public TIntObjectHashMap<TIntHashSet> resolve( DirectedGraph<Integer, RDFEdge> graph, Set<Set<Integer>> literalSubjectPairs, Document document, KnowledgeBase kb) { TIntObjectHashMap<TIntHashSet> resolvedSubjects = new TIntObjectHashMap<TIntHashSet>(); TIntHashSet ham = new TIntHashSet(); TIntHashSet spam = new TIntHashSet(); resolvedSubjects.put(0, spam); resolvedSubjects.put(1, ham); for (Set<Integer> c : literalSubjectPairs) { TIntHashSet subjects = getAmbiguousURIRefs(c); if (subjects.size() > 1) { ham.add(subjects.toArray()[new Random().nextInt(subjects.size())]); if (resolvedSubjects.size() < subjects.size()) { for (int s : subjects.toArray()) { if (!ham.contains(s)) { spam.add(s); } } } } } return resolvedSubjects; }
// returns list of resolved files if updated successfully, or null if write action or dumb mode // started private int[] processFile( @NotNull final VirtualFile file, int fileId, @NotNull final ProgressIndicator indicator) { final TIntHashSet forward; try { forward = calcForwardRefs(file, indicator); } catch (IndexNotReadyException e) { return null; } catch (ApplicationUtil.CannotRunReadActionException e) { return null; } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log(ExceptionUtil.getThrowableText(e)); flushLog(); return null; } int[] forwardIds = forward.toArray(); fileIsResolved.set(fileId); logf( " ---- " + file.getPresentableUrl() + " processed. forwardIds: " + toVfString(forwardIds)); for (Listener listener : myListeners) { listener.fileResolved(file); } return forwardIds; }
private void applyChildrenChangeEvents(VirtualFile parent, List<VFileEvent> events) { final NewVirtualFileSystem delegate = getDelegate(parent); TIntArrayList childrenIdsUpdated = new TIntArrayList(); List<VirtualFile> childrenToBeUpdated = new SmartList<VirtualFile>(); assert parent != null && parent != mySuperRoot; final int parentId = getFileId(parent); assert parentId != 0; TIntHashSet parentChildrenIds = new TIntHashSet(FSRecords.list(parentId)); boolean hasRemovedChildren = false; for (VFileEvent event : events) { if (event instanceof VFileCreateEvent) { String name = ((VFileCreateEvent) event).getChildName(); final VirtualFile fake = new FakeVirtualFile(parent, name); final FileAttributes attributes = delegate.getAttributes(fake); if (attributes != null) { final int childId = createAndFillRecord(delegate, fake, parentId, attributes); assert parent instanceof VirtualDirectoryImpl : parent; final VirtualDirectoryImpl dir = (VirtualDirectoryImpl) parent; VirtualFileSystemEntry child = dir.createChild(name, childId, dir.getFileSystem()); childrenToBeUpdated.add(child); childrenIdsUpdated.add(childId); parentChildrenIds.add(childId); } } else if (event instanceof VFileDeleteEvent) { VirtualFile file = ((VFileDeleteEvent) event).getFile(); if (!file.exists()) { LOG.error("Deleting a file, which does not exist: " + file.getPath()); continue; } hasRemovedChildren = true; int id = getFileId(file); childrenToBeUpdated.add(file); childrenIdsUpdated.add(-id); parentChildrenIds.remove(id); } } FSRecords.updateList(parentId, parentChildrenIds.toArray()); if (hasRemovedChildren) clearIdCache(); VirtualDirectoryImpl parentImpl = (VirtualDirectoryImpl) parent; for (int i = 0, len = childrenIdsUpdated.size(); i < len; ++i) { final int childId = childrenIdsUpdated.get(i); final VirtualFile childFile = childrenToBeUpdated.get(i); if (childId > 0) { parentImpl.addChild((VirtualFileSystemEntry) childFile); } else { FSRecords.deleteRecordRecursively(-childId); parentImpl.removeChild(childFile); invalidateSubtree(childFile); } } }
public void visitEnd() { final TIntHashSet s = myAnnotationArguments.get(myType); if (s == null) { myAnnotationArguments.put(myType, myUsedArguments); } else { s.retainAll(myUsedArguments.toArray()); } }
public boolean execute(final String a, final int b) { termids[i] = getTermId(a); tfs[i] = b; final TIntHashSet ids = term_blocks.get(a); blockfreqs[i] = ids.size(); blockTotal += ids.size(); final int[] bids = ids.toArray(); Arrays.sort(bids); term2blockids.put(termids[i], bids); // System.err.println(a+": tid="+termids[i]+" tf="+tfs[i]+" bf="+blockfreqs[i] +" // blocks="+Arrays.toString(bids)); i++; return true; }
@Override public TIntDoubleHashMap getRating( Document document, List<TokenSequence<SemanticEntity>> entities) { DirectedGraph<Integer, RDFEdge> graph = document.getGraph(); TIntHashSet nodes = new TIntHashSet(); for (TokenSequence<SemanticEntity> ts : entities) { nodes.add(ts.getValue().getSubjectIndex()); } final TIntDoubleHashMap m = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); for (int node : nodes.toArray()) { m.put(node, Math.min(graph.getOutEdges(node).size(), graph.getInEdges(node).size())); } return m; }
