/* static public WeiboFunction getInstance(){ if(weiboFunction==null){ weiboFunction = new WeiboFunction(); } return weiboFunction; } */ public static boolean isBound() { if (!Util.isEmpty(Login.sinaWeiboToken) && !Util.isEmpty(Login.sinaExpiresIN)) { access_token = Login.sinaWeiboToken; expires_in = Login.sinaExpiresIN; accessToken = new Oauth2AccessToken(access_token, expires_in); if (!accessToken.isSessionValid()) { accessToken = null; } } return accessToken != null; }
public static void authorize(Context context) { if (accessToken != null) return; if (!Util.isEmpty(Login.sinaWeiboToken) && !Util.isEmpty(Login.sinaExpiresIN)) { access_token = Login.sinaWeiboToken; expires_in = Login.sinaExpiresIN; accessToken = new Oauth2AccessToken(access_token, expires_in); if (!accessToken.isSessionValid()) { accessToken = null; } } WeiboParameters parameters = new WeiboParameters(); parameters.add("forcelogin", "true"); com.weibo.sdk.android.util.Utility.isWifi(context); weibo.startDialog( context, parameters, new WeiboAuthListener() { // weibo.authorize(context, new WeiboAuthListener() { @Override public void onComplete(Bundle bundle) { access_token = bundle.getString("access_token"); expires_in = bundle.getString("expires_in"); accessToken = new Oauth2AccessToken(access_token, expires_in); try { SendToken(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void onWeiboException(WeiboException e) { clearToken(); } @Override public void onError(WeiboDialogError weiboDialogError) { clearToken(); } @Override public void onCancel() { clearToken(); } }); }
public static int addPlan(Plan plan) throws SQLException, TextFormatException, JSONException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException { if (plan == null) { logger.error("Can't add empty plan"); return -1; } String SQLCommand = null; DBUtil du = DBUtil.getDBUtil(); ResultSet rs; String title = plan.getTitle(); String siteIDs = plan.getSiteIDs(); int organizer = plan.getOrganizer(); Date startTime = plan.getStartTime(); Date endTime = plan.getEndTime(); String describe = plan.getDescribe(); if (Util.isEmpty(siteIDs) || organizer < 0 || startTime == null || endTime == null || startTime.after(endTime)) { logger.error("illegal plan"); return -1; } SQLCommand = " insert into " + tableName + " ( title, siteIDs, startTime, endTime, organizer, participants, budget, groupNum, groupNumMax, isDone, information ) " + " values ( '" + title + "' , '" + siteIDs + "' , '" + startTime + "' , '" + endTime + "' , " + organizer + " , '" + plan.getParticipants() + "' , " + plan.getBudget() + " , " + plan.getGroupNum() + " , " + plan.getGroupNumMax() + " , false , '" + describe + "')"; System.out.println(SQLCommand); rs = du.executeUpdate(SQLCommand); rs.next(); int planID = rs.getInt(1); // Plan new_plan = new Plan(planID, title, siteIDs, startTime, endTime, organizer, // plan.getParticipants(), plan.getBudget(), plan.getGroupNum(), plan.getGroupNumMax(), // plan.getTalkStreamID(), false); /* User user = new User(); String orig_plans =new UserManager().selectUser(organizer).getPlans(); user.setPlans(new JSONHelper().addToArray(orig_plans, planID)); new UserManager().editUser(organizer, user); Vector<Integer> siteIDVector =new JSONHelper().convertToArray(siteIDs); for(int j=0;j<siteIDVector.size();j++){ int siteID = siteIDVector.get(j); SQLCommand = " insert into " + relationTableName +"( userID, siteID, startTime, endTime, planID )" + " values ( " + organizer + " , " + siteID + " , '" + startTime + "' , '" + endTime + "' , " + planID + ")"; du.executeUpdate(SQLCommand); } */ return planID; }
public static void editPlan(int planID, Plan new_plan) throws TextFormatException, SQLException, JSONException { DBUtil du = DBUtil.getDBUtil(); String SQLCommand = null, subSQLcommand = null; boolean isComma = false; if (planID < 0) throw new TextFormatException("planID is null"); SQLCommand = " update " + tableName + " set "; String siteIDs = new_plan.getSiteIDs(); String title = new_plan.getTitle(); Date startTime = new_plan.getStartTime(); Date endTime = new_plan.getEndTime(); int organizer = new_plan.getOrganizer(); String participants = new_plan.getParticipants(); int budget = new_plan.getBudget(); int groupNum = new_plan.getGroupNum(); int groupNumMax = new_plan.getGroupNumMax(); int talkStreamID = new_plan.getTalkStreamID(); boolean isDone = new_plan.getIsDone(); Plan orig_plan = selectPlan(planID); if (orig_plan.getIsDone() == true) { throw new TextFormatException("Cannot modify isdone plan"); } String orig_siteIDs = orig_plan.getSiteIDs(); int orig_organizer = orig_plan.getOrganizer(); String orig_participants = orig_plan.getParticipants(); Vector<Integer> orig_siteIDVector = null; Vector<Integer> orig_userIDVector = null; Vector<Integer> new_siteIDVector = null; Vector<Integer> new_userIDVector = null; if (orig_siteIDs != null) orig_siteIDVector = new JSONHelper().convertToArray(orig_siteIDs); if (orig_participants != null) orig_userIDVector = new JSONHelper().convertToArray(orig_participants); if (budget >= 0) { SQLCommand += " budget = '" + budget + "'"; isComma = true; } if (groupNum >= 0) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " groupNum = '" + groupNum + "'"; isComma = true; } if (groupNumMax >= 0) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " groupNumMax = '" + groupNumMax + "'"; isComma = true; } if (talkStreamID >= 0) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " talkStreamID = '" + talkStreamID + "'"; isComma = true; } // if (title != null){ if (!Util.isEmpty(title)) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += "title = '" + title + "'"; isComma = true; } if (isDone) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += "isDone = true"; } // if(siteIDs != null){ if (!Util.isEmpty(siteIDs)) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " siteIDs = '" + siteIDs + "'"; isComma = true; new_siteIDVector = new JSONHelper().convertToArray(siteIDs); for (int i = 0; i < new_siteIDVector.size(); i++) { if (!orig_siteIDVector.contains(new_siteIDVector.get(i))) { for (int j = 0; j < orig_userIDVector.size(); j++) { subSQLcommand = " insert into " + relationTableName + "(userID, siteID, startTime, endTime, planID) values " + orig_userIDVector.get(j) + " , " + new_siteIDVector.get(i) + " , '" + orig_plan.getStartTime() + "' , '" + orig_plan.getEndTime() + "' , " + planID + ")"; du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } } } for (int i = 0; i < orig_siteIDVector.size(); i++) { if (!new_siteIDVector.contains(orig_siteIDVector.get(i))) { subSQLcommand = "delete from " + relationTableName + " where planID = " + planID + " and siteID = " + orig_siteIDVector.get(i); du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } } orig_siteIDVector = new_siteIDVector; } // if(participants != null){ if (!Util.isEmpty(participants)) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " participants = '" + participants + "'"; isComma = true; new_userIDVector = new JSONHelper().convertToArray(participants); for (int i = 0; i < new_userIDVector.size(); i++) { if (!orig_userIDVector.contains(new_userIDVector.get(i))) { for (int j = 0; j < orig_siteIDVector.size(); j++) { subSQLcommand = " insert into " + relationTableName + "(userID, siteID, startTime, endTime, planID) values " + new_userIDVector.get(i) + " , " + orig_siteIDVector.get(j) + " , '" + orig_plan.getStartTime() + "' , '" + orig_plan.getEndTime() + "' , " + planID + ")"; du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } } } for (int i = 0; i < orig_userIDVector.size(); i++) { if (!new_userIDVector.contains(orig_userIDVector.get(i))) { subSQLcommand = "delete from " + relationTableName + " where planID = " + planID + " and userID = " + orig_userIDVector.get(i); du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } } orig_userIDVector = new_userIDVector; } if (organizer >= 0) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " organizer = '" + organizer + "'"; isComma = true; subSQLcommand = "update " + relationTableName + " set userID = " + organizer + " where planID = " + planID + " and userID = " + orig_organizer; du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } if (startTime != null) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " startTime = '" + startTime + "'"; isComma = true; subSQLcommand = "update " + relationTableName + " set startTime = '" + startTime + "' where planID = " + planID; du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } if (endTime != null) { if (isComma) SQLCommand += " , "; SQLCommand += " endTime = '" + endTime + "'"; isComma = true; subSQLcommand = "update " + relationTableName + " set endTime = '" + endTime + "' where planID = " + planID; du.executeUpdate(subSQLcommand); } SQLCommand += " where planID = " + planID; du.executeUpdate(SQLCommand); }