private void waitForSessionExpiration(final boolean sticky) throws InterruptedException {
   final SessionManager manager = _tomcat1.getManager();
   assertEquals(manager.getMemcachedSessionService().isSticky(), sticky);
   final Container container = manager.getContainer();
   final long timeout =
                   ? container.getBackgroundProcessorDelay() + manager.getMaxInactiveInterval()
                   : 2 * manager.getMaxInactiveInterval())
           + 1000;
   * Tests update of session expiration in memcached (like {@link
   * #testExpirationOfSessionsInMemcachedIfBackupWasSkippedSimple()}) but for the scenario where
   * many readonly requests occur: in this case, we cannot just use <em>maxInactiveInterval -
   * secondsSinceLastBackup</em> (in {@link MemcachedSessionService#updateExpirationInMemcached}) to
   * determine if an expiration update is required, but we must use the last expiration time sent to
   * memcached.
   * @throws Exception if something goes wrong with the http communication with tomcat
  @Test(enabled = true, dataProviderClass = TestUtils.class, dataProvider = STICKYNESS_PROVIDER)
  public void testExpirationOfSessionsInMemcachedIfBackupWasSkippedManyReadonlyRequests(
      final SessionAffinityMode stickyness) throws Exception {

    final SessionManager manager = _tomcat1.getManager();

    // set to 1 sec above (in setup), default is 10 seconds
    final int delay = manager.getContainer().getBackgroundProcessorDelay();
    manager.setMaxInactiveInterval(delay * 4);

    final String sessionId1 = makeRequest(_httpClient, _portTomcat1, null);
    assertNotNull(sessionId1, "No session created.");
    assertWaitingWithProxy(Predicates.<MemcachedClientIF>notNull(), 200l, _memcached)

    /* after 3 seconds make another request without changing the session, so that
     * it's not sent to memcached
    Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(delay * 3));
        makeRequest(_httpClient, _portTomcat1, sessionId1),
        "SessionId should be the same");
    assertNotNull(_memcached.get(sessionId1), "Session should still exist in memcached.");

    /* after another 3 seconds make another request without changing the session
    Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(delay * 3));
        makeRequest(_httpClient, _portTomcat1, sessionId1),
        "SessionId should be the same");
    assertNotNull(_memcached.get(sessionId1), "Session should still exist in memcached.");

    /* after another nearly 4 seconds (maxInactiveInterval) check that the session is still alive in memcached,
     * this would have been expired without an updated expiration
    Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(manager.getMaxInactiveInterval()) - 500);
    assertNotNull(_memcached.get(sessionId1), "Session should still exist in memcached.");

    /* after another second in sticky mode (more than 4 seconds since the last request), or an two times the
     * maxInactiveInterval in non-sticky mode (we must keep sessions in memcached with double expirationtime)
     * the session must be expired in memcached
    Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(delay) + 500);
        makeRequest(_httpClient, _portTomcat1, sessionId1),
        "The sessionId should have changed due to expired sessin");