Пример #1
  public PaymentDecision visit(CostDiscard cost) {
    final String type = cost.getType();

    final List<Card> hand = player.getCardsIn(ZoneType.Hand);
    if (type.equals("LastDrawn")) {
      if (!hand.contains(player.getLastDrawnCard())) {
        return null;
      return PaymentDecision.card(player.getLastDrawnCard());
    } else if (cost.payCostFromSource()) {
      if (!hand.contains(source)) {
        return null;

      return PaymentDecision.card(source);
    } else if (type.equals("Hand")) {
      return PaymentDecision.card(hand);

    if (type.contains("WithSameName")) {
      return null;
    Integer c = cost.convertAmount();
    if (c == null) {
      final String sVar = ability.getSVar(cost.getAmount());
      if (sVar.equals("XChoice")) {
        return null;
      c = AbilityUtils.calculateAmount(source, cost.getAmount(), ability);

    if (type.equals("Random")) {
      return PaymentDecision.card(CardLists.getRandomSubList(hand, c));
    } else {
      final AiController aic = ((PlayerControllerAi) player.getController()).getAi();
      return PaymentDecision.card(aic.getCardsToDiscard(c, type.split(";"), ability));
Пример #2
  public void resolve(SpellAbility sa) {
    final Card host = sa.getHostCard();
    final Player player = sa.getActivatingPlayer();
    final Game game = player.getGame();
    Player chooser = player;
    int numToDig = AbilityUtils.calculateAmount(host, sa.getParam("DigNum"), sa);

    final ZoneType srcZone =
            ? ZoneType.smartValueOf(sa.getParam("SourceZone"))
            : ZoneType.Library;

    final ZoneType destZone1 =
            ? ZoneType.smartValueOf(sa.getParam("DestinationZone"))
            : ZoneType.Hand;
    final ZoneType destZone2 =
            ? ZoneType.smartValueOf(sa.getParam("DestinationZone2"))
            : ZoneType.Library;

    int libraryPosition =
        sa.hasParam("LibraryPosition") ? Integer.parseInt(sa.getParam("LibraryPosition")) : -1;
    int destZone1ChangeNum = 1;
    final boolean mitosis = sa.hasParam("Mitosis");
    String changeValid = sa.hasParam("ChangeValid") ? sa.getParam("ChangeValid") : "";
    // andOrValid is for cards with "creature card and/or a land card"
    String andOrValid = sa.hasParam("AndOrValid") ? sa.getParam("AndOrValid") : "";
    final boolean anyNumber = sa.hasParam("AnyNumber");

    final int libraryPosition2 =
        sa.hasParam("LibraryPosition2") ? Integer.parseInt(sa.getParam("LibraryPosition2")) : -1;
    final boolean optional = sa.hasParam("Optional");
    final boolean noMove = sa.hasParam("NoMove");
    final boolean skipReorder = sa.hasParam("SkipReorder");

    // A hack for cards like Explorer's Scope that need to ensure that a card is revealed to the
    // player activating the ability
    final boolean forceRevealToController = sa.hasParam("ForceRevealToController");

    // These parameters are used to indicate that a dialog box must be show to the player asking if
    // the player wants to proceed
    // with an optional ability, otherwise the optional ability is skipped.
    final boolean mayBeSkipped = sa.hasParam("PromptToSkipOptionalAbility");
    final String optionalAbilityPrompt =
        sa.hasParam("OptionalAbilityPrompt") ? sa.getParam("OptionalAbilityPrompt") : "";

    boolean changeAll = false;
    boolean allButOne = false;
    final List<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (sa.hasParam("Keywords")) {
      keywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(sa.getParam("Keywords").split(" & ")));

    if (sa.hasParam("ChangeNum")) {
      if (sa.getParam("ChangeNum").equalsIgnoreCase("All")) {
        changeAll = true;
      } else if (sa.getParam("ChangeNum").equalsIgnoreCase("AllButOne")) {
        allButOne = true;
      } else {
        destZone1ChangeNum = AbilityUtils.calculateAmount(host, sa.getParam("ChangeNum"), sa);

