/** returns true iff <code>head</code> (transitively) heads <code>node</code> */ public static boolean heads(Tree head, Tree node, HeadFinder hf) { if (node.isLeaf()) { return false; } else { return heads(head, hf.determineHead(node), hf); } }
Tree prune(Tree tree, int start) { if (tree.isLeaf() || tree.isPreTerminal()) { return tree; } // check each node's children for deletion List<Tree> children = helper(tree.getChildrenAsList(), start); children = prune(children, tree.label(), start, start + tree.yield().size()); return tree.treeFactory().newTreeNode(tree.label(), children); }
public static Tree normalizeTree(Tree tree, TreeNormalizer tn, TreeFactory tf) { for (Tree node : tree) { if (node.isLeaf()) { node.label().setValue(tn.normalizeTerminal(node.label().value())); } else { node.label().setValue(tn.normalizeNonterminal(node.label().value())); } } return tn.normalizeWholeTree(tree, tf); }
private static void leafLabels(Tree t, List<Label> l) { if (t.isLeaf()) { l.add(t.label()); } else { Tree[] kids = t.children(); for (int j = 0, n = kids.length; j < n; j++) { leafLabels(kids[j], l); } } }
List<Tree> prune(List<Tree> treeList, Label label, int start, int end) { // get reference tree if (treeList.size() == 1) { return treeList; } Tree testTree = treeList.get(0).treeFactory().newTreeNode(label, treeList); int goal = Numberer.getGlobalNumberer("states").number(label.value()); Tree tempTree = parser.extractBestParse(goal, start, end); // parser.restoreUnaries(tempTree); Tree pcfgTree = debinarizer.transformTree(tempTree); Set<Constituent> pcfgConstituents = pcfgTree.constituents(new LabeledScoredConstituentFactory()); // delete child labels that are not in reference but do not cross reference List<Tree> prunedChildren = new ArrayList<Tree>(); int childStart = 0; for (int c = 0, numCh = testTree.numChildren(); c < numCh; c++) { Tree child = testTree.getChild(c); boolean isExtra = true; int childEnd = childStart + child.yield().size(); Constituent childConstituent = new LabeledScoredConstituent(childStart, childEnd, child.label(), 0); if (pcfgConstituents.contains(childConstituent)) { isExtra = false; } if (childConstituent.crosses(pcfgConstituents)) { isExtra = false; } if (child.isLeaf() || child.isPreTerminal()) { isExtra = false; } if (pcfgTree.yield().size() != testTree.yield().size()) { isExtra = false; } if (!label.value().startsWith("NP^NP")) { isExtra = false; } if (isExtra) { System.err.println( "Pruning: " + child.label() + " from " + (childStart + start) + " to " + (childEnd + start)); System.err.println("Was: " + testTree + " vs " + pcfgTree); prunedChildren.addAll(child.getChildrenAsList()); } else { prunedChildren.add(child); } childStart = childEnd; } return prunedChildren; }
/** * Gets the <i>i</i>th leaf of a tree from the left. The leftmost leaf is numbered 0. * * @return The <i>i</i><sup>th</sup> leaf as a Tree, or <code>null</code> if there is no such * leaf. */ public static Tree getLeaf(Tree tree, int i) { int count = -1; for (Tree next : tree) { if (next.isLeaf()) { count++; } if (count == i) { return next; } } return null; }
private static int treeToLatexHelper( Tree t, StringBuilder c, StringBuilder h, int n, int nextN, int indent) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) sb.append(" "); h.append('\n').append(sb); h.append("{\\") .append(t.isLeaf() ? "" : "n") .append("tnode{z") .append(n) .append("}{") .append(t.label()) .append('}'); if (!t.isLeaf()) { for (int k = 0; k < t.children().length; k++) { h.append(", "); c.append("\\nodeconnect{z").append(n).append("}{z").append(nextN).append("}\n"); nextN = treeToLatexHelper(t.children()[k], c, h, nextN, nextN + 1, indent + 1); } } h.append('}'); return nextN; }
/** replaces all instances (by ==) of node with node1. Doesn't affect the node t itself */ public static void replaceNode(Tree node, Tree node1, Tree t) { if (t.isLeaf()) return; Tree[] kids = t.children(); List<Tree> newKids = new ArrayList<Tree>(kids.length); for (int i = 0, n = kids.length; i < n; i++) { if (kids[i] != node) { newKids.add(kids[i]); replaceNode(node, node1, kids[i]); } else { newKids.add(node1); } } t.setChildren(newKids); }
static Tree getTerminal(Tree tree, MutableInteger i, int n) { if (i.intValue() == n) { if (tree.isLeaf()) { return tree; } else { return getTerminal(tree.children()[0], i, n); } } else { if (tree.isLeaf()) { i.set(i.intValue() + tree.yield().size()); return null; } else { Tree[] kids = tree.children(); for (int j = 0; j < kids.length; j++) { Tree result = getTerminal(kids[j], i, n); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } } }
static boolean rightEdge(Tree t, Tree t1, MutableInteger i) { if (t == t1) { return true; } else if (t1.isLeaf()) { int j = t1.yield().size(); // so that empties don't add size i.set(i.intValue() - j); return false; } else { Tree[] kids = t1.children(); for (int j = kids.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (rightEdge(t, kids[j], i)) { return true; } } return false; } }
protected void tallyTree(Tree t, LinkedList<String> parents) { // traverse tree, building parent list String str = t.label().value(); boolean strIsPassive = (str.indexOf('@') == -1); if (strIsPassive) { parents.addFirst(str); } if (!t.isLeaf()) { if (!t.children()[0].isLeaf()) { tallyInternalNode(t, parents); for (int c = 0; c < t.children().length; c++) { Tree child = t.children()[c]; tallyTree(child, parents); } } else { tagNumberer.number(t.label().value()); } } if (strIsPassive) { parents.removeFirst(); } }
private static int treeToLatexEvenHelper( Tree t, StringBuilder c, StringBuilder h, int n, int nextN, int indent, int curDepth, int maxDepth) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) sb.append(" "); h.append('\n').append(sb); int tDepth = t.depth(); if (tDepth == 0 && tDepth + curDepth < maxDepth) { for (int pad = 0; pad < maxDepth - tDepth - curDepth; pad++) { h.append("{\\ntnode{pad}{}, "); } } h.append("{\\ntnode{z").append(n).append("}{").append(t.label()).append('}'); if (!t.isLeaf()) { for (int k = 0; k < t.children().length; k++) { h.append(", "); c.append("\\nodeconnect{z").append(n).append("}{z").append(nextN).append("}\n"); nextN = treeToLatexEvenHelper( t.children()[k], c, h, nextN, nextN + 1, indent + 1, curDepth + 1, maxDepth); } } if (tDepth == 0 && tDepth + curDepth < maxDepth) { for (int pad = 0; pad < maxDepth - tDepth - curDepth; pad++) { h.append('}'); } } h.append('}'); return nextN; }