   * Internal method that handles prefetching of to-many relationships.<br>
   * // TBD This is a workaround to what looks like a bug in WO 5.1 & WO 5.2. Remove as soon as it's
   * no longer needed
   * <p>The problem is that even refreshing fetches don't refresh the to-many relationships they
   * prefetch.
  public void _followToManyRelationshipWithFetchSpecification(
      EORelationship relationship,
      EOFetchSpecification fetchspecification,
      NSArray objects,
      EOEditingContext editingcontext) {
    int count = objects.count();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      EOEnterpriseObject object = (EOEnterpriseObject) objects.objectAtIndex(i);
      EOGlobalID sourceGlobalID = editingcontext.globalIDForObject(object);
      String relationshipName = relationship.name();

      if (!object.isFault()) {
        EOFaulting toManyArray = (EOFaulting) object.storedValueForKey(relationshipName);

        if (!toManyArray.isFault()) {
          EOFaulting tmpToManyArray =
                  arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(sourceGlobalID, relationshipName, editingcontext);

          // Turn the existing array back into a fault by assigning it
          // the fault handler of the newly created fault

        relationship, fetchspecification, objects, editingcontext);
Пример #2
 public String entityName() {
   String entityName = (String) valueForBinding("entityName");
   if (entityName == null) {
     EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) valueForBinding("object");
     if (eo != null) entityName = eo.entityName();
   return entityName;
  * This method encodes the entity name of the enterprise object by searching in the default model
  * group whether it can find the key EncodedEntityNameKey in the user info dictionary.
  * @param eo the enterprise object
  * @return the encoded entity name defaulting to the given eo's entityName
 public static String entityNameEncode(EOEnterpriseObject eo) {
   // Get the EncodedEntityName of the object
   // Default to eo's entityName
   String encodedEntityName = eo.entityName();
   EOEntity entity = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().entityNamed(eo.entityName());
   NSDictionary userInfo = entity.userInfo();
   if (userInfo != null && userInfo.objectForKey(EncodedEntityNameKey) != null)
     encodedEntityName = (String) userInfo.objectForKey(EncodedEntityNameKey);
   return encodedEntityName;
Пример #4
 protected PersonLink defaultSelectionValue() {
   NSArray list = (NSArray) valueForBinding("forcedList");
   if (list != null && list.count() > 0) {
     return (PersonLink)
         EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, (EOEnterpriseObject) list.objectAtIndex(0));
   list = (NSArray) session().valueForKey("personList");
   if (list != null && list.count() > 0) {
     Enumeration enu = list.objectEnumerator();
     while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
       EOEnterpriseObject pers = (EOEnterpriseObject) enu.nextElement();
       if (entity().equals(pers.entityName())) {
         return (PersonLink) pers;
   return null;
Пример #5
 public NSArray personList() {
   NSArray forcedList = (NSArray) valueForBinding("forcedList");
   NSMutableArray result =
       (forcedList == null)
           ? new NSMutableArray()
           : EOUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(ec, forcedList).mutableClone();
   NSArray personList = (NSArray) session().valueForKey("personList");
   if (personList != null && personList.count() > 0) {
     Enumeration enu = personList.objectEnumerator();
     while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
       EOEnterpriseObject pers = (EOEnterpriseObject) enu.nextElement();
       if (!result.contains(pers)
           && (entity().equals(pers.entityName()) || pers.entityName().equals(alterEntity())))
   return result;
Пример #6
  public void updateSourceObject(Object anEO) {
    String masterKey = _localRelationshipKey();
    Object aSourceObject = _localSourceObject();
    boolean isDictionary = (aSourceObject instanceof NSMutableDictionary);
    NSMutableDictionary _dictionary = (isDictionary) ? (NSMutableDictionary) aSourceObject : null;
    EOEnterpriseObject _eo = !(isDictionary) ? (EOEnterpriseObject) aSourceObject : null;

    if (anEO != null) {

      if (isDictionary) {
        _dictionary.setObjectForKey(anEO, masterKey);
      } else if (_eo.valueForKey(masterKey) != anEO) {
        _eo.addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey((EOEnterpriseObject) anEO, masterKey);

