private static boolean deletePrice(int price) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlUpdate = "DELETE FROM giadau WHERE id=" + price;" DELETE Gia dau: " + sqlUpdate); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); if (statement.execute()) {"Loi xoa gia dau "); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static boolean deleteWinner(int phien) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlUpdate = "DELETE FROM daugia_winner WHERE phien=" + phien;" DELETE WINNER: " + sqlUpdate); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); if (statement.execute()) {"Loi xoa nguoi duy nhat thap nhat "); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static boolean saveChat(String fromnick, String tonick, String noidung) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO vtv6_chatketnoi (fromnick,tonick,content)" + "VALUES(?,?,?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert); statement.setString(1, fromnick); statement.setString(2, tonick); statement.setString(3, noidung); statement.executeUpdate();"sqlInsert : " + sqlInsert); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static int getPhien() { int result = -1; Connection cnn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); ResultSet rs = null; String query = "SELECT phien FROM ketnoiphien where isprocess=1 "; try { cnn = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); statement = cnn.prepareStatement(query); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result = rs.getInt(1); return result; } } return result; } catch (SQLException ex2) { Util.logger.error("GetSequence. Ex:" + ex2.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception ex3) { Util.logger.error("GetSequece. Ex3:" + ex3.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(cnn); } }
private static boolean isexist(String userid, String mlist) { Connection connection; PreparedStatement statement; DBPool dbpool; connection = null; statement = null; dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); String query3 = "select * from " + mlist + " where user_id='" + userid + "' ";; Vector result3 = DBUtil.getVectorTable(connection, query3); if (result3.size() > 0) { Vector item = (Vector) result3.elementAt(0); return true; // tempMilisec = (String) item.elementAt(0); } return false; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); Util.logger.printStackTrace(e); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); Util.logger.printStackTrace(e); return true; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
public static String getMobileOperatorNew(String userid, int type) { String tmpOperator = "-"; Connection connection = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnection("gateway"); String query = "SELECT operator FROM icom_isdnseries WHERE prefix= substr('" + userid + "',1, length(prefix)) "; if (type == 1 || type == 0) { query += " and type=" + type; } Vector result = DBUtil.getVectorTable(connection, query); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Vector item = (Vector) result.elementAt(i); tmpOperator = (String) item.elementAt(0); } return tmpOperator; } catch (Exception ex) { Util.logger.sysLog( LogValues.INFORMATIVE, "Utils", "getMobileOperator: Get MobileOpereator Failed" + ex.toString()); return tmpOperator; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
public static String getContent(String Code) { // tach lastcode String content; Connection connection = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); String query = "select Content from [IComStore].[dbo].[SDPText] where Code = '" + Code + "' order by CreateDate desc"; try { connection = dbpool.getConnection("store"); Vector result = DBUtil.getVectorTable(connection, query);"DBUtil.getCode: queryStatement:" + query); if (result.size() > 0) { Vector item = (Vector) result.elementAt(0); content = item.elementAt(0).toString(); return content; } } catch (Exception ex) {"DBUtil.getCode: getContent: Failed" + ex.getMessage()); Util.logger.printStackTrace(ex); return ""; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(connection); } return ""; }
private static boolean deleteUser(String user, String table) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlUpdate = "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE user_id='" + user + "'";" DELETE USER: "******"Loi xoa user " + user + "trong bang " + table); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static boolean add2CanceledAds(String userID) { boolean OK = false; + ".add2CanceledAds()"); String tablename = "vng_cancel_ads"; String sSQLInsert = "replace into " + tablename + "(userid)" + " values(?)"; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sSQLInsert); ps.setString(1, userID); if (ps.executeUpdate() >= 1) { OK = true; } ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { OK = false; + ".add2CanceledAds() error:" + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { OK = false; + ".add2CanceledAds() error:" + e.getMessage()); } finally { dbpool.cleanup(connection); } return OK; }
