/* * reads the value of the digital input of the specified channel * requires that the readArudiono() method has already been called * param 1: the channel to be read * return: value of the specified digital input */ public boolean getInput(int channelID) { byte temp; if (timer.get() > 2.0) { DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance().updateLCD(); timer.stop(); timer.reset(); } if (Math.abs(channelID - (13 / 2)) - (13 / 2) > 0) // returns true if less than zero or greater than thirteen { timer.start(); DriverStationLCD.getInstance().println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, "Invalid ID"); DriverStationLCD.getInstance().updateLCD(); return false; } else if (channelID < 8) { temp = (byte) (loByte & (1 << channelID)); return temp != 0; } else { temp = (byte) (hiByte & (1 << channelID - 8)); return temp != 0; } }
public void printToDriverStation(int row, String text) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text); while (sb.length() < DriverStationLCD.kLineLength) sb.append(' '); lcd.println(lines[row], 1, sb.toString()); lcd.updateLCD(); }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { counter++; delayTimer = RobotMap.ShooterDelayTimer; delayTimer.start(); display.println( DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "Pass command " + counter + " "); display.updateLCD(); }
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, drive.getCurrentCommand().getName() + " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, hanger.getCurrentCommand().getName() + " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser5, 1, climb.getCurrentCommand().getName() + " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser6, 1, launcher.getCurrentCommand().getName() + " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance().updateLCD(); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any * initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { black = new Jaguar(4, 1); red = new Jaguar(4, 2); leftEncoder = new Encoder(4, 5); rightEncoder = new Encoder(6, 7); left = new Joystick(1); right = new Joystick(2); gamePad = new Joystick(3); watchdog = Watchdog.getInstance(); dsLCD = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); photoreceptorL = new DigitalInput(4, 1); photoreceptorM = new DigitalInput(4, 2); photoreceptorR = new DigitalInput(4, 3); camera = AxisCamera.getInstance(); driveMode = 0; // 0 = Tank; 1 = Arcade; 2 = Kaj driveToggle = false; cruiseControl = false; camera.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k160x120); camera.writeWhiteBalance(AxisCamera.WhiteBalanceT.hold); camera.writeExposureControl(AxisCamera.ExposureT.hold); camera.writeExposurePriority(AxisCamera.ExposurePriorityT.frameRate); leftEncoder.start(); rightEncoder.start(); }
/** * Class used to print to the DriverStationLCD display * * @author Jeremy */ public class DsLcdStream { private static DriverStationLCD lcd = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); public static void println1(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); } public static void println2(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); } public static void println3(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); } public static void println4(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser5, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); } public static void println5(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser6, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); } public static void printlnMain(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); } }
public Pass() { super("Pass"); launcher = AeronauticalFacilitation.getLauncher(); requires(launcher); display = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); // Use requires() here to declare subsystem dependencies // eg. requires(chassis); }
