@BIF public static EObject keysearch(EObject k, EObject n, EObject list) { ESmall idx = n.testSmall(); ESeq src = list.testSeq(); if (k == null || idx == null || src == null || idx.value < 1) throw ERT.badarg(k, n, list); int index = idx.value; while (!src.isNil()) { EObject elm = src.head(); ETuple tup; if ((tup = elm.testTuple()) != null) { if (tup.arity() >= index) { if (tup.elm(index).equals(k)) { return new ETuple2(ERT.am_value, tup); } } } src = src.tail(); } return ERT.FALSE; }
public static EObject demonitor(ETask<?> self, EObject ref, EObject options) throws Pausable { ERef r = ref.testReference(); ESeq o = options.testSeq(); if (r == null || o == null) throw ERT.badarg(ref, options); boolean flush = (!o.isNil() && o.head() == am_flush); EObject found = self.demonitor(r); if (found == null) { return ERT.FALSE; } EHandle h; ETuple tup; EAtom name; EAtom node; if ((h = found.testHandle()) != null) { h.remove_monitor(self.self_handle(), r, flush); } else if ((tup = found.testTuple()) != null && tup.arity() == 2 && (name = tup.elm(1).testAtom()) != null && (node = tup.elm(2).testAtom()) != null) { EAbstractNode n = EAbstractNode.get_or_connect(self, node); if (n != null) { n.dsig_demonitor(self.self_handle(), r, name); } } if (flush && (self instanceof EProc)) { flush_monitor_message.invoke((EProc) self, new EObject[] {ref, ERT.am_ok}); } return ERT.TRUE; }
@BIF static EPort open_port(EProc proc, EObject portName, EObject portSetting) { ETuple t; if ((t = portName.testTuple()) == null) throw ERT.badarg(portName, portSetting); ETuple2 name; if ((name = ETuple2.cast(t)) == null) throw ERT.badarg(portName, portSetting); if (name.elem1 == am_spawn) { throw new ErlangError(ERT.AM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, portName, portSetting); } else if (name.elem1 == am_spawn_driver) { throw new NotImplemented(); } else if (name.elem1 == am_spawn_executable) { ETask<? extends EPort> task = new EExecDriverTask(proc, name, portSetting); return task.self(); } throw ERT.badarg(portName, portSetting); }
@BIF public static EObject keyfind(EObject key, EObject nth_arg, EObject list_arg) { ESmall nth = nth_arg.testSmall(); ESeq list = list_arg.testSeq(); if (key == null || nth == null | list == null) throw ERT.badarg(key, nth_arg, list_arg); while (!list.isNil()) { EObject elm = list.head(); ETuple tup = elm.testTuple(); // test that it is a tuple of the right size if (tup != null && tup.arity() >= nth.value) { EObject val = tup.elm(nth.value); if (val.equals(key)) { return tup; } } list = list.tail(); } return ERT.FALSE; }
@BIF public static EObject monitor(EProc self, EObject how, EObject object) throws Pausable { if (how != am_process) throw ERT.badarg(how, object); // case 1: object is a PID EHandle h = EHandle.cast(object); if (h != null) { ERef ref = ERT.getLocalNode().createRef(); if (!self.monitor(h, h, ref)) { self.mbox_send(ETuple.make(ERT.am_DOWN, ref, am_process, object, ERT.am_noproc)); } return ref; } // case 2: object is a name EAtom name; if (h == null && (name = object.testAtom()) != null) { ERef ref = ERT.getLocalNode().createRef(); boolean success = false; object = new ETuple2(name, ErlDist.node()); if ((h = ERT.whereis(name).testHandle()) != null) { success = self.monitor(h, object, ref); } if (!success) { self.mbox_send(ETuple.make(ERT.am_DOWN, ref, am_process, object, ERT.am_noproc)); } return ref; } // case 3: object is {name, node} ETuple tup; EAtom node; if ((tup = object.testTuple()) != null && tup.arity() == 2 && (name = tup.elm(1).testAtom()) != null && (node = tup.elm(2).testAtom()) != null) { if (node == ErlDist.node()) { ERef ref = ERT.getLocalNode().createRef(); boolean success = false; if ((h = ERT.whereis(name).testHandle()) != null) { success = self.monitor(h, object, ref); } if (!success) { self.mbox_send(ETuple.make(ERT.am_DOWN, ref, am_process, object, ERT.am_noproc)); } return ref; } else { EPeer peer = (EPeer) EPeer.get(node); if (peer != null) { ERef ref = ERT.getLocalNode().createRef(); self.monitor(tup, ref); peer.dsig_monitor(self.self_handle(), name, ref); return ref; } return ErlDist.dmonitor_p2_trap.invoke(self, new EObject[] {how, object}); } } throw ERT.badarg(how, object); }
@BIF public static EObject spawn_opt(EProc self, EObject tup) throws Pausable { ETuple t; EAtom m; EAtom f; ESeq a; ESeq o; if ((t = tup.testTuple()) == null || t.arity() != 4 || (m = t.elm(1).testAtom()) == null || (f = t.elm(2).testAtom()) == null || (a = t.elm(3).testSeq()) == null || (o = t.elm(4).testSeq()) == null) throw ERT.badarg(tup); boolean link = false; boolean monitor = false; EAtom priority = null; for (; !o.isNil(); o = o.tail()) { EObject val = o.head(); ETuple2 t2; if (val == am_link) { link = true; } else if (val == am_monitor) { monitor = true; } else if ((t2 = ETuple2.cast(val)) != null) { if (t2.elm(1) == am_priority) { EAtom am = t2.elm(2).testAtom(); if (am != null) priority = am; } // ignore full_sweep_after and min_heap_size } } EProc p2 = new EProc(self.group_leader(), m, f, a); if (link) { self.link_to(p2); } if (priority != null) { // may throw badarg! p2.process_flag(am_priority, priority); } ERef ref = null; if (monitor) { ref = ERT.getLocalNode().createRef(); if (!self.monitor(p2.self_handle(), p2.self_handle(), ref)) { throw new InternalError("cannot monitor new process?"); // self.mbox_send(ETuple.make(ERT.am_DOWN, ref, p2.self_handle(), ERT.am_noproc)); } } ERT.run(p2); if (monitor) { return new ETuple2(p2.self_handle(), ref); } else { return p2.self_handle(); } }