private static String getSelectedColumnsUpdate(String selectedColumns) { String update = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedColumns)) { return "*"; } else { boolean hasRa = false, hasDec = false; String[] cols = selectedColumns.split(","); for (String col : cols) { if (col.equalsIgnoreCase(RA_COL)) { hasRa = true; if (hasDec) break; } else if (col.equalsIgnoreCase(DEC_COL)) { hasDec = true; if (hasRa) break; } } if (!hasRa) { update = selectedColumns + ",ra"; } if (!hasDec) { update = (update == null ? selectedColumns : update) + ",decl"; } return update; } }
static void initPlotTitle( PlotState state, ImagePlot plot, ActiveFitsReadGroup frGroup, String dataDesc, boolean isMultiImage) { WebPlotRequest req = state.getPrimaryWebPlotRequest(); WebPlotRequest.TitleOptions titleOps = req.getTitleOptions(); String headerKey = req.getHeaderKeyForTitle(); if ((isMultiImage && (titleOps == WebPlotRequest.TitleOptions.NONE || titleOps == WebPlotRequest.TitleOptions.FILE_NAME)) || (titleOps == WebPlotRequest.TitleOptions.HEADER_KEY && StringUtils.isEmpty(headerKey))) { titleOps = WebPlotRequest.TitleOptions.HEADER_KEY; headerKey = "EXTNAME"; } String s = req.getPlotDescAppend(); plot.setPlotDesc(""); Header header = frGroup.getFitsRead(state.firstBand()).getHeader(); switch (titleOps) { case NONE: plot.setPlotDesc(""); break; case PLOT_DESC: String base = req.getTitle() == null ? "" : req.getTitle(); plot.setPlotDesc(base + dataDesc); break; case FILE_NAME: break; case HEADER_KEY: HeaderCard card = header.findCard(headerKey); if (card == null && state.getCubeCnt(state.firstBand()) > 0) { card = header.findCard("PLANE" + state.getImageIdx(state.firstBand())); } String hTitle = card != null ? card.getValue() : ""; plot.setPlotDesc(hTitle); break; case PLOT_DESC_PLUS: plot.setPlotDesc(req.getTitle() + (s != null ? " " + s : "")); break; case SERVICE_OBS_DATE: if (req.getRequestType() == RequestType.SERVICE) { // String desc= req.getServiceType()== WebPlotRequest.ServiceType.WISE // ? MID_OBS : OBS_DATE; String title = req.getTitle() + ": " + // desc + ": " + PlotServUtils.getDateValueFromServiceFits(req.getServiceType(), header); plot.setPlotDesc(title); } break; } }
public void addButton(Button button, Align align, int idx, String width) { TTabBar tb = align == Align.LEFT ? leftToolbar : align == Align.CENTER ? centerToolbar : rightToolbar; idx = idx < 0 || idx > tb.getTabCount() ? tb.getTabCount() : idx; tb.insertTab(button.asWidget(), idx); TabBar.Tab t = tb.getTab(idx); tabs.put(button.getName(), new TabHolder(t, button, tb)); width = StringUtils.isEmpty(width) ? defaultWidth : width; GwtUtil.setStyle(button.asWidget(), "minWidth", width); }
private void checkForChange() { String sval = getValue(); boolean isDefault = StringUtils.areEqual(sval, getFieldDef().getDefaultValueAsString()); // do not validate default if (isDefault || validate()) { if (!ComparisonUtil.equals(_lastInput, sval)) {, sval); _lastInput = sval; } } }
protected void setColumnTips(TableMeta meta, ServerRequest request) { TableServerRequest req = new TableServerRequest("LSSTCatalogDD"); req.setPageSize(1000); req.setParam(CatalogRequest.CATALOG, request.getParam(ServerParams.REQUESTED_DATA_SET)); SearchManager sm = new SearchManager(); DataGroupPart dgp = new DataGroupPart(); try { dgp = sm.getDataGroup(req); } catch (Exception e) { } DataGroup dg = dgp.getData(); if (dg != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dg.size(); i++) { DataObject dObj = dg.get(i); String tipStr = ""; String descStr = (String) dObj.getDataElement("description"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(descStr) && !descStr.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { tipStr += descStr; } String unitStr = (String) dObj.getDataElement("unit"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(unitStr) && !unitStr.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { if (tipStr.length() > 0) { tipStr += " "; } tipStr += "(" + unitStr + ")"; } String nameStr = (String) dObj.getDataElement("name"); meta.setAttribute(makeAttribKey(DESC_TAG, nameStr.toLowerCase()), tipStr); } } }
// qserv_areaspec_circle does not work at the moment, only qserv_areaspec_box works void doGetData(File oFile, List<Param> params, WorldPt wpt) throws DataAccessException { DbInstance dbinstance = new DbInstance( false, // pooled "null", // datasourcePath QSERV_URI, // dbUrl QSERV_USER, StringUtils.isEmpty(QSERV_PASS) ? null : QSERV_PASS, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "lsstdb"); DataSource ds = JdbcFactory.getDataSource(dbinstance); String searchMethod = null; String catTable = null; String selectedColumns = null; String[] constraints = null; for (Param p : params) { String pname = p.getName(); if (pname.equals(CatalogRequest.SEARCH_METHOD)) { searchMethod = p.getValue(); } else if (pname.equals(ServerParams.REQUESTED_DATA_SET)) { catTable = p.getValue(); } else if (pname.equals(CatalogRequest.SELECTED_COLUMNS)) { selectedColumns = p.getValue(); } else if (pname.equals(CatalogRequest.CONSTRAINTS)) { String val = p.getValue(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(val)) { _log.briefDebug("CONSTRAINTS: " + val); constraints = val.split(","); } } } String update = getSelectedColumnsUpdate(selectedColumns); if (update != null) selectedColumns = update; String pname; String sql; if (searchMethod != null && searchMethod.equals(CatalogRequest.Method.CONE.getDesc())) { double