/* * reads the arduino and recieves 2 bytes to represent the digital inputs attached to it * saves the 2 bytes to 'loByte' and 'hiByte' * return: true if and only if it's successful */ public boolean readArduino() { byte[] buffer = {0, 0}; successful = !m_I2C.transaction( null, 0, buffer, 2); // doesn't send anything and recieves 2 bytes of data; successful==true if // transaction is succesful DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser1, 1, " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, " "); DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser1, 1, "success=" + successful); DriverStationLCD.getInstance() .println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "buffer=" + buffer[1] + ", " + buffer[0]); DriverStationLCD.getInstance().updateLCD(); hiByte = buffer[1]; loByte = buffer[0]; return successful; }
/** This function is called periodically during autonomous */ public void autonomousPeriodic() { wedge.moveDown(); lights.set(Relay.Value.kForward); // tracking.run(); try { driveMainBelt(true, true); csc.setSetpoint(2300); // 15' = ~2400rpm if (launcher.getSpeed() < -2250) { try { belt2.setX(-1); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { belt2.setX(0); } station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, "RPM: " + String.valueOf(csc.tmpResult)); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { } /*try{ if(tracking.foundTarget()){ station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "Distance: " + String.valueOf(tracking.getTarget("HIGH").distance)); station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, "Suggested RPM: " + String.valueOf(tracking.getTarget("HIGH").distance*62.8)); if(x>0) station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "Rotation: <--"); else if(x<0) station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "Roation: -->"); else station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "I don't need to rotate"); } else{ station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "Help, I can't find target by myself!"); station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, ""); station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, ""); } }catch(Exception e){}*/ station.updateLCD(); }
public void robotInit() { try { drive_control = new Joystick(1); control = new Joystick(2); drive = new Drive(); station = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); camera = AxisCamera.getInstance(); camera.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k320x240); camera.writeBrightness(0); camera.writeMaxFPS(10); launcher = new CANJaguar(7); belt1 = new Relay(1); // belt1.setDirection(Relay.Direction.kBoth); belt2 = new CANJaguar(8); turret = new Victor(4); /*launcher.setPID(0.5, 0.001, 0.0); launcher.configEncoderCodesPerRev(360); launcher.changeControlMode(CANJaguar.ControlMode.kSpeed); launcher.enableControl();*/ launcher.configEncoderCodesPerRev(360); launcher.setSpeedReference(CANJaguar.SpeedReference.kQuadEncoder); launcher.setPositionReference(CANJaguar.PositionReference.kQuadEncoder); /*wheelEncoder = new Encoder(1, 2, true, CounterBase.EncodingType.k4X); wheelEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1); wheelEncoder.setReverseDirection(true); wheelEncoder.start();*/ csc = new CANSpeedController(.02, 0, 0, launcher); csc.setInputRange(0, 3000); csc.enable(); timer = new Timer(); // tracking = new EagleEye(); lights = new Relay(3); /*try { serial = new SerialPort(115200); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Cannot open serial connection " + ex); }*/ } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } wedge = new wedge(2, 1, 2); // servo1 = new Servo(1); // servo2 = new Servo(2); // wedge = new Relay(2); }
public void printToClassmate() { DriverStationLCD driverStation = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); driverStation.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, ""); driverStation.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, ""); driverStation.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, ""); driverStation.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser5, 1, ""); driverStation.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser6, 1, ""); driverStation.updateLCD(); }
public class DriverStationModule extends Module { private static final Line[] lines = { Line.kMain6, Line.kUser2, Line.kUser3, Line.kUser4, Line.kUser5, Line.kUser6 }; private DriverStationLCD lcd = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); public void printToDriverStation(int row, String text) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text); while (sb.length() < DriverStationLCD.kLineLength) sb.append(' '); lcd.println(lines[row], 1, sb.toString()); lcd.updateLCD(); } private static DriverStationModule instance; public static synchronized DriverStationModule getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new DriverStationModule(); return instance; } }