private static boolean saverequest(String userid, String dtbase, int subcode) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO " + dtbase + "(userid, subcode) VALUES ('" + userid + "'," + subcode + ")";"Insert:" + sqlInsert); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert); if (statement.execute()) { Util.logger.error("Insert into dbcontent"); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private int insertData2cancel( String user_id, String service_id, String command_code, String mlist, MsgObject msgObject, String mtfree, int msgtype, String Service_ss_id, String mt_count) { int ireturn = 1; Connection connection = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); // long lmilisec = System.currentTimeMillis(); String sqlInsert = "Insert into " + mlist + "_cancel(user_id, service_id, date,command_code,request_id, message_type,mobile_operator,mt_free,mt_count) values ('" + user_id + "','" + service_id + "','" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "','" + Service_ss_id + "','" + msgObject.getRequestid() + "','" + msgtype + "','" + msgObject.getMobileoperator() + "'," + mtfree + "," + mt_count + ")"; try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (DBUtil.executeSQL(connection, sqlInsert) < 0) { Util.logger.error( this.getClass().getName() + "" + ": uppdate Statement: Insert " + mlist + " Failed:" + sqlInsert); ireturn = -1; } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + ":Insert " + mlist + " Failed"); ireturn = -1; Util.logger.printStackTrace(ex); } finally { dbpool.cleanup(connection); } return ireturn; }
/* Tim list bai hat */ private static String findListofMusic( String dtbase, String userid, String infoid, String lastid, int subcode) { String result = ""; // String musicid = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnection(dtbase); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } String sqlSelect = "SELECT musicname_sms, musicid FROM icom_music WHERE ( upper(operator) = '" + infoid.toUpperCase() + "')"; if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(lastid)) { sqlSelect = sqlSelect + " AND musicid not in(" + lastid + ") "; }"SEARCH SONG MUSIC : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result = result + rs.getString(1) + "-" + rs.getString(2) + ";"; if (result.length() > 160) { // cap nhat cho khach hang list danh sach da gui updateListMusic(userid, lastid, dbcontent, subcode); return result; } else { if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(lastid)) { lastid = lastid + rs.getString(2); } else { lastid = lastid + "," + rs.getString(2); } } } } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static String[] findMusicIDlike(String find, String infoid) { String[] result = new String[2]; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { result[i] = ""; } try { connection = dbpool.getConnection("store"); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } String ope = ""; if (infoid.equalsIgnoreCase("vinaphone")) ope = "VNPCode"; else if (infoid.equalsIgnoreCase("mobifone")) ope = "VMSCode"; else ope = "VTCode"; String sqlSelect = "SELECT top 1 RingbackName_E," + ope + " FROM [IComStore].[dbo].Ringback WHERE SearchRingbackName LIKE '%" + find + "%' and " + ope + " is not null and " + ope + " <>''";"SEARCH MA SO : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect);"SEARCH MA SO"); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result[0] = rs.getString(1); result[1] = rs.getString(2); } } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
// Lay noi dung trong icom_textbase_data private String getContent(String gameid, String commandcode) { // String content = ""; // String area = ""; Connection connection = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; // String[] result = null; String result = ""; try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } // Lấy company_id của commandcode // /int company_id = getCompanyId(commandcode); // String company_name = ""; String query = "SELECT content FROM icom_textbase_data WHERE ( upper(gameid) = '" + gameid.toUpperCase() + "') AND ( upper(subcode1) ='" + commandcode.toUpperCase() + "')"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(query);"LOST MESSAGE" + query); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result = rs.getString(1); } } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { + " SoiCauXoSo: Failed" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); // content = "Ma tinh khong hop le. Soan tin: CAU<Matinh> gui 8551 // de soi cau chinh xac nhat"; return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static String findListofMusic(String date) { String result = ""; // String musicid = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); String lastresult = ""; try { connection = dbpool.getConnection("mediatech"); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } String sqlSelect = "select top 3 replace(NameVote,' ','') NameVote,Code from PlaysList where DatePlay='" + date + "' order by newid() ; ";"SEARCH List game : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); int i = 0; while ( { result = result + rs.getString(2).trim() + "_" + rs.getString(1).substring(0, rs.getString(1).length() - 4) + ";"; } return result; } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
