public ElephantRecordWriter(Configuration conf, Args args, Progressable progressable)
        throws IOException {
      fileSystem = Utils.getFS(args.outputDirHdfs, conf);
      this.args = args;

      this.progressable = progressable;
      localManager =
          new LocalElephantManager(fileSystem, args.spec, LocalElephantManager.getTmpDirs(conf));
 public void checkOutputSpecs(FileSystem fs, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
   Args args = (Args) Utils.getObject(conf, ARGS_CONF);
   fs = Utils.getFS(args.outputDirHdfs, conf);
   if (conf.getBoolean("mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution", true)) {
     // Because we don't want to write a bunch of extra times.
     throw new InvalidJobConfException("Speculative execution should be false");
   if (fs.exists(new Path(args.outputDirHdfs))) {
     throw new InvalidJobConfException("Output dir already exists " + args.outputDirHdfs);