protected void exportSelectedRowsAndClose() { int[] selectedRows = timeTable.getSelectedRows(); Vector selectedNodes = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++) { int row = selectedRows[i]; selectedNodes.add(getMindMapNode(row)); } // create new map: MindMap newMap = getMindMapController().newMap(); MindMapController newMindMapController = (MindMapController) newMap.getModeController(); // Tools.BooleanHolder booleanHolder = new Tools.BooleanHolder(); // booleanHolder.setValue(false); for (Iterator iter = selectedNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MindMapNode node = (MindMapNode); // MindMapNode newNode = newMindMapController.addNewNode( // newMap.getRootNode(), 0, booleanHolder); // // copy style: // freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.Pattern pattern = // StylePatternFactory.createPatternFromNode(node); // newMindMapController.applyPattern(newNode, pattern); // // copy text: // newMindMapController.setNodeText(newNode, node.getText()); MindMapNode copy = node.shallowCopy(); if (copy != null) { newMindMapController.insertNodeInto(copy, newMap.getRootNode()); } } disposeDialog(); }
private void updateModel(DefaultTableModel model, MindMapNode node) { ReminderHookBase hook = TimeManagementOrganizer.getHook(node); // show all nodes or only those with reminder: if (showAllNodes || hook != null) { Date date = null; if (hook != null) { date = new Date(hook.getRemindUserAt()); } model.addRow( new Object[] { date, new NodeHolder(node), new IconsHolder(node), node.getHistoryInformation().getCreatedAt(), node.getHistoryInformation().getLastModifiedAt(), new NotesHolder(node) }); } if ((!mViewFoldedNodes) && node.isFolded()) { // no recursion, if folded nodes should be hidden. return; } for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { MindMapNode child = (MindMapNode); updateModel(model, child); } }
protected int getMaxDepth(MindMapNode node) { if (node.isFolded() || !node.hasChildren()) return depth(node); int k = 0; for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { int l = getMaxDepth((MindMapNode); if (l > k) k = l; } return k; }
public int getMinDepth(MindMapNode node) { if (node.isFolded()) return depth(node); if (!node.hasChildren()) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; int k = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { int l = getMinDepth((MindMapNode); if (l < k) k = l; } return k; }
public void act(XmlAction action) { if (action instanceof freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.RemoveIconXmlAction) { freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.RemoveIconXmlAction removeAction = (freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.RemoveIconXmlAction) action; MindMapNode node = modeController.getNodeFromID(removeAction.getNode()); int position = removeAction.getIconPosition(); node.removeIcon(position); modeController.nodeChanged(node); } }
public void act(XmlAction action) { if (action instanceof AddIconAction) { AddIconAction iconAction = (AddIconAction) action; MindMapNode node = modeController.getNodeFromID(iconAction.getNode()); String iconName = iconAction.getIconName(); int position = iconAction.getIconPosition(); MindIcon icon = MindIcon.factory(iconName); node.addIcon(icon, position); modeController.nodeChanged(node); } }
/** * Unfolds every node that has only children which themselves have children. As this function is a * bit difficult to describe and perhaps not so useful, it is currently not introduced into the * menus. * * @param node node to start from. */ public void foldLastBranches(MindMapNode node) { boolean nodeHasChildWhichIsLeave = false; for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { MindMapNode child = (MindMapNode); if (child.getChildCount() == 0) { nodeHasChildWhichIsLeave = true; } } setFolded(node, nodeHasChildWhichIsLeave); for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { foldLastBranches((MindMapNode); } }
MainView newMainView(MindMapNode model) { if (model.isRoot()) { return new RootMainView(); } if (model.getStyle().equals(MindMapNode.STYLE_FORK)) { return new ForkMainView(); } else if (model.getStyle().equals(MindMapNode.STYLE_BUBBLE)) { return new BubbleMainView(); } else { System.err.println("Tried to create a NodeView of unknown Style."); return new ForkMainView(); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * freemind.controller.filter.condition.Condition#checkNode(freemind.modes * .MindMapNode) */ public boolean checkNode(Controller c, MindMapNode node) { AttributeTableModel attributes = node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getRowCount(); i++) { if (attributes.getValueAt(i, 0).equals(attribute)) return false; } return true; }
public void act(XmlAction action) { if (action instanceof FontNodeAction) { FontNodeAction fontFamilyAction = (FontNodeAction) action; MindMapNode node = getNodeFromID(fontFamilyAction.getNode()); String fontFamily = fontFamilyAction.getFont(); if (!Tools.safeEquals(node.getFontFamilyName(), fontFamily)) { ((NodeAdapter) node).establishOwnFont(); node.setFont( modeController .getController() .getFontThroughMap( new Font(fontFamily, node.getFont().getStyle(), node.getFont().getSize()))); modeController.nodeChanged(node); } } }
public AddIconAction createAddIconAction(MindMapNode node, MindIcon icon, int iconPosition) { AddIconAction action = new AddIconAction(); action.setNode(node.getObjectId(modeController)); action.setIconName(icon.getName()); action.setIconPosition(iconPosition); return action; }
