Пример #1
public class ATHENA_Server_Local extends Object {
  static boolean deleteInput = true;
  static boolean mainLoopRunning = true;
  static boolean fileProcessed = false;
  static boolean loadKB = true;

  public ATHENA_Server_Local() {
    // Class constructor code can go here.

  private PCAServer_i PCAImp = null;
  private static ATHENA_Server_Local Athena_Server_Obj = null;
  static PCASession pca = null;

  static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ATHENA_HTN_Test.class);

  private String[] loadKBInfo(String mode, String parentPath) {
    // Results:  [0] = kbFilePath
    //			[1] = kbID

    String[] results = new String[2];
    results[0] = "";
    results[1] = "";
    String configFilePath = parentPath + "config/";
    File configFileDir = new File(configFilePath);
    if (configFileDir.isDirectory() == false) {
      System.out.println(configFileDir.getName() + " directory is missing. Exiting");

    String configFName = parentPath + "config/KB MAP.txt";
    TStringList sl = new TStringList();
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    for (int i = 0; i < sl.Count(); i++) {
      String s = sl.getString(i);
      String lbl = s.split("=")[0];
      if (lbl.equals("")) continue;
      String[] lblParts = lbl.split(":");
      if (lblParts.length < 2) continue;
      if (lblParts[0].equals(mode) == false) continue;
      if (lblParts[1].equals("KB")) {
        String kbFilePath = parentPath + "kbs/" + s.split("=")[1].trim();
        results[0] = kbFilePath;
      } else if (lblParts[1].equals("ID")) {
        results[1] = s.split("=")[1].trim(); // kb ID string
    return results;

  private void loadKB(String kbURL, String guidelineId) {

    System.out.println("Starting to load KB");
    try {
      PCAImp = new PCAServer_i();
      PCAImp.kbManager = new KBHandler(kbURL); // Sever loads the KB
      // java.util.Date finishedKB = new java.util.Date();
      // logger.warn("finished loading KB "+(finishedKB.getTime() - startTime.getTime())+ "
      // milliseconds after start.");
      pca = PCAImp.open_pca_session();
      if ((guidelineId != null) && (guidelineId != "")) {
        pca.setGuideline(guidelineId); // Specifies the guideline to use
      } else logger.error("No GUIDELINEID specified");
    } catch (Exception se) {
      logger.error("Exception raised during initialization " + se.toString());
    System.out.println("Done loading KB");

  private static void processFile(
      String pid, File child, File outFilePath, String guidelineId, String htmlFilePath) {
    // Write to output directory
    // outFilePath should be path+pid+extension
    String caseData = null;
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    java.util.Date startTime = new java.util.Date();
    try {
      caseData = readFileAsString(child.getPath());
    } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
      logger.error("Error reading data file ", e);
    String recommendations = null;
    try {
      recommendations =
          pca.topLevelComputeAdvisory(pid, caseData, formatter.format(startTime), guidelineId, pid);
      // String fileName = outFilePath+pid+fileExtension
      // File outFilePath = new File(fileName);;
      logger.warn("Output recommenations to: " + outFilePath);
      if (outFilePath.exists()) {
      try {
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outFilePath.getPath());
        // System.out.println("****READY FILE PROCESSING****");
        // create Ready file
        // String readyFileName;
        // readyFileName = outFilePath.getPath();
        // System.out.println("Ready File Name Is: " + readyFileName);  //Remove
        // File readyFile = new File(readyFileName.replace(".xml","_READY.txt"));
        // try {
        //  readyFile.createNewFile();
        //  System.out.println("****SUCCESS****"+readyFile.getPath());
        // } catch (java.io.IOException e0) {
        //   System.out.println("Error creating READY file");
        // }
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (PCA_Session_Exception e1) {

  public static void outputACK(File filePath, String mode) {
    File outFileName = new File(filePath.getPath() + "/" + mode + "_ACK.TXT");
    System.out.println("Sending output to: " + outFileName.getPath());
    if (outFileName.exists()) {
    try {
      PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outFileName.getPath());
      // out.print(recommendations);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

  static Boolean Verbose = true;

  public static void main(String[] argv) throws InterruptedException {
    // Arguments:
    // 1st = Mode
    // 2nd = Parent Path  -- (Parent path must have children /data  and /output

    System.out.println("| Running Athena Pallas Processor  |");
    System.out.println("|             9/12/12              |");

