protected void processProfilesMetadata(Element appSchemaElement) { Set<Info> schemaElements = new TreeSet<Info>(); // identify all classes and properties that belong to the schema SortedSet<ClassInfo> schemaClasses = model.classes(schemaPi); if (schemaClasses != null) { for (ClassInfo ci : schemaClasses) { schemaElements.add(ci); for (PropertyInfo pi : { schemaElements.add(pi); } } } // identify the profiles of all relevant schema elements SortedSet<String> profileNames = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Info i : schemaElements) { String[] profilesTVs = i.taggedValuesForTag("profiles"); for (String profilesTV : profilesTVs) { if (profilesTV.trim().length() > 0) { try { ProfileIdentifierMap piMap = ProfileIdentifierMap.parse(profilesTV, IdentifierPattern.loose,; profileNames.addAll(piMap.getProfileIdentifiersByName().keySet()); } catch (MalformedProfileIdentifierException e) { result.addWarning(this, 9, profilesTV, i.fullNameInSchema(), e.getMessage()); } } } } // now create the ProfilesMetadata XML element Element e_pm = document.createElement("ProfilesMetadata"); for (String name : profileNames) { Element e_cp = document.createElement("containedProfile"); e_cp.setTextContent(name); e_pm.appendChild(e_cp); } Element e_m = document.createElement("metadata"); e_m.appendChild(e_pm); appSchemaElement.appendChild(e_m); }
@Override public void initialise(PackageInfo p, Model m, Options o, ShapeChangeResult r, boolean diagOnly) throws ShapeChangeAbortException { schemaPi = p; schemaTargetNamespace = p.targetNamespace(); model = m; options = o; result = r; diagnosticsOnly = diagOnly; result.addDebug(this, 1,; if (!initialised) { initialised = true; outputDirectory = options.parameter(this.getClass().getName(), "outputDirectory"); if (outputDirectory == null) outputDirectory = options.parameter("outputDirectory"); if (outputDirectory == null) outputDirectory = options.parameter("."); outputFilename = "schema_metadata.xml"; // Check if we can use the output directory; create it if it // does not exist outputDirectoryFile = new File(outputDirectory); boolean exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists(); if (!exi) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(outputDirectoryFile); } catch (IOException e) { result.addError(null, 600, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } exi = outputDirectoryFile.exists(); } boolean dir = outputDirectoryFile.isDirectory(); boolean wrt = outputDirectoryFile.canWrite(); boolean rea = outputDirectoryFile.canRead(); if (!exi || !dir || !wrt || !rea) { result.addFatalError(null, 601, outputDirectory); throw new ShapeChangeAbortException(); } File outputFile = new File(outputDirectoryFile, outputFilename); // check if output file already exists - if so, attempt to delete it exi = outputFile.exists(); if (exi) { result.addInfo(this, 3, outputFilename, outputDirectory); try { FileUtils.forceDelete(outputFile); result.addInfo(this, 4); } catch (IOException e) { result.addInfo(null, 600, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } // identify map entries defined in the target configuration List<ProcessMapEntry> mapEntries = options.getCurrentProcessConfig().getMapEntries(); if (mapEntries != null) { for (ProcessMapEntry pme : mapEntries) { mapEntryByType.put(pme.getType(), pme); } } // reset processed flags on all classes in the schema for (Iterator<ClassInfo> k = model.classes(schemaPi).iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) { ClassInfo ci =; ci.processed(getTargetID(), false); } // ====================================== // Parse configuration parameters // ====================================== // nothing to do at present // ====================================== // Set up the document and create root // ====================================== DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); dbf.setValidating(true); dbf.setAttribute(Options.JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, Options.W3C_XML_SCHEMA); DocumentBuilder db; try { db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { result.addFatalError(null, 2); throw new ShapeChangeAbortException(); } document = db.newDocument(); root = document.createElementNS(NS, "ApplicationSchemaMetadata"); document.appendChild(root); addAttribute(root, "xmlns", NS); hook = document.createComment("Created by ShapeChange -"); root.appendChild(hook); } // create elements documenting the application schema Element e_name = document.createElement("name"); e_name.setTextContent(; Element e_tns = document.createElement("targetNamespace"); e_tns.setTextContent(schemaPi.targetNamespace()); Element e_as = document.createElement("ApplicationSchema"); e_as.appendChild(e_name); e_as.appendChild(e_tns); Element e_schema = document.createElement("schema"); e_schema.appendChild(e_as); root.appendChild(e_schema); /* * Now compute relevant metadata. */ processMetadata(e_as); }