@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void removeFriend(String username) { Object isSuccess = ServerAccess.removeFriend(new NewFriendRequest(player, username)); if (isSuccess != null && (boolean) isSuccess) { obj = ServerAccess.getFriends(player); if (obj != null) { friendList = (ArrayList<Friend>) obj; } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean attemptLogin(String username, String password) { NewPlayerRequest loginRequest = new NewPlayerRequest(username, password, null); obj = ServerAccess.loginRequest(loginRequest); if (obj != null) { player = (Player) obj; isLoggedIn = true; obj = ServerAccess.getFriends(player); if (obj != null) { friendList = (ArrayList<Friend>) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getMenuChat(); if (obj != null) { menuChat = (ArrayList<ChatEntry>) obj; } /* Server calls to initialize stats */ updateAchievements(); obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(new GameLobbyRequest(null, 0, CardGameType.War)); if (obj != null) { warLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(new GameLobbyRequest(null, 0, CardGameType.ERS)); if (obj != null) { ratscrewLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getGameLobbyList(new GameLobbyRequest(null, 0, CardGameType.TexasHoldEm)); if (obj != null) { texasHoldemLobbies = (GameLobby[]) obj; } obj = ServerAccess.getBlackJackTables(); if (obj != null) { blackJackTables = (BlackJack[]) obj; } /* * Initialize thread that will periodically ask server for updates * to update model */ UpdateChecker updateChecker = new UpdateChecker(this); Thread t = new Thread(updateChecker); t.start(); return true; } return false; }