    final TargetRestrictions tgt = sa.getTargetRestrictions();
    final List<Player> tgtPlayers = getTargetPlayers(sa);

    if (sa.hasParam("Choser")) {
      final List<Player> choosers =
          AbilityUtils.getDefinedPlayers(sa.getHostCard(), sa.getParam("Choser"), sa);
      if (!choosers.isEmpty()) {
        chooser = choosers.get(0);

    for (final Player p : tgtPlayers) {
      if (tgt != null && !p.canBeTargetedBy(sa)) {
      final CardCollection top = new CardCollection();
      final CardCollection rest = new CardCollection();
      final PlayerZone sourceZone = p.getZone(srcZone);

      numToDig = Math.min(numToDig, sourceZone.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < numToDig; i++) {

      if (!top.isEmpty()) {
        DelayedReveal delayedReveal = null;
        boolean hasRevealed = true;
        if (sa.hasParam("Reveal")) {
          game.getAction().reveal(top, p, false);
        } else if (sa.hasParam("RevealOptional")) {
          String question = "Reveal: " + Lang.joinHomogenous(top) + "?";

          hasRevealed = p.getController().confirmAction(sa, null, question);
          if (hasRevealed) {
            game.getAction().reveal(top, p);
        } else if (sa.hasParam("RevealValid")) {
          final String revealValid = sa.getParam("RevealValid");
          final CardCollection toReveal =
              CardLists.getValidCards(top, revealValid, host.getController(), host);
          if (!toReveal.isEmpty()) {
            game.getAction().reveal(toReveal, host.getController());
            if (sa.hasParam("RememberRevealed")) {
              for (final Card one : toReveal) {
          // Singletons.getModel().getGameAction().revealToCopmuter(top.toArray());
          // - for when it exists
        } else if (!sa.hasParam("NoLooking")) {
          // show the user the revealed cards
          delayedReveal = new DelayedReveal(top, srcZone, PlayerView.get(p));

          if (noMove) {
            // Let the activating player see the cards even if they're not moved
            game.getAction().revealTo(top, player);

        if (sa.hasParam("RememberRevealed") && !sa.hasParam("RevealValid") && hasRevealed) {
          for (final Card one : top) {

        if (!noMove) {
          CardCollection movedCards;
          CardCollection andOrCards;
          for (final Card c : top) {
          CardCollection valid;
          if (mitosis) {
            valid = sharesNameWithCardOnBattlefield(game, top);
            andOrCards = new CardCollection();
          } else if (!changeValid.isEmpty()) {
            if (changeValid.contains("ChosenType")) {
              changeValid = changeValid.replace("ChosenType", host.getChosenType());
            valid =
                CardLists.getValidCards(top, changeValid.split(","), host.getController(), host);
            if (!andOrValid.equals("")) {
              andOrCards =
                  CardLists.getValidCards(top, andOrValid.split(","), host.getController(), host);
              andOrCards.removeAll((Collection<?>) valid);
            } else {
              andOrCards = new CardCollection();
          } else {
            valid = top;
            andOrCards = new CardCollection();

          if (forceRevealToController) {
            // Force revealing the card to the player activating the ability (e.g. Explorer's Scope)
            game.getAction().revealTo(top, player);

          // Optional abilities that use a dialog box to prompt the user to skip the ability (e.g.
          // Explorer's Scope, Quest for Ula's Temple)
          if (optional && mayBeSkipped && !valid.isEmpty()) {
            String prompt =
                    ? optionalAbilityPrompt
                    : "Would you like to proceed with the optional ability for "
                        + sa.getHostCard()
                        + "?\n\n("
                        + sa.getDescription()
                        + ")";
            if (!p.getController()
                .confirmAction(sa, null, prompt.replace("CARDNAME", sa.getHostCard().getName()))) {

          if (changeAll) {
            movedCards = new CardCollection(valid);
          } else if (sa.hasParam("RandomChange")) {
            int numChanging = Math.min(destZone1ChangeNum, valid.size());
            movedCards = CardLists.getRandomSubList(valid, numChanging);
          } else if (allButOne) {
            movedCards = new CardCollection(valid);
            String prompt;
            if (destZone2.equals(ZoneType.Library) && libraryPosition2 == 0) {
              prompt = "Choose a card to leave on top of {player's} library";
            } else {
              prompt = "Choose a card to leave in {player's} " + destZone2.name();

