private void process(BasicBlock bb, TIntArrayList locks) { int n = bb.size(); int k = locks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Quad q = bb.getQuad(i); Operator op = q.getOperator(); if (op instanceof Monitor) { if (op instanceof MONITORENTER) { TIntArrayList locks2 = new TIntArrayList(k + 1); for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) locks2.add(locks.get(j)); int lIdx = domL.indexOf(q); assert (lIdx >= 0); locks2.add(lIdx); locks = locks2; k++; } else { k--; TIntArrayList locks2 = new TIntArrayList(k); for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) locks2.add(locks.get(j)); locks = locks2; } } else if (op.isHeapInst() && k > 0) { int eIdx = domE.indexOf(q); assert (eIdx >= 0); add(locks.get(k - 1), eIdx); } } for (Object o : bb.getSuccessors()) { BasicBlock bb2 = (BasicBlock) o; if (!visited.contains(bb2)) { visited.add(bb2); process(bb2, locks); } } }
@Override public void save(final DataOutput out, final TIntArrayList value) throws IOException { int size = value.size(); if (size == 0) { DataInputOutputUtil.writeSINT(out, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else if (size == 1) { DataInputOutputUtil.writeSINT(out, -value.get(0)); } else { DataInputOutputUtil.writeSINT(out, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { DataInputOutputUtil.writeINT(out, value.get(i)); } } }
public void act() { Message message_NF; Message message_LFF; Message message_LFS; // Link failure handling if (failure_type == Link_F) { message_LFF = new Message(Values.interruptMessage, Values.ReachLoss, second_node); kernel.schedule( new ArrivalEventV2(first_node, message_LFF, kernel, GetTime.getNextSchedule(kernel))); message_LFS = new Message(Values.interruptMessage, Values.ReachLoss, first_node); kernel.schedule( new ArrivalEventV2(second_node, message_LFS, kernel, GetTime.getNextSchedule(kernel))); } // Node failure handling else { if (failure_type == Node_F) { NodeV2 Failed_Node = Topology.getNodeByAddressV2(failed_node); adjacenes = (TIntArrayList) (Failed_Node.getAdjacenes().clone()); Failed_Node.eraseState(); message_NF = new Message(Values.interruptMessage, Values.ReachLoss, failed_node); for (int i = 0; i < adjacenes.size(); i++) { kernel.schedule( new ArrivalEventV2( adjacenes.get(i), message_NF, kernel, GetTime.getNextSchedule(kernel))); } } else { } } }
private void applyChildrenChangeEvents(VirtualFile parent, List<VFileEvent> events) { final NewVirtualFileSystem delegate = getDelegate(parent); TIntArrayList childrenIdsUpdated = new TIntArrayList(); List<VirtualFile> childrenToBeUpdated = new SmartList<VirtualFile>(); assert parent != null && parent != mySuperRoot; final int parentId = getFileId(parent); assert parentId != 0; TIntHashSet parentChildrenIds = new TIntHashSet(FSRecords.list(parentId)); boolean hasRemovedChildren = false; for (VFileEvent event : events) { if (event instanceof VFileCreateEvent) { String name = ((VFileCreateEvent) event).getChildName(); final VirtualFile fake = new FakeVirtualFile(parent, name); final FileAttributes attributes = delegate.getAttributes(fake); if (attributes != null) { final int childId = createAndFillRecord(delegate, fake, parentId, attributes); assert parent instanceof VirtualDirectoryImpl : parent; final VirtualDirectoryImpl dir = (VirtualDirectoryImpl) parent; VirtualFileSystemEntry child = dir.createChild(name, childId, dir.getFileSystem()); childrenToBeUpdated.add(child); childrenIdsUpdated.add(childId); parentChildrenIds.add(childId); } } else if (event instanceof VFileDeleteEvent) { VirtualFile file = ((VFileDeleteEvent) event).getFile(); if (!file.exists()) { LOG.error("Deleting a file, which