public ModifySuperclassDialog( NCIEditTab tab, String name, RDFSClass aClass, boolean defining, boolean definingEditable) { super((JFrame) tab.getTopLevelAncestor(), "Modify Named Superclass", true); = tab; this.owlModel = tab.getOWLModel(); this.defining = defining; this.defining_prev = defining; this.aClass = aClass; = name; this.definingEditable = definingEditable; selectedCls = null; if (aClass != null) { selectedCls = (Cls) aClass; } String title = "Modify Named Superclass"; cancelBtnPressed = false; JPanel panel = createPanel(); int r = ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showDialog(tab, panel, title, ModalDialogFactory.MODE_OK_CANCEL); if (r == ModalDialogFactory.OPTION_OK) { if (selectedCls == null) { try { MsgDialog.ok(this, "Incomplete data entry."); cancelBtnPressed = true; return; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Exception caught", ex); ; } } else { if (name == null) { modified = true; } else { String selectedClsName = tab.getOWLWrapper().getInternalName(selectedCls); if (selectedClsName.compareTo(name) != 0) { modified = true; } } defining = definingCheckBox.isSelected(); if (!defining_prev && definingCheckBox.isSelected()) modified = true; if (defining_prev && !definingCheckBox.isSelected()) modified = true; if (!modified) { cancelBtnPressed = true; } isDefinition = defining; } } else { cancelBtnPressed = true; } }
// if there are multiple unmatched siblings of the same class, look for the ones that have similar names public static boolean run (ResultTable currentResults, PromptDiff promptDiff) { Log.getLogger().info ("*********** start MultipleUnmatchedSiblingsWithSimilarNames ************"); _changesMade = false; if (currentResults == null) return false; _results = currentResults; startAlgorithm (); return _changesMade; }
public OWLNamedClass getOwner() { OWLNamedClass owner = null; try { owner = (OWLNamedClass) new GetOwnerForAnonymousClassJob(getOWLModel(), this).execute(); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not get owner for anonymous class: " + this, t); } return owner; }
private RDFResource getMetadataOnt() { RDFResource result = null; try { URI metaURI = new URI(ProtegeNames.PROTEGE_OWL_ONTOLOGY); result = owlModel.getOWLOntologyByURI(metaURI); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception caught", e); } return result; }
public OWLAnonymousClass getExpressionRoot() { OWLAnonymousClass root = this; try { root = (OWLAnonymousClass) new GetExpressionRootForAnonymousClassJob(getOWLModel(), this).execute(); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.getLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not compute expression root for anonymous class " + this, t); } return root; }
public void testGetProject() { if (!Server_Test.isServerRunning()) { return; } Project p = RemoteProjectManager.getInstance() .getProject(Server_Test.HOST, USER, PASSWORD, PROJECT_NAME, true); assertNotNull(p); OWLModel kb = (OWLModel) p.getKnowledgeBase(); Cls cls = kb.getOWLNamedClass(kb.getNamespaceManager().getDefaultNamespace() + "Pizza"); Log.getLogger().info("found " + cls + " with frame id = " + cls.getFrameID()); assertNotNull(cls); p.dispose(); }
public String getBrowserText() { // TT This should not be null... if (getDirectType() == null) { if (Log.getLogger().getLevel() == Level.WARNING) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Called method on deleted frame " + this); } return "deleted frame id: " + getFrameID().getName(); } String str = getDirectType().getBrowserText() + " ("; for (Iterator it = getValues().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object value =; if (value instanceof Instance) { str += ((Instance) value).getBrowserText(); } else { str += value; } if (it.hasNext()) { str += ", "; } } return str + ")"; }
public class DatabaseRepositoryCreatorWizardPlugin implements RepositoryCreatorWizardPlugin { static final transient Logger log = Log.getLogger(DatabaseRepositoryCreatorWizardPlugin.class); public String getName() { return "Database Repository"; } public String getDescription() { return "Create a repository representing ontologies found in a database"; } public boolean isSuitable(OWLModel model) { return true; } public RepositoryCreatorWizardPanel createRepositoryCreatorWizardPanel( WizardPage wizardPage, OWLModel owlModel) { return new DatabaseWizardPanel(wizardPage, owlModel); } }