radius = 0.0; for (Param p : params) { pname = p.getName(); if (pname.equals(CatalogRequest.RADIUS)) { radius = Double.parseDouble(p.getValue()); } } // qserv_areaspec_circle(ra, dec, radius) // sql="select * from "+catTable+" where qserv_areaspec_circle("+wpt.getLon()+", // "+wpt.getLat()+", "+radius+")"; // Per Serge, the above query only can not be applied to unpartitioned table sql = "select " + selectedColumns + " from " + catTable + " where scisql_s2PtInCircle(ra, decl, " + wpt.getLon() + ", " + wpt.getLat() + ", " + radius + ")=1"; } else if (searchMethod != null && searchMethod.equals(CatalogRequest.Method.BOX.getDesc())) { double size = 0.0; for (Param p : params) { pname = p.getName(); if (pname.equals(CatalogRequest.SIZE)) { size = Double.parseDouble(p.getValue()); } } double halfsize = size / 2.0; double lon1 = wpt.getLon() - halfsize; if (lon1 < 0) lon1 += 360; double lon2 = wpt.getLon() + halfsize; if (lon2 > 360) lon1 -= 360; double lat1 = wpt.getLat() - halfsize; if (lat1 < -90) lat1 = -180 - lat1; double lat2 = wpt.getLat() + halfsize; if (lat2 > 90) lat2 = 180 - lat2; // qserv_areaspec_box(raA, decA, raB, decB) // sql="select * from "+catTable+" where qserv_areaspec_box("+lon1+", "+lat1+", "+lon2+", // "+lat2+")"; // Per Serge, the above query only can not be applied to unpartitioned table sql = "select * from " + catTable + " where scisql_s2PtInBox(ra, decl, " + lon1 + ", " + lat1 + ", " + lon2 + ", " + lat2 + ")=1"; } else { throw new RuntimeException(searchMethod + " search is not Implemented"); } // add additional constraints if (constraints != null) { for (String constr : constraints) { sql += " and " + constr; } } // workaround for sql += " LIMIT 3000"; Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; try { conn = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds); long cTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); _log.briefDebug("Executing SQL query: " + sql); // ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); IpacTableExtractor.query(null, ds, oFile, 10000, sql); _log.briefDebug("SELECT took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - cTime) + "ms"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e); throw new DataAccessException("Query failed: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { closeStatement(stmt); } catch (Exception e1) { } } if (conn != null) { DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(conn, ds); } } }
public void layout() { // clear any backgrounded processes. for (Timer t : bgList) { t.cancel(); } table = new FlexTable(); mainPanel.clear(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name) || !StringUtils.isEmpty(helpId)) { String n = StringUtils.isEmpty(name) ? "" : name.trim(); HorizontalPanel h = new HorizontalPanel(); h.setWidth("100%"); HTML lname = new HTML("<b>" + n + "</b>"); if (shortDesc != null) { lname.setTitle(shortDesc); } GwtUtil.setStyles(lname, "textAlign", "center"); h.add(lname); h.setCellWidth(lname, "100%"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(helpId)) { final Widget helpIcon = HelpManager.makeHelpIcon(helpId); h.add(helpIcon); GwtUtil.setStyles(helpIcon, "marginRight", "11px"); } mainPanel.addNorth(h, 20); } // setup group by selection if (groupByCols != null && groupByCols.size() > 1) { EnumFieldDef gb = new EnumFieldDef("groupBy"); gb.setLabel("Group By"); gb.setDesc("Select a group by column to update the data table"); gb.setPreferWidth(200); gb.setDefaultValue(curGroupByName); for (TableDataView.Column item : headers) { if (groupByCols.contains(item.getName())) { gb.addItem(item.getName(), item.getTitle()); } } final SimpleInputField sif = SimpleInputField.createByDef(gb); mainPanel.addNorth(sif, 28); sif.getField() .addValueChangeHandler( new ValueChangeHandler() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent ve) { curGroupByName = sif.getValue(); layout(); } }); } ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(); sp.add(table); mainPanel.add(sp); table.setStyleName("firefly-summary-table"); table.setSize("100%", "100%"); iconColIdx = headers.size(); String titleCol = null; // render headers int colIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) { TableDataView.Column col = headers.get(i); if (curGroupByName == null || !curGroupByName.equals(col.getName())) { table.setText(0, colIdx, col.getTitle()); table.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, colIdx, "title-bar"); colIdx++; if (titleCol == null) { titleCol = col.getName(); } } } table.setText(0, headers.size(), ""); table.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, headers.size(), "100%"); ArrayList<SearchSummaryItem> itemList = searchItems; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(curGroupByName)) { itemList = new ArrayList<SearchSummaryItem>(); GroupFinder finder = new GroupFinder(""); List<GroupedSummaryItem> groupList = new ArrayList<GroupedSummaryItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < searchItems.size(); i++) { SearchSummaryItem dsi = searchItems.get(i); String cGroupValue = dsi.getValue(curGroupByName); GroupedSummaryItem cGroup = CollectionUtil.findFirst(groupList, finder.setName(cGroupValue)); if (cGroup == null) { cGroup = new GroupedSummaryItem(cGroupValue); groupList.add(cGroup); itemList.add(cGroup); } cGroup.addChild(dsi); } } for (SearchSummaryItem ssi : itemList) { ssi.setTitleCol(titleCol); layout(ssi, 0); } }