public Robot() { server = CameraServer.getInstance(); server.setQuality(50); // the camera name (ex "cam0") can be found through the roborio web // interface server.startAutomaticCapture("cam0"); table = NetworkTable.getTable("SharkCV/contours/0"); autonomousCommand = new Auton(); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any * initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { RobotMap.init(); // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS drive = new Drive(); elevator = new Elevator(); claw = new Claw(); lights = new Lights(); camera = CameraServer.getInstance(); camera.setQuality(50); camera.startAutomaticCapture("cam0"); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS // OI must be constructed after subsystems. If the OI creates Commands // (which it very likely will), subsystems are not guaranteed to be // constructed yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null // pointers. Bad news. Don't move it. oi = new OI(); // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=AUTONOMOUS autonomousCommand = new Figure8(); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=AUTONOMOUS }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any * initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { oi = new OI(); chooser = new SendableChooser(); chooser.addDefault("Auto1RightLow", new Auto1RightLow()); /*-Default-*/ chooser.addObject("Auto1RightHigh", new Auto1RightHigh()); chooser.addObject("Auto2RightLow", new Auto2RightLow()); chooser.addObject("Auto3MidHigh", new Auto3MidHigh()); chooser.addObject("Auto4MidHigh", new Auto4MidHigh()); chooser.addObject("Auto5LeftLow", new Auto5LeftLow()); chooser.addObject("Auto5MidHigh", new Auto5MidHigh()); chooser.addObject("AutoCross", new AutoCross()); chooser.addObject("AutoGenericRightLow", new AutoGenericRightLow()); chooser.addObject("AutoGenericLeftLow", new AutoGenericLeftLow()); // chooser.addObject("My Auto", new MyAutoCommand()); SmartDashboard.putData("Auto mode", chooser); CameraServer.getInstance().startAutomaticCapture("cam2"); }
public void teleopPeriodic() { Definitions.drivetrain.arcadeDrive( Definitions.xbox1.getRawAxis(1), Definitions.xbox1.getRawAxis(4), false); DriveShifter.checkGearShift(); SparkyIntakeBar.loadingRoutine(); Shooter.firingRoutine(5000); ArduinoComm.communicate(); try { if (!backfailed && !frontfailed) { if (Definitions.buttonbox.getRawButton(2) && !lastbutton4) { if (currsession == front) { NIVision.IMAQdxStopAcquisition(currsession); currsession = back; NIVision.IMAQdxConfigureGrab(currsession); } else if (currsession == back) { NIVision.IMAQdxStopAcquisition(currsession); currsession = front; NIVision.IMAQdxConfigureGrab(currsession); } } } lastbutton4 = Definitions.buttonbox.getRawButton(2); NIVision.IMAQdxGrab(currsession, frame, 1); CameraServer.getInstance().setImage(frame); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Camera problem"); } SmartDashboard.putNumber("Pressure", 250 * (Definitions.pressuretrans.getVoltage() / 5.0) - 25); SmartDashboard.putNumber("ballSeater", Definitions.ballholder.get() ? 1 : 0); SmartDashboard.putBoolean( "catapultReady", (250 * (Definitions.pressuretrans.getVoltage() / 5.0) - 25) > 40); if (Definitions.joystick.getRawButton(3) && !lastbutton3) { Definitions.flashlightrelay.set( Definitions.flashlightrelay.get() == Relay.Value.kOff ? Relay.Value.kForward : Relay.Value.kOff); } // System.out.println(Definitions.flashlightrelay.get()); lastbutton3 = Definitions.joystick.getRawButton(3); System.out.println(Definitions.pdp.getCurrent(4)); Timer.delay(0.01); }
public Robot() { server = CameraServer.getInstance(); server.setQuality(50); // the camera name (ex "cam0") can be found through the roborio web interface server.startAutomaticCapture("cam0"); }