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { SWRLImp imp = getImp(rowIndex); if (columnIndex == COL_EXPRESSION) { String text = (String) aValue; try { imp.setExpression(text); if (!isSuitable(imp)) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showMessageDialog( owlModel, "The replacing rule no longer fits the selection\n" + "criteria of this rules list, and will therefore no\n" + "longer be visible here. But no reason to panic: It\n" + "should still show up on the SWRL tab."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.getLogger().warning("Exception caught defining rule " + ex); } } else if (columnIndex == COL_NAME) { String newName = (String) aValue; if (owlModel.isValidResourceName(newName, imp)) { RDFResource resource = owlModel.getRDFResource(newName); if (resource != null) { if (!imp.equals(resource)) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showErrorMessageDialog( owlModel, "The name " + newName + " is already used in this ontology."); } } else { imp = (SWRLImp) imp.rename(newName); setImp(rowIndex, imp); } } else ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showErrorMessageDialog(owlModel, newName + " is not a valid rule name."); } else if (columnIndex == COL_ENABLED) { Boolean enabled = (Boolean) aValue; if (enabled.booleanValue()) imp.enable(); else imp.disable(); } // if } // setValueAt
public Vector<String> validateData(Vector<String> v) { // keep a vector or error messages, may be more than one Vector<String> w = new Vector<String>(); try { String cls_name = (String) v.elementAt(0); String action = (String) v.elementAt(1); String attribute = (String) v.elementAt(2); String attributename = (String) v.elementAt(3); String attributevalue_1 = (String) v.elementAt(4); String attributevalue_2 = (String) v.elementAt(5); OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(cls_name); Vector superclasses = new Vector(); if (hostClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + cls_name + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (wrapper.isRetired(hostClass)) { w.add(" -- concept " + cls_name + " is retired, cannot edit"); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("new") != 0 && action.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") != 0 && action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") != 0) { String error_msg = " -- action " + action + " is not supported."; w.add(error_msg); } if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") != 0 && attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") != 0 && attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") != 0 && attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") != 0) { String error_msg = " -- attribute " + attribute + " is not supported."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("new") == 0) { if (hostClass != null) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") == 0) { if (!supportedRoles.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- role " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { int pos = attributevalue_1.indexOf("|"); if (pos == -1) { String error_msg = " -- missing modifier or filler."; w.add(error_msg); } else { String filler = attributevalue_1.substring(pos + 1, attributevalue_1.length()); OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(filler); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + filler + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.hasRole(hostClass, attributename, filler)) { String error_msg = " -- role already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") == 0) { OWLNamedClass superClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributename); if (superClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- superconcept does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.isPremerged(superClass) || wrapper.isPreretired(superClass) || wrapper.isRetired(superClass)) { String error_msg = "superconcept cannot be premerged, preretired, or retired."; w.add(error_msg); } } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { if (!supportedProperties.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.hasProperty(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- property already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } } if (, attributevalue_1) && .getFilter() .checkBatchPropertyNotFullSynPT(attributename, attributevalue_1)) { } else { w.add(tab.getFilter().getErrorMessage()); } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") == 0) { if (!supportedAssociations.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- association " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributevalue_1); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + attributevalue_1 + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.hasAssociation(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- association already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } } else if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") == 0 || action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { if (hostClass != null) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") == 0) { if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { OWLNamedClass superClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributename); if (superClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- superconcept " + attributename + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (wrapper.getDirectSuperclassNames(hostClass).size() == 1) { String error_msg = " -- can't delete last superconcept " + attributename; w.add(error_msg); } } else { String error_msg = " -- edit parent action is not supported. Use delete and add actions instead."; w.add(error_msg); } } else if (attribute.compareTo("role") == 0) { if (!supportedRoles.