// write remaining links to db // unlock domains // synchronized? @Override public synchronized void finalize() { if (newLinks.size() != 0) try { // write the new links to the db flush(); // write links that wern't used to db DBLink.getInstance().addNewLinks(links); } catch (SpiderDataException e) // there was a data error { Logger.log(2, e.getClazz(), e.getMeth(), e.getMessage()); } }
// thread safe method that returns if there are more links public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { if (links.size() == 0) { try { links = DBLink.getInstance().getLinksAndDelete(conf.getLinkRetrieveCount()); } catch (SpiderDataException e) { Logger.log(1, e.getClazz(), e.getMeth(), e.getMessage()); } // if still empty then there are no more links if (links.size() == 0) return true; } return false; }