/** * updates dwelling availability for the whole householdPool. * * @param householdPool The household pool to update. */ public void update(HouseholdPool householdPool) { currentDwellingsLived.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < HardcodedData.travelZonesLiveable.length; i++) { this.currentDwellingsLived.put( HardcodedData.travelZonesLiveable[i], new int[HardcodedData.MAX_BEDROOMS]); } for (Household household : householdPool.getHouseholds().values()) { int rooms = household.calculateNumberOfRoomNeed(); if (rooms > 0) { int travalZone = household.getResidents().get(0).getLivedTravelZoneid(); int[] result = currentDwellingsLived.get(travalZone); result[rooms - 1]++; currentDwellingsLived.put(travalZone, result); } else { if (household.getNumberResidents() == 0) { householdPool.remove(household); } } } }
/** * Add more trips from JTW data into the current trips list. There are 2 kinds of added trips: 1 - * "go_to_work" trips: which have Origin locations are outside study area and Destination * locations are inside study area * * <p>2 - "go_home" trips: which have Origin locations are inside study area and Destination * locations are outside study area * * @author vlcao */ public static List<String[]> addJTWtripsFromOutsideStudyArea() { ModelMain main = ModelMain.getInstance(); List<String[]> tripListFromOutsideStudyArea = new ArrayList<>(); try { int modeIdxInArray = 1; int destinationIdxInArry = 0; // store the trip list, vehicle list and process link // before add more trips from JTW data List<Vehicle> vehicleList = main.getVehicleList(); // get the last household ID in the pool int lastHholdID = 0; for (Household household : main.getHouseholdPool().getHouseholds().values()) { if (household.getId() > lastHholdID) { lastHholdID = household.getId(); } } List<JTW2006Entity> jtw2006Entities = ModelMain.getInstance().getJtw2006DAO().findAll(); // create trips with the data from database for (JTW2006Entity jtw2006Entity : jtw2006Entities) { int[] desMode = new int[2]; desMode[destinationIdxInArry] = jtw2006Entity.getD_Tz06(); switch (jtw2006Entity.getMode9()) { case 1: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.Taxi.getIntValue(); break; case 2: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.LightRail.getIntValue(); break; case 3: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.Bus.getIntValue(); break; case 4: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.CarDriver.getIntValue(); break; case 5: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.CarPassenger.getIntValue(); break; case 6: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.Bike.getIntValue(); break; case 7: desMode[modeIdxInArray] = TravelModes.Walk.getIntValue(); break; default: break; } // add more trips from JTW data /* * randomly choose the start time: * 1- in the morning from 6AM (21600) * to 9.AM (32400) for "go_to_work" trip (purpose = 1) * * 2- in the afternoon from 3PM (54000) to 7PM * for "go_home" trip (purpose = 0) */ int inSecond_6AM = 21600; int inSecond_3PM = 54000; int inSecond_2hours = 2 * 3600; int inSecond_3hours = 3 * 3600; int inSecond_4hours = 4 * 3600; int inSecond_halfHour = 1800; int startTime = inSecond_6AM + HardcodedData.random.nextInt(inSecond_3hours); int endTime = startTime + inSecond_halfHour + HardcodedData.random.nextInt(inSecond_2hours); int startTimeHome = inSecond_3PM + HardcodedData.random.nextInt(inSecond_4hours); int endTimeHome = startTimeHome + inSecond_halfHour + HardcodedData.random.nextInt(inSecond_2hours); int newHholdID = lastHholdID + jtw2006Entity.getID(); int vehicleID = 0, origin, destination; int[] desArr = null; // set up origin and destination for new trips int[] orgArr = ActivityLocationManager.getInstance().getActivityLocationsForZone(-1); origin = orgArr[HardcodedData.random.nextInt(orgArr.length)]; // when there are no matching activity locations in the destination // travel zone, randomly pick up one activity location in the study area if (ActivityLocationManager.getInstance() .getActivityLocationsForZone(desMode[destinationIdxInArry]) == null || ActivityLocationManager.getInstance() .getActivityLocationsForZone(desMode[destinationIdxInArry])[0] == -1) { int randomLocation = HardcodedData.random.nextInt( ActivityLocationManager.getInstance().getActivityLocation().length); destination = ActivityLocationManager.getInstance().getActivityLocation()[randomLocation][1]; } else { desArr = ActivityLocationManager.getInstance() .getActivityLocationsForZone(desMode[destinationIdxInArry]); destination = desArr[HardcodedData.random.nextInt(desArr.length)]; } // set up the vehicle ID for new trips