public void run() { Logger.debug(this, "Main loop running..."); try { mConnectedToWoT = connectToWoT(); if (mConnectedToWoT) { try { fetchOwnIdentities(); // Fetch the own identities first to prevent own-identities from // being imported as normal identity... fetchIdentities(); garbageCollectIdentities(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Fetching identities failed.", e); } } } finally { final long sleepTime = mConnectedToWoT ? (THREAD_PERIOD / 2 + mRandom.nextInt(THREAD_PERIOD)) : WOT_RECONNECT_DELAY; Logger.debug(this, "Sleeping for " + (sleepTime / (60 * 1000)) + " minutes."); mTicker.queueTimedJob( this, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), sleepTime, false, true); } Logger.debug(this, "Main loop finished."); }
// TODO: This function should be a feature of WoT. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private synchronized void updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache() { Logger.debug(this, "Updating shortest unique nickname cache..."); // We don't use getAllIdentities() because we do not need to have intializeTransient() called on // each identity, we only query strings anyway. final Query q = db.query(); q.constrain(WoTIdentity.class); ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute(); final WoTIdentity[] identities = result.toArray(new WoTIdentity[result.size()]); Arrays.sort( identities, new Comparator<WoTIdentity>() { public int compare(WoTIdentity i1, WoTIdentity i2) { return i1.getFreetalkAddress().compareToIgnoreCase(i2.getFreetalkAddress()); } }); final String[] nicknames = new String[identities.length]; for (int i = 0; i < identities.length; ++i) { nicknames[i] = identities[i].getNickname(); int minLength = nicknames[i].length(); int firstDuplicate; do { firstDuplicate = i; while ((firstDuplicate - 1) >= 0 && nicknames[firstDuplicate - 1].equalsIgnoreCase(nicknames[i])) { --firstDuplicate; } if (firstDuplicate < i) { ++minLength; for (int j = i; j >= firstDuplicate; --j) { nicknames[j] = identities[j].getFreetalkAddress(minLength); } } } while (firstDuplicate != i); } final HashMap<String, String> newCache = new HashMap<String, String>(identities.length * 2); for (int i = 0; i < identities.length; ++i) newCache.put(identities[i].getID(), nicknames[i]); mShortestUniqueNicknameCache = newCache; mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate = false; Logger.debug(this, "Finished updating shortest unique nickname cache."); }
public void onSent(int totalPacketLength, BasePeerNode pn) { int totalMessageData = 0; int size = fragments.size(); int biggest = 0; for (MessageFragment frag : fragments) { totalMessageData += frag.fragmentLength; size++; if (biggest < frag.messageLength) biggest = frag.messageLength; } int overhead = totalPacketLength - totalMessageData; if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Total packet overhead: " + overhead + " for " + size + " messages total message length " + totalMessageData + " total packet length " + totalPacketLength + " biggest message " + biggest); for (MessageFragment frag : fragments) { // frag.wrapper is always non-null on sending. frag.wrapper.onSent( frag.fragmentOffset, frag.fragmentOffset + frag.fragmentLength - 1, overhead / size, pn); } }
static { Logger.minor(NativeThread.class, "Running init()"); // Loading the NativeThread library isn't useful on macos boolean maybeLoadNative = ("Linux".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(""))) && (NodeStarter.extBuildNumber > 18); Logger.debug(NativeThread.class, "Run init(): should loadNative=" + maybeLoadNative); if (maybeLoadNative && LibraryLoader.loadNative("/freenet/support/io/", "NativeThread")) { NATIVE_PRIORITY_BASE = getLinuxPriority(); NATIVE_PRIORITY_RANGE = 20 - NATIVE_PRIORITY_BASE; System.out.println( "Using the NativeThread implementation (base nice level is " + NATIVE_PRIORITY_BASE + ')'); // they are 3 main prio levels HAS_THREE_NICE_LEVELS = NATIVE_PRIORITY_RANGE >= 3; HAS_ENOUGH_NICE_LEVELS = NATIVE_PRIORITY_RANGE >= ENOUGH_NICE_LEVELS; HAS_PLENTY_NICE_LEVELS = NATIVE_PRIORITY_RANGE >= JAVA_PRIORITY_RANGE; if (!(HAS_ENOUGH_NICE_LEVELS && HAS_THREE_NICE_LEVELS)) System.err.println( "WARNING!!! The JVM has been niced down to a level which won't allow it to schedule threads properly! LOWER THE NICE LEVEL!!"); _loadNative = true; } else { // unused anyway NATIVE_PRIORITY_BASE = 0; NATIVE_PRIORITY_RANGE = 19; HAS_THREE_NICE_LEVELS = true; HAS_ENOUGH_NICE_LEVELS = true; HAS_PLENTY_NICE_LEVELS = true; _loadNative = false; } Logger.minor(NativeThread.class, "Run init(): _loadNative = " + _loadNative); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void garbageCollectIdentities() { final MessageManager messageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager(); final PersistentTaskManager taskManager = mFreetalk.getTaskManager(); synchronized (this) { if (mIdentityFetchInProgress || mOwnIdentityFetchInProgress || mLastIdentityFetchTime == 0 || mLastOwnIdentityFetchTime == 0) return; /* Executing the thread loop once will always take longer than THREAD_PERIOD. Therefore, if we set the limit to 3*THREAD_PERIOD, * it will hit identities which were last received before more than 2*THREAD_LOOP, not exactly 3*THREAD_LOOP. */ long lastAcceptTime = Math.min(mLastIdentityFetchTime, mLastOwnIdentityFetchTime) - GARBAGE_COLLECT_DELAY; lastAcceptTime = Math.max( lastAcceptTime, 0); // This is not really needed but a time less than 0 does not make sense.; Query q = db.query(); q.constrain(WoTIdentity.class); q.descend("mLastReceivedFromWoT").constrain(lastAcceptTime).smaller(); ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute(); for (WoTIdentity identity : result) { identity.initializeTransient(mFreetalk); Logger.debug(this, "Garbage collecting identity " + identity); deleteIdentity(identity, messageManager, taskManager); } if (mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate) updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache(); } }
public void start() { Logger.debug(this, "Starting..."); deleteDuplicateIdentities(); mTicker.queueTimedJob(this, "Freetalk " + this.getClass().getSimpleName(), 0, false, true); // TODO: Queue this as a job aswell. try { updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Initializing shortest unique nickname cache failed", e); } Logger.debug(this, "Started."); }
public FreenetURI(FreenetURI uri) { // this.uniqueHashCode = super.hashCode(); if (uri.keyType == null) throw new NullPointerException(); keyType = uri.keyType; docName = uri.docName; if (uri.metaStr != null) { metaStr = new String[uri.metaStr.length]; System.arraycopy(uri.metaStr, 0, metaStr, 0, metaStr.length); } else metaStr = null; if (uri.routingKey != null) { routingKey = new byte[uri.routingKey.length]; System.arraycopy(uri.routingKey, 0, routingKey, 0, routingKey.length); } else routingKey = null; if (uri.cryptoKey != null) { cryptoKey = new byte[uri.cryptoKey.length]; System.arraycopy(uri.cryptoKey, 0, cryptoKey, 0, cryptoKey.length); } else cryptoKey = null; if (uri.extra != null) { extra = new byte[uri.extra.length]; System.arraycopy(uri.extra, 0, extra, 0, extra.length); } else extra = null; this.suggestedEdition = uri.suggestedEdition; if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Copied: " + toString() + " from " + uri.toString(), new Exception("debug")); }
public boolean objectCanNew(ObjectContainer container) { if (finished) { Logger.error(this, "objectCanNew when already finished on " + this); return false; } if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "objectCanNew() on " + this, new Exception("debug")); return true; }