public void processTerm(String t) { // null means the term has been filtered out (eg stopwords) if (t != null) { // add term to document posting list for (String fieldName : termFields) { int tmp = fieldNames.get(fieldName); if (tmp > 0) { fields.add(tmp - 1); } } if (ELSE_ENABLED && fields.size() == 0) { fields.add(ELSE_FIELD_ID); } ((BlockFieldDocumentPostingList) termsInDocument).insert(t, fields.toArray(), blockId); numOfTokensInDocument++; if (++numOfTokensInBlock >= BLOCK_SIZE && blockId < MAX_BLOCKS) { numOfTokensInBlock = 0; blockId++; } fields.clear(); } }
@Override protected void doPut(Key key, ValueContainer<Value> container) throws IOException { synchronized (myEnumerator) { ChangeTrackingValueContainer<Value> valueContainer = (ChangeTrackingValueContainer<Value>) container; if (!valueContainer.needsCompacting()) { final BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(); //noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed final DataOutputStream _out = new DataOutputStream(bytes); final TIntHashSet set = valueContainer.getInvalidated(); if (set.size() > 0) { for (int inputId : set.toArray()) { ValueContainerExternalizer.saveInvalidateCommand(_out, inputId); } } final ValueContainer<Value> toRemove = valueContainer.getRemovedDelta(); if (toRemove.size() > 0) { myValueContainerExternalizer.saveAsRemoved(_out, toRemove); } final ValueContainer<Value> toAppend = valueContainer.getAddedDelta(); if (toAppend.size() > 0) {, toAppend); } appendData( key, new PersistentHashMap.ValueDataAppender() { public void append(final DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.write(bytes.getInternalBuffer(), 0, bytes.size()); } }); } else { // rewrite the value container for defragmentation super.doPut(key, valueContainer); } } }
public UNVDomain(UNVParser parser, int id, Color color) { = id; this.color = color; TIntHashSet nodeset = new TIntHashSet(); tria3 = parser.getTria3FromGroup(id); if (tria3.length > 0) { nodeset.ensureCapacity(tria3.length); nodeset.addAll(tria3); } quad4 = parser.getQuad4FromGroup(id); if (quad4.length > 0) { nodeset.ensureCapacity(nodeset.size() + quad4.length); nodeset.addAll(quad4); } beam2 = parser.getBeam2FromGroup(id); if (beam2.length > 0) { nodeset.ensureCapacity(nodeset.size() + beam2.length); nodeset.addAll(beam2); } tria6 = parser.getTria6FromGroup(id); if (tria6.length > 0) { nodeset.ensureCapacity(nodeset.size() + tria6.length); nodeset.addAll(tria6); } int[] nodesID = nodeset.toArray(); nodes = readNodes(nodesID, parser.getNodesCoordinates()); // Compute inverse relation TIntIntHashMap map = new TIntIntHashMap(nodesID.length); for (int i = 0; i < nodesID.length; i++) map.put(nodesID[i], i); for (int i = 0; i < tria3.length; i++) tria3[i] = map.get(tria3[i]); for (int i = 0; i < quad4.length; i++) quad4[i] = map.get(quad4[i]); for (int i = 0; i < beam2.length; i++) beam2[i] = map.get(beam2[i]); for (int i = 0; i < tria6.length; i++) tria6[i] = map.get(tria6[i]); }
/** * @param nested * @return ids of terms in which the provided term nests in */ public int[] getNestsOf(String nested) { TIntHashSet res = _termNest.getNestIdsOf(nested); return res == null ? new int[0] : res.toArray(); }
private static void findReadsBeforeWrites( Instruction[] flow, TIntHashSet[] definitelyAssigned, List<ReadWriteVariableInstruction> result, TObjectIntHashMap<String> namesIndex, int[] postorder, int[] invpostorder, boolean onlyFirstRead) { // skip instructions that are not reachable from the start int start = ArrayUtil.find(invpostorder, 0); for (int i = start; i < flow.length; i++) { int j = invpostorder[i]; Instruction curr = flow[j]; if (curr instanceof ReadWriteVariableInstruction) { ReadWriteVariableInstruction rw = (ReadWriteVariableInstruction) curr; int name = namesIndex.get(rw.getVariableName()); TIntHashSet vars = definitelyAssigned[j]; if (rw.isWrite()) { if (vars == null) { vars = new TIntHashSet(); definitelyAssigned[j] = vars; } vars.add(name); } else { if (vars == null || !vars.contains(name)) { result.add(rw); if (onlyFirstRead) { if (vars == null) { vars = new TIntHashSet(); definitelyAssigned[j] = vars; } vars.add(name); } } } } for (Instruction succ : curr.allSuccessors()) { if (postorder[succ.num()] > postorder[curr.num()]) { TIntHashSet currDefinitelyAssigned = definitelyAssigned[curr.num()]; TIntHashSet succDefinitelyAssigned = definitelyAssigned[succ.num()]; if (currDefinitelyAssigned != null) { int[] currArray = currDefinitelyAssigned.toArray(); if (succDefinitelyAssigned == null) { succDefinitelyAssigned = new TIntHashSet(); succDefinitelyAssigned.addAll(currArray); definitelyAssigned[succ.num()] = succDefinitelyAssigned; } else { succDefinitelyAssigned.retainAll(currArray); } } else { if (succDefinitelyAssigned != null) { succDefinitelyAssigned.clear(); } else { succDefinitelyAssigned = new TIntHashSet(); definitelyAssigned[succ.num()] = succDefinitelyAssigned; } } } } } }
/** Freeze the iterator, cannot be reused. */ public void init(final TIntHashSet theIndices, final DeterministicIndicedList<E> theElements) { super.init(); current = 0; indices = theIndices.toArray(); elements = theElements; }