private static String getSessionDetails(VaadinSession session) { if (session == null) { return null; } else { return session.toString() + " for " + session.getService().getServiceName(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public GridThreatEvents() { groups = (List<UserGroup>) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("groups"); groupsNames = (List<UserGroupName>) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("groupNames"); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); buildGrid(); }
@Override public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)(/.*)?").matcher(path); if (!matcher.matches()) { return super.handleConnectorRequest(request, response, path); } DownloadStream stream; VaadinSession session = getSession(); session.lock(); try { List<URLReference> sources = getState().sources; int sourceIndex = Integer.parseInt(; if (sourceIndex < 0 || sourceIndex >= sources.size()) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Requested source index {0} is out of bounds", sourceIndex); return false; } URLReference reference = sources.get(sourceIndex); ConnectorResource resource = (ConnectorResource) ResourceReference.getResource(reference); stream = resource.getStream(); } finally { session.unlock(); } stream.writeResponse(request, response); return true; }
private static WrappedSession getCurrentHttpSession() { VaadinSession s = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); if (s == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No session found for current thread"); } return s.getSession(); }
/** * Refresh. * * @param time the time * @param interval the interval */ public void refresh(String time, String interval) { this.time = time; this.interval = interval; // if (isChartsEditing) { // return; // } VaadinSession session = getSession(); if (session == null) { session = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); } boolean isChartsEditing2 = (Boolean) session.getAttribute("isChartsEditing"); if (isChartsEditing2) { return; } ManagerUI.log("ChartsLayout refresh()"); Iterator<Component> iter = iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Component component =; if (component instanceof ChartButton) { ChartButton chartButton = (ChartButton) component; UpdaterThread updaterThread = new UpdaterThread(chartButton); updaterThread.start(); } } }
public void localeSetting(Locale locale) { try { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().lock(); VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute(CURRENTLOCALE.toString(), locale); } finally { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().unlock(); } }
/** * Find the UI for the atmosphere resource, lock it and invoke the callback. * * @param resource the atmosphere resource for the current request * @param callback the push callback to call when a UI is found and locked */ private void callWithUi(final AtmosphereResource resource, final PushEventCallback callback) { AtmosphereRequest req = resource.getRequest(); VaadinServletRequest vaadinRequest = new VaadinServletRequest(req, service); VaadinSession session = null; service.requestStart(vaadinRequest, null); try { try { session = service.findVaadinSession(vaadinRequest); } catch (ServiceException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not get session. This should never happen", e); } catch (SessionExpiredException e) { SystemMessages msg = service.getSystemMessages( ServletPortletHelper.findLocale(null, null, vaadinRequest), vaadinRequest); try { resource .getResponse() .getWriter() .write( VaadinService.createCriticalNotificationJSON( msg.getSessionExpiredCaption(), msg.getSessionExpiredMessage(), null, msg.getSessionExpiredURL())); } catch (IOException e1) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to notify client about unavailable session", e); } return; } session.lock(); try { VaadinSession.setCurrent(session); // Sets UI.currentInstance final UI ui = service.findUI(vaadinRequest); if (ui == null) { // This a request through an already open push connection to // a UI which no longer exists. resource .getResponse() .getWriter() .write(UidlRequestHandler.getUINotFoundErrorJSON(service, vaadinRequest)); // End the connection resource.resume(); return; }, ui); } catch (IOException e) { getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "An error occured while writing a push response", e); } finally { session.unlock(); } } finally { service.requestEnd(vaadinRequest, null, session); } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void prepAttach() { when(request.getParameter("v-loc")).thenReturn(baseUri + "/#home"); ui.getPage().init(request); when(session.createConnectorId(Matchers.any(ClientConnector.class))) .thenAnswer(new ConnectorIdAnswer()); when(session.getLocale()).thenReturn(Locale.FRANCE); when(session.hasLock()).thenReturn(true); ui.setSession(session); }