    Athena_Server_Obj = new ATHENA_Server_Local();


    // Get and verify parameters
    if (argv.length < 2) {
      System.out.println("Not enough parameters.");
      System.out.println("Expected 2 parameters: 1st is MODE, 2nd is path to working directory.");

    String mode = argv[0];
    String parentPath = argv[1];
    File inFilePath = new File(parentPath + "astronautdata/");
    File outFilePath = new File(parentPath + "output/");
    File kbFilePath = new File(parentPath + "kbs/");

    if (mode.equals("")) {
      System.out.println("Parameter 1 is empty.  Should be RUNMODE (e.g. 'HTN'). Exiting");

    if (inFilePath.isDirectory() == false) {
      System.out.println(inFilePath.getName() + " directory is missing. Exiting");

    if (outFilePath.isDirectory() == false) {
      System.out.println(outFilePath.getName() + " directory is missing. Exiting");

    if (kbFilePath.isDirectory() == false) {
      System.out.println(kbFilePath.getName() + " directory is missing. Exiting");

    String kbID = "";
    TStringList IgnoredFileNames = new TStringList();

    // Main Loop
    while (mainLoopRunning) {
      if (Verbose == true) {
        // System.out.println("New Loop");
      fileProcessed = false;
      if (Verbose == true) {
        // System.out.println("Ignoring #" + IgnoredFileNames.Count() + " files.");

      // (re)load if needed
      if (loadKB == true) {
        String[] kbInfo = Athena_Server_Obj.loadKBInfo(mode, parentPath);
        String kbFilenamePath = kbInfo[0];
        kbID = kbInfo[1];

        Athena_Server_Obj.loadKB(kbFilenamePath, kbID);
        loadKB = false;

      File[] listOfFiles = inFilePath.listFiles();
      // for (File child : inFilePath.listFiles()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) {
        File child = listOfFiles[i];
        if (".".equals(child.getName()) || "..".equals(child.getName())) {
        if (child.getName().toUpperCase().equals(mode + "-CMD.TXT")) {
          try {
            handleCommands(child.getPath(), outFilePath, mode);
            // fileProcessed = true;
            if (child.delete() == false) {
              System.out.println("Unable to delete: " + child.getPath());
          } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          // continue;
        if (IgnoredFileNames.IndexOf(child.getName()) > -1) {
          // if (Verbose == true) {System.out.print("~");}
        if (Verbose == true) {
          System.out.println("Considering file: [" + child.getName() + "]");
        String[] namePieces = child.getName().split("_");
        //  (should only open filenames with format of <MODE>_<DFN>.xml)
        if (Verbose == true) {
          System.out.println("File Name Is: " + child.getName());
        String fileExt = GetFileExtension(child.getName());
        if (Verbose == true) {
          System.out.println("File Ext Is: " + fileExt);
        // At times, there seems to be a race condition, where this java process
        //   tries to load in the file before the mump process is done writting
        // So I have modified the mumps process to that it outputs TWO files.
        //  1st the <MODE>_<DFN>.xml file
        //  2nd, after finished with above, it outputs <MODE>_<DFN>_READY.TXT
        // So the 2nd file must exist before opening the <MODE>_<DFN>.xml
        //  The 2nd file need not be opened or processed.  Just the fact that
        //  it exists on in the directory is signal that it is OK to process.
        if (fileExt.equals("xml") == false) {
          if (Verbose == true) {
            System.out.println("Skipping file due to wrong extension.");
        if (((namePieces.length > 1) && (namePieces[0].equals(mode))) == false) {
          if (Verbose == true) {
            System.out.println("Skipping file due to wrong mode.");
        Boolean finishFileExists = finishFileExist(child.getPath());
        if (Verbose == true) {
          System.out.println("Ready File Exists?: " + finishFileExists);
        // NOTE: after processing the <MODE>_<DFN>.xml, both files should be deleted
        // NOTE: in java, one can't use '=' to compare strings -- that just compares a pointer to
        // the string.  Must use ".equals()"
        if (finishFileExists == true) {
          System.out.println("Found File to Process: [" + child.getName() + "]");
          fileProcessed = true;
          String patientID = namePieces[1];
          patientID = patientID.split("\\.")[0];
          File outFileName =
              new File(outFilePath.getPath() + "/" + mode + "_" + patientID + ".xml");
          String htmlFile = outFilePath.getPath() + "/" + mode + "_" + patientID + ".html";
          System.out.println("SENDING TO: [" + outFileName.getPath() + "]");
          String readyFileName;
          readyFileName = outFileName.getPath();
          try {
            processFile(patientID, child, outFileName, kbID, htmlFile);
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            try {
              FileWriter fwrite = new FileWriter(outFileName);
                  "-1^CDSS/Clinical Decision Support Engine(Athena) Error. " + t.getMessage());
            } catch (IOException e3) {
              System.out.println("Could not create error message");
            System.out.println("Error Processing Recommendation: " + t.getMessage());
            // return;
          System.out.println("Ready.TXT File Name Is: " + readyFileName); // Remove
          File readyFile = new File(readyFileName.replace(".xml", "_READY.TXT"));
          try {
            FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(readyFile);
            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
            System.out.println("****SUCCESS****" + readyFile.getPath());
          } catch (java.io.IOException e0) {
            System.out.println("Error creating READY file");
          if (child.delete() == false) {
            System.out.println("Unable to delete: " + child.getName());
          // Delete completed file
          File f = new File(getFinishFileName(child.getPath()));
          if (f.delete() == false) {
            System.out.println("Unable to delete: " + f.getName());
      if (fileProcessed == false) {
        if (Verbose == true) {
      } else {
        if (Verbose == true) {
          System.out.println("Found process, so won't sleep...");
      mainLoopRunning = false;
    } // for loop
    System.out.println("Finished with run.");
  } // Main routine

