Пример #1
  * copyAttr Copy the named attribute of the current source node into the current node
  * @param sAttrName name of the attribute to be copied
  * @param nfrSource handler on the opened source file
 protected void copyAttr(String sAttrName, NexusFileReader nfrSource) throws NexusException {
   PathNexus pnSrcPath = nfrSource.getCurrentRealPath().clone();
   PathNexus pnTgtPath = getCurrentRealPath().clone();
   writeAttr(sAttrName, nfrSource.readAttr(sAttrName, pnSrcPath), getCurrentRealPath());
Пример #2
  * copyAllAttr Copy all attributes of the current node from the source file into into the current
  * node.
  * @param nfrSource handler on the opened source file
 protected void copyAllAttr(NexusFileReader nfrSource) throws NexusException {
   String sAttrName;
   Hashtable<String, AttributeEntry> listAttr = nfrSource.listAttribute();
   for (Iterator<String> iter = listAttr.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
     sAttrName = (String) iter.next();
     copyAttr(sAttrName, nfrSource);
Пример #3
   * CopyNode make a full copy of the current source node (itself and its descendants) into the
   * currently opened destination path. The copy cares of all nodes' attributes.
   * @param nfrSource handler on the opened source file
  protected void copyNode(NexusFileReader nfrSource) throws NexusException {
    // Keep in buffer current path (used for recursion process)
    PathNexus pnSrcPath = nfrSource.getCurrentRealPath().clone();
    PathNexus pnTgtPath = getCurrentRealPath().clone();
    NexusNode nnCurNode = pnSrcPath.getCurrentNode();

    if (getCurrentRealPath().getCurrentNode() != null
        && !getCurrentRealPath().getCurrentNode().isRealGroup())
      throw new NexusException(
          "Invalid destination path: only a group can contain nodes!\n" + getCurrentRealPath());

    // Check the kind of the node
    if (nnCurNode == null
        || nnCurNode.isGroup()
        || "NXtechnical_data".equals(nnCurNode.getClassName())) {
      // Copy the current group
      PathNexus pnPath = pnTgtPath.clone();
      if (nnCurNode != null) pnPath.pushNode(nnCurNode);
      createPath(pnPath, true);

      // Copy all its descendants
      ArrayList<NexusNode> nodes = nfrSource.listChildren();
      for (NexusNode node : nodes) {
    } else {
      // Copy the current DataItem
      PathData pdDstPath = new PathData(pnTgtPath.getNodes(), nnCurNode.getNodeName());
      DataItem dsData = nfrSource.getDataItem();
      writeData(dsData, pdDstPath);

    // Return back to the original position in both source and destination files
Пример #4
  * defineArrayObject Returns an array of the corresponding type and dimension sizes
  * @param iType integer corresponding to a Nexus data type
  * @param iDimSize array of sizes for each dimension
  * @throws NexusException
 protected static Object defineArrayObject(int iType, int[] iDimSize) throws NexusException {
   Object oArray;
   Class<?> cObject = NexusFileReader.defineTypeFromNexus(iType);
   oArray = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(cObject, iDimSize);
   return oArray;