public void displayReport(Filter filter, Map<String, Object> parameters) { // TODO make the report generation asynchronous and display the first page when it is ready // and not after last // page is ready currentParameters = parameters; // Load template ReportDefinition rd = (ReportDefinition) getReportSelection().getValue(); String path = getFullPath(rd); jasperReport = reportGenerator.loadTemplate(path); // Set parameters Map<String, Object> params = JRUtils.createParametersFromFilter(jasperReport, filter); params.putAll(currentParameters); currentParameters.putAll(params); // Set datasource jrDataSource = null; if (!rd.requiresDatabaseConnection()) { if (container instanceof Indexed) { jrDataSource = new JRIndexedContainerDataSource((Indexed) container); } else { jrDataSource = new JRContainerDataSource(container); } } // Generate report reportGenerator.setShowMargins(showMargins.getValue()); String html = reportGenerator.executeReportAsHtml( jasperReport, params, jrDataSource, ((WrappedHttpSession) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getSession()).getHttpSession(), VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLocale()); if (html == null || "".equals(html) || (container != null && container.size() <= 0)) { reportArea.setValue(getMessageService().getMessage(NO_DATA_FOUND_KEY)); exportPDF.setEnabled(false); } else { if (rd.requiresExternalScript()) { VaadinUtils.loadScript(REPORT_AREA_ID, html, rd.requiresExternalScript(), alreadyLoaded); // only load external script for the map alreadyLoaded = true; } else { reportArea.setValue(html); } exportPDF.setEnabled(true); } }
@Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { Messages.setLocale(VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLocale()); final LoginPanel loginPanel = new LoginPanel(); setContent(loginPanel); }
public TimelineScreen() { setMargin(true); Label label = new Label(VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(Principal.class).getName()); Button button = new Button("Logout"); button.addClickListener(new LogoutBehavior()); HorizontalLayout menuBar = new HorizontalLayout(label, button); menuBar.setWidth(100, PERCENTAGE); menuBar.setComponentAlignment(button, MIDDLE_RIGHT); menuBar.setMargin(true); addComponent(menuBar); TweetRefresherBehavior behavior = TwaattinUI.getCurrent().getTweetRefresherBehavior(); addComponentAttachListener(behavior); VerticalLayout timeline = new VerticalLayout(); timeline.addStyleName("p-timeline"); addComponent(timeline); }
@Override public void run(AtmosphereResource resource, UI ui) throws IOException { getLogger() .log(Level.FINER, "New push connection with transport {0}", resource.transport()); resource.getResponse().setContentType("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); VaadinSession session = ui.getSession(); if (resource.transport() == TRANSPORT.STREAMING) { // IE8 requires a longer padding to work properly if the // initial message is small (#11573). Chrome does not work // without the original padding... WebBrowser browser = session.getBrowser(); if (browser.isIE() && browser.getBrowserMajorVersion() == 8) { resource.padding(LONG_PADDING); } // Must ensure that the streaming response contains // "Connection: close", otherwise iOS 6 will wait for the // response to this request before sending another request to // the same server (as it will apparently try to reuse the same // connection) resource.getResponse().addHeader("Connection", "close"); } String requestToken = resource.getRequest().getParameter(ApplicationConstants.CSRF_TOKEN_PARAMETER); if (!VaadinService.isCsrfTokenValid(session, requestToken)) { getLogger() .log( Level.WARNING, "Invalid CSRF token in new connection received from {0}", resource.getRequest().getRemoteHost()); // Refresh on client side, create connection just for // sending a message sendRefreshAndDisconnect(resource); return; } resource.suspend(); AtmospherePushConnection connection = new AtmospherePushConnection(ui); connection.connect(resource); ui.setPushConnection(connection); }
// Generic method that creates necessary VaadinSessin mock environment to be // able to test the BeanStoreRetrievalStrategy class. // To use it, call this method and write your test logic inside the // test method implemented from BeanStoreRetrievalStrategyTest interface. private synchronized void beanStoreTest( BeanStoreRetrievalStrategyTest test, boolean openVaadinSession) { WrappedSession wrappedSession = mock(WrappedSession.class); VaadinService vaadinService = mock(VaadinService.class); VaadinSession session = mock(VaadinSession.class); if (openVaadinSession) { when(session.getState()).thenReturn(VaadinSession.State.OPEN); } else { when(session.getState()).thenReturn(VaadinSession.State.CLOSED); } when(session.getSession()).thenReturn(wrappedSession); when(session.getService()).thenReturn(vaadinService); when(session.getSession().getId()).thenReturn(TEST_SESSION_ID); UIID uiid = new UIID(TEST_UIID); BeanStore beanStore = new BeanStore(TEST_BEAN_NAME); UIStore uiStore = mock(UIStore.class); when(session.getAttribute(UIStore.class)).thenReturn(uiStore); when(uiStore.getBeanStore(uiid)).thenReturn(beanStore); try { CurrentInstance.set(VaadinSession.class, session); CurrentInstance.set(UIID.class, uiid); test.test(session, uiStore, uiid); } finally { CurrentInstance.clearAll(); } }