  private static void handleCommands(String fileNamePath, File outFilePath, String mode)
      throws IOException {
    // Purpose: Process file that contains commands for this process (e.g. STOP, ENQ etc.)
    System.out.println("Handling Command");
    TStringList sl = new TStringList();
    for (int j = 0; j < sl.Count(); j++) {
      handleOneCommand(sl.getString(j), outFilePath, mode);
    // File cmdFile = new File(fileNamePath);
    // cmdFile.delete();

  private static String GetFileExtension(String fileName) {
    String ext = "";
    int mid = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
    return fileName.substring(mid + 1, fileName.length());

  private static boolean finishFileExist(String filePath) {
    String finishName = getFinishFileName(filePath);
    // System.out.println("Ready File To Check " + finishName);
    if (Verbose == true) {
      System.out.println("Looking for file: " + finishName);
    File f = new File(finishName);
    if (f.exists()) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  private static String getFinishFileName(String fileName) {
    String finishName = "";
    int mid = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
    return fileName.substring(0, mid) + "_READY.TXT";

  private static void handleOneCommand(String s, File outFilePath, String mode) {
    System.out.println("Command is: " + s);
    if (s.equals("STOP")) {
      mainLoopRunning = false;
    } else if (s.equals("ENQ")) {
      System.out.println("Writing to ACK");
      outputACK(outFilePath, mode);
    } else if (s.equals("REFRESH-KB")) {
      loadKB = true;
    // More command here later...

  private static String readFileAsString(String filePath) throws java.io.IOException {

    byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) new File(filePath).length()];
    BufferedInputStream f = null;

    try {
      f = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath));
    } finally {
      if (f != null)
        try {
        } catch (IOException ignored) {

    return new String(buffer);
Пример #2
/** Guideline_Model_Entity (Superclass hint for Java class generation) */
public class Management_Diagram extends Guideline_Model_Entity {

  public Management_Diagram(KnowledgeBase kb, FrameID id) {
    super(kb, id);

  static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Management_Diagram.class);

  public void setcompletion_criteriaValue(Instance completion_criteria) {
    ModelUtilities.setOwnSlotValue(this, "completion_criteria", completion_criteria);

  public Instance getcompletion_criteriaValue() {
    return ((Instance) ModelUtilities.getOwnSlotValue(this, "completion_criteria"));

  public void setstepsValue(Collection steps) {
    ModelUtilities.setOwnSlotValues(this, "steps", steps);

  public Collection getstepsValue() {
    return ModelUtilities.getOwnSlotValues(this, "steps");

  public void setlast_stepValue(Instance last_step) {
    ModelUtilities.setOwnSlotValue(this, "last_step", last_step);

  public Instance getlast_stepValue() {
    return ((Instance) ModelUtilities.getOwnSlotValue(this, "last_step"));