does not exist: " + file.getPath()); continue; } hasRemovedChildren = true; int id = getFileId(file); childrenToBeUpdated.add(file); childrenIdsUpdated.add(-id); parentChildrenIds.remove(id); } } FSRecords.updateList(parentId, parentChildrenIds.toArray()); if (hasRemovedChildren) clearIdCache(); VirtualDirectoryImpl parentImpl = (VirtualDirectoryImpl) parent; for (int i = 0, len = childrenIdsUpdated.size(); i < len; ++i) { final int childId = childrenIdsUpdated.get(i); final VirtualFile childFile = childrenToBeUpdated.get(i); if (childId > 0) { parentImpl.addChild((VirtualFileSystemEntry) childFile); } else { FSRecords.deleteRecordRecursively(-childId); parentImpl.removeChild(childFile); invalidateSubtree(childFile); } } }
private void onTextLayoutPerformed(int startOffset, int endOffset) { if (checkDirty()) return; boolean purePaintingMode = myEditor.isPurePaintingMode(); boolean foldingEnabled = myEditor.getFoldingModel().isFoldingEnabled(); myEditor.setPurePaintingMode(false); myEditor.getFoldingModel().setFoldingEnabled(true); try { int startVisualLine = myView.offsetToVisualLine(startOffset, false); int endVisualLine = myView.offsetToVisualLine(endOffset, true); boolean sizeInvalidated = false; for (int i = startVisualLine; i <= endVisualLine; i++) { if (myLineWidths.get(i) < 0) { myLineWidths.set(i, UNKNOWN_WIDTH); sizeInvalidated = true; } } if (sizeInvalidated) { myWidthInPixels = -1; myEditor.getContentComponent().revalidate(); } } finally { myEditor.setPurePaintingMode(purePaintingMode); myEditor.getFoldingModel().setFoldingEnabled(foldingEnabled); } }
public static boolean checkParametersNumber( @NotNull List<CandidateInfo> conflicts, final int argumentsCount, boolean ignoreIfStaticsProblem) { boolean atLeastOneMatch = false; TIntArrayList unmatchedIndices = null; for (int i = 0; i < conflicts.size(); i++) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); CandidateInfo info = conflicts.get(i); if (ignoreIfStaticsProblem && !info.isStaticsScopeCorrect()) return true; if (!(info instanceof MethodCandidateInfo)) continue; PsiMethod method = ((MethodCandidateInfo) info).getElement(); if (method.isVarArgs()) return true; if (method.getParameterList().getParametersCount() == argumentsCount) { // remove all unmatched before if (unmatchedIndices != null) { for (int u = unmatchedIndices.size() - 1; u >= 0; u--) { int index = unmatchedIndices.get(u); conflicts.remove(index); i--; } unmatchedIndices = null; } atLeastOneMatch = true; } else if (atLeastOneMatch) { conflicts.remove(i); i--; } else { if (unmatchedIndices == null) unmatchedIndices = new TIntArrayList(conflicts.size() - i); unmatchedIndices.add(i); } } return atLeastOneMatch; }
@Override public String getInstalledPluginNameByPath(Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile pluginPath) { String nameFromPluginXml = super.getInstalledPluginNameByPath(project, pluginPath); if (nameFromPluginXml != null) { return nameFromPluginXml; } VirtualFile pluginJson = pluginPath.findChild("plugin.json"); if (pluginJson != null) { String pluginAndVersion = pluginPath.getName(); // pluginName-version TIntArrayList separatorIndexes = new TIntArrayList(); int start = -1; while (true) { start = pluginAndVersion.indexOf('-', start + 1); if (start == -1) break; separatorIndexes.add(start); } if (separatorIndexes.size() == 1) { return pluginAndVersion.substring(0, separatorIndexes.get(0)); } if (separatorIndexes.size() > 0) { String json; try { json = VfsUtil.loadText(pluginJson); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < separatorIndexes.size(); i++) { int idx = separatorIndexes.get(i); String name = pluginAndVersion.substring(0, idx); String version = pluginAndVersion.substring(idx + 1); if (hasValue(PLUGIN_NAME_JSON_PATTERN, json, name) && hasValue(PLUGIN_VERSION_JSON_PATTERN, json, version)) { return name; } } } } return null; }