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- role " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { int pos = attributevalue_1.indexOf("|"); if (pos == -1) { String error_msg = " -- missing modifier or filler."; w.add(error_msg); } else { String filler = attributevalue_1.substring(pos + 1, attributevalue_1.length()); OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(filler); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + filler + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (!wrapper.hasRole(hostClass, attributename, filler)) { String error_msg = " -- role does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareTo("edit") == 0) { pos = attributevalue_2.indexOf("|"); if (pos == -1) { String error_msg = " -- missing modifier or filler."; w.add(error_msg); } else { filler = attributevalue_2.substring(pos + 1, attributevalue_2.length()); targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(filler); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + filler + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { if (!supportedProperties.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { Boolean editable = wrapper.isReadOnlyProperty(attributename); if (editable.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + attributename + ", it is read-only."; w.add(error_msg); } if (!wrapper.hasProperty(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + "(" + attributename + ", " + attributevalue_1 + ") does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") == 0) { if (wrapper.hasProperty(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_2)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + "(" + attributename + ", " + attributevalue_2 + ") already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (attributevalue_2.equalsIgnoreCase("NA")) { String error_msg = " -- property " + "(" + attributename + ") new value is not specified."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (, attributevalue_2) && .getFilter() .checkBatchPropertyNotFullSynPT(attributename, attributevalue_2)) { } else { w.add(tab.getFilter().getErrorMessage()); } } else { if (, attributevalue_1)) { } else { w.add(tab.getFilter().getErrorMessage()); } } } } else if (attribute.compareTo("association") == 0) { if (!supportedAssociations.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- association " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributevalue_1); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + attributevalue_1 + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (!wrapper.hasAssociation(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- association does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } } } else { String error_msg = " -- edit association action is not supported. Use delete and add actions instead."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Exception caught", e); } return w; }
/** * This is a basic cache that takes the behavior of its delegate. But it ignores the impact of * transactions on the cache and assumes that its delegate does the same. * * <p>It will only return valid results in the case that the transaction isolation level is NONE or * where the caller covers the in transaction case. * * @author tredmond */ public class CompleteableCache<S, V, R> implements Cache<S, V, R> { enum CompletionStatus { NORMAL, GETTING_COMPLETE_CACHE, CACHE_COMPLETE; }; private Logger logger = Log.getLogger(CompleteableCache.class); private CompletionStatus status = CompletionStatus.NORMAL; private Set<V> invalidReads = new HashSet<V>(); private Cache<S, V, R> delegate; public CompleteableCache(Cache<S, V, R> delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } public CacheResult<R> readCache(S session, V var) { CacheResult<R> result = delegate.readCache(session, var); if (result.getResult() == null && status == CompletionStatus.CACHE_COMPLETE && !invalidReads.contains(var) && !result.isValid()) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Cache " + getCacheId() + " is complete - null is valid."); } return new CacheResult<R>(null, true); } return result; } public void updateCache(S session, V var) { if (status != CompletionStatus.NORMAL) { invalidReads.add(var); } delegate.updateCache(session, var); } public void updateCache(S session, V var, R value) { if (status != CompletionStatus.NORMAL) { invalidReads.remove(var); } delegate.updateCache(session, var, value); } public void modifyCache(S session, V var) { if (status != CompletionStatus.NORMAL) { invalidReads.add(var); } delegate.modifyCache(session, var); } public void modifyCache(S session, V var, R value) { if (status != CompletionStatus.NORMAL) { invalidReads.remove(var); } delegate.modifyCache(session, var, value); } public void invalidate(S session) { delegate.invalidate(session); } public boolean isInvalid() { return delegate.isInvalid(); } public void startCompleteCache() { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Cache " + getCacheId() + " starting to complete the cache"); } status = CompletionStatus.GETTING_COMPLETE_CACHE; invalidReads = new HashSet<V>(); delegate.startCompleteCache(); } public void finishCompleteCache() { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Cache " + getCacheId() + " cache completed"); } if (status == CompletionStatus.GETTING_COMPLETE_CACHE) { status = CompletionStatus.CACHE_COMPLETE; } delegate.finishCompleteCache(); } public void abortCompleteCache() { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Cache " + getCacheId() + " caching aborted"); } status = CompletionStatus.NORMAL; invalidReads.clear(); delegate.abortCompleteCache(); } public boolean isCacheComplete() { return status == CompletionStatus.CACHE_COMPLETE; } public void beginTransaction(S session) { delegate.beginTransaction(session); } public void commitTransaction(S session) { delegate.commitTransaction(session); } public void rollbackTransaction(S session) { delegate.rollbackTransaction(session); } public int getTransactionNesting(S session) { return delegate.getTransactionNesting(session); } public void flush() { localFlush(); delegate.flush(); } private void localFlush() { status = CompletionStatus.NORMAL; invalidReads.clear(); } public int getCacheId() { return delegate.getCacheId(); } }
/** * The base class of various JUnit tests in this package. * * @author Holger Knublauch <*****@*****.**> */ public abstract class AbstractJenaTestCase extends AbstractOWLTestCase { private static final transient Logger log = Log.getLogger(AbstractJenaTestCase.class); protected OntModel ontModel; protected Model owlFullModel; protected int getNamedClassesCount() { return list(ontModel.listNamedClasses()).size(); } public void loadRemoteOntology(String localFileName) throws OntologyLoadException { loadTestOntology(getRemoteOntologyURI(localFileName)); } protected void loadRemoteOntologyWithProtegeMetadataOntology() throws Exception { loadRemoteOntology("import-protege.owl"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void loadTestOntology(URI uri) throws OntologyLoadException { Collection errors = new ArrayList(); OwlProjectFromUriCreator creator = new OwlProjectFromUriCreator(); creator.setOntologyUri(uri.toString()); creator.create(errors); owlModel = creator.getOwlModel(); owlModel.setExpandShortNameInMethods(true); project = owlModel.getProject(); owlThing = owlModel.getOWLThingClass(); } protected boolean ontResourceExists(Iterator it, String uri) { while (it.hasNext()) { OntResource ontResource = (OntResource); String otherURI = ontResource.getURI(); if (otherURI.equals(uri)) { return true; } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JenaOWLModel reload(JenaOWLModel owlModel) throws Exception { Collection errors = new ArrayList(); OntModel ontModel = owlModel.getOntModel(); ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Jena.dumpRDF(ontModel, stream); String str = stream.toString(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(str); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Saved ontology to string"); log.fine(str); log.fine("reloading..."); } OwlProjectFromReaderCreator creator = new OwlProjectFromReaderCreator(); creator.setReader(reader); creator.create(errors); return creator.getOwlModel(); } public JenaOWLModel reloadWithJenaLoader(JenaOWLModel owlModel) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Jena.dumpRDF(owlModel.getOntModel(), stream); String str = stream.toString(); return ProtegeOWL.createJenaOWLModelFromReader(new StringReader(str)); } }