  public void setfirst_stepValue(Instance first_step) {
    ModelUtilities.setOwnSlotValue(this, "first_step", first_step);

  public Instance getfirst_stepValue() {
    return ((Instance) ModelUtilities.getOwnSlotValue(this, "first_step"));
  // __Code above is automatically generated. Do not change

  public boolean useGraphWidget() {
    KnowledgeBase kb = this.getKnowledgeBase();
    return ((kb.getSlot("transitions") != null)
        && (getOwnSlotValues(kb.getSlot("transitions")) != null));

  public void removeForwardReferences() {
    KnowledgeBase kb = this.getKnowledgeBase();
    Slot branches = kb.getSlot("branches");
    Slot followed_by = kb.getSlot("followed_by");
    // logger.debug("Slot "+branches.getName());
    // logger.debug("Slot "+followed_by.getName());
    Slot label = kb.getSlot("label");
    Collection steps = getOwnSlotValues(kb.getSlot("steps"));
    for (Iterator iterater = steps.iterator(); iterater.hasNext(); ) {
      Instance step = (Instance) iterater.next();
      // logger.debug("removeForwardReferences: node ="+step.getOwnSlotValue(label));
      /*for (Iterator slots=step.getOwnSlots().iterator(); slots.hasNext();){
      	logger.debug("has slot "+((Slot)slots.next()).getName());
      try {
        if (step.hasOwnSlot(branches)) {
          /*logger.debug("removeForwardReferences: "+ step.getOwnSlotValue(label)+
          " has branches"); */
          step.setOwnSlotValues(branches, new ArrayList());
        } else if (step.hasOwnSlot(followed_by)) {
          /* logger.debug("removeForwardReferences: "+ step.getOwnSlotValue(label)+
          " has followed_by value "+step.getOwnSlotValue(followed_by));*/
          step.setOwnSlotValue(followed_by, null);
        } else
              "removeForwardReferences: "
                  + step.getOwnSlotValue(label)
                  + "has no followed_by or branches slot");
      } catch (Exception e) {

            "Exception making " + step.getOwnSlotValue(label) + " null, Message: " + e.getMessage(),

  public void addForwardReferences() {
    KnowledgeBase kb = this.getKnowledgeBase();
    Collection transitions = getOwnSlotValues(kb.getSlot("transitions"));
    Slot fromSlot = kb.getSlot(":FROM");
    Slot toSlot = kb.getSlot(":TO");
    Instance from = null;
    Instance to = null;
    Slot branches = kb.getSlot("branches");
    Slot followed_by = kb.getSlot("followed_by");
    Slot label = kb.getSlot("label");
    for (Iterator transition = transitions.iterator(); transition.hasNext(); ) {
      Instance inst = (Instance) transition.next();
      from = (Instance) inst.getOwnSlotValue(fromSlot);
      if (from != null) {
        to = (Instance) inst.getOwnSlotValue(toSlot);
        if (to != null) {
          try {
            if (from.hasOwnSlot(branches)) {
              /*logger.debug("addForwardReferences: "+ from.getOwnSlotValue(label)+
              " has branches"); */
              if ((from.getOwnSlotValues(branches) == null)
                  || (!from.getOwnSlotValues(branches).contains(to)))
                from.addOwnSlotValue(branches, to);
            } else if (from.hasOwnSlot(followed_by)) {
              /*logger.debug("addForwardReferences: "+ from.getOwnSlotValue(label)+
              " has followed by");*/
              if (!(to.equals(from.getOwnSlotValue(followed_by))))
                from.setOwnSlotValue(followed_by, to);
            } else
                  "addForwardReferences: "
                      + from.getOwnSlotValue(label)
                      + "has no followed_by or branches slot");
          } catch (Exception e) {
                "Exception adding "
                    + to.getOwnSlotValue(label)
                    + " to "
                    + from.getOwnSlotValue(label));

  public void printContent(PrintWriter itsWriter, String delimiter) {
    Collection steps = getstepsValue();
    if (steps != null) {
      for (Iterator i = steps.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Object step = i.next();
        if (step instanceof Scenario) {
          ((Scenario) step).printContent(itsWriter, delimiter);
      for (Iterator j = steps.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
        Object step = j.next();
        if (step instanceof Action_Choice) {
          ((Action_Choice) step).printContent(itsWriter, delimiter);