// NOTE: the finish() method above is not called if the user // doesn't browse back from the OAuth authentication page. // That's why we make cleanUpSession public so that others can clean up also. public void cleanUpSession(final VaadinSession session) { session.access( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { session.removeRequestHandler(AuthCallbackRequestHandler.this); } }); }
public Login() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("municipaldata", null); VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("barangaydata", null); VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("id", null); setSizeFull(); dialog = new Window("Login"); dialog.setClosable(false); dialog.setResizable(false);; // new CreateAccount(); VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); content.setSpacing(true); content.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, true, true, true)); dialog.setContent(content); Label title = new Label("Login"); title.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); title.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_COLORED); HorizontalLayout form = new HorizontalLayout(); form.setSpacing(true); form.addStyleName("wrapping"); content.addComponent(form); username.setIcon(FontAwesome.USER); username.focus(); form.addComponent(username); password.setIcon(FontAwesome.LOCK); form.addComponent(password); Button submit = new Button("Login"); submit.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_ICON_ALIGN_RIGHT); submit.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); submit.setIcon(FontAwesome.ARROW_RIGHT); submit.setWidth("100%"); submit.addListener(ClickEvent.class, this, "gotoMain"); content.addComponent(submit); }
private void logout() { btnLogin.setVisible(true); btnRegistration.setVisible(true); btnAdvertReg.setVisible(false); btnMyAccout.setVisible(false); btnLogout.setVisible(false); btnAdminAccount.setVisible(false); AccountView.setAvailability(false); AdvertRegView.setAvailability(false); LetterView.setAvailability(false); AdminView.setAvailability(false); try { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().lock(); VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute(CURRENTUSER.toString(), null); } finally { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().unlock(); } userLabel.setValue(""); }
@Override public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException { if (!path.matches("dl(/.*)?")) { // Ignore if it isn't for us return false; } VaadinSession session = getSession(); session.lock(); AdvancedFileDownloader.this.fireEvent(); DownloadStream stream; try { Resource resource = getFileDownloadResource(); if (!(resource instanceof ConnectorResource)) { return false; } stream = ((ConnectorResource) resource).getStream(); if (stream.getParameter("Content-Disposition") == null) { // Content-Disposition: attachment generally forces download stream.setParameter( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + stream.getFileName() + "\""); } // Content-Type to block eager browser plug-ins from hijacking // the file if (isOverrideContentType()) { stream.setContentType("application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8"); } } finally { session.unlock(); } stream.writeResponse(request, response); return true; }
private void updateContent() { MlUser user = (MlUser) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(MlUser.class.getName()); if (user != null // && "admin".equals(user.getRole()) ) { setContent(new MainView()); removeStyleName("loginview"); getNavigator().navigateTo(getNavigator().getState()); } else { setContent(new LoginView()); addStyleName("loginview"); } }
@Before public void setup() { vaadinSession = new AlwaysLockedVaadinSession(null); VaadinSession.setCurrent(vaadinSession); ui = new UI() { @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {} }; ui.setSession(vaadinSession); UI.setCurrent(ui); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mapping.configuration.ui.action.Action#exectuteAction() */ @Override public void exectuteAction() { IkasanAuthentication ikasanAuthentication = (IkasanAuthentication) VaadinService.getCurrentRequest() .getWrappedSession() .getAttribute(DashboardSessionValueConstants.USER); VaadinService.getCurrentRequest() .getWrappedSession() .setAttribute(DashboardSessionValueConstants.USER, null); this.visibilityGroup.setVisible(); this.editableGroup.setEditable(false); layout.removeComponent(this.logOutButton); layout.addComponent(this.loginButton, 2, 