protected void processNotFoundException() throws Exception { logger.error( "VC object " + MoUtil.morefToString(moRef) + " is already deleted from VC. Purge from vc cache"); // in case the event is lost VcCache.purge(moRef); }
/* * @return the VcSnapshot object. */ protected static VcSnapshotImpl loadSnapshotFromMoRef( ManagedObjectReference moRef, VcVirtualMachineImpl parent, String name) throws Exception { AuAssert.check(VcContext.isInSession()); VcSnapshotImpl obj = null; ManagedObject mo = MoUtil.getManagedObject(moRef); AuAssert.check(mo instanceof Snapshot); obj = new VcSnapshotImpl((Snapshot) mo, parent, name);, obj); return obj; }
/** @return the VcObject from ManagedObjectReference */ public static VcObjectImpl loadFromMoRef(ManagedObjectReference moRef) throws Exception { AuAssert.check(VcContext.isInSession()); VcObjectImpl obj = null; ManagedObject mo = MoUtil.getManagedObject(moRef); if (mo instanceof Datacenter) { obj = new VcDatacenterImpl((Datacenter) mo); } else if (mo instanceof ClusterComputeResource) { obj = new VcClusterImpl((ClusterComputeResource) mo); } else if (mo instanceof Network) { obj = new VcNetworkImpl((Network) mo); } else if (mo instanceof Datastore) { obj = new VcDatastoreImpl((Datastore) mo); } else if (mo instanceof ResourcePool) { obj = new VcResourcePoolImpl((ResourcePool) mo); } else if (mo instanceof VirtualMachine) { obj = new VcVirtualMachineImpl((VirtualMachine) mo); } else if (mo instanceof Snapshot) { AuAssert.unreachable(); } else if (mo instanceof HostSystem) { obj = new VcHostImpl((HostSystem) mo); }, obj); return obj; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends ManagedObject> T getManagedObject() { return (T) MoUtil.getManagedObject(moRef); }
@Override public final String getId() { return MoUtil.morefToString(moRef); }