/** * Add urgent messages, then non-urgent messages. Add a load message if need to. * * @param size * @param minSize * @param maxSize * @param now * @param messages * @return */ int addPriorityMessages( int size, int minSize, int maxSize, long now, ArrayList<MessageItem> messages, MutableBoolean incomplete) { synchronized (PeerMessageQueue.this) { // Urgent messages first. if (logMINOR) { int nonEmpty = nonEmptyItemsWithID == null ? 0 : nonEmptyItemsWithID.size(); int empty = emptyItemsWithID == null ? 0 : emptyItemsWithID.size(); int byID = itemsByID == null ? 0 : itemsByID.size(); if (nonEmpty + empty < byID) { Logger.error( this, "Leaking itemsByID? non empty = " + nonEmpty + " empty = " + empty + " by ID = " + byID + " on " + this); } else if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Items: non empty " + nonEmpty + " empty " + empty + " by ID " + byID + " on " + this); } moveToUrgent(now); clearOldNonUrgent(now); size = addUrgentMessages(size, minSize, maxSize, now, messages); if (size < 0) { size = -size; incomplete.value = true; return size; } // If no more urgent messages, try to add some non-urgent messages too. size = addNonUrgentMessages(size, minSize, maxSize, now, messages); if (size < 0) { size = -size; incomplete.value = true; } return size; } }
@Override public synchronized void onSuccess(BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { try { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Successfully inserted WoTOwnMessageList at " + state.getURI()); mMessageManager.onMessageListInsertSucceeded(state.getURI()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "WoTOwnMessageList insert succeeded but onSuccess() failed", e); } finally { removeInsert(state); Closer.close(((ClientPutter) state).getData()); } }
private void moveToUrgent(long now) { if (itemsNonUrgent == null) return; ListIterator<MessageItem> it = itemsNonUrgent.listIterator(); int moved = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { MessageItem item =; if (item.submitted + PacketSender.MAX_COALESCING_DELAY <= now) { // Move to urgent list long id = item.getID(); Items list; if (itemsByID == null) { itemsByID = new HashMap<Long, Items>(); if (nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); list = new Items(id); nonEmptyItemsWithID.push(list); itemsByID.put(id, list); } else { list = itemsByID.get(id); if (list == null) { list = new Items(id); if (nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); // In order to ensure fairness, we add it at the beginning. // addLast() is typically called by sendAsync(). // If there are later items they are probably block transfers that are // already in progress; it is fairer to send the new item first. nonEmptyItemsWithID.unshift(list); itemsByID.put(id, list); } else { if (list.items.isEmpty()) { assert (list.getParent() == emptyItemsWithID); // It already exists, so it has a valid time. // Which is probably in the past, so use Forward. moveFromEmptyToNonEmptyForward(list); } else { assert (list.getParent() == nonEmptyItemsWithID); } } } list.addLast(item); it.remove(); moved++; } else { if (logDEBUG && moved > 0) Logger.debug(this, "Moved " + moved + " items to urgent round-robin"); return; } } }
/** * Loads an existing Config object from the database and adds any missing default values to it, * creates and stores a new one if none exists. * * @return The config object. */ public static Config loadOrCreate(WoT myWoT) { ExtObjectContainer db = myWoT.getDB(); synchronized (db.lock()) { Config config; ObjectSet<Config> result = db.queryByExample(Config.class); if (result.size() == 0) { Logger.debug(myWoT, "Creating new Config..."); config = new Config(myWoT); config.storeAndCommit(); } else { if (result.size() > 1) /* Do not throw, we do not want to prevent WoT from starting up. */ Logger.error(myWoT, "Multiple config objects stored!"); Logger.debug(myWoT, "Loaded config."); config =; config.initializeTransient(myWoT); config.setDefaultValues(false); } return config; } }
public ToadletContextImpl( Socket sock, MultiValueTable<String, String> headers, BucketFactory bf, PageMaker pageMaker, ToadletContainer container) throws IOException { this.headers = headers; this.closed = false; sockOutputStream = sock.getOutputStream(); remoteAddr = sock.getInetAddress(); if (Logger.shouldLog(Logger.DEBUG, this)) Logger.debug(this, "Connection from " + remoteAddr); = bf; this.pagemaker = pageMaker; this.container = container; }
private void realRun(DatagramPacket packet) { // Single receiving thread boolean gotPacket = getPacket(packet); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (gotPacket) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Peer peer = new Peer(packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort()); tracker.receivedPacketFrom(peer); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (endTime - startTime > 50) { if (endTime - startTime > 3000) { Logger.error(this, "packet creation took " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "packet creation took " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } } byte[] data = packet.getData(); int offset = packet.getOffset(); int length = packet.getLength(); try { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Processing packet of length " + length + " from " + peer); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); lowLevelFilter.process(data, offset, length, peer, now); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (endTime - startTime > 50) { if (endTime - startTime > 3000) { Logger.error(this, "processing packet took " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "processing packet took " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } } if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Successfully handled packet length " + length); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught " + t + " from " + lowLevelFilter, t); } } else { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "No packet received"); } }
private void clearOldNonUrgent(long now) { int removed = 0; if (emptyItemsWithID == null) return; while (true) { if (emptyItemsWithID.isEmpty()) return; Items list = emptyItemsWithID.head(); if (!list.items.isEmpty()) { // FIXME remove paranoia Logger.error(this, "List with items in emptyItemsWithID!!"); emptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToNonEmptyBackward(list); return; } if (list.timeLastSent == -1 || now - list.timeLastSent > FORGET_AFTER) { // FIXME: Urgh, what a braindead API! remove(Object) on a Map<Long, Items> !?!?!?! // Anyway we'd better check the return value! Items old = itemsByID.remove(; if (old == null) Logger.error(this, "List was not in the items by ID tracker: " +; else if (old != list) Logger.error( this, "Different list in the items by ID tracker: " + old + " not " + list + " for " +; emptyItemsWithID.remove(list); removed++; } else { if (logDEBUG && removed > 0) Logger.debug(this, "Removed " + removed + " old empty UID trackers"); break; } } }
/** * You have to synchronize on this <code>WoTMessageListInserter</code> and then on the <code> * WoTMessageManager</code> when using this function. */ private void insertMessageList(WoTOwnMessageList list) throws TransformerException, ParserConfigurationException, NoSuchMessageException, IOException, InsertException { Bucket tempB = mTBF.makeBucket(4096); /* TODO: set to a reasonable value */ OutputStream os = null; try { os = tempB.getOutputStream(); // This is what requires synchronization on the WoTMessageManager: While being marked as // "being inserted", message lists cannot be modified anymore, // so it must be guranteed that the "being inserted" mark does not change while we encode the // XML etc. mMessageManager.onMessageListInsertStarted(list); mXML.encode(mMessageManager, list, os); os.close(); os = null; tempB.setReadOnly(); /* We do not specifiy a ClientMetaData with mimetype because that would result in the insertion of an additional CHK */ InsertBlock ib = new InsertBlock(tempB, null, list.getInsertURI()); InsertContext ictx = mClient.getInsertContext(true); ClientPutter pu = mClient.insert( ib, false, null, false, ictx, this, RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS); addInsert(pu); tempB = null; if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Started insert of WoTOwnMessageList at request URI " + list.getURI()); } finally { if (tempB != null); Closer.close(os); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseIdentities(SimpleFieldSet params, boolean bOwnIdentities) { if (bOwnIdentities) Logger.normal(this, "Parsing received own identities..."); else Logger.normal(this, "Parsing received identities..."); int idx; int ignoredCount = 0; int newCount = 0; for (idx = 0; ; idx++) { String identityID = params.get("Identity" + idx); if (identityID == null || identityID.