Пример #1
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin#start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)
  public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
    // Print a session logging header.
    getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.OK, "Starting RAMSES plugin suite ...", "RAMSES starting ..."));

    // Set the level to FATAL for the plugin activation. Later, RAMSES will
    // will set the level to the user configuration.
    String lvl = "FATAL";
    RamsesConfiguration.setupLogging(lvl, Platform.getLogFileLocation().toFile(), false);
    try {
      plugin = this;

       * **** Always set Ramses resouce dirs before initialize Service Registry, instantiator and
       * AADL models manager !!! ***************************

      //	    MessageReporter4Osate msgReporter = new MessageReporter4Osate() ;
      //	    ServiceProvider.SYS_ERR_REP = new SysErrReporter4Osate(msgReporter) ;

      ServiceRegistry sr = new OSGiServiceRegistry();
      AadlModelInstantiatior instantiator;
      instantiator = new AadlModelsManagerImpl(ServiceRegistry.ANALYSIS_ERR_REPORTER_MANAGER);

      PredefinedAadlModelManager modelManager;
      //	    modelManager = new ContributedAadlRegistration() ;

      //	    sr.init(instantiator, modelManager);

      /** *********************************************************************** */
    } catch (Exception e) // Top level exception handler. Stop all process.
      Logger.getLogger(Activator.class).fatal("", e);
      ServiceProvider.SYS_ERR_REP.fatal("", e);