Пример #1
   * Since {@link cscie97.asn3.ecommerce.product.Country} objects may be added to collections, and
   * also since the {@link cscie97.asn3.ecommerce.product.IProductAPI} enforces that all country
   * items be unique, this method provides a way to determine if another {@link
   * cscie97.asn3.ecommerce.product.Country} item is the same as the current one. Uses the Apache
   * Commons {@link org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder} to determine if the two objects
   * are indeed equal to each other.
   * @param compare the {@link cscie97.asn3.ecommerce.product.Country} item to compare to the
   *     current object to test for equality
   * @return true if the objects are the same, false otherwise
   * @see <a
   *     href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27581/overriding-equals-and-hashcode-in-java">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27581/overriding-equals-and-hashcode-in-java</a>
   * @see <a
   *     href="http://www.java-tutorial.ch/core-java-tutorial/equalsbuilder">http://www.java-tutorial.ch/core-java-tutorial/equalsbuilder</a>
   * @see <a
   *     href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-2.6/org/apache/commons/lang/builder/EqualsBuilder.html">http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-2.6/org/apache/commons/lang/builder/EqualsBuilder.html</a>
  public boolean equals(Object compare) {
    if (compare == null) return false;
    if (!(compare instanceof Country)) return false;
    if (compare == this) return true;

    Country rhs = (Country) compare;
    return new EqualsBuilder()
        .append(this.code, rhs.getCode())
        .append(this.name, rhs.getName())
        .append(this.exportStatus, rhs.getExportStatus())
Пример #2
  * Checks that all required fields are set, and that all country item property values are valid.
  * @param country the item to be validated for correct properties
  * @return true if all properties are valid, false otherwise
 public static boolean validateCountry(Country country) {
   return ((country.getCode() != null && country.getCode().length() == 2)
       && (country.getName() != null && country.getName().length() > 0)
       && (country.getExportStatus() != null
           && (country.getExportStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("OPEN")
               || country.getExportStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("CLOSED"))));