public class AllValuesFromRestrictionUpdater extends QuantifierRestrictionUpdater { private static final transient Logger log = Log.getLogger(AllValuesFromRestrictionUpdater.class); private Cls metaCls; private Facet valueTypeFacet; public AllValuesFromRestrictionUpdater(OWLModel owlModel) { super(owlModel); metaCls = owlModel.getSystemFrames().getOwlAllValuesFromClass(); valueTypeFacet = owlModel.getSystemFrames().getValueTypeFacet(); } private void addAllRestriction(Cls cls, RDFProperty property, Cls allCls) { OWLAllValuesFrom restriction = owlModel.createOWLAllValuesFrom(property, (RDFSClass) allCls); cls.addDirectSuperclass(restriction); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "+ OWLAllValuesFrom " + restriction.getBrowserText() + " to " + cls.getName() + "." + property.getName()); } } @Override protected void clearFiller(OWLQuantifierRestriction restriction) { owlModel.setTemplateSlotAllowedClses( restriction, restriction.getOnProperty(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); // restriction.setTemplateSlotAllowedClses(restriction.getOnProperty(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } // Implements RestrictionUpdater public void copyFacetValuesIntoNamedClass(RDFSNamedClass cls, OWLRestriction restriction) { Slot slot = restriction.getOnProperty(); updateValueTypeFacet(cls, slot); } private void removeValueTypeOverride(RDFSNamedClass cls, Slot slot) { if (slot != null && ((Cls) cls).hasDirectlyOverriddenTemplateFacet(slot, valueTypeFacet)) { ((Cls) cls).setTemplateSlotAllowedClses(slot, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); ((Cls) cls).setTemplateFacetValues(slot, valueTypeFacet, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("- Removed :VALUE-TYPE override from " + cls.getName() + "." + slot.getName()); } } } private void setAllowedClses(RDFSNamedClass cls, Slot slot, Collection newAllowedClses) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("+ Setting allowed clses of " + cls.getName() + "." + slot.getName()); } for (Iterator it = newAllowedClses.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Cls ac = (Cls); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine(" - " + ac.getBrowserText()); } } ((Cls) cls).setTemplateSlotAllowedClses(slot, newAllowedClses); } private void setAllowedValues(RDFSNamedClass cls, Slot slot, Collection newAllowedValues) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("+ Setting allowed values of " + cls.getName() + "." + slot.getName()); } for (Iterator it = newAllowedValues.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object ac =; if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine(" - " + ac); } } ((Cls) cls).setTemplateSlotAllowedValues(slot, newAllowedValues); } protected void updateAllRestrictions(Cls cls, RDFProperty property) { if (cls.hasDirectlyOverriddenTemplateFacet(property, valueTypeFacet)) { ValueType valueType = cls.getTemplateSlotValueType(property); if (valueType == ValueType.INSTANCE) { Collection clses = cls.getTemplateSlotAllowedClses(property); if (clses.size() == 0) { removeRestrictions(cls, property, metaCls); addAllRestriction(cls, property, owlModel.createOWLEnumeratedClass()); } else { ensureNoSurvivingClsesAreDeleted(cls, property, clses, metaCls); if (clses.size() == 1) { Cls allCls = (Cls) clses.iterator().next(); removeRestrictions(cls, property, metaCls); addAllRestriction(cls, property, allCls); } else { OWLUnionClass unionCls = owlModel.createOWLUnionClass(clses); removeRestrictions(cls, property, metaCls); addAllRestriction(cls, property, unionCls); } } } else if (valueType != ValueType.SYMBOL && valueType != ValueType.CLS) { removeRestrictions(cls, property, metaCls); RDFSDatatype datatype = owlModel.getRDFSDatatypeByURI( XMLSchemaDatatypes.getDefaultXSDDatatype(valueType).getURI()); OWLAllValuesFrom restriction = owlModel.createOWLAllValuesFrom(property, datatype); cls.addDirectSuperclass(restriction); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "+ OWLAllValuesFrom " + restriction.getBrowserText() + " to " + cls.getName() + "." + property.getName()); } } } else { removeRestrictions(cls, property, metaCls); } } // Implements RestrictionUpdater public void updateRestrictions(OWLNamedClass cls, RDFProperty property, Facet facet) { updateAllRestrictions(cls, property); } /** * Called when the superclasses have changed for a given Cls. This makes sure that the :VALUE-TYPE * facet is overridden to contain all the "all" values from the current restrictions and union * superclasses. * * @param cls the Cls where the restrictions have changed * @param slot the Slot that the restrictions restrict */ void updateValueTypeFacet(RDFSNamedClass cls, Slot slot) { if (slot != null) { Collection<OWLAllValuesFrom> rs = getDirectRestrictions(cls, slot, OWLAllValuesFrom.class); if (rs.size() == 1) { OWLQuantifierRestriction restriction = rs.iterator().next(); updateValueTypeFacet(cls, slot, restriction); } else { // Cannot do any overrides when more than one exist (this would be intersection) removeValueTypeOverride(cls, slot); } } } private void updateValueTypeFacet( RDFSNamedClass cls, Slot slot, OWLQuantifierRestriction restriction) { ValueType oldValueType = ((Cls) cls).getTemplateSlotValueType(slot); ValueType newValueType = oldValueType; Collection oldAllowedClses = ((Cls) cls).getTemplateSlotAllowedClses(slot); Collection newAllowedClses = oldAllowedClses; Collection oldAllowedValues = ((Cls) cls).getTemplateSlotAllowedValues(slot); Collection newAllowedValues = oldAllowedValues; RDFResource filler = restriction.getFiller(); if (filler instanceof RDFSClass) { RDFSClass quantifierClass = (RDFSClass) filler; if (RDFSNames.Cls.LITERAL.equals(quantifierClass.getName())) { newValueType = ValueType.ANY; } else { newValueType = ValueType.INSTANCE; newAllowedClses = getQuantifierClsClses(quantifierClass); } } else { if (filler instanceof OWLDataRange) { newAllowedValues = ((OWLDataRange) filler).getOneOf().getValues(); newValueType = ValueType.SYMBOL; } else { RDFSDatatype datatype = (RDFSDatatype) filler; if (datatype.equals(owlModel.getRDFXMLLiteralType())) { newValueType = ValueType.STRING; } else { String uri = XMLSchemaDatatypes.getXSDDatatype(datatype).getURI(); newValueType = XMLSchemaDatatypes.getValueType(uri); } } } if (oldValueType == newValueType) { if (newValueType == ValueType.INSTANCE && !oldAllowedClses.equals(newAllowedClses)) { setAllowedClses(cls, slot, newAllowedClses); } else if (newValueType == ValueType.SYMBOL && !oldAllowedValues.equals(newAllowedValues)) { setAllowedValues(cls, slot, newAllowedValues); } } else { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "+ Setting :VALUE-TYPE of " + cls.getName() + "." + slot.getName() + " to " + newValueType); } ((Cls) cls).setTemplateSlotValueType(slot, newValueType); if (newValueType == ValueType.INSTANCE) { setAllowedClses(cls, slot, newAllowedClses); } else if (newValueType == ValueType.SYMBOL) { setAllowedValues(cls, slot, newAllowedValues); } } } }
/** * A class that can convert pure RDF statements from a Model into corresponding OWL statements. * * @author Holger Knublauch <*****@*****.**> */ public class RDF2OWL { private static final transient Logger log = Log.getLogger(RDF2OWL.class); private Model model; public RDF2OWL(Model model) { this.model = model; } /** Converts all rdfs:Classes into owl:Classes */ private void convertRDFSClasses() { for (StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); it.hasNext(); ) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); Resource clazz = s.getSubject(); s.getModel().add(clazz, RDF.type, OWL.Class); it.remove(); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Converted rdfs:Class " + clazz + " into owl:Class"); } } } /** Converts the properties to either owl:DatatypeProperties or owl:ObjectProperties. */ private void convertProperties() { for (StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, RDF.type, RDF.Property); it.hasNext(); ) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); Resource property = s.getSubject(); Resource type = getPropertyType(property); s.getModel().add(property, RDF.type, type); it.remove(); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Converted rdf:Property " + property + " into " + type); } } } /** Converts all object occurances of rdfs:Resource with owl:Thing */ private void convertRDFSResource() { for (StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, null, RDFS.Resource); it.hasNext(); ) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); s.getModel().add(s.getSubject(), s.getPredicate(), OWL.Thing); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Replaced triple " + s + " with (x, x, owl:Thing)"); } it.remove(); } } /** * Attempts to find the most plausible RDF type for a given property. * * @param property the property to get the type of * @return either owl:DatatypeProperty or owl:ObjectProperty */ private Resource getPropertyType(Resource property) { StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(property, RDFS.range, (RDFNode) null); if (it.hasNext()) { while (it.hasNext()) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); RDFNode n = s.getObject(); if (n.canAs(Resource.class) && model.contains((Resource), RDF.type, OWL.Class)) { return OWL.ObjectProperty; } } } return OWL.DatatypeProperty; } public void run() { unifyRDFSVersion(); convertRDFSResource(); // convertRDFSClasses(); // convertProperties(); } /** Converts any statements containing old RDFS vocabulary to the official ones. */ private void unifyRDFSVersion() { String[] oldRDFSNSs = { // "", "" // Any others??? }; for (int i = 0; i < oldRDFSNSs.length; i++) { String oldRDFSNS = oldRDFSNSs[i]; unifyRDFSVersion(oldRDFSNS); } } private void unifyRDFSVersion(String ns) { for (Iterator it = Jena.cloneIt(model.listStatements()); it.hasNext(); ) { Statement s = (Statement); Resource newSubject = s.getSubject(); Property newPredicate = s.getPredicate(); RDFNode newObject = s.getObject(); boolean changed = false; if (ns.equals(newSubject.getNameSpace())) { changed = true; newSubject = model.getResource(RDFS.getURI() + newSubject.getLocalName()); } if (ns.equals(newPredicate.getNameSpace())) { changed = true; newPredicate = model.getProperty(RDFS.getURI() + newPredicate.getLocalName()); } if (newObject.canAs(Resource.class)) { Resource oldResource = (Resource); if (ns.equals(oldResource.getNameSpace())) { changed = true; newObject = model.getResource(RDFS.getURI() + oldResource.getLocalName()); } } if (changed) { model.add(newSubject, newPredicate, newObject); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "Replaced deprecated triple " + s + " with " + newSubject + ", " + newPredicate + ", " + newObject); } it.remove(); } } } }