public void teleopPeriodic() { watchdog.feed(); // feed the watchdog // Toggle drive mode if (!driveToggle && left.getRawButton(2)) { driveMode = (driveMode + 1) % 3; driveToggle = true; } else if (driveToggle && !left.getRawButton(2)) driveToggle = false; // Print drive mode to DS & send values to Jaguars switch (driveMode) { case 0: dsLCD.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, "Drive mode: Tank "); red.set(left.getY() + gamePad.getY()); black.set(-right.getY() - gamePad.getThrottle()); break; case 1: dsLCD.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, "Drive mode: Arcade"); red.set(right.getX() - right.getY()); black.set(right.getX() + right.getY()); break; case 2: dsLCD.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, "Drive mode: Kaj "); red.set(left.getX() - right.getY()); black.set(left.getX() + right.getY()); break; } /**/ dsLCD.println( DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, "1" + photoreceptorL.get() + "2" + photoreceptorM.get() + "3" + photoreceptorR.get()); dsLCD.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "Encoder in 4,5: " + leftEncoder.get() + " "); dsLCD.println( DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser5, 1, "Encoder in 6,7: " + rightEncoder.get() + " "); dsLCD.updateLCD(); }
public static void printlnMain(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); }
public static void println4(String data) { lcd.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser5, 1, data); lcd.updateLCD(); }
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { launcher.pass(); display.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, "Pass timer: " + delayTimer.get() + " "); display.updateLCD(); }
public class Team3699Robot extends SimpleRobot { public Joystick joystick_left = new Joystick(Constants.joystick_left_USB); public Joystick joystick_right = new Joystick(Constants.joystick_right_USB); public Joystick joystick_elevator = new Joystick(3); public DriverStationLCD userMessages = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); public DriverStation driverstation = DriverStation.getInstance(); public NetworkTable server; /*<<<<<<< HEAD // public ShooterControl shooter = new ShooterControl(); public Jaguar shooterMotor = new Jaguar(Constants.shooterPWMChannel); =======*/ public ShooterControl shooter = new ShooterControl(); public Jaguar shooterMotor = new Jaguar(Constants.shooterPWMChannel); // >>>>>>> pULL dOWN sHOOTER dURING aUTONOMUS, wITH jUST a tIMED sCRIPT public ArmControl3 arm = new ArmControl3(this); public Jaguar armMotor = new Jaguar(Constants.armMotorPWM); public IntegrationControl2 integ = new IntegrationControl2(this); // public AnalogChannel Optical_Sensor = new AnalogChannel(Constants.OpticalSensorChannel); // public Jaguar test_CIM_1 = new Jaguar(7); // public Jaguar test_CIM_2 = new Jaguar(8); /* public DigitalInput Disc_Check = new DigitalInput(Constants.Disc_Check_Channel); public DigitalInput Disc_Top_Check = new DigitalInput(Constants.Disc_Top_Check_Channel); public DigitalInput Upside_Down_Check = new DigitalInput(Constants.Upside_Down_Check_Channel); */ public RobotDrive robotdrive = new RobotDrive(Constants.robotdrive_left_PWM, Constants.robotdrive_right_PWM); public Jaguar Intake_motor = new Jaguar(Constants.intake_PWM); public Jaguar Elevator_motor = new Jaguar(Constants.elevator_PWM); public Jaguar Elevator_intake_motor = new Jaguar(Constants.elevator_intake_PWM); public Jaguar pullDownJaguar = new Jaguar(Constants.pulldownPWM); // public Jaguar Elevator_intake = new Jaguar(Constants.elevator_intake_PWM); // public Jaguar Elevator_outtake = new Jaguar(Constants.elevator_outtake_PWM); public ElevatorControl elevator = new ElevatorControl(this); public IntakeControl intake = new IntakeControl(this); // public Auto_Integration2 integ2 = new Auto_Integration2(this); public Shoot3Auto auto_shoot = new Shoot3Auto(this); // SendableChooser autoChooser; int dev_ = 0; public boolean[] errors = new boolean[10]; public AutoPullDown pullDown = new AutoPullDown(); // ^ Yeah, yeah. Way overinitizized // ERRNO 0: Init error // ERRNO 1: SmartDashboard error // ERRNO 2: Teleop error public boolean allowUnlimitedErrors = true; // Set to true to allow unlimeted errors public void error(String message, int errno) { if (!