@Nullable private VirtualFileSystemEntry findFileById( int id, boolean cachedOnly, TIntArrayList visited, int mask) { VirtualFileSystemEntry cached = myIdToDirCache.get(id); if (cached != null) return cached; if (visited != null && (visited.size() >= DEPTH_LIMIT || (mask & id) == id && visited.contains(id))) { @NonNls String sb = "Dead loop detected in persistent FS (id=" + id + " cached-only=" + cachedOnly + "):"; for (int i = 0; i < visited.size(); i++) { int _id = visited.get(i); sb += "\n " + _id + " '" + getName(_id) + "' " + String.format("%02x", getFileAttributes(_id)) + ' ' + myIdToDirCache.containsKey(_id); } LOG.error(sb); return null; } int parentId = getParent(id); if (parentId >= id) { if (visited == null) visited = new TIntArrayList(DEPTH_LIMIT); } if (visited != null) visited.add(id); VirtualFileSystemEntry result; if (parentId == 0) { myRootsLock.readLock().lock(); try { result = myRootsById.get(id); } finally { myRootsLock.readLock().unlock(); } } else { VirtualFileSystemEntry parentFile = findFileById(parentId, cachedOnly, visited, mask | id); if (parentFile instanceof VirtualDirectoryImpl) { result = ((VirtualDirectoryImpl) parentFile).findChildById(id, cachedOnly); } else { result = null; } } if (result != null && result.isDirectory()) { VirtualFileSystemEntry old = myIdToDirCache.put(id, result); if (old != null) result = old; } return result; }
void lineLayoutCreated(int logicalLine) { int startVisualLine = myView.offsetToVisualLine(myDocument.getLineStartOffset(logicalLine), false); int endVisualLine = myView.offsetToVisualLine(myDocument.getLineEndOffset(logicalLine), false); boolean sizeInvalidated = false; for (int i = startVisualLine; i <= endVisualLine; i++) { if (myLineWidths.get(i) < 0) { myLineWidths.set(i, UNKNOWN_WIDTH); sizeInvalidated = true; } } if (sizeInvalidated) { myWidthInPixels = -1; myEditor.getContentComponent().revalidate(); } }
private int calculatePreferredWidth() { if (checkDirty()) return 1; assertValidState(); VisualLinesIterator iterator = new VisualLinesIterator(myView, 0); int maxWidth = 0; while (!iterator.atEnd()) { int visualLine = iterator.getVisualLine(); int width = myLineWidths.get(visualLine); if (width == UNKNOWN_WIDTH) { final Ref<Boolean> approximateValue = new Ref<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE); width = getVisualLineWidth(iterator, () -> approximateValue.set(Boolean.TRUE)); if (approximateValue.get()) width = -width; myLineWidths.set(visualLine, width); } maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, Math.abs(width)); iterator.advance(); } return maxWidth; }
/** * It's possible that we need to expand quick doc control's width in order to provide better * visual representation (see This method * calculates that width expand. * * @param buttonWidth icon button's width * @param updatedText text which will be should at the quick doc control * @return width increase to apply to the target quick doc control (zero if no additional width * increase is required) */ private static int calculateWidthIncrease(int buttonWidth, String updatedText) { int maxLineWidth = 0; TIntArrayList lineWidths = new TIntArrayList(); for (String lineText : StringUtil.split(updatedText, "<br/>")) { String html = HintUtil.prepareHintText(lineText, HintUtil.getInformationHint()); int width = new JLabel(html).getPreferredSize().width; maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, width); lineWidths.add(width); } if (!lineWidths.isEmpty()) { int firstLineAvailableTrailingWidth = maxLineWidth - lineWidths.get(0); if (firstLineAvailableTrailingWidth >= buttonWidth) { return 0; } else { return buttonWidth - firstLineAvailableTrailingWidth; } } return 0; }