    } else { // remove

      if (isDictionary) {
      } else if (_eo.valueForKey(masterKey) != null) {
            (EOEnterpriseObject) _eo.valueForKey(masterKey), masterKey);
Пример #7
  public void updateSourceObject(NSArray newValues) {
    Object realSourceObject = realSourceObject();
    String realRelationshipKey = realRelationshipKey();

    newValues = newValues != null ? newValues : NSArray.EmptyArray;

    if (realSourceObject instanceof EOEnterpriseObject
        && // only add/remove if we have an EO and handle a relationship
        ((EOEnterpriseObject) realSourceObject)
            != null) {
      EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) realSourceObject;
      NSArray currentValues = (NSArray) eo.valueForKey(realRelationshipKey);
      currentValues = currentValues != null ? currentValues : NSArray.EmptyArray;

      for (int i = currentValues.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        EOEnterpriseObject o = (EOEnterpriseObject) currentValues.objectAtIndex(i);
        if (newValues.indexOfIdenticalObject(o) == NSArray.NotFound) { // not found
          eo.removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(o, realRelationshipKey);

      for (int i = newValues.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        EOEnterpriseObject o = (EOEnterpriseObject) newValues.objectAtIndex(i);
        if (currentValues.indexOfIdenticalObject(o) == NSArray.NotFound) { // not found
          eo.addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(o, realRelationshipKey);
    } else {
      // NOTE ak: this implementation is different from what JavaWOExtensions do.
      // There, the existing array is fetched and added to/removed from. Here, we simply set the
      // new array. I changed this because it looked like a bad idea to change the array without
      // the sourceObjects's knowledge.
          (newValues instanceof NSMutableArray) ? newValues : newValues.mutableClone(),
Пример #8
   * Processes a validation exception to make it look better. The resulting exception message is set
   * in the errorMessages dictionary.
   * @param e validation exception.
   * @param value that failed validation.
   * @param keyPath that failed validation.
   * @param errorMessages dictionary to place the formatted message into.
   * @param displayPropertyKeyPath key used in the case of the formatter exception to calculate the
   *     pretty display name.
   * @param localizer to use to localize the exception.
   * @param entity that the validation exception is happening too.
   * @param pushChanges boolean to flag if the bad values should be pushed onto the eo.
  public static void validationFailedWithException(
      Throwable e,
      Object value,
      String keyPath,
      NSMutableDictionary errorMessages,
      String displayPropertyKeyPath,
      ERXLocalizer localizer,
      EOEntity entity,
      boolean pushChanges) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
          "ValidationFailedWithException: "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " message: "
              + e.getMessage());
    String key = null;
    String newErrorMessage = e.getMessage();
    if (e instanceof NSValidation.ValidationException
        && ((NSValidation.ValidationException) e).key() != null
        && ((NSValidation.ValidationException) e).object() != null) {
      NSValidation.ValidationException nve = (NSValidation.ValidationException) e;
      key = nve.key();
      Object eo = nve.object();
      // this because exceptions raised by formatters have the failing VALUE in this key..
      // strip the exception name
      // newErrorMessage=newErrorMessage.substring(newErrorMessage.indexOf(":")+1);
      // newErrorMessage=newErrorMessage.substring(newErrorMessage.indexOf(":")+1);
      if (eo instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) {
        // the exception is coming from EREnterpriseObject
        if (pushChanges) {
          try {
            ((EOEnterpriseObject) eo).takeValueForKeyPath(value, key);
          } catch (NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException ex) {
            // AK: as we could have custom components that have non-existant keys
            // we of course can't push a value, so we discard the resulting exception
          } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
            // AK: as we could have custom components that have non-existant keys
            // we of course can't push a value, so we discard the resulting exception
          } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("Can't push value to key '" + key + "': " + value, ex);
        entity =
                ((EOEnterpriseObject) eo).editingContext(), (EOEnterpriseObject) eo);
      } else {
        // the exception is coming from a formatter
        key =
            (String) NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(displayPropertyKeyPath, ".").lastObject();
        newErrorMessage = "<b>" + key + "</b>:" + newErrorMessage;
    } else {
      key = keyPath;
    if (key != null && newErrorMessage != null) {
      String displayName =
              entity != null ? entity.classDescriptionForInstances() : null, key, localizer);
      errorMessages.setObjectForKey(newErrorMessage, displayName);
    } else {
      if (key != null) {
        // log.warn("NULL message for key:'"+key+"': " + ((EOGeneralAdaptorException)e).userInfo() ,
        // e);
        log.warn("NULL message for key:'" + key + "': " + e, e);

      } else {
        log.warn("NULL key for message:'" + newErrorMessage + "'", e);