/** * Augment this CFSM with an "eventually happens e" invariant for model checking. This procedure * is slightly different from binary invariants. In particular, we do not trace an 'initial' event * and instead just trace the event e. */ private void augmentWithInvTracing(EventuallyHappens inv) { DistEventType e1 = inv.getEvent(); assert alphabet.contains(e1); assert e1.getPid() < fsms.size(); assert !invs.contains(invs); invs.add(inv); int scmId = this.channelIds.size(); if (firstSyntheticChIndex > scmId) { firstSyntheticChIndex = scmId; } // Create and add a new invariant-specific channel. ChannelId invCid = new InvChannelId(inv, scmId); this.channelIds.add(invCid); // Update the FSM corresponding to e1. Set<FSMState> visited = Util.newSet(); FSM f1 = this.fsms.get(e1.getPid()); DistEventType e1Tracer1 = DistEventType.SynthSendEvent(e1, invCid, true); DistEventType e1Tracer2 = DistEventType.SynthSendEvent(e1, invCid, false); addSendToEventTx(f1, e1, e1Tracer1, e1Tracer2, visited); this.alphabet.add(e1Tracer1); this.alphabet.add(e1Tracer2); inv.setFirstSynthTracers(e1Tracer1, e1Tracer2); inv.setSecondSynthTracers(null, null); }
private Set<CFSMState> deriveAllPermsOfStates(IFSMToStateSetFn<FSMState> fn) { if (numProcesses == 1) { Set<CFSMState> ret = Util.newSet(); for (FSMState s : fn.eval(fsms.get(0))) { ret.add(new CFSMState(s)); } return ret; } assert numProcesses > 1; // Permutations for processes 0 and 1. List<List<FSMState>> perms = Util.get2DPermutations(fn.eval(fsms.get(0)), fn.eval(fsms.get(1))); // Permutations for process with pid >= 2. int i = 2; while (i != numProcesses) { // Modifies perms in place. perms = Util.get2DPermutations(perms, fn.eval(fsms.get(i))); i += 1; } return CFSMState.CFSMStatesFromFSMListLists(perms); }
/** * Generates a Promela representation of this CFSM, to be used with SPIN. The never claim is not * specified here and it is appended to the CFSM elsewhere. */ public String toPromelaString(List<BinaryInvariant> invariants, int chanCapacity) { assert unSpecifiedPids == 0; String ret = "/* Spin-promela Multiple invariants */\n\n"; // Message types: // // mtype is global and can only be declared once. // There is also limit of 255 for the size of mtype. // This outputs a set of event types for the CFSM. ret += "/* Message types: */\n"; ret += "mtype = { "; Set<String> eventTypes = Util.newSet(); for (DistEventType e : alphabet) { eventTypes.add(e.getPromelaEType()); } ret += StringUtils.join(eventTypes, ", "); ret += " };\n"; // End mtype declaration. ret += "\n\n"; // Define the channels: ret += "/* Channels: */\n\n"; // Specifying channels as an array to work with inlines. ret += String.format("chan channel[%d] = [%d] of { mtype };\n", channelIds.size(), chanCapacity); // The following block defines EMPTYCHANNELCHECK as a conditional that // checks if all the channels are empty. This is used in the never claim // to make sure our channels are empty before terminating. String emptyChannelCheck = ""; for (int i = 0; i < channelIds.size(); i++) { ret += "/* Channel " + channelIds.get(i).toString() + " */\n"; if (i != 0) { emptyChannelCheck += " && "; } emptyChannelCheck += "empty(channel[" + i + "])"; } ret += String.format("#define EMPTYCHANNELCHECK (%s)\n", emptyChannelCheck); ret += "\n\n"; // Tracks if the current states of each of the FSM are terminal. ret += "bit terminal[" + numProcesses + "];\n"; // ENDSTATECHECK is the conditional used by the never claim to // check the terminal states in all CFSMs. The never claim has this to // ensure that the processes are in a proper terminal state when the // never claim is done. String endStateCheck = ""; for (int pid = 0; pid < numProcesses; pid++) { // Set up the terminal check conditional. if (pid != 0) { endStateCheck += " && "; } endStateCheck += "terminal[" + pid + "]"; } ret += String.format("#define ENDSTATECHECK (%s)\n", endStateCheck); // Event type definitions for type tracking // OTHEREVENTs are used for other transitions so we do not accidentally // trigger an "a NFby b". This can happen when a == b. This invariant // can be accepted if a transition happens that does not call // setRecentEvent. OTHEREVENT does not match any event we are interested // in tracking so it is safe to use during these transitions. ret += "#define OTHEREVENT (0)\n"; // Event types we're actively tracking. ret += "#define LOCAL (1)\n"; ret += "#define SEND (2)\n"; ret += "#define RECV (3)\n"; // Custom datatype to assist in tracking recent event. ret += "typedef myEvent {\n"; // The type of event: LOCAL, SEND or RECV ret += " byte type;\n"; // id is the process id if the type is LOCAL and the channel id if the // type is SEND or RECV. ret += " byte id;\n"; // The event itself. These are the previously defined mtypes. ret += " mtype event;\n"; ret += "};\n"; // Declaration of event tracker. ret += "myEvent recentEvent;\n"; // Custom inline function to update most recent event. ret += "inline setRecentEvent(event_type, owner_id, event_message) {\n"; ret += " d_step{\n"; ret += " recentEvent.type = event_type;\n"; ret += " recentEvent.id = owner_id;\n"; ret += " recentEvent.event = event_message;\n"; ret += " };\n"; ret += "}\n"; // Each of the FSMs in the CFSM: for (int pid = 0; pid < numProcesses; pid++) { String labelPrefix = "state" + Integer.toString(pid); FSM f = fsms.get(pid); ret += "active proctype p" + Integer.toString(pid) + "(){\n"; ret += f.toPromelaString(invariants, labelPrefix); ret += "}\n\n"; } ret += "\n\n"; for (BinaryInvariant inv : invariants) { ret += "/* " + inv.toString() + "*/\n"; ret += inv.promelaNeverClaim(); ret += "\n\n"; } return ret; }