private static byte[] findTypeAndTransform(CtClass javaClass) throws CannotCompileException, IOException, NotFoundException { int componentType = findComponentType(javaClass); ClassFile cf = javaClass.getClassFile(); if (componentType != Info.COMPONENT_UNKNOWN && !cf.isInterface() && !cf.isAbstract()) { javaClass.getName() + " is of type " + Info.TYPES[componentType] + " and will be instrumented"); switch (componentType) { case Info.COMPONENT_SESSIONBEAN: return ComponentTransformer.transformSessionBean(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_ENTITYBEAN: return ComponentTransformer.transformEntityBean(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_MESSAGEDRIVENBEAN: return ComponentTransformer.transformMessageDrivenBean(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_CUSTOM: return ComponentTransformer.transformCustom(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_QUEUESENDER: return ComponentTransformer.transformQueueSender(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_SERVLET: return ComponentTransformer.transformServlet(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_SINGLETON: return ComponentTransformer.transformSingleton(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_TOPICPUBLISHER: return ComponentTransformer.transformTopicPublisher(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_SQLSTATEMENT: return ComponentTransformer.transformSQLStatement(javaClass); case Info.COMPONENT_SQLCONNECTION: return ComponentTransformer.transformSQLConnection(javaClass); default: return null; } } return null; }
private Method lookupMethod( CtClass clazz, String methodName, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames, boolean onlyExact) throws CompileError { Method maybe = null; ClassFile cf = clazz.getClassFile2(); // If the class is an array type, the class file is null. // If so, search the super class java.lang.Object for clone() etc. if (cf != null) { List list = cf.getMethods(); int n = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { MethodInfo minfo = (MethodInfo) list.get(i); if (minfo.getName().equals(methodName)) { int res = compareSignature(minfo.getDescriptor(), argTypes, argDims, argClassNames); if (res != NO) { Method r = new Method(clazz, minfo, res); if (res == YES) return r; else if (maybe == null || maybe.notmatch > res) maybe = r; } } } } if (onlyExact) maybe = null; else onlyExact = maybe != null; int mod = clazz.getModifiers(); boolean isIntf = Modifier.isInterface(mod); try { // skip searching java.lang.Object if clazz is an interface type. if (!isIntf) { CtClass pclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (pclazz != null) { Method r = lookupMethod(pclazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) return r; } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { } if (isIntf || Modifier.isAbstract(mod)) try { CtClass[] ifs = clazz.getInterfaces(); int size = ifs.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Method r = lookupMethod(ifs[i], methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) return r; } if (isIntf) { // finally search java.lang.Object. CtClass pclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (pclazz != null) { Method r = lookupMethod(pclazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) return r; } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { } return maybe; }