switch (TravelModes.classify(desMode[modeIdxInArray])) { case CarDriver: vehicleID = 1; // add a car at origin location Vehicle newCar = new Vehicle(); newCar.setVehicleId(vehicleID); newCar.sethHold(newHholdID); newCar.setLocation(main.getProcessLink().get(origin)); newCar.setType(1); newCar.setSubType(1); vehicleList.add(newCar); break; case Taxi: vehicleID = 1; // add a taxi at origin location Vehicle newTaxi = new Vehicle(); newTaxi.setVehicleId(vehicleID); newTaxi.sethHold(newHholdID); newTaxi.setLocation(main.getProcessLink().get(origin)); newTaxi.setType(1); newTaxi.setSubType(2); vehicleList.add(newTaxi); break; default: break; } String personID = "1"; String goToWorkTripID = "1"; String goToWorkTripPurposeCode = "1"; String constraintCode = "0"; /* 1 - "go_to_work" trip */ String[] newTrip = { String.valueOf(newHholdID), personID, goToWorkTripID, goToWorkTripPurposeCode, String.valueOf(desMode[modeIdxInArray]), String.valueOf(vehicleID), String.valueOf(startTime), String.valueOf(origin), String.valueOf(endTime), String.valueOf(destination), constraintCode }; // initial the Hash Maps String hhPersonTripString = newHholdID + "_" + personID + "_" + goToWorkTripID; main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode().put(hhPersonTripString, desMode[modeIdxInArray]); // add new trip into the trip list tripListFromOutsideStudyArea.add(newTrip); /* 2 - "go_home" trip */ String goHomeTripID = "2"; String goHomeTripPurposeCode = "0"; String[] newTripHome = { String.valueOf(newHholdID), personID, goHomeTripID, goHomeTripPurposeCode, String.valueOf(desMode[modeIdxInArray]), String.valueOf(vehicleID), String.valueOf(startTimeHome), /* originHome is the destination of "go_to_work" trip */ String.valueOf(destination), String.valueOf(endTimeHome), /* destinationHome is the origin of "go_to_work" trip */ String.valueOf(origin), constraintCode }; // initial the Hash Maps hhPersonTripString = newHholdID + "_" + personID + "_" + goHomeTripID; main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode().put(hhPersonTripString, desMode[modeIdxInArray]); // add new trip into the trip list tripListFromOutsideStudyArea.add(newTripHome); } // Assign back vehicle list main.setVehicleList(vehicleList); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } return tripListFromOutsideStudyArea; }
/** * reads in time plan file, including start, end, depart, arrive, origin,destination, time of * walk, drive and transit, store them into a map. the key of this map is a describe of this time * plan, for example from which hotspots to which streets block vice verse, the value is the time * plan. */ public void readFile(String travelCostFilePath, HouseholdPool householdPool) { String pattern = "\\d+"; final int hholdColumn = 0; final int personColumn = 1; final int tripColumn = 3; // final int modeColumn = 10; final int originColumn = 7; final int destinationColumn = 8; // final int purposeColumn = 9; final int walkTimeColumn = 19; final int driveTimeColumn = 20; final int transitTimeColumn = 21; final int waitTimeColumn = 22; final int otherTimeColumn = 23; final int costColumn = 25; // =======2nd row final int legTypeColumn = 1; final int legIdColumn = 2; final int legTimeColumn = 3; String[] nextline; CSVReader csvReader = null; CSVWriter csvWriter = null; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Dumping household pool"); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Household> household : householdPool.getHouseholds().entrySet()) { logger.trace("Household: " + household.getKey()); logger.trace(household.getValue().toString()); } } String[] headings = { "household id", "person id", "trip id", "pirpose", "mode", "total travel time", "income", "travel cost" }; try { // Skip first two lines as they are headers. csvReader = new CSVReader( new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(timePlanFilePath))), '\t', CSVParser.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER, 2); csvWriter = new CSVWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(travelCostFilePath))); csvWriter.writeNext(headings); double[] legs = new double[2]; int lastHholdID = 0; // get the last household ID in the pool to determine trips started within the study area. for (Household household : main.getHouseholdPool().getHouseholds().values()) { if (household.getId() > lastHholdID) { lastHholdID = household.getId(); } } while ((nextline = csvReader.readNext()) != null) { if (nextline[0].matches(pattern)) { // ========trips time===== if (legs[0] != 0) { ArrayList<Double> trips = (ArrayList<Double>) linksTripsTime.get((int) legs[0]); if (trips == null) { ArrayList<Double> temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.add(legs[1]); linksTripsTime.put((int) legs[0], temp); } else { trips.add(legs[1]); } } legs[0] = legs[1] = 0; // ======time plan===== /* * Only read Time plan with trips that have Origin inside * study area, which means all trips with ID less than or * equal to "maxID" in HholdPool. The other trips with ID, * which is greater than "maxID" in HholdPool, have Origin * outside study area */ if (Integer.parseInt(nextline[hholdColumn].trim()) <= lastHholdID) { TimePlan timePlan = new TimePlan(); String editedValue = nextline[originColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setOrigin(Integer.parseInt(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[destinationColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setDestination(Integer.parseInt(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[walkTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setWalkTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[driveTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setDriveTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[transitTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setTransitTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[waitTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setWaitTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[otherTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setWaitTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[hholdColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); int hhold = Integer.parseInt(editedValue); timePlan.setHhold(hhold); editedValue = nextline[personColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); int person = Integer.parseInt(editedValue); timePlan.setPerson(person); editedValue = nextline[tripColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); int trip = Integer.parseInt(editedValue); timePlan.setTrip(trip); timePlan.setStart(0); timePlan.setEnd(0); timePlan.setDepart(0); timePlan.setArrive(0); /* save successful into Hash Map */ String hhPersonTrip = String.valueOf(hhold) + "_" + person + "_" + trip; // logger.debug(hhPersonTrip); // for testing only if commented try { int mode = main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode().get(hhPersonTrip); timePlan.setMode(TravelModes.classify(mode)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); logger.debug(hhPersonTrip); } String label = generateLabel(timePlan.getOrigin(), timePlan.getDestination()); timePlan.setParkingFee(new BigDecimal(Double.parseDouble(nextline[costColumn]))); if (main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode().get(hhPersonTrip) != null) { timePlan.setCost( travelModeSelection .calculateCost( TravelModes.classify( main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode() .get(String.valueOf(hhold) + "_" + person + "_" + trip)), timePlan) .doubleValue()); } TimePlan storedTimePlan = timePlanMap.get(label); if (storedTimePlan == null) { timePlanMap.put(label, timePlan); } else { timePlanMap.put(label, compareCost(timePlan, storedTimePlan)); } // store travel cost of each individual in the csv files // for testing only if commented // logger.debug(householdPool.getByID(hhold)); // // Household household = householdPool.getByID(hhold); // // if (household != null) { // if (household.getResidents().size() > (person - 1)) { // storeTravelCost( // household.getResidents() // .get(person - 1).getIncome(), // timePlan, csvWriter); // } else { // logger.warn("Individual with ID: " + person + " // doesn't exist in household: " + hhold + ". Skipping entry"); // } // } else { // logger.warn("Household with ID: " + hhold + " doesn't // exist in Pool. Skipping entry"); // } /* * setup Delta FixedCost & Variable Cost for new Travel * Mode Choice design */ setupDeltaFixedCostVariableCost(timePlan, hhPersonTrip); } } else { if (nextline[legTypeColumn].contains("LINK")) { if (legs[0] == 0) { legs[0] = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(nextline[legIdColumn])); legs[1] = Double.parseDouble(nextline[legTimeColumn]); } else { if (legs[1] < Double.parseDouble(nextline[legTimeColumn])) { legs[0] = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(nextline[legIdColumn])); legs[1] = Double.parseDouble(nextline[legTimeColumn]); } } } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } finally { try { if (csvReader != null) { csvReader.close(); } if (csvWriter != null) { csvWriter.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } } }
/** * Reads in time plan file, including start, end, depart, arrive, origin,destination, time of * walk, drive and transit, store them into a map. The key of this map is a describe of this time * plan, for example from which hot-spots to which streets block vice verse, the value is the time * plan. * * <p>After that, using time of walk, drive and transit of the car driver to assign for the car * passenger and calculate the delta fixed cost and variable cost in order to make the travel mode * choice in the next step * * @author vlcao */ public void readFileFixedTimeCarPax() { String pattern = "\\d+"; final int hholdColumn = 0; final int personColumn = 1; final int tripColumn = 3; final int originColumn = 7; final int destinationColumn = 8; final int walkTimeColumn = 19; final int driveTimeColumn = 20; final int transitTimeColumn = 21; final int waitTimeColumn = 22; final int otherTimeColumn = 23; final int costColumn = 25; // =======2nd row final int legTypeColumn = 1; final int legIdColumn = 2; final int legTimeColumn = 3; String[] nextline; CSVReader csvReader = null; try { csvReader = new CSVReader(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(timePlanFilePath))), '\t'); nextline = csvReader.readNext(); nextline = csvReader.readNext(); double[] legs = new double[2]; int lastHholdID = 0; // get the last household ID in the pool to determine trips started within the study area. for (Household household : main.getHouseholdPool().getHouseholds().values()) { if (household.getId() > lastHholdID) { lastHholdID = household.getId(); } } while ((nextline = csvReader.readNext()) != null) { if (nextline[0].matches(pattern)) { // ========trips time===== if (legs[0] != 0) { ArrayList<Double> trips = (ArrayList<Double>) linksTripsTime.get((int) legs[0]); if (trips == null) { ArrayList<Double> temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.add(legs[1]); linksTripsTime.put((int) legs[0], temp); } else { trips.add(legs[1]); } } legs[0] = legs[1] = 0; // ======time plan===== /* * Only read Time plan with trips that have Origin inside * study area, which means all trips with ID less than or * equal to "maxID" in HholdPool. The other trips with ID, * which is greater than "maxID" in HholdPool, have Origin * outside study area */ if (Integer.parseInt(nextline[hholdColumn].trim()) <= lastHholdID) { TimePlan timePlan = new TimePlan(); String editedValue = nextline[originColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setOrigin(Integer.parseInt(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[destinationColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setDestination(Integer.parseInt(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[walkTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setWalkTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[driveTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setDriveTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[transitTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setTransitTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[waitTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setWaitTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[otherTimeColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); timePlan.setWaitTime(Double.parseDouble(editedValue)); editedValue = nextline[hholdColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); int hhold = Integer.parseInt(editedValue); timePlan.setHhold(hhold); editedValue = nextline[personColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); int person = Integer.parseInt(editedValue); timePlan.setPerson(person); editedValue = nextline[tripColumn].replace("\"", "").trim(); int trip = Integer.parseInt(editedValue); timePlan.setTrip(trip); timePlan.setStart(0); timePlan.setEnd(0); timePlan.setDepart(0); timePlan.setArrive(0); /* save successful into Hash Map */ String hhPersonTrip = String.valueOf(hhold) + "_" + person + "_" + trip; // logger.debug(hhPersonTrip); // for testing only if commented try { int mode = main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode().get(hhPersonTrip); timePlan.setMode(TravelModes.classify(mode)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); logger.debug(hhPersonTrip); } String label = generateLabel(timePlan.getOrigin(), timePlan.getDestination()); timePlan.setParkingFee(new BigDecimal(Double.parseDouble(nextline[costColumn]))); if (main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode().get(hhPersonTrip) != null) { timePlan.setCost( travelModeSelection .calculateCost( TravelModes.classify( main.getHmHhPersonTripTravelMode() .get(String.valueOf(hhold) + "_" + person + "_" + trip)), timePlan) .doubleValue()); } TimePlan storedTimePlan = timePlanMap.get(label); if (storedTimePlan == null) { timePlanMap.put(label, timePlan); } else { timePlanMap.put(label, compareCost(timePlan, storedTimePlan)); } /* patch 2 for fixed the time of car passenger */ /* get the "hhPersonTrip" and "person" in Travel Diary */ String hhPersonTripTD = main.getHhPersonTripConvertedMap().get(hhPersonTrip); if (hhPersonTripTD != null) { char[] hhPersonTripTDArray = hhPersonTripTD.toCharArray(); String personTD = ""; int countUS = 0; for (char aHhPersonTripTDArray : hhPersonTripTDArray) { if (countUS == 1) { personTD = personTD + aHhPersonTripTDArray; } if (aHhPersonTripTDArray == '_') { countUS++; if (countUS == 2) { personTD = personTD.replace("_", ""); break; } } } /* * only assign travel time when this individual exists * in the Individual Pool */ if (main.getIndividualPool().getByID(Integer.parseInt(personTD)) != null) { /* * when this individual is the Car Passenger, assign the * travel time of his/her Car Driver to his/her * travel time */ if (main.getOtherHhodCarPaxCarDriverMap().get(hhPersonTripTD) != null) { String carDriver = main.getOtherHhodCarPaxCarDriverMap().get(hhPersonTripTD); // driverTimeMap: // <"HhPersonTrip_TravelDiary",[WalkTime,DriveTime,TransitTime,WaitTime,OtherTime]> if (main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver) != null) { timePlan.setWalkTime(main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[0]); timePlan.setDriveTime(main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[1]); timePlan.setTransitTime(main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[2]); timePlan.setWaitTime(main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[3]); timePlan.setOtherTime(main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[4]); } } // /* // * when this individual is Under15 child and is the // * Car Passenger, assign the travel time of his/her // * Car Driver to his/her travel time // */ // if (main.getIndividualPool() // .getByID(Integer.parseInt(personTD)) // .getHouseholdRelationship() == HouseholdRelationship.U15Child // && main.getU15HhodCarPaxCarDriverMap() // .get(hhPersonTripTD) != null) { // // String carDriver = main // .getU15HhodCarPaxCarDriverMap().get( // hhPersonTripTD); // // // driverTimeMap: // // // <"HhPersonTrip_TravelDiary",[WalkTime,DriveTime,TransitTime,WaitTime,OtherTime]> // // if (main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver) != null) { // timePlan.setWalkTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[0]); // timePlan.setDriveTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[1]); // timePlan.setTransitTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[2]); // timePlan.setWaitTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[3]); // timePlan.setOtherTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver)[4]); // } // // } else { // /* // * when this individual is NOT Under15 child, // * but is still the Car Passenger, assign the // * travel time of his/her Car Driver to his/her // * travel time // */ // if (main.getIndividualPool() // .getByID(Integer.parseInt(personTD)) // .getHouseholdRelationship() != HouseholdRelationship.U15Child // && main.getOtherHhodCarPaxCarDriverMap() // .get(hhPersonTripTD) != null) { // String carDriver = main // .getOtherHhodCarPaxCarDriverMap() // .get(hhPersonTripTD); // // // driverTimeMap: // // // <"HhPersonTrip_TravelDiary",[WalkTime,DriveTime,TransitTime,WaitTime,OtherTime]> // // if (main.getDriverTimeMap().get(carDriver) != null) { // timePlan.setWalkTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get( // carDriver)[0]); // timePlan.setDriveTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get( // carDriver)[1]); // timePlan.setTransitTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get( // carDriver)[2]); // timePlan.setWaitTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get( // carDriver)[3]); // timePlan.setOtherTime(main // .getDriverTimeMap().get( // carDriver)[4]); // } // } // } } else { logger.error("Null pointer exception at:" + hhPersonTripTD); } } } } else { if (nextline[legTypeColumn].contains("LINK")) { if (legs[0] == 0) { legs[0] = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(nextline[legIdColumn])); legs[1] = Double.parseDouble(nextline[legTimeColumn]); } else { if (legs[1] < Double.parseDouble(nextline[legTimeColumn])) { legs[0] = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(nextline[legIdColumn])); legs[1] = Double.parseDouble(nextline[legTimeColumn]); } } } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } finally { try { if (csvReader != null) { csvReader.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Exception caught", e); } } }