/** Posts a simple error. This causes the error flag to be raised as well. */ public synchronized void error(String s, Parameter p1, Parameter p2) { println("ERROR:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); if (p1 != null) println("PARAMETER: " + p1, ALL_LOGS, true); if (p2 != null && p1 != null) println(" ALSO: " + p2, ALL_LOGS, true); else println("PARAMETER: " + p2, ALL_LOGS, true); errors = true; }
public synchronized void warnOnce(String s, Parameter p1) { if (!oneTimeWarnings.contains(s)) { oneTimeWarnings.add(s); println("ONCE-ONLY WARNING:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); if (p1 != null) println("PARAMETER: " + p1, ALL_LOGS, true); } }
/** Posts a fatal error. This causes the system to exit. */ public synchronized void fatal(String s, Parameter p1, Parameter p2) { println("FATAL ERROR:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); if (p1 != null) println("PARAMETER: " + p1, ALL_LOGS, true); if (p2 != null && p1 != null) println(" ALSO: " + p2, ALL_LOGS, true); else println("PARAMETER: " + p2, ALL_LOGS, true); exitWithError(); }
/** * Prints a message to a given log, with a certain verbosity. If log==ALL_LOGS, posted to all logs * which accept announcements. * * @deprecated Verbosity no longer has an effect */ synchronized void println(String s, int _verbosity, int log, boolean _announcement) throws OutputException { if (log == ALL_LOGS) for (int x = 0; x < logs.size(); x++) { Log l = (Log) logs.elementAt(x); if (l == null) throw new OutputException("Unknown log number" + l); println(s, _verbosity, l, _announcement, false); } else { Log l = (Log) logs.elementAt(log); if (l == null) throw new OutputException("Unknown log number" + l); println(s, _verbosity, l, _announcement, false); } }
public synchronized void restart() throws IOException { // restart logs, then repost announcements to them int ls = logs.size(); for (int x = 0; x < ls; x++) { Log l = (Log) (logs.elementAt(x)); logs.setElementAt(l = l.restarter.restart(l), x); if (l.repostAnnouncementsOnRestart && store) { int as = announcements.size(); for (int y = 0; y < as; y++) { Announcement a = (Announcement) (announcements.elementAt(y)); println(a.text, V_VERBOSE, l, true, true); } } } // exit with a fatal error if the errors flag is set. exitIfErrors(); }
/** Exits with a fatal error if the error flag has been raised. */ public synchronized void exitIfErrors() { if (errors) { println("SYSTEM EXITING FROM ERRORS\n", ALL_LOGS, true); exitWithError(); } }
/** Prints a non-announcement message to the given logs, with a verbosity of V_NO_GENERAL. */ public synchronized void println(String s, int log) throws OutputException { println(s, V_VERBOSE, log); }
/** * Prints a non-announcement message to the given logs, with a certain verbosity. * * @deprecated Verbosity no longer has an effect */ public synchronized void println(String s, int _verbosity, int log) throws OutputException { println(s, V_VERBOSE, (Log) (logs.elementAt(log)), false, false); }
/** * Prints a non-announcement message to the given logs, with a certain verbosity. * * @deprecated Verbosity no longer has an effect */ public synchronized void println(String s, int _verbosity, int[] _logs) throws OutputException { for (int x = 0; x < _logs.length; x++) println(s, V_VERBOSE, (Log) (logs.elementAt(_logs[x])), false, false); }
/** * Prints a message to a given log. If log==ALL_LOGS, posted to all logs which accept * announcements. */ public synchronized void println(String s, int log, boolean _announcement) throws OutputException { println(s, V_VERBOSE, log, _announcement); }
/** Posts a warning one time only. */ public synchronized void warnOnce(String s) { if (!oneTimeWarnings.contains(s)) { oneTimeWarnings.add(s); println("ONCE-ONLY WARNING:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); } }
/** Posts a warning. */ public synchronized void warning(String s) { println("WARNING:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); }
/** Posts a warning. */ public synchronized void warning(String s, Parameter p1) { println("WARNING:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); if (p1 != null) println("PARAMETER: " + p1, ALL_LOGS, true); }
/** Posts a simple error. This causes the error flag to be raised as well. */ public synchronized void error(String s) { println("ERROR:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); errors = true; }
/** Posts a fatal error. This causes the system to exit. */ public synchronized void fatal(String s) { println("FATAL ERROR:\n" + s, ALL_LOGS, true); exitWithError(); }
/** Posts a system message. */ public synchronized void systemMessage(String s) { println(s, V_NO_MESSAGES, ALL_LOGS, true); }