/** * @param child the child node the hook should be propagated to. * @return returns the new hook or null if there is already such a hook. */ protected PermanentNodeHook propagate(MindMapNode child) { PermanentNodeHook hook = (PermanentNodeHook) getMindMapController().createNodeHook(getName(), child, getMap()); // invocation: child.invokeHook(hook); return hook; }
public void displayState(int stateAdded, MindMapNode pNode, boolean recurse) { ImageIcon icon = null; if (stateAdded == CLOCK_VISIBLE) { icon = getClockIcon(); } else if (stateAdded == CLOCK_INVISIBLE) { if (pNode == getNode()) { icon = getBellIcon(); } else { icon = getFlagIcon(); } } pNode.setStateIcon(getStateKey(), icon); nodeRefresh(pNode); if (recurse && !pNode.isRoot()) { displayState(stateAdded, pNode.getParentNode(), recurse); } }
public ActionPair apply(MindMap model, MindMapNode selected) { List icons = selected.getIcons(); if (icons.size() == 0) return null; AddIconAction undoAction = iconAction.createAddIconAction( selected, (MindIcon) icons.get(icons.size() - 1), MindIcon.LAST); return new ActionPair(createRemoveIconXmlAction(selected, MindIcon.LAST), undoAction); }
public IconsHolder(MindMapNode node) { icons.addAll(node.getIcons()); // sorting the output. iconNames = new Vector(); for (Iterator i = icons.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { MindIcon icon = (MindIcon); iconNames.add(icon.getName()); } Collections.sort(iconNames); }
public void invoke(MindMapNode node) { super.invoke(node); if (remindUserAt == 0) { return; } if (timer == null) { scheduleTimer(node); }"Invoke for node: " + node.getObjectId(getController())); }
public void foldStageN(MindMapNode node, int stage) { int k = depth(node); if (k < stage) { setFolded(node, false); for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { foldStageN((MindMapNode), stage); } } else { foldAll(node); } }
public String getUntaggedNodeText() { String nodeText = node.getText(); // cache empty or dirty?: if (untaggedNodeText == null || (originalNodeText != null && !originalNodeText.equals(nodeText))) { originalNodeText = nodeText; // remove tags: untaggedNodeText = HtmlTools.htmlToPlain(nodeText).replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } return untaggedNodeText; }
public String getUntaggedNotesText() { String notesText = node.getNoteText(); if (notesText == null) return ""; if (untaggedNotesText == null || (originalNotesText != null && !originalNotesText.equals(notesText))) { originalNotesText = notesText; // remove tags: untaggedNotesText = HtmlTools.removeHtmlTagsFromString(notesText).replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } return untaggedNotesText; }
/** Factory method which creates the right NodeView for the model. */ NodeView newNodeView(MindMapNode model, int position, MapView map, Container parent) { NodeView newView = new NodeView(model, position, map, parent); if (model.isRoot()) { final MainView mainView = new RootMainView(); newView.setMainView(mainView); newView.setLayout(VerticalRootNodeViewLayout.getInstance()); } else { newView.setMainView(newMainView(model)); if (newView.isLeft()) { newView.setLayout(LeftNodeViewLayout.getInstance()); } else { newView.setLayout(RightNodeViewLayout.getInstance()); } } model.addViewer(newView); newView.update(); fireNodeViewCreated(newView); return newView; }
private void encrypt(MindMapNode node) { final StringBuffer password = getUsersPassword(); if (password == null) { return; } MindMapController mindmapcontroller = (MindMapController) getMindMapController(); // FIXME: not multithreading safe mindmapcontroller.setNewNodeCreator( new NewNodeCreator() { public MindMapNode createNode(Object userObject, MindMap map) { EncryptedMindMapNode encryptedMindMapNode = new EncryptedMindMapNode(userObject, getMindMapController().getFrame(), map); encryptedMindMapNode.setPassword(password); return encryptedMindMapNode; } }); try { MindMapNode newNode = getMindMapController().addNewNode(node, 0, node.isLeft()); } catch (Exception e) { } // normal value: mindmapcontroller.setNewNodeCreator(null); }
protected void foldAll(MindMapNode node) { for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { foldAll((MindMapNode); } setFolded(node, true); }
protected int depth(MindMapNode node) { if (node.isRoot()) return 0; return depth((MindMapNode) node.getParent()) + 1; }
protected void setFolded(MindMapNode node, boolean state) { if (node.hasChildren() && (node.isFolded() != state)) { getMindMapController().setFolded(node, state); } }
public RemoveIconXmlAction createRemoveIconXmlAction(MindMapNode node, int iconPosition) { RemoveIconXmlAction action = new RemoveIconXmlAction(); action.setNode(node.getObjectId(modeController)); action.setIconPosition(iconPosition); return action; }
public int removeLastIcon(MindMapNode node) { modeController.getActionFactory().startTransaction((String) getValue(NAME)); modeController.getActionFactory().executeAction(apply(modeController.getMap(), node)); modeController.getActionFactory().endTransaction((String) getValue(NAME)); return node.getIcons().size(); }
public void unfoldAll(MindMapNode node) { setFolded(node, false); for (Iterator i = node.childrenUnfolded(); i.hasNext(); ) { unfoldAll((MindMapNode); } }
private ActionPair getActionPair(MindMapNode node, String fontFamilyValue) { FontNodeAction fontFamilyAction = createFontNodeAction(node, fontFamilyValue); FontNodeAction undoFontFamilyAction = createFontNodeAction(node, node.getFontFamilyName()); return new ActionPair(fontFamilyAction, undoFontFamilyAction); }