private int calculatePreferredWidth() { int lineCount = myLineWidths.size(); int maxWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { int width = myLineWidths.get(i); if (width == UNKNOWN_WIDTH) { myApproximateWidthCalculated = false; myView.getTextLayoutCache().enableQuickLayouts(true); try { width = myView.getMaxWidthInLineRange(i, i); } finally { myView.getTextLayoutCache().enableQuickLayouts(false); } if (myApproximateWidthCalculated) width = -width; myLineWidths.set(i, width); } maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, Math.abs(width)); } return maxWidth; }
@SuppressWarnings("AssignmentToForLoopParameter") @Override public void replace( @NotNull ArrangementEntryWrapper<E> newWrapper, @NotNull ArrangementEntryWrapper<E> oldWrapper, @Nullable ArrangementEntryWrapper<E> previous, @NotNull Context<E> context) { // Calculate blank lines before the arrangement. int blankLinesBefore = 0; TIntArrayList lineFeedOffsets = new TIntArrayList(); int oldStartLine = context.document.getLineNumber(oldWrapper.getStartOffset()); if (oldStartLine > 0) { int lastLineFeed = context.document.getLineStartOffset(oldStartLine) - 1; lineFeedOffsets.add(lastLineFeed); for (int i = lastLineFeed - 1 - myParentShift; i >= 0; i--) { i = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(myParentText, i, " \t"); if (myParentText.charAt(i) == '\n') { blankLinesBefore++; lineFeedOffsets.add(i + myParentShift); } else { break; } } } ArrangementEntryWrapper<E> parentWrapper = oldWrapper.getParent(); int desiredBlankLinesNumber = context.rearranger.getBlankLines( context.settings, parentWrapper == null ? null : parentWrapper.getEntry(), previous == null ? null : previous.getEntry(), newWrapper.getEntry()); if (desiredBlankLinesNumber == blankLinesBefore && newWrapper.equals(oldWrapper)) { return; } String newEntryText = myParentText.substring( newWrapper.getStartOffset() - myParentShift, newWrapper.getEndOffset() - myParentShift); int lineFeedsDiff = desiredBlankLinesNumber - blankLinesBefore; if (lineFeedsDiff == 0 || desiredBlankLinesNumber < 0) { context.addMoveInfo( newWrapper.getStartOffset() - myParentShift, newWrapper.getEndOffset() - myParentShift, oldWrapper.getStartOffset()); context.document.replaceString( oldWrapper.getStartOffset(), oldWrapper.getEndOffset(), newEntryText); return; } if (lineFeedsDiff > 0) { // Insert necessary number of blank lines. StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(StringUtil.repeat("\n", lineFeedsDiff)); buffer.append(newEntryText); context.document.replaceString( oldWrapper.getStartOffset(), oldWrapper.getEndOffset(), buffer); } else { // Cut exceeding blank lines. int replacementStartOffset = lineFeedOffsets.get(-lineFeedsDiff) + 1; context.document.replaceString( replacementStartOffset, oldWrapper.getEndOffset(), newEntryText); } // Update wrapper ranges. ArrangementEntryWrapper<E> parent = oldWrapper.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return; } Deque<ArrangementEntryWrapper<E>> parents = new ArrayDeque<ArrangementEntryWrapper<E>>(); do { parents.add(parent); parent.setEndOffset(parent.getEndOffset() + lineFeedsDiff); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (parent != null); while (!parents.isEmpty()) { for (ArrangementEntryWrapper<E> wrapper = parents.removeLast().getNext(); wrapper != null; wrapper = wrapper.getNext()) { wrapper.applyShift(lineFeedsDiff); } } }