/* ghi lai dsach khach hang */ private static boolean saveClient( String userid, String operator, String keyword, String serviceid, Timestamp timesend, BigDecimal requestid) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO icom_list_customer( userid, operator, keyword, serviceid, timesend, requestid) VALUES ('" + userid + "','" + operator.toUpperCase() + "','" + keyword + "','" + serviceid.toUpperCase() + "','" + timesend + "','" + requestid + "')";"Insert:" + sqlInsert); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert); if (statement.execute()) { Util.logger.error("Insert into icom_list_customer"); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private long getSequence(String gameid, String serviceid) { long sequence = 1; Connection cnn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); ResultSet rs = null; String query = "select sequence from icom_sequence where gameid='" + gameid.toUpperCase() + "'"; try { cnn = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); statement = cnn.prepareStatement(query); String sequence_temp = ""; if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); // rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { sequence_temp = rs.getString(1); } } sequence = Long.parseLong(sequence_temp); if (sequence > 0) { String sqlUpdate = "update icom_sequence set sequence = sequence + 1 where gameid='" + gameid.toUpperCase() + "'"; statement = cnn.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); if (statement.executeUpdate() != 1) { Util.logger.error("GetSequence: Update icom_sequence Failed"); } } } catch (SQLException ex2) { Util.logger.error("GetSequence. Ex:" + ex2.toString()); } catch (Exception ex3) { Util.logger.error("GetSequece. Ex3:" + ex3.toString()); } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs, statement); dbpool.cleanup(cnn); } return sequence; }
private static String Getmobile(String stt) { String result = ""; // String musicid = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } int tam = -1; try { tam = Integer.parseInt(stt); } catch (Exception ex) { } String sqlSelect = "SELECT userid FROM ketnoi where stt=" + stt;"SEARCH CODE : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result = rs.getString(1);"Code: " + result); return result; } } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private int saveWinner(String keyword, String serviceid, String userid, String mttext, int phien) throws Exception { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; String sqlString = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); //"sendMT:" + msgObject.getUserid()+ "@TO" + // msgObject.getServiceid() + "@" + msgObject.getUsertext() ); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return -1; } String sqlInsert = "Insert into daugia_winner (command_code,user_id,service_id,info,phien) values ('" + keyword + "','" + userid + "','" + serviceid + "','" + mttext + "'," + phien + ")";"Insert:" + sqlInsert); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert); if (statement.executeUpdate() != 1) {"SieuRe: Insert in to daugia_winner Failed"); return -1; } return 1; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error("SieuRe: Error:" + e.toString()); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error("SieuRe: Error:" + e.toString()); return -1; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static String[] getListblacknick() { int max = getmaxlist(); String[] result = new String[max]; // String musicid = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); String lastresult = ""; try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } String sqlSelect = "select blacknick from vtv6_blacknick ";"SEARCH List game : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); int i = 0; while ( { result[i] = rs.getString(1); i++; } return result; } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
// Tim sdt co trong danh sach da gui tin hay nhan tin hay khong. private static String getMusicID(String userid, String dtbase, int subcode) { Connection cnn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); ResultSet rs = null; String sequence_temp = ""; try { cnn = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); String query = "SELECT musichotid FROM " + dtbase + " WHERE userid= '" + userid.toUpperCase() + "' AND subcode=" + subcode; if (cnn == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return sequence_temp; } statement = cnn.prepareStatement(query); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { sequence_temp = rs.getString(1); } } return sequence_temp; } catch (SQLException ex2) { Util.logger.error("GetSequence. Ex:" + ex2.toString()); return sequence_temp; } catch (Exception ex3) { Util.logger.error("GetSequece. Ex3:" + ex3.toString()); return sequence_temp; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(cnn); } }
/* tim ma so cac bai hat */ private static List<String> findBirth(String birthday) { List<String> lstresult = new ArrayList<String>(); int code = 0; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnection("VOVTV"); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return lstresult; } String sqlSelect = "SELECT NickName FROM [dbo].NickName WHERE Brithday LIKE '" + birthday + "'";"SEARCH THEO BIRTHDAY AND ADDRESS : " + sqlSelect); Vector result = DBUtil.getVectorTable(connection, sqlSelect);"DBUtil.getCode: queryStatement:" + sqlSelect); for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < result.size(); iIndex++) { Vector vtRow = (Vector) result.elementAt(iIndex); String nick = (String) vtRow.elementAt(0); lstresult.add(nick); } } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return lstresult; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return lstresult; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } return lstresult; }