            Card chosen =
                    .chooseSingleEntityForEffect(valid, delayedReveal, sa, prompt, false, p);
            if (sa.hasParam("RandomOrder")) {
          } else {
            int j = 0;
            String prompt;

            if (sa.hasParam("PrimaryPrompt")) {
              prompt = sa.getParam("PrimaryPrompt");
            } else {
              prompt = "Choose a card to put into " + destZone1.name();
              if (destZone1.equals(ZoneType.Library)) {
                if (libraryPosition == -1) {
                  prompt = "Choose a card to put on the bottom of {player's} library";
                } else if (libraryPosition == 0) {
                  prompt = "Choose a card to put on top of {player's} library";

            movedCards = new CardCollection();
            while (j < destZone1ChangeNum || (anyNumber && j < numToDig)) {
              // let user get choice
              Card chosen = null;
              if (!valid.isEmpty()) {
                chosen =
                            valid, delayedReveal, sa, prompt, anyNumber || optional, p);
              } else {
                chooser.getController().notifyOfValue(sa, null, "No valid cards");

              if (chosen == null) {

              if (!andOrValid.equals("")) {
                if (!chosen.isValid(andOrValid.split(","), host.getController(), host)) {
                  valid = new CardCollection(andOrCards);
                } else if (!chosen.isValid(changeValid.split(","), host.getController(), host)) {
                  valid.removeAll((Collection<?>) andOrCards);

            if (!changeValid.isEmpty()) {
                          + " picked "
                          + (movedCards.size() == 1 ? "this card" : "these cards")
                          + " from ");
          if (sa.hasParam("ForgetOtherRemembered")) {
          for (Card c : movedCards) {
            final PlayerZone zone = c.getOwner().getZone(destZone1);

            if (zone.is(ZoneType.Library)
                || zone.is(ZoneType.PlanarDeck)
                || zone.is(ZoneType.SchemeDeck)) {
              if (libraryPosition == -1 || libraryPosition > zone.size()) {
                libraryPosition = zone.size();
              c = game.getAction().moveTo(zone, c, libraryPosition);
            } else {
              c = game.getAction().moveTo(zone, c);
              if (destZone1.equals(ZoneType.Battlefield)) {
                for (final String kw : keywords) {
                if (sa.hasParam("Tapped")) {

            if (sa.hasParam("ExileFaceDown")) {
              c.setState(CardStateName.FaceDown, true);
            if (sa.hasParam("Imprint")) {
            if (sa.hasParam("ForgetOtherRemembered")) {
            if (sa.hasParam("RememberChanged")) {

          // now, move the rest to destZone2
          if (destZone2 == ZoneType.Library
              || destZone2 == ZoneType.PlanarDeck
              || destZone2 == ZoneType.SchemeDeck) {
            CardCollection afterOrder = rest;
            if (sa.hasParam("RestRandomOrder")) {
            } else if (!skipReorder && rest.size() > 1) {
              afterOrder =
                  (CardCollection) chooser.getController().orderMoveToZoneList(rest, destZone2);
            if (libraryPosition2 != -1) {
              // Closest to top
            for (final Card c : afterOrder) {
              if (destZone2 == ZoneType.Library) {
                game.getAction().moveToLibrary(c, libraryPosition2);
              } else {
                game.getAction().moveToVariantDeck(c, destZone2, libraryPosition2);
          } else {
            // just move them randomly
            for (int i = 0; i < rest.size(); i++) {
              Card c = rest.get(i);
              final PlayerZone toZone = c.getOwner().getZone(destZone2);
              c = game.getAction().moveTo(toZone, c);
              if (destZone2.equals(ZoneType.Battlefield) && !keywords.isEmpty()) {
                for (final String kw : keywords) {