.get(descriptor); descriptors.add(Trinity.create(descriptor, varIndex, varSize)); } Collections.sort( descriptors, new Comparator<Trinity<DeclarationDescriptor, Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare( Trinity<DeclarationDescriptor, Integer, Integer> left, Trinity<DeclarationDescriptor, Integer, Integer> right) { return left.second - right.second; } }); sb.append("size=").append(myMaxIndex); boolean first = true; for (Trinity<DeclarationDescriptor, Integer, Integer> t : descriptors) { if (!first) { sb.append(", "); } first = false; sb.append(t.first).append(",i=").append(t.second).append(",s=").append(t.third); } return sb.toString(); }
public StringEditFeatureVectorSequence( FeatureVector[] featureVectors, String s1, String s2, char delimiter, HashMap lexic) { super(featureVectors); this.delim = delimiter; this.lexicon = new TObjectIntHashMap(); if (lexic != null) { Set keys = lexic.keySet(); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) this.lexicon.put((String), 1); } this.string1 = s1; this.string2 = s2; this.string1Length = s1.length() + 2; this.string2Length = s2.length() + 2; string1Blocks = string1.split("" + delim); string2Blocks = string2.split("" + delim); string1Present = new TObjectIntHashMap(); string2Present = new TObjectIntHashMap(); block1Indices = new int[string1Length]; if (string1Blocks.length > 0) { int whichBlock = 0; block1Indices[0] = whichBlock++; for (int i = 0; i < string1Blocks.length; i++) string1Present.put(string1Blocks[i], 1); for (int i = 1; i < string1Length - 1; i++) block1Indices[i] = ((string1.charAt(i - 1) == delim) ? whichBlock++ : -1); block1Indices[string1Length - 1] = -1; } block2Indices = new int[string2Length]; if (string2Blocks.length > 0) { int whichBlock = 0; block2Indices[0] = whichBlock++; for (int i = 0; i < string2Blocks.length; i++) string2Present.put(string2Blocks[i], 1); for (int i = 1; i < string2Length - 1; i++) block2Indices[i] = ((string2.charAt(i - 1) == delim) ? whichBlock++ : -1); block2Indices[string2Length - 1] = -1; } }
/** * Returns a list of edge attributes stored in String-String-tuples. The returned list contains * two entries: * * <ul> * <li>{@link GraphML#SOURCE_ATTR} - <tt>vertexIdx</tt> * <li>{@link GraphML#TARGET_ATTR} - <tt>vertexIdx</tt> * </ul> * * @param e the edge the attributes are to be returned. * @return a list of edge attributes. */ protected List<Tuple<String, String>> getEdgeAttributes(Edge e) { List<Tuple<String, String>> attrs = new LinkedList<Tuple<String, String>>(); Vertex v1 = e.getVertices().getFirst(); Vertex v2 = e.getVertices().getSecond(); int idx1 = vertexTmpIds.get(v1); int idx2 = vertexTmpIds.get(v2); if (idx1 > 0 && idx2 > 0) { attrs.add(createTuple(GraphML.SOURCE_ATTR, idx1)); attrs.add(createTuple(GraphML.TARGET_ATTR, idx2)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Orphaned edges are not allowed!"); } return attrs; }
public GrIntroduceParameterDialog(IntroduceParameterInfo info) { super(info.getProject(), true); myInfo = info; myProject = info.getProject(); myCanIntroduceSimpleParameter = GroovyIntroduceParameterUtil.findExpr(myInfo) != null || GroovyIntroduceParameterUtil.findVar(myInfo) != null || findStringPart() != null; TObjectIntHashMap<GrParameter> parametersToRemove = GroovyIntroduceParameterUtil.findParametersToRemove(info); toRemoveCBs = new TObjectIntHashMap<JCheckBox>(parametersToRemove.size()); for (Object p : parametersToRemove.keys()) { JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox( GroovyRefactoringBundle.message( "", ((GrParameter) p).getName())); toRemoveCBs.put(cb, parametersToRemove.get((GrParameter) p)); cb.setSelected(true); } init(); }
private void createCheckBoxes(JPanel panel) { myDeclareFinalCheckBox = new JCheckBox(UIUtil.replaceMnemonicAmpersand("Declare &final")); myDeclareFinalCheckBox.setFocusable(false); panel.add(myDeclareFinalCheckBox); myDelegateViaOverloadingMethodCheckBox = new JCheckBox(UIUtil.replaceMnemonicAmpersand("De&legate via overloading method")); myDelegateViaOverloadingMethodCheckBox.setFocusable(false); panel.add(myDelegateViaOverloadingMethodCheckBox); for (Object o : toRemoveCBs.keys()) { final JCheckBox cb = (JCheckBox) o; cb.setFocusable(false); panel.add(cb); } }
@Override public void dispose() { ourInstances.remove(myParent); synchronized (this) { myCounts.forEachEntry( new TObjectIntProcedure<VirtualFilePointerImpl>() { @Override public boolean execute(VirtualFilePointerImpl pointer, int disposeCount) { int after = pointer.myNode.incrementUsageCount(-disposeCount + 1); LOG.assertTrue(after > 0, after); pointer.dispose(); return true; } }); } }