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */ break; String requestURI = params.get("RequestURI" + idx); String insertURI = bOwnIdentities ? params.get("InsertURI" + idx) : null; String nickname = params.get("Nickname" + idx); if (nickname == null || nickname.length() == 0) { // If an identity publishes an invalid nickname in one of its first WoT inserts then WoT // will return an empty // nickname for that identity until a new XML was published with a valid nickname. We ignore // the identity until // then to prevent confusing error logs. // TODO: Maybe handle this in WoT. Would require checks in many places though. continue; } synchronized (this) { /* We lock here and not during the whole function to allow other threads to execute */ Query q = db.query(); // TODO: Encapsulate the query in a function... q.constrain(WoTIdentity.class); q.descend("mID").constrain(identityID); ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute(); WoTIdentity id = null; if (result.size() == 0) { try { importIdentity(bOwnIdentities, identityID, requestURI, insertURI, nickname); ++newCount; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Importing a new identity failed.", e); } } else { Logger.debug(this, "Not importing already existing identity " + requestURI); ++ignoredCount; assert (result.size() == 1); id =; id.initializeTransient(mFreetalk); if (bOwnIdentities != (id instanceof WoTOwnIdentity)) { // The type of the identity changed so we need to delete and re-import it. try { Logger.normal(this, "Identity type changed, replacing it: " + id); // We MUST NOT take the following locks because deleteIdentity does other locks // (MessageManager/TaskManager) which must happen before... // synchronized(id) // synchronized(db.lock()) deleteIdentity(id, mFreetalk.getMessageManager(), mFreetalk.getTaskManager()); importIdentity(bOwnIdentities, identityID, requestURI, insertURI, nickname); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Replacing a WoTIdentity with WoTOwnIdentity failed.", e); } } else { // Normal case: Update the last received time of the idefnt synchronized (id) { synchronized (db.lock()) { try { // TODO: The thread sometimes takes hours to parse the identities and I don't know // why. // So right now its better to re-query the time for each identity. id.setLastReceivedFromWoT(CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis()); id.checkedCommit(this); } catch (Exception e) { Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e); } } } } } } Thread.yield(); } Logger.normal( this, "parseIdentities(bOwnIdentities==" + bOwnIdentities + " received " + idx + " identities. Ignored " + ignoredCount + "; New: " + newCount); }
public void terminate() { Logger.debug(this, "Terminating ..."); mTicker.shutdown(); Logger.debug(this, "Terminated."); }
@Override public void startElement( String nameSpaceURI, String localName, String rawName, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException { if (idToFileMatches.isEmpty()) return; if (rawName == null) { rawName = localName; } String elt_name = rawName; if (elt_name.equals("files")) { String fileCount = attrs.getValue("", "totalFileCount"); if (fileCount != null) totalFileCount = Integer.parseInt(fileCount); Logger.minor(this, "totalfilecount = " + totalFileCount); } if (elt_name.equals("file")) { try { String id = attrs.getValue("id"); ArrayList<FileMatch> matches = idToFileMatches.get(id); if (matches != null) { for (FileMatch match : matches) { String key = attrs.getValue("key"); int l = attrs.getLength(); String title = null; int wordCount = -1; if (l >= 3) { try { title = attrs.getValue("title"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Index Format not compatible " + e.toString(), e); } try { String wordCountString = attrs.getValue("wordCount"); if (wordCountString != null) { wordCount = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("wordCount")); } } catch (Exception e) { // Logger.minor(this, "No wordcount found " + e.toString(), e); } } for (FindRequest req : match.word.searches) { Set<TermPageEntry> result = req.getUnfinishedResult(); float relevance = 0; if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "termcount " + (match.termpositions == null ? 0 : match.termpositions.size()) + " filewordcount = " + wordCount); if (match.termpositions != null && match.termpositions.size() > 0 && wordCount > 0) { relevance = (float) (match.termpositions.size() / (float) wordCount); if (totalFileCount > 0 && match.word.inWordFileCount > 0) relevance *= Math.log((float) totalFileCount / (float) match.word.inWordFileCount); if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Set relevance of " + title + " to " + relevance + " - " + key); } TermPageEntry pageEntry = new TermPageEntry( req.getSubject(), relevance, new FreenetURI(key), title, match.termpositions); result.add(pageEntry); // Logger.minor(this, "added "+inFileURI+ " to "+ match); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( this, "File id and key could not be retrieved. May be due to format clash", e); } } }
/** * Imports a identity XML file into the given web of trust. This includes: - The identity itself * and its attributes - The trust list of the identity, if it has published one in the XML. * * @param xmlInputStream The input stream containing the XML. */ public void importIdentity(FreenetURI identityURI, InputStream xmlInputStream) { try { // Catch import problems so we can mark the edition as parsing failed // We first parse the XML without synchronization, then do the synchronized import into the // WebOfTrust final ParsedIdentityXML xmlData = parseIdentityXML(xmlInputStream); synchronized (mWoT) { synchronized (mWoT.getIdentityFetcher()) { final Identity identity = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(identityURI); Logger.normal(this, "Importing parsed XML for " + identity); long newEdition = identityURI.getEdition(); if (identity.getEdition() > newEdition) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Fetched an older edition: current == " + identity.getEdition() + "; fetched == " + identityURI.getEdition()); return; } else if (identity.getEdition() == newEdition) { if (identity.getCurrentEditionFetchState() == FetchState.Fetched) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Fetched current edition which is marked as fetched already, not importing: " + identityURI); return; } else if (identity.getCurrentEditionFetchState() == FetchState.ParsingFailed) { Logger.normal( this, "Re-fetched current-edition which was marked as parsing failed: " + identityURI); } } // We throw parse errors AFTER checking the edition number: If this XML was outdated // anyway, we don't have to throw. if (xmlData.parseError != null) throw xmlData.parseError; synchronized (Persistent.transactionLock(mDB)) { try { // Transaction rollback block identity.setEdition( newEdition); // The identity constructor only takes the edition number as a hint, // so we must store it explicitly. boolean didPublishTrustListPreviously = identity.doesPublishTrustList(); identity.setPublishTrustList(xmlData.identityPublishesTrustList); try { identity.setNickname(xmlData.identityName); } catch (Exception e) { /* Nickname changes are not allowed, ignore them... */ Logger.warning(this, "setNickname() failed.", e); } try { /* Failure of context importing should not make an identity disappear, therefore we catch exceptions. */ identity.setContexts(xmlData.identityContexts); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warning(this, "setContexts() failed.", e); } try { /* Failure of property importing should not make an identity disappear, therefore we catch exceptions. */ identity.setProperties(xmlData.identityProperties); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warning(this, "setProperties() failed", e); } mWoT .beginTrustListImport(); // We delete the old list if !identityPublishesTrustList // and it did publish one earlier => we always call this. if (xmlData.identityPublishesTrustList) { // We import the trust list of an identity if it's score is equal to 0, but we only // create new identities or import edition hints // if the score is greater than 0. Solving a captcha therefore only allows you to // create one single identity. boolean positiveScore = false; boolean hasCapacity = false; // TODO: getBestScore/getBestCapacity should always yield a positive result because // we store a positive score object for an OwnIdentity // upon creation. The only case where it could not exist might be // restoreOwnIdentity() ... check that. If it is created there as well, // remove the additional check here. if (identity instanceof OwnIdentity) { // Importing of OwnIdentities is always allowed positiveScore = true; hasCapacity = true; } else { try { positiveScore = mWoT.getBestScore(identity) > 0; hasCapacity = mWoT.getBestCapacity(identity) > 0; } catch (NotInTrustTreeException e) { } } HashSet<String> identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint = null; if (positiveScore) { identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint = new HashSet<String>(xmlData.identityTrustList.size() * 2); } for (final ParsedIdentityXML.TrustListEntry trustListEntry : xmlData.identityTrustList) { final FreenetURI trusteeURI = trustListEntry.mTrusteeURI; final byte trustValue = trustListEntry.mTrustValue; final String trustComment = trustListEntry.mTrustComment; Identity trustee = null; try { trustee = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(trusteeURI); if (positiveScore) { if (trustee.setNewEditionHint(trusteeURI.getEdition())) { identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint.add(trustee.getID()); trustee.storeWithoutCommit(); } } } catch (UnknownIdentityException e) { if (hasCapacity) { /* We only create trustees if the truster has capacity to rate them. */ try { trustee = new Identity(mWoT, trusteeURI, null, false); trustee.storeWithoutCommit(); } catch (MalformedURLException urlEx) { // Logging the exception does NOT log the actual malformed URL so we do it // manually. Logger.warning( this, "Received malformed identity URL: " + trusteeURI, urlEx); throw urlEx; } } } if (trustee != null) mWoT.setTrustWithoutCommit(identity, trustee, trustValue, trustComment); } for (Trust trust : mWoT.getGivenTrustsOfDifferentEdition(identity, identityURI.getEdition())) { mWoT.removeTrustWithoutCommit(trust); } IdentityFetcher identityFetcher = mWoT.getIdentityFetcher(); if (positiveScore) { for (String id : identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint) identityFetcher.storeUpdateEditionHintCommandWithoutCommit(id); // We do not have to store fetch commands for new identities here, // setTrustWithoutCommit does it. } } else if (!xmlData.identityPublishesTrustList && didPublishTrustListPreviously && !(identity instanceof OwnIdentity)) { // If it does not publish a trust list anymore, we delete all trust values it has // given. for (Trust trust : mWoT.getGivenTrusts(identity)) mWoT.removeTrustWithoutCommit(trust); } mWoT.finishTrustListImport(); identity.onFetched(); // Marks the identity as parsed successfully identity.storeAndCommit(); } catch (Exception e) { mWoT.abortTrustListImport(e, Logger.LogLevel.WARNING); // Does the rollback throw e; } // try } // synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db)) Logger.normal(this, "Finished XML import for " + identity); } // synchronized(mWoT) } // synchronized(mWoT.getIdentityFetcher()) } // try catch (Exception e) { synchronized (mWoT) { synchronized (mWoT.getIdentityFetcher()) { try { final Identity identity = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(identityURI); final long newEdition = identityURI.getEdition(); if (identity.getEdition() <= newEdition) { Logger.normal(this, "Marking edition as parsing failed: " + identityURI); try { identity.setEdition(newEdition); } catch (InvalidParameterException e1) { // Would only happen if newEdition < current edition. // We have validated the opposite. throw new RuntimeException(e1); } identity.onParsingFailed(); identity.storeAndCommit(); } else { Logger.normal( this, "Not marking edition as parsing failed, we have already fetched a new one (" + identity.getEdition() + "):" + identityURI); } Logger.normal(this, "Parsing identity XML failed gracefully for " + identityURI, e); } catch (UnknownIdentityException uie) { Logger.error(this, "Fetched an unknown identity: " + identityURI); } } } } }
private int addNonUrgentMessages( int size, int minSize, int maxSize, long now, ArrayList<MessageItem> messages) { assert (size >= 0); assert (minSize >= 0); assert (maxSize >= minSize); if (size < 0) size = -size; // FIXME remove extra paranoia if (itemsNonUrgent == null) return size; int added = 0; for (ListIterator<MessageItem> items = itemsNonUrgent.listIterator(); items.hasNext(); ) { MessageItem item =; int thisSize = item.getLength(); boolean oversize = false; if (size + 2 + thisSize > maxSize) { if (size == minSize) { // Won't fit regardless, send it on its own. oversize = true; } else { // Send what we have so far. if (logDEBUG && added != 0) Logger.debug( this, "Returning with " + added + " non-urgent messages (have more but they don't fit)"); return -size; } } size += 2 + thisSize; items.remove(); messages.add(item); if (itemsByID != null) { long id = item.getID(); Items tracker = itemsByID.get(id); if (tracker != null) { tracker.timeLastSent = now; DoublyLinkedList<? super Items> parent = tracker.getParent(); // Demote the corresponding tracker to maintain round-robin. if (tracker.items.isEmpty()) { if (emptyItemsWithID == null) emptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); if (parent == null) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in itemsByID but not in either list! (empty)"); } else if (parent == emptyItemsWithID) { // Normal. Remove it so we can re-add it in the right place. emptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else if (parent == nonEmptyItemsWithID) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in non empty items list when is empty"); nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else assert (false); addToEmptyBackward(tracker); } else { if (nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); if (parent == null) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in itemsByID but not in either list! (non-empty)"); } else if (parent == nonEmptyItemsWithID) { // Normal. Remove it so we can re-add it in the right place. nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else if (parent == emptyItemsWithID) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in empty items list when is non-empty"); emptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else assert (false); addToNonEmptyBackward(tracker); } } } added++; if (oversize) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Returning with non-urgent oversize message"); return size; } } if (logDEBUG && added != 0) Logger.debug(this, "Returning with " + added + " non-urgent messages (all gone)"); return size; }