/** @author Holger Knublauch <*****@*****.**> */ public class OWLDatabaseWizardPage extends DatabaseWizardPage { private static final long serialVersionUID = 251501005887139194L; private static transient Logger log = Log.getLogger(OWLDatabaseWizardPage.class); private OWLDatabasePlugin plugin; private JTextField ontologyName; public OWLDatabaseWizardPage(Wizard wizard, OWLDatabasePlugin plugin) { super(wizard, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } protected Class<? extends DatabaseFrameDb> getDatabaseFrameDbClass() { return DefaultDatabaseFrameDb.class; } @Override protected void layoutComponents(Box panel) { if (!getFromExistingSources()) { ontologyName = ComponentFactory.createTextField(FactoryUtils.generateOntologyURIBase()); ontologyName.addFocusListener( new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent event) { updateSetPageComplete(); } }); panel.add(new LabeledComponent("Ontology Name", ontologyName)); } super.layoutComponents(panel); } @Override protected boolean isComplete() { if (getFromExistingSources()) { return super.isComplete(); } return super.isComplete() && isValidURL(); } private boolean isValidURL() { try { new URL(ontologyName.getText()); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { setErrorText("Need valid URL for ontology name: " + e); return false; } } @Override public void onFinish() { if (!getFromExistingSources()) { plugin.setOntologyName(ontologyName.getText()); } if (!okToCreateDatabase()) { // ToDo Jennifer or Tania will know the better way... throw new ProtegeIOException("Database already exists! and the user denied overwrite"); } super.onFinish(); } protected boolean okToCreateDatabase() { Connection connection = null; try { try { Class.forName(getFieldText(DRIVER_PROPERTY)); connection = DriverManager.getConnection( getFieldText(URL_PROPERTY), getFieldText(USERNAME_PROPERTY), getFieldText(PASSWORD_PROPERTY)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new ProtegeIOException(cnfe); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new ProtegeIOException(sqle); } return okToCreateDatabase(connection); } finally { try { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.log( Level.WARNING, "Exception caught trying to close connections during database existence check.", sqle); } } } private boolean okToCreateDatabase(Connection connection) { if (!databaseExists(connection)) { return true; } String existingOntologyName; try { existingOntologyName = DatabaseFactoryUtils.getOntologyFromTable( getDatabaseFrameDbClass(), getFieldText(DRIVER_PROPERTY), getFieldText(URL_PROPERTY), getFieldText(USERNAME_PROPERTY), getFieldText(PASSWORD_PROPERTY), getFieldText(TABLENAME_PROPERTY)); } catch (SQLException sqle) { existingOntologyName = null; } String message; if (getFromExistingSources() && !isFileToDatabase() && existingOntologyName != null) { return true; } else if (getFromExistingSources() && !isFileToDatabase()) { message = "Database already exists but is in the wrong format for an OWL Database Project.\nOverwrite with blank owl project?"; } else if (existingOntologyName != null) { message = "Database table already exists and holds an ontology named\n" + existingOntologyName + ".\nOverwrite?"; } else { message = "Database table already exists. Overwrite?"; } int ok = ModalDialog.showMessageDialog( this, message, "Overwrite Table?", ModalDialog.MODE_OK_CANCEL); return ok == ModalDialog.OPTION_OK; } private boolean databaseExists(Connection connection) { Statement statement; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new ProtegeIOException(sqle); } try { statement.execute("select count(*) from " + getFieldText(TABLENAME_PROPERTY)); return true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "This exception should indicate that the table doesn't exist", sqle); } return false; } finally { try { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.log( Level.WARNING, "Unexpected exception caught trying to check the existence of a database table", sqle); } } } public boolean getFromExistingSources() { return false; } public boolean isFileToDatabase() { return false; } }