Пример #1
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, ProductCategory obj)
     throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setProductCatId(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setProductCatName(row.getValue(offset + 1).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
Пример #2
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, TDomain obj) throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setObjectID(row.getValue(offset + 0).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setLabel(row.getValue(offset + 1).asString());
     obj.setDescription(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setUuid(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, AttendenceSeet obj)
     throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setId(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setUserId(row.getValue(offset + 1).asInt());
     obj.setLoginDate(row.getValue(offset + 2).asUtilDate());
     obj.setIpaddress(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
Пример #4
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, Exam obj) throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setExamId(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setTitle(row.getValue(offset + 1).asString());
     obj.setTimeOfExam(row.getValue(offset + 2).asUtilDate());
     obj.setUploadedBy(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
     obj.setDateUploaded(row.getValue(offset + 4).asUtilDate());
     obj.setInstructions(row.getValue(offset + 5).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, TrieWordsSuggest obj)
     throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setId(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setFkKeywordId(row.getValue(offset + 1).asInt());
     obj.setSuggestWord(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setSort(row.getValue(offset + 3).asInt());
     obj.setViewUrl(row.getValue(offset + 4).asString());
     obj.setUpdateTime(row.getValue(offset + 5).asUtilDate());
     obj.setCreateTime(row.getValue(offset + 6).asUtilDate());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, OrdenTrabajo obj)
     throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setId(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setFechaEntrada(row.getValue(offset + 1).asString());
     obj.setFechaSalida(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setObs(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
     obj.setReparacionId(row.getValue(offset + 4).asInt());
     obj.setImporte(row.getValue(offset + 5).asDouble());
     obj.setTipo(row.getValue(offset + 6).asInt());
     obj.setResponsableId(row.getValue(offset + 7).asInt());
     obj.setHoras(row.getValue(offset + 8).asDouble());
     obj.setDescripcion(row.getValue(offset + 9).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, System_Log obj) throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setLog_ID(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setUser_ID(row.getValue(offset + 1).asInt());
     obj.setAction(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setLocation(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
     obj.setPrevious_Value(row.getValue(offset + 4).asInt());
     obj.setCurrent_Value(row.getValue(offset + 5).asInt());
     obj.setNotes(row.getValue(offset + 6).asString());
     obj.setDate(row.getValue(offset + 7).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
Пример #8
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, TScreenTab obj) throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setObjectID(row.getValue(offset + 0).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setName(row.getValue(offset + 1).asString());
     obj.setLabel(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setDescription(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
     obj.setIndex(row.getValue(offset + 4).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setParent(row.getValue(offset + 5).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setUuid(row.getValue(offset + 6).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
Пример #9
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, User obj) throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setId(row.getValue(offset + 0).asInt());
     obj.setName(row.getValue(offset + 1).asString());
     obj.setPassword(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setTrueName(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
     obj.setTeam(row.getValue(offset + 4).asString());
     obj.setSex(row.getValue(offset + 5).asInt());
     obj.setBirth(row.getValue(offset + 6).asString());
     obj.setLastlogindate(row.getValue(offset + 7).asUtilDate());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);
Пример #10
  * Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset. This is done so that
  * you can select other rows than just those needed for this object. You may for example want to
  * create two objects from the same row.
  * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a
  *     TorqueException.
 public static void populateObject(Record row, int offset, TOption obj) throws TorqueException {
   try {
     obj.setObjectID(row.getValue(offset + 0).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setList(row.getValue(offset + 1).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setLabel(row.getValue(offset + 2).asString());
     obj.setTooltip(row.getValue(offset + 3).asString());
     obj.setParentOption(row.getValue(offset + 4).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setSortOrder(row.getValue(offset + 5).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setIsDefault(row.getValue(offset + 6).asString());
     obj.setDeleted(row.getValue(offset + 7).asString());
     obj.setSymbol(row.getValue(offset + 8).asString());
     obj.setIconKey(row.getValue(offset + 9).asIntegerObj());
     obj.setIconChanged(row.getValue(offset + 10).asString());
     obj.setCSSStyle(row.getValue(offset + 11).asString());
     obj.setUuid(row.getValue(offset + 12).asString());
   } catch (DataSetException e) {
     throw new TorqueException(e);