public boolean handleMessage(Message m) { PeerNode source = (PeerNode) m.getSource(); if (source == null) { // Node has been disconnected and garbage collected already! Ouch. return true; } if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Dispatching " + m + " from " + source); if (callback != null) { try { callback.snoop(m, node); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Callback threw " + t, t); } } MessageType spec = m.getSpec(); if (spec == DMT.FNPPing) { // Send an FNPPong Message reply = DMT.createFNPPong(m.getInt(DMT.PING_SEQNO)); try { source.sendAsync(reply, null, pingCounter); // nothing we can do if can't contact source } catch (NotConnectedException e) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Lost connection replying to " + m); } return true; } else if (spec == DMT.FNPStoreSecret) { return node.netid.handleStoreSecret(m); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSecretPing) { return node.netid.handleSecretPing(m); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPDetectedIPAddress) { Peer p = (Peer) m.getObject(DMT.EXTERNAL_ADDRESS); source.setRemoteDetectedPeer(p); node.ipDetector.redetectAddress(); return true; } else if (spec == DMT.FNPTime) { return handleTime(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPUptime) { return handleUptime(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSentPackets) { source.handleSentPackets(m); return true; } else if (spec == DMT.FNPVoid) { return true; } else if (spec == DMT.FNPDisconnect) { handleDisconnect(m, source); return true; } else if (spec == DMT.nodeToNodeMessage) { node.receivedNodeToNodeMessage(m, source); return true; } else if (spec == DMT.UOMAnnounce && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleAnnounce(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.UOMRequestRevocation && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleRequestRevocation(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.UOMSendingRevocation && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleSendingRevocation(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.UOMRequestMain && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleRequestJar(m, source, false); } else if (spec == DMT.UOMRequestExtra && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleRequestJar(m, source, true); } else if (spec == DMT.UOMSendingMain && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleSendingMain(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.UOMSendingExtra && source.isRealConnection()) { return node.nodeUpdater.uom.handleSendingExt(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPOpennetAnnounceRequest) { return handleAnnounceRequest(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPRoutingStatus) { if (source instanceof DarknetPeerNode) { boolean value = m.getBoolean(DMT.ROUTING_ENABLED); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "The peer (" + source + ") asked us to set routing=" + value); ((DarknetPeerNode) source).setRoutingStatus(value, false); } // We claim it in any case return true; } else if (source.isRealConnection() && spec == DMT.FNPLocChangeNotificationNew) { double newLoc = m.getDouble(DMT.LOCATION); ShortBuffer buffer = ((ShortBuffer) m.getObject(DMT.PEER_LOCATIONS)); double[] locs = Fields.bytesToDoubles(buffer.getData()); /** * Do *NOT* remove the sanity check below! * * @see */ if ((OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING < locs.length) && (source.isOpennet())) { if (locs.length > OpennetManager.PANIC_MAX_PEERS) { // This can't happen by accident Logger.error( this, "We received " + locs.length + " locations from " + source.toString() + "! That should *NOT* happen! Possible attack!"); source.forceDisconnect(true); return true; } else { // A few extra can happen by accident. Just use the first 20. Logger.normal( this, "Too many locations from " + source.toString() + " : " + locs.length + " could be an accident, using the first " + OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING); double[] firstLocs = new double[OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING]; System.arraycopy(locs, 0, firstLocs, 0, OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING); locs = firstLocs; } } // We are on darknet and we trust our peers OR we are on opennet // and the amount of locations sent to us seems reasonable source.updateLocation(newLoc, locs); return true; } if (!source.isRoutable()) return false; if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Not routable"); if (spec == DMT.FNPNetworkID) { source.handleFNPNetworkID(m); return true; } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSwapRequest) { return node.lm.handleSwapRequest(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSwapReply) { return node.lm.handleSwapReply(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSwapRejected) { return node.lm.handleSwapRejected(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSwapCommit) { return node.lm.handleSwapCommit(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSwapComplete) { return node.lm.handleSwapComplete(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPCHKDataRequest) { return handleDataRequest(m, source, false); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSSKDataRequest) { return handleDataRequest(m, source, true); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPInsertRequest) { return handleInsertRequest(m, source, false); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSSKInsertRequest) { return handleInsertRequest(m, source, true); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPSSKInsertRequestNew) { return handleInsertRequest(m, source, true); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPRHProbeRequest) { return handleProbeRequest(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPRoutedPing) { return handleRouted(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPRoutedPong) { return handleRoutedReply(m); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPRoutedRejected) { return handleRoutedRejected(m); // FIXME implement threaded probe requests of various kinds. // Old probe request code was a major pain, never really worked. // We should have threaded probe requests (for simple code), // and one for each routing strategy. // } else if(spec == DMT.FNPProbeRequest) { // return handleProbeRequest(m, source); // } else if(spec == DMT.FNPProbeReply) { // return handleProbeReply(m, source); // } else if(spec == DMT.FNPProbeRejected) { // return handleProbeRejected(m, source); // } else if(spec == DMT.FNPProbeTrace) { // return handleProbeTrace(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPOfferKey) { return handleOfferKey(m, source); } else if (spec == DMT.FNPGetOfferedKey) { return handleGetOfferedKey(m, source); } return false; }
@Override public void run() { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Running prefetch checker..."); ArrayList<USK> toFetch = null; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean empty = true; synchronized (USKManager.this) { for (Map.Entry<USK, Long> entry : temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch.entrySet()) { empty = false; if (entry.getValue() > 0 && now - entry.getValue() >= PREFETCH_DELAY) { if (toFetch == null) toFetch = new ArrayList<USK>(); USK clear = entry.getKey(); long l = lookupLatestSlot(clear); if (lookupKnownGood(clear) < l) toFetch.add(clear.copy(l)); entry.setValue(-1L); // Reset counter until new data comes in } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Not prefetching: " + entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue()); } } } if (toFetch == null) return; for (final USK key : toFetch) { final long l = key.suggestedEdition; if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Prefetching content for background fetch for edition " + l + " on " + key); FetchContext fctx = new FetchContext(realFetchContext, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK, false, null); final ClientGetter get = new ClientGetter( new ClientGetCallback() { @Override public void onFailure( FetchException e, ClientGetter state, ObjectContainer container) { if (e.newURI != null) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch succeeded with redirect for " + key); updateKnownGood(key, l, context); return; } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch failed later: " + e + " for " + key, e); // Ignore } } @Override public void onSuccess( FetchResult result, ClientGetter state, ObjectContainer container) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch succeeded for " + key); result.asBucket().free(); updateKnownGood(key, l, context); } @Override public void onMajorProgress(ObjectContainer container) { // Ignore } }, key.getURI().sskForUSK() /* FIXME add getSSKURI() */, fctx, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, rcBulk, new NullBucket(), null, null); try { get.start(null, context); } catch (FetchException e) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch failed: " + e, e); // Ignore } } if (!empty) schedulePrefetchChecker(); }