private static int findCode() { int result = 0; // String musicid = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } String sqlSelect = "SELECT stt FROM ketnoi order by stt desc limit 1";"SEARCH CODE : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result = rs.getInt(1);"Code: " + result); return result; } } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
// Update khach hang dua ra gia duy nhat va nho nhat private static boolean updateWinner( String keyword, String serviceid, String userid, String mttext, int phien) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } String sqlUpdate = "UPDATE daugia_winner SET command_code ='" + keyword + " ',user_id= '" + userid + "',service_id='" + serviceid + "',info='" + mttext + "' WHERE phien=" + phien;" UPDATE DATE: " + sqlUpdate); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); if (statement.execute()) {"Update nguoi trung thuong to send " + userid + " to dbcontent"); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
// cap nhat danh sach khach hang private static boolean updateListMusic(String userid, String lastid, String dtbase, int subcode) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } // Update cac danh sach bai hat da gui cho khach hang String sqlUpdate = "UPDATE " + dtbase + " SET musichotid = '" + lastid + "' WHERE upper(userid)='" + userid.toUpperCase() + "' AND subcode=" + subcode;" UPDATE DATE: " + sqlUpdate); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); if (statement.execute()) {"Update list music to send " + userid + " to dbcontent"); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private static String[] getPhien() { String[] result = new String[4]; result[0] = ""; result[1] = ""; result[2] = ""; result[3] = ""; Connection cnn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); ResultSet rs = null; String query = "SELECT phien,begintime,endtime,sanpham FROM daugia_phien where isprocess=1 "; try { cnn = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); statement = cnn.prepareStatement(query); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result[0] = rs.getInt(1) + ""; result[1] = rs.getString(2); result[2] = rs.getString(3); result[3] = rs.getString(4); return result; } } return result; } catch (SQLException ex2) { Util.logger.error("GetSequence. Ex:" + ex2.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception ex3) { Util.logger.error("GetSequece. Ex3:" + ex3.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(cnn); } }
private static String Getblacklist(String nick) { String result = ""; // String musicid = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return result; } String sqlSelect = "SELECT blacklist FROM vtv6_nick where nick='" + nick + "'";"SEARCH CODE : " + sqlSelect); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlSelect); if (statement.execute()) { rs = statement.getResultSet(); while ( { result = rs.getString(1);"Code: " + result); return result; } } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return result; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(rs); dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
private int savenickqueue(String user_id, String nick, String request_id) throws Exception { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; String sqlString = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); //"sendMT:" + msgObject.getUserid()+ "@TO" + // msgObject.getServiceid() + "@" + msgObject.getUsertext() ); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return -1; } String sqlInsert = "Insert into vtv6_nick (user_id,nick,request_id) values ('" + user_id + "','" + nick + "','" + request_id + "')";"Insert:" + sqlInsert); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert); if (statement.executeUpdate() != 1) {"SieuRe: Insert in to daugia_winner Failed"); return -1; } return 1; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error("SieuRe: Error:" + e.toString()); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error("SieuRe: Error:" + e.toString()); return -1; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }
public static int executeSQL(String sql) { PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); Connection obj = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); try { statement = obj.prepareStatement(sql); if (statement.executeUpdate() < 0) { return -1; } return 1; } catch (SQLException e) { return -1; } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(obj); } }
private static boolean updateBlacklist(String userid, String blacklist) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; DBPool dbpool = new DBPool(); try { connection = dbpool.getConnectionGateway(); if (connection == null) { Util.logger.error("Impossible to connect to DB"); return false; } // Update cac danh sach bai hat da gui cho khach hang String sqlUpdate = "UPDATE vtv6_nick SET blacklist = '" + blacklist + "' WHERE upper(user_id)='" + userid.toUpperCase() + "' and status=1";" UPDATE: " + sqlUpdate); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); if (statement.execute()) {"Update vtv6_nick " + userid + " to dbcontent"); return false; } return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { Util.logger.error(": Error:" + e.toString()); return false; } finally { dbpool.cleanup(statement); dbpool.cleanup(connection); } }