0); layout.addComponent(this.setupButton, 3, 0); layout.setComponentAlignment(this.setupButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); layout.setComponentAlignment(this.loginButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); this.layout.removeComponent(userLabel); VaadinSession vSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); WrappedSession httpSession = vSession.getSession(); this.navigationPanel.reset(); // Invalidate HttpSession httpSession.invalidate(); vSession.close(); systemEventService.logSystemEvent( SystemEventConstants.DASHBOARD_LOGOUT_CONSTANTS, "User logging out: " + ikasanAuthentication.getName(), ikasanAuthentication.getName()); // Redirect the user to the login/default Page Page.getCurrent().setLocation("/ikasan-dashboard"); }
@Override public Component createComponent(final VisualizerInput vis, VisualizationToggle visToggle) { VaadinSession session = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); if (session.getAttribute(IFrameResourceMap.class) == null) { session.setAttribute(IFrameResourceMap.class, new IFrameResourceMap()); } ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeOutput(vis, outStream); IFrameResource res = new IFrameResource(); res.setData(outStream.toByteArray()); res.setMimeType(getContentType()); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); session.getAttribute(IFrameResourceMap.class).put(uuid, res); URI base = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation(); AutoHeightIFrame iframe = new AutoHeightIFrame(base.resolve("vis-iframe-res/" + uuid.toString())); return iframe; }
/** * Sets the editable. * * @param editable the new editable */ public void setEditable(boolean editable) { isChartsEditing = editable; VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("isChartsEditing", isChartsEditing); Iterator<Component> iter = iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ChartButton chartButton = (ChartButton); chartButton.setEditable(editable); } // when getting out of editable mode, save mappings if (editable == false) { saveChartsToProperties(); } }
protected LogEvent prepareLogEvent(LogEvent.Types eventType) { LogEvent logEvent = new LogEvent(); logEvent.setType(eventType); User user = (User) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(User.class.getName()); logEvent.setUserName(user.getName()); user = null; logEvent.setIp(UI.getCurrent().getPage().getWebBrowser().getAddress()); logEvent.setResult(this.getClass().getName()); logEvent.setAction(this.getClass().getName()); logEvent.setViewName(view.getName()); logEvent.setCreateDate(new Date()); logEvent.setEntity(null); return logEvent; }
private void saveUser(String oauthId, String name, String email, String picUrl) { User user = UserBean.builder() .oauthIdentifier(oauthId) .firstName(name) .picUrl(picUrl) .lastName("") .email(email) .role("user") .build(); try { UserVertex userVertex = (UserVertex) new UserVertex(user).saveOrUpdateInNewTX(); user = userVertex.model(); VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute(User.class.getName(), user); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public MainScreen() { Label loginLabel = new Label("Welcome " + VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(String.class)); HorizontalLayout menuBar = new HorizontalLayout(loginLabel); MessageTable table = new MessageTable(); TextArea messageArea = new TextArea(); messageArea.setWidth(100, PERCENTAGE); Button sendButton = new Button("Send"); sendButton.addClickListener(new SendMessageClickListener(table, messageArea)); HorizontalLayout lowerBar = new HorizontalLayout(messageArea, sendButton); lowerBar.setWidth(100, PERCENTAGE); lowerBar.setSpacing(true); VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(menuBar, table, lowerBar); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setSizeFull(); setCompositionRoot(mainLayout); }
/** * Asynch refresh. * * @param updaterThread the updater thread */ private void asynchRefresh(UpdaterThread updaterThread) { VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("ChartsRefresh", true); refreshCode(updaterThread.chartButton, updaterThread); VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("ChartsRefresh", false); }
private List<ActivitiesSummary> getActivities() { Athlete athlete = (Athlete) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(Athlete.class.getName()); return MyVaadinUI.getActivityService().getActivitiesSummary(athlete.getToken()); }