@Override void log(String s) { if (Logger.shouldLog(Logger.DEBUG, this)) Logger.debug(this, s); }
/** Called by RequestStarter to find a request to run. */ @Override public ChosenBlock grabRequest() { boolean needsRefill = true; while (true) { PersistentChosenRequest reqGroup = null; synchronized (starterQueue) { short bestPriority = Short.MAX_VALUE; for (PersistentChosenRequest req : starterQueue) { if (req.prio == RequestStarter.MINIMUM_PRIORITY_CLASS) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Ignoring paused persistent request: " + req + " prio: " + req.prio); continue; // Ignore paused requests } if (req.prio < bestPriority) { bestPriority = req.prio; reqGroup = req; } } } if (reqGroup != null) { // Try to find a better non-persistent request if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Persistent request: " + reqGroup + " prio " + reqGroup.prio); ChosenBlock better = getBetterNonPersistentRequest(reqGroup.prio); if (better != null) { if (better.getPriority() > reqGroup.prio) { Logger.error( this, "Selected " + better + " as better than " + reqGroup + " but isn't better!"); } if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Returning better: " + better); return better; } } if (reqGroup == null) { queueFillRequestStarterQueue(); return getBetterNonPersistentRequest(Short.MAX_VALUE); } ChosenBlock block; synchronized (starterQueue) { block = reqGroup.grabNotStarted(clientContext.fastWeakRandom, this); if (block == null) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No block found on " + reqGroup); int finalLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < starterQueue.size(); i++) { if (starterQueue.get(i) == reqGroup) { starterQueue.remove(i); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Removed " + reqGroup + " from starter queue because is empty"); i--; } else { finalLength += starterQueue.get(i).sizeNotStarted(); } } needsRefill = finalLength < MAX_STARTER_QUEUE_SIZE; continue; } else { // Prevent this request being selected, even though we may remove the PCR from the starter // queue // in the very near future. When the PCR finishes, the requests will be un-blocked. if (!runningPersistentRequests.contains(reqGroup.request)) runningPersistentRequests.add(reqGroup.request); } } if (needsRefill) queueFillRequestStarterQueue(); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "grabRequest() returning " + block + " for " + reqGroup); return block; } }
/** * Add messages to <code>messages</code> until there are no more messages to add or <code>size * </code> would exceed <code>maxSize</code>. If <code>size == maxSize</code>, a message in the * queue will be added even if it makes <code>size</code> exceed <code>maxSize</code>. If <code> * isUrgent</code> is set, only messages that are considered urgent are added. * * @param size the current size of <code>messages</code> * @param minSize the size when <code>messages</code> is empty * @param maxSize the maximum size of <code>messages</code> * @param now the current time * @param messages the list that messages will be added to * @param isUrgent <code>true</code> if only urgent messages should be added * @return the size of <code>messages</code>, multiplied by -1 if there were messages that * didn't fit */ private int addUrgentMessages( int size, int minSize, int maxSize, long now, ArrayList<MessageItem> messages) { assert (size >= 0); assert (minSize >= 0); assert (maxSize >= minSize); if (size < 0) size = -size; // FIXME remove extra paranoia int added = 0; while (true) { boolean addedNone = true; int lists = 0; if (nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) return size; lists += nonEmptyItemsWithID.size(); Items list = nonEmptyItemsWithID.head(); for (int i = 0; i < lists && list != null; i++) { if (list.items.isEmpty()) { // Should not happen, but check for it anyway since it keeps happening. :( Logger.error(this, "List is in nonEmptyItemsWithID yet it is empty?!: " + list); nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToEmptyBackward(list); if (nonEmptyItemsWithID.isEmpty()) return size; list = nonEmptyItemsWithID.head(); continue; } MessageItem item = list.items.getFirst(); int thisSize = item.getLength(); boolean oversize = false; if (size + 2 + thisSize > maxSize) { if (size == minSize) { // Won't fit regardless, send it on its own. oversize = true; } else { // Send what we have so far. if (logDEBUG && added != 0) Logger.debug( this, "Added " + added + " urgent messages, could add more but out of space at " + size); return -size; } } size += 2 + thisSize; list.items.removeFirst(); // Move to end of list. Items prev = list.getPrev(); nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(list); list.timeLastSent = now; if (!list.items.isEmpty()) { addToNonEmptyBackward(list); } else { addToEmptyBackward(list); } if (prev == null) list = nonEmptyItemsWithID.head(); else list = prev.getNext(); messages.add(item); added++; addedNone = false; if (oversize) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Returning with oversize urgent message"); return size; } } if (addedNone) { if (logDEBUG && added != 0) Logger.debug( this, "Added " + added + " urgent messages, size now " + size + " no more queued at this priority"); return size; } } }
public void objectOnDelete(ObjectContainer container) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Deleting URI", new Exception("debug")); }
/** * Compare a recently registered SendableRequest to what is already on the starter queue. If it is * better, kick out stuff from the queue until we are just over the limit. * * @param req * @param container */ public void maybeAddToStarterQueue( SendableRequest req, ObjectContainer container, SendableRequest[] mightBeActive) { short prio = req.getPriorityClass(container); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Maybe adding to starter queue: prio=" + prio); synchronized (starterQueue) { boolean betterThanSome = false; int size = 0; PersistentChosenRequest prev = null; for (PersistentChosenRequest old : starterQueue) { if (old.request == req) { // Wait for a reselect. Otherwise we can starve other // requests. Note that this happens with persistent SBI's: // they are added at the new retry count before being // removed at the old retry count. if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already on starter queue: " + old + " for " + req); return; } if (prev == old) Logger.error(this, "ON STARTER QUEUE TWICE: " + prev + " for " + prev.request); if (prev != null && prev.request == old.request) Logger.error( this, "REQUEST ON STARTER QUEUE TWICE: " + prev + " for " + prev.request + " vs " + old + " for " + old.request); boolean ignoreActive = false; if (mightBeActive != null) { for (SendableRequest tmp : mightBeActive) if (tmp == old.request) ignoreActive = true; } if (!ignoreActive) { if (container.ext().isActive(old.request)) Logger.warning( this, "REQUEST ALREADY ACTIVATED: " + old.request + " for " + old + " while checking request queue in maybeAddToStarterQueue for " + req); else if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug( this, "Not already activated for " + old + " in while checking request queue in maybeAddToStarterQueue for " + req); } else if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Ignoring active because just registered: " + old.request + " in maybeAddToStarterQueue for " + req); size += old.sizeNotStarted(); if (old.prio > prio) betterThanSome = true; if (old.request == req) return; prev = old; } if (size >= MAX_STARTER_QUEUE_SIZE && !betterThanSome) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Not adding to starter queue: over limit and req not better than any queued requests"); return; } } addToStarterQueue(req, container); trimStarterQueue(container); }