(this.errors[errno]) || this.allowUnlimitedErrors) { log(message); errors[errno] = true; } } public void resetError(int errno) { errors[errno] = false; } public void log(String message) { System.out.println(message); } public void robotInit() { log("RobotInit called. Initializing NetworkTabes..."); try { NetworkTable.setIPAddress(""); NetworkTable.setServerMode(); NetworkTable.setTeam(3699); NetworkTable.initialize(); } catch (Exception be) { error("Error in robotInit: \n " + be.getMessage(), 0); error("Reocourrence Test! You shouldnt see this!", 0); } log("Init SmartDashboard..."); this.server = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard"); log("" + this.server.containsKey("/SmartDashboard/")); log("" + this.server.containsKey("/SmartDashboard/FPS")); log("" + NetworkTable.DEFAULT_PORT); this.server.putString("_PREINIT0", "_PREINIT::0"); this.server.putString("_PREINIT1", "_PREINIT::1"); this.server.putString("_PREINIT2", "_PREINIT::2"); /*LiveWindow.addActuator("Elevator", "Elevator Intake", Elevator_intake); LiveWindow.addActuator("Elevator", "Elevator Gearbox", Elevator_motor); LiveWindow.addActuator("Elevator", "Elevator Outtake", Elevator_outtake); LiveWindow.addActuator("Intake", "Intake", Elevator_motor);*/ log("Disabling RobotDrive Saftey... :D"); robotdrive.setSafetyEnabled(false); // autoChooser = new SendableChooser(); // autoChooser.addDefault("Default 3 Discs", this.auto_shoot); // SmartDashboard.putData("Autonomous mode chooser",autoChooser); } public void operatorControl() { log("Teleop Called Once!"); resetError(1); resetError(2); this.elevator.resetState(); // try{ showUserMessages("TeleOp"); this.arm.state = 0; while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { // robotdrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); //In case the program were to stop, this stops the // motors from continuing to run. if (!Util.checkButton(this, Constants.robotdrive_break_button)) { // robotdrive.tankDrive(-doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getY()), // -doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_right.getY())); robotdrive.arcadeDrive( doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getY()), doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getX())); } // x, y int := 0, 1; // if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(3)){ // this.test_CIM_1.set(driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); // }else{ // this.test_CIM_1.set(0-driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); // } // // if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(4)){ // this.test_CIM_2.set(driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); // }else{ // this.test_CIM_2.set(0-driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); // } updateSmartDashboard(); this.shooter.updateStates(this); this.shooterMotor.set(this.shooter.calculateShooterSpeed()); if (this.driverstation.getDigitalIn(4)) { this.armMotor.set(this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); } else { this.armMotor.set(-this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); } this.arm.update(); if (this.arm.getArmSpeed() != 0D) { this.armMotor.set(this.arm.getArmSpeed()); } if (this.integ.doElevatorUpdate()) { this.elevator.update(); this.Elevator_motor.set(this.elevator.getElevatorSpeed()); } this.intake.update(); this.Intake_motor.set(this.intake.calculateIntakeSpeed()); if (this.intake.state == 1) { this.Elevator_intake_motor.set(0.6D); } else { this.Elevator_intake_motor.set(0D); } if (this.driverstation.getDigitalIn(3)) { this.pullDownJaguar.set(this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); } else { this.pullDownJaguar.set(-this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); } this.integ.update(); SmartDashboardUpdater.updateSmartDashboard(this); if (Util.checkButton(this, 9)) { this.elevator.numDiscs = 0; } if (Util.checkButton(this, 8)) { this.elevator.state = 0; this.integ.state = 0; this.intake.state = 0; this.integ.elevator_out_roller.set(0d); this.arm.state = 0; } { try { SmartDashboard.putString("DEBUG*isConnected", "" + this.server.isConnected()); SmartDashboard.putString("DEBUG*isServer", "" + this.server.isServer()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("FPS~!", this.server.getNumber("FPS", -1d)); SmartDashboard.putDouble("NewDistance~!", this.server.getNumber("NewDistance", -1d)); // SmartDashboard.putString("NetworkTable Keys", this.server.); log("W0RK1NG!"); } catch (Exception be) { error("ERROR UPDATING SmartDashboard dtt STACK TRACE: " + be.getMessage(), 1); } } Timer.delay(0.005); // and make sure we dont overload the cRIO } // }catch (Exception be){ // error("ERROR IN TELEOP! STACKTRACE: \n "+be.getMessage(), 2); // } } public void disabled() { log("Disabled."); showUserMessages("Disabled"); } public void autonomous() { log("Autonomus! (XD I am bad at spelling)"); showUserMessages("Autonomous"); /* <<<<<<< HEAD //autoChooser.getSelected(); auto_shoot.update(); // robotdrive.setSafetyEnabled(false); // robotdrive.tankDrive(doRobotdriveScaling(-0.45),doRobotdriveScaling(-0.45)); // Timer.delay(2.0); // robotdrive.tankDrive(doRobotdriveScaling(0.0),doRobotdriveScaling(0.0)); // Use to determine ft/s at this power. ======= this.pullDown.reset(); while (this.isAutonomous()&&isEnabled()){ this.pullDown.pullDown(this); } //robotdrive.tankDrive(doRobotdriveScaling(-0.45),doRobotdriveScaling(-0.45)); //Timer.delay(2.0); //robotdrive.tankDrive(doRobotdriveScaling(0.0),doRobotdriveScaling(0.0)); // Use to determine ft/s at this power. >>>>>>> pULL dOWN sHOOTER dURING aUTONOMUS, wITH jUST a tIMED sCRIPT */ } public double doRobotdriveScaling(double value) { if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(Constants.driverstation_scale_toggle_channel)) { if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(Constants.driverstation_scale_toggle_channel2)) { driverstation.setDigitalOut(2, true); driverstation.setDigitalOut(1, false); driverstation.setDigitalOut(3, false); if (driverstation.getAnalogIn(Constants.driverstation_scale_channel) < 1) { return value * driverstation.getAnalogIn(Constants.driverstation_scale_channel); } driverstation.setDigitalOut(3, true); return 0; } driverstation.setDigitalOut(3, false); driverstation.setDigitalOut(1, true); driverstation.setDigitalOut(2, false); return value * driverstation.getAnalogIn(Constants.driverstation_scale_channel) * 0.2; } driverstation.setDigitalOut(3, false); driverstation.setDigitalOut(1, false); driverstation.setDigitalOut(2, false); return value * Constants.robotdrive_scale_hi; } public void showUserMessages(String status) { this.userMessages.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "FRC Robotics Team "); this.userMessages.println( DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, "3699 Robot " + status + " "); this.userMessages.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, Constants.version); this.userMessages.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser5, 1, "===VENDETTA LIST:==="); this.userMessages.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser6, 1, "(Names Forthcoming) "); this.userMessages.updateLCD(); } public void updateSmartDashboard() { if (joystick_left.getRawButton(2) && dev_ < 100) { dev_++; } else if (joystick_left.getRawButton(3) && dev_ > 0) { dev_--; } SmartDashboard.putDouble("X", joystick_left.getX()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Y", joystick_left.getY()); // SmartDashboard.putDouble("Optical Sensor", Optical_Sensor.getVoltage()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Battery Voltage", DriverStation.getInstance().getBatteryVoltage()); SmartDashboard.putInt("dev_", dev_); SmartDashboard.putDouble( "Elevator Sensor Value (.getAverageVoltage())", this.elevator.ana_chana.getAverageVoltage()); String state = "ROBOT STATE INFORMATION:"; if (this.elevator.state == 0) { state = state + "\nElevator Stopped."; } if (this.elevator.state == 1) { state = state + "\nElevator Moving."; } if (this.elevator.state == 2) { state = state + "\nElevator E-Stopped."; } // state = state+"\nShooter Power Level (Raw): // "+this.shooter.calculateShooterSpeed(); // state = state+"\nShooter Power Level (Setting): "+this.shooter.shooterSpeedState; // if (this.integ.globalState==1){ // state = state+"\nMoving Shooter Up To Shoot."; // }if (this.integ.globalState==2){ // state = state+"\nShooting!"; // }if (this.integ.globalState2LOCK){ // state = state+"\nREALLY SHOOTING!."; // } state = state + "\nNumber Of Discs: " + this.elevator.numDiscs; state = state + "\n Louis + Bobni Are Amazing (Hiding This Message Is ILLEGAL! IT WILL STOP THE ROBOT!)"; SmartDashboard.putString("State", state); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Intake", this.intake.toggle.get()); } }
