private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue, String tooltip) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(tooltip)); StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); defaultValue = defaultValue == null ? AbstractChip.FALSE : defaultValue; selectedValue = selectedValue == null ? AbstractChip.TRUE : selectedValue; link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status=''; return true;\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append("hidefocus=\"true\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value='" + selectedValue + "';setScrollAndSubmit();return false;\">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); }
/** * If the appropriate config property is true (hmc.escape.html), all html content in the given * string will be escaped. */ private String escapeHTML(String text) { if (ConfigConstants.getInstance().HTML_ESCAPE) { return Utilities.escapeHTML(text); } else { return text; } }
private String getSimpleImageConfirmLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, String imageOver, String javascript) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((imageOver == null) || imageOver.equals("")) { imageOver = image; } if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"") .append(event) .append("\" value=\"") .append(AbstractChip.FALSE) .append("\" />"); link.append("<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\" title=\"") .append(status) .append("\""); link.append("onMouseover=\"window.status='") .append(status) .append("'; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onMouseout=\"window.status=''; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onFocus=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onBlur=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['") .append(event) .append("'].value = ") .append(javascript) .append("; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); link.append("<img id=\"") .append(imageID) .append("\" src=\"") .append(image) .append("\" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\">"); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); }
private String getIconButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + status + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + status + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px; padding:0px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); }