/** * Send loop. Strategy: - Each peer can tell us when its data needs to be sent by. This is usually * 100ms after it is posted. It could vary by message type. Acknowledgements also become valid * 100ms after being queued. - If any peer's data is overdue, send the data from the most overdue * peer. - If there are peers with more than a packet's worth of data queued, send the data from * the peer with the oldest data. - If there are peers with overdue ack's, send to the peer whose * acks are oldest. * * <p>It does not attempt to ensure fairness, it attempts to minimise latency. Fairness is best * dealt with at a higher level e.g. requests, although some transfers are not part of requests, * e.g. bulk f2f transfers, so we may need to reconsider this eventually... */ private void realRun() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); PeerManager pm; PeerNode[] nodes; pm = node.peers; nodes = pm.myPeers(); long nextActionTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; long oldTempNow = now; boolean canSendThrottled = false; int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = node.darknetCrypto.socket.getMaxPacketSize(); long count = node.outputThrottle.getCount(); if (count > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) canSendThrottled = true; else { long canSendAt = node.outputThrottle.getNanosPerTick() * (MAX_PACKET_SIZE - count); canSendAt = MILLISECONDS.convert(canSendAt + MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1) - 1, NANOSECONDS); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Can send throttled packets in " + canSendAt + "ms"); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, now + canSendAt); } /** * The earliest time at which a peer needs to send a packet, which is before now. Throttled if * canSendThrottled, otherwise not throttled. Note: we only use it to sort the full-packed peers * by priority, don't rely on it when setting nextActionTime! */ long lowestUrgentSendTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** The peer(s) which lowestUrgentSendTime is referring to */ ArrayList<PeerNode> urgentSendPeers = null; /** * The earliest time at which a peer needs to send a packet, which is after now, where there is * a full packet's worth of data to send. Throttled if canSendThrottled, otherwise not * throttled. */ long lowestFullPacketSendTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** The peer(s) which lowestFullPacketSendTime is referring to */ ArrayList<PeerNode> urgentFullPacketPeers = null; /** The earliest time at which a peer needs to send an ack, before now. */ long lowestAckTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** The peer(s) which lowestAckTime is referring to */ ArrayList<PeerNode> ackPeers = null; /** The earliest time at which a peer needs to handshake. */ long lowestHandshakeTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** The peer(s) which lowestHandshakeTime is referring to */ ArrayList<PeerNode> handshakePeers = null; for (PeerNode pn : nodes) { now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Basic peer maintenance. // For purposes of detecting not having received anything, which indicates a // serious connectivity problem, we want to look for *any* packets received, // including auth packets. lastReceivedPacketFromAnyNode = Math.max(pn.lastReceivedPacketTime(), lastReceivedPacketFromAnyNode); pn.maybeOnConnect(); if (pn.shouldDisconnectAndRemoveNow() && !pn.isDisconnecting()) { // Might as well do it properly. node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(pn, true, true, false); } if (pn.isConnected()) { boolean shouldThrottle = pn.shouldThrottle(); pn.checkForLostPackets(); // Is the node dead? // It might be disconnected in terms of FNP but trying to reconnect via JFK's, so we need to // use the time when we last got a *data* packet. if (now - pn.lastReceivedDataPacketTime() > pn.maxTimeBetweenReceivedPackets()) { Logger.normal(this, "Disconnecting from " + pn + " - haven't received packets recently"); // Hopefully this is a transient network glitch, but stuff will have already started to // timeout, so lets dump the pending messages. pn.disconnected(true, false); continue; } else if (now - pn.lastReceivedAckTime() > pn.maxTimeBetweenReceivedAcks() && !pn.isDisconnecting()) { // FIXME better to disconnect immediately??? Or check canSend()??? Logger.normal(this, "Disconnecting from " + pn + " - haven't received acks recently"); // Do it properly. // There appears to be connectivity from them to us but not from us to them. // So it is helpful for them to know that we are disconnecting. node.peers.disconnect(pn, true, true, false, true, false, SECONDS.toMillis(5)); continue; } else if (pn.isRoutable() && pn.noLongerRoutable()) { /* NOTE: Whereas isRoutable() && noLongerRoutable() are generally mutually exclusive, this code will only execute because of the scheduled-runnable in start() which executes updateVersionRoutablity() on all our peers. We don't disconnect the peer, but mark it as being incompatible. */ pn.invalidate(now); Logger.normal( this, "shouldDisconnectNow has returned true : marking the peer as incompatible: " + pn); continue; } // The peer is connected. if (canSendThrottled || !shouldThrottle) { // We can send to this peer. long sendTime = pn.getNextUrgentTime(now); if (sendTime != Long.MAX_VALUE) { if (sendTime <= now) { // Message is urgent. if (sendTime < lowestUrgentSendTime) { lowestUrgentSendTime = sendTime; if (urgentSendPeers != null) urgentSendPeers.clear(); else urgentSendPeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>(); } if (sendTime <= lowestUrgentSendTime) urgentSendPeers.add(pn); } else if (pn.fullPacketQueued()) { if (sendTime < lowestFullPacketSendTime) { lowestFullPacketSendTime = sendTime; if (urgentFullPacketPeers != null) urgentFullPacketPeers.clear(); else urgentFullPacketPeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>(); } if (sendTime <= lowestFullPacketSendTime) urgentFullPacketPeers.add(pn); } } } else if (shouldThrottle && !canSendThrottled) { long ackTime = pn.timeSendAcks(); if (ackTime != Long.MAX_VALUE) { if (ackTime <= now) { if (ackTime < lowestAckTime) { lowestAckTime = ackTime; if (ackPeers != null) ackPeers.clear(); else ackPeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>(); } if (ackTime <= lowestAckTime) ackPeers.add(pn); } } } if (canSendThrottled || !shouldThrottle) { long urgentTime = pn.getNextUrgentTime(now); // Should spam the logs, unless there is a deadlock if (urgentTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Next urgent time: " + urgentTime + "(in " + (urgentTime - now) + ") for " + pn); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, urgentTime); } else { nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, pn.timeCheckForLostPackets()); } } else // Not connected if (pn.noContactDetails()) pn.startARKFetcher(); long handshakeTime = pn.timeSendHandshake(now); if (handshakeTime != Long.MAX_VALUE) { if (handshakeTime < lowestHandshakeTime) { lowestHandshakeTime = handshakeTime; if (handshakePeers != null) handshakePeers.clear(); else handshakePeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>(); } if (handshakeTime <= lowestHandshakeTime) handshakePeers.add(pn); } long tempNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((tempNow - oldTempNow) > SECONDS.toMillis(5)) Logger.error( this, "tempNow is more than 5 seconds past oldTempNow (" + (tempNow - oldTempNow) + ") in PacketSender working with " + pn.userToString()); oldTempNow = tempNow; } // We may send a packet, send an ack-only packet, or send a handshake. PeerNode toSendPacket = null; PeerNode toSendAckOnly = null; PeerNode toSendHandshake = null; long t = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (lowestUrgentSendTime <= now) { // We need to send a full packet. toSendPacket = urgentSendPeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(urgentSendPeers.size())); t = lowestUrgentSendTime; } else if (lowestFullPacketSendTime < Long.MAX_VALUE) { toSendPacket = urgentFullPacketPeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(urgentFullPacketPeers.size())); t = lowestFullPacketSendTime; } else if (lowestAckTime <= now) { // We need to send an ack toSendAckOnly = ackPeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(ackPeers.size())); t = lowestAckTime; } if (lowestHandshakeTime <= now && t > lowestHandshakeTime) { toSendHandshake = handshakePeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(handshakePeers.size())); toSendPacket = null; toSendAckOnly = null; } if (toSendPacket != null) { try { if (toSendPacket.maybeSendPacket(now, false)) { // Round-robin over the loop to update nextActionTime appropriately nextActionTime = now; } } catch (BlockedTooLongException e) { Logger.error( this, "Waited too long: " + TimeUtil.formatTime( + " to allocate a packet number to send to " + toSendPacket + " : " + ("(new packet format)") + " (version " + toSendPacket.getVersionNumber() + ") - DISCONNECTING!"); toSendPacket.forceDisconnect(); } if (canSendThrottled || !toSendPacket.shouldThrottle()) { long urgentTime = toSendPacket.getNextUrgentTime(now); // Should spam the logs, unless there is a deadlock if (urgentTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Next urgent time: " + urgentTime + "(in " + (urgentTime - now) + ") for " + toSendPacket); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, urgentTime); } else { nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, toSendPacket.timeCheckForLostPackets()); } } else if (toSendAckOnly != null) { try { if (toSendAckOnly.maybeSendPacket(now, true)) { count = node.outputThrottle.getCount(); if (count > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) canSendThrottled = true; else { canSendThrottled = false; long canSendAt = node.outputThrottle.getNanosPerTick() * (MAX_PACKET_SIZE - count); canSendAt = MILLISECONDS.convert(canSendAt + MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1) - 1, NANOSECONDS); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Can send throttled packets in " + canSendAt + "ms"); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, now + canSendAt); } } } catch (BlockedTooLongException e) { Logger.error( this, "Waited too long: " + TimeUtil.formatTime( + " to allocate a packet number to send to " + toSendAckOnly + " : " + ("(new packet format)") + " (version " + toSendAckOnly.getVersionNumber() + ") - DISCONNECTING!"); toSendAckOnly.forceDisconnect(); } if (canSendThrottled || !toSendAckOnly.shouldThrottle()) { long urgentTime = toSendAckOnly.getNextUrgentTime(now); // Should spam the logs, unless there is a deadlock if (urgentTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Next urgent time: " + urgentTime + "(in " + (urgentTime - now) + ") for " + toSendAckOnly); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, urgentTime); } else { nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, toSendAckOnly.timeCheckForLostPackets()); } } /* Estimating of nextActionTime logic: * FullPackets: * - A full packet available, bandwidth available -->> now * - A full packet available for non-throttled peer -->> now * - A full packet available, no bandwidth -->> wait till bandwidth available * - No packet -->> don't care, will wake up anyway when one arrives, goto Nothing * UrgentMessages: Only applies when there's enough bandwidth to send a full packet, Includes any urgent acks * - There's an urgent message, deadline(urgentMessage) > now -->> deadline(urgentMessage) * - There's an urgent message, deadline(urgentMessage) <= now -->> now * - There's an urgent message, but there's not enough bandwidth for a full packet -->> wait till bandwidth available * - There's no urgent message -->> don't care, goto Nothing * Nothing: * -->> timeCheckForLostPackets */ if (toSendHandshake != null) { // Send handshake if necessary long beforeHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); toSendHandshake.getOutgoingMangler().sendHandshake(toSendHandshake, false); long afterHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime) > SECONDS.toMillis(2)) Logger.error( this, "afterHandshakeTime is more than 2 seconds past beforeHandshakeTime (" + (afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime) + ") in PacketSender working with " + toSendHandshake.userToString()); } // All of these take into account whether the data can be sent already. // So we can include them in nextActionTime. nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestUrgentSendTime); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestFullPacketSendTime); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestAckTime); nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestHandshakeTime); // FIXME: If we send something we will have to go around the loop again. // OPTIMISATION: We could track the second best, and check how many are in the array. /* Attempt to connect to old-opennet-peers. * Constantly send handshake packets, in order to get through a NAT. * Most JFK(1)'s are less than 300 bytes. 25*300/15 = avg 500B/sec bandwidth cost. * Well worth it to allow us to reconnect more quickly. */ OpennetManager om = node.getOpennet(); if (om != null && node.getUptime() > SECONDS.toMillis(30)) { PeerNode[] peers = om.getOldPeers(); for (PeerNode pn : peers) { long lastConnected = pn.timeLastConnected(now); if (lastConnected <= 0) Logger.error(this, "Last connected is zero or negative for old-opennet-peer " + pn); // Will be removed by next line. if (now - lastConnected > OpennetManager.MAX_TIME_ON_OLD_OPENNET_PEERS) { om.purgeOldOpennetPeer(pn); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Removing old opennet peer (too old): " + pn + " age is " + TimeUtil.formatTime(now - lastConnected)); continue; } if (pn.isConnected()) continue; // Race condition?? if (pn.noContactDetails()) { pn.startARKFetcher(); continue; } if (pn.shouldSendHandshake()) { // Send handshake if necessary long beforeHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); pn.getOutgoingMangler().sendHandshake(pn, true); long afterHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime) > SECONDS.toMillis(2)) Logger.error( this, "afterHandshakeTime is more than 2 seconds past beforeHandshakeTime (" + (afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime) + ") in PacketSender working with " + pn.userToString()); } } } long oldNow = now; // Send may have taken some time now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((now - oldNow) > SECONDS.toMillis(10)) Logger.error( this, "now is more than 10 seconds past oldNow (" + (now - oldNow) + ") in PacketSender"); long sleepTime = nextActionTime - now; // MAX_COALESCING_DELAYms maximum sleep time - same as the maximum coalescing delay sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime, MAX_COALESCING_DELAY); if (now - node.startupTime > MINUTES.toMillis(5)) if (now - lastReceivedPacketFromAnyNode > Node.ALARM_TIME) { Logger.error( this, "Have not received any packets from any node in last " + SECONDS.convert(Node.ALARM_TIME, MILLISECONDS) + " seconds"); lastReportedNoPackets = now; } if (sleepTime > 0) { // Update logging only when have time to do so try { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Sleeping for " + sleepTime); synchronized (this) { wait(sleepTime); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore, just wake up. Probably we got interrupt()ed // because a new packet came in. } } else { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Next urgent time is " + (now - nextActionTime) + "ms in the past"); } }
public void objectOnDelete(ObjectContainer container) { if (Logger.shouldLog(Logger.DEBUG, this)) Logger.debug(this, "Deleting URI", new Exception("debug")); }