// Called once after isFinished returns true protected void end() { launcher.retract(); display.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "Pass command ended " + counter + " "); display.updateLCD(); }
/** This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopPeriodic() { lights.set(Relay.Value.kForward); // tracking.run(); /*try { readString = serial.readString(); readString = readString.substring(readString.indexOf("data{"), readString.indexOf("}")); xTurn = readString.substring(readString.indexOf("x("), readString.indexOf(")")); xTurnVal = Integer.parseInt(xTurn); } catch (VisaException ex) { System.out.println("Error Reading string - " + ex); }*/ y = drive_control.getRawAxis(1); x = drive_control.getRawAxis(2); t = drive_control.getRawAxis(3); if (y > 1) y = 1; else if (y < -1) y = -1; if (x > 1) x = 1; else if (x < -1) x = -1; drive.setDriveJ(x, y, t); /*if(drive_control.getRawButton(12)) //wheelsOn = true; else if(drive_control.getRawButton(11)); wheelsOn = false;*/ /*try{ launcher.setX((drive_control.getRawAxis(4)-1)/2); }catch(Exception e){}*/ // System.out.println((drive_control.getRawAxis(4)-1)*-1350); if (!autoWheels) { csc.setSetpoint((drive_control.getRawAxis(4) - 1) * -1500); try { // launcher.setX((drive_control.getRawAxis(4)+1)*2000); System.out.println( -launcher.getSpeed() + " -- " + csc.tmpResult + " -- " + (drive_control.getRawAxis(4) - 1) * -1500); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } if (drive_control.getRawButton(11)) autoWheels = true; } else { csc.setSetpoint(2300); if (drive_control.getRawButton(11)) autoWheels = false; } /*if(wheelsOn) shoot(1); else shoot(0);*/ if (drive_control.getRawButton(5)) { wedge.moveDown(); // servo1.set(1); // servo2.set(0); // wedge.set(Relay.Value.kForward); } else if (drive_control.getRawButton(6)) { wedge.moveUp(); // servo1.set(0); // servo2.set(1); // wedge.set(Relay.Value.kReverse); } else { // servo1.set(.5); // servo2.set(.5); // wedge.set(Relay.Value.kOff); } if (drive_control.getRawButton(3)) turret.set(.5); else if (drive_control.getRawButton(4)) turret.set(-.5); else turret.set(0); if (drive_control.getRawButton(2)) driveMainBelt(true, true); else if (drive_control.getRawButton(7)) driveMainBelt(false, true); else driveMainBelt(false, false); if (drive_control.getTrigger()) { try { belt2.setX(-1); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (drive_control.getRawButton(8)) { try { belt2.setX(1); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { belt2.setX(0); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (control.getRawButton(3)) { turret.set(.25); } else if (control.getRawButton(4)) { turret.set(-.25); } else { turret.set(0); } try { station.println( DriverStationLCD.Line.kMain6, 1, "RPM: " + String.valueOf(-launcher.getSpeed())); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { } /*try{ if(tracking.foundTarget()){ station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "Distance: " + String.valueOf(tracking.getTarget("HIGH").distance)); station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, "Suggested RPM: " + String.valueOf(tracking.getTarget("HIGH").distance*62.8)); if(x>0) station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "Rotation: <--"); else if(x<0) station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "Roation: -->"); else station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, "I don't need to rotate"); } else{ station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser2, 1, "Help, I can't find target by myself!"); station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser3, 1, ""); station.println(DriverStationLCD.Line.kUser4, 1, ""); } }catch(Exception e){}*/ station.updateLCD(); }