/** * Refresh code. * * @param chartButton the chart button * @param updaterThread the updater thread */ public void refreshCode(ChartButton chartButton, UpdaterThread updaterThread) { String systemID, nodeID; VaadinSession session = getSession(); if (session == null) { session = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); } ManagerUI managerUI = session.getAttribute(ManagerUI.class); ClusterComponent componentInfo = session.getAttribute(ClusterComponent.class); switch (componentInfo.getType()) { case system: systemID = componentInfo.getID(); nodeID = SystemInfo.SYSTEM_NODEID; break; case node: systemID = componentInfo.getParentID(); nodeID = componentInfo.getID(); break; default: return; } final UserChart userChart = (UserChart) chartButton.getData(); final Chart chart = chartButton.getChart(); boolean needsRedraw = false; String[] timeStamps = null; final Configuration configuration = chart.getConfiguration(); for (String monitorID : userChart.getMonitorIDs()) { if (updaterThread != null && updaterThread.flagged) { ManagerUI.log(this.getClass().getName() + " - flagged is set before API call"); return; } ManagerUI.log("ChartsLayout - redraw loop MonitorID: " + monitorID); final MonitorRecord monitor = Monitors.getMonitor(monitorID); if (monitor == null) { // monitor was removed from the system: skip ManagerUI.log("monitor was removed from the system"); continue; } MonitorData monitorData = (MonitorData) userChart.getMonitorData(monitor.getID()); if (monitorData == null) { String method; if ( { method = MonitorData.METHOD_AVG; } else if ( { method = MonitorData.METHOD_MINMAX; } else { continue; // unknown chart type, skip } monitorData = new MonitorData( monitor, systemID, nodeID, time, interval, userChart.getPoints(), method); needsRedraw = true; } else if (monitorData.update(systemID, nodeID, time, interval, userChart.getPoints()) == true) { // data in chart needs to be updated needsRedraw = true; } else { continue; // no update needed } if (timeStamps == null) { DateConversion dateConversion = session.getAttribute(DateConversion.class); ArrayList<Long> unixTimes = monitorData.getTimeStamps(); if (unixTimes != null) { timeStamps = new String[unixTimes.size()]; int timeSpacer = unixTimes.size() / 15; for (int x = 0; x < unixTimes.size(); x++) { timeStamps[x] = (x % timeSpacer != 0) ? "\u00A0" : dateConversion.stampToString(unixTimes.get(x)); } } } if (updaterThread != null && updaterThread.flagged) { ManagerUI.log("ChartsLayout - flagged is set before UI redraw"); return; } final MonitorData finalMonitorData = monitorData; final String finalMonitorID = monitorID; managerUI.access( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Here the UI is locked and can be updated ManagerUI.log("ChartsLayout access run() monitorID: " + finalMonitorID); if ( { ListSeries ls = null, testLS; List<Series> lsList = configuration.getSeries(); Iterator seriesIter = lsList.iterator(); while (seriesIter.hasNext()) { testLS = (ListSeries); if (testLS.getName().equals(monitor.getName())) { ls = testLS; break; } } if (ls == null) { ls = new ListSeries(monitor.getName()); configuration.addSeries(ls); } userChart.setMonitorData(monitor.getID(), finalMonitorData); ArrayList<Number> avgList = finalMonitorData.getAvgPoints(); ls.setData(avgList); } else if ( { RangeSeries rs = null, testRS; List<Series> lsList = configuration.getSeries(); Iterator seriesIter = lsList.iterator(); while (seriesIter.hasNext()) { testRS = (RangeSeries); if (testRS.getName().equals(monitor.getName())) { rs = testRS; break; } } if (rs == null) { rs = new RangeSeries(monitor.getName()); configuration.addSeries(rs); } userChart.setMonitorData(monitor.getID(), finalMonitorData); ArrayList<Number> minList = finalMonitorData.getMinPoints(); ArrayList<Number> maxList = finalMonitorData.getMaxPoints(); if (minList != null && maxList != null && minList.size() > 0 && maxList.size() > 0 && minList.size() == maxList.size()) { Object[] minArray = finalMonitorData.getMinPoints().toArray(); Object[] maxArray = finalMonitorData.getMaxPoints().toArray(); Number[][] dataList = new Number[minList.size()][2]; for (int x = 0; x < minList.size(); x++) { dataList[x][0] = (Number) minArray[x]; dataList[x][1] = (Number) maxArray[x]; } rs.setRangeData(dataList); } else { rs.setRangeData(new Number[0][0]); } } } }); } // for final boolean finalNeedsRedraw = needsRedraw; final String[] finalTimeStamps = timeStamps; final ChartButton finalChartButton = chartButton; managerUI.access( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Here the UI is locked and can be updated if (finalNeedsRedraw) { ManagerUI.log("ChartsLayout needsRedraw"); if (finalTimeStamps != null) { XAxis xAxis = configuration.getxAxis(); Labels labels = new Labels(); labels.setRotation(-45); labels.setAlign(HorizontalAlign.RIGHT); xAxis.setLabels(labels); xAxis.setCategories(finalTimeStamps); } chart.drawChart(configuration); finalChartButton.setVisible(true); } } }); }
private static void setUserLabel() { Advertiser a = (Advertiser) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(CURRENTUSER.toString()); userLabel.setValue(loggedIn + a.getEmail()); }
public void sessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) throws ServiceException { event.getService(); final VaadinSession session = event.getSession(); session.addUIProvider(applicationProvider.get()); }