Пример #1
 public void loadRelations(AtomicQuery query, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
   List<Entry> entries = queryForEntries(query, tx.getTxHandle());
   RelationLoader factory = tx.getRelationFactory();
   VertexRelationLoader loader = new StandardVertexRelationLoader(query.getNode(), factory);
   loadRelations(entries, loader, tx);
Пример #2
  public long[] indexRetrieval(Object key, TitanKey pt, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
        pt.isSimple(), "Currently, only simple properties are supported for index retrieval");
        pt.hasIndex(), "Cannot retrieve for given property key - it does not have an index");

    long[] vertices = null;

        "Specified object is incompatible with property data type [" + pt.getName() + "]");

    for (int readAttempt = 0; readAttempt < maxReadRetryAttempts; readAttempt++) {
      try {
        if (pt.isUnique()) {
          ByteBuffer value =
              propertyIndex.get(getIndexKey(key), getKeyedIndexColumn(pt), tx.getTxHandle());
          if (value != null) {
            vertices = new long[1];
            vertices[0] = VariableLong.readPositive(value);
        } else {
          ByteBuffer startColumn = VariableLong.positiveByteBuffer(pt.getID());
          List<Entry> entries =
          vertices = new long[entries.size()];
          int i = 0;
          for (Entry ent : entries) {
            vertices[i++] = VariableLong.readPositive(ent.getValue());

      } catch (StorageException e) {
        if (e instanceof TemporaryStorageException) {
          if (readAttempt < maxReadRetryAttempts - 1) temporaryStorageException(e);
          else throw readException(e, maxReadRetryAttempts);
        } else throw readException(e);

    if (vertices == null) return new long[0];
    else return vertices;
Пример #3
  public AbstractLongList getRawNeighborhood(AtomicQuery query, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
        "Raw retrieval is currently does not support in-memory filtering");
    List<Entry> entries = queryForEntries(query, tx.getTxHandle());

    InternalTitanVertex node = query.getNode();
    TitanType titanType = null;
    if (query.hasEdgeTypeCondition()) titanType = query.getTypeCondition();

    AbstractLongList result = new LongArrayList();

    for (Entry entry : entries) {
      if (!query.hasEdgeTypeCondition()) {
        long etid = IDHandler.readEdgeType(entry.getColumn(), idManager);
        if (titanType == null || titanType.getID() != etid) {
          titanType = getTypeFromID(etid, tx);
      if (titanType.isPropertyKey() || (!titanType.isModifiable() && !query.queryUnmodifiable())) {
        continue; // Skip since it does not match query
      // Get neighboring node id
      long iddiff = VariableLong.read(entry.getValue());
      long nghid = iddiff + node.getID();

      if (result.size() >= query.getLimit()) break;
    return result;
Пример #4
 private final TitanType getTypeFromID(long etid, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
   if (idManager.getGroupID(etid) == SystemTypeManager.SYSTEM_TYPE_GROUP.getID()) {
     // its a systemtype
     return SystemTypeManager.getSystemEdgeType(etid);
   } else {
     return (TitanType) tx.getVertex(etid);
Пример #5
 private TitanType getEdgeType(
     String name, Map<String, TitanType> etCache, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
   TitanType et = etCache.get(name);
   if (et == null) {
     et = tx.getType(name);
     etCache.put(name, et);
   return et;
Пример #6
  public boolean containsVertexID(long id, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
    log.trace("Checking node existence for {}", id);

    for (int readAttempt = 0; readAttempt < maxReadRetryAttempts; readAttempt++) {
      try {
        return edgeStore.containsKey(IDHandler.getKey(id), tx.getTxHandle());
      } catch (StorageException e) {
        if (e instanceof TemporaryStorageException) {
          if (readAttempt < maxReadRetryAttempts - 1) temporaryStorageException(e);
          else throw readException(e, maxReadRetryAttempts);
        } else throw readException(e);
    throw new AssertionError("Illegal program state");
Пример #7
  public RecordIterator<Long> getVertexIDs(final InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
    if (!(edgeStore instanceof ScanKeyColumnValueStore))
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "The configured storage backend does not support global graph operations - use Faunus instead");

    for (int readAttempt = 0; readAttempt < maxReadRetryAttempts; readAttempt++) {
      try {
        final RecordIterator<ByteBuffer> keyiter =
            ((ScanKeyColumnValueStore) edgeStore).getKeys(tx.getTxHandle());
        return new RecordIterator<Long>() {

          public boolean hasNext() throws StorageException {
            return keyiter.hasNext();

          public Long next() throws StorageException {
            return IDHandler.getKeyID(keyiter.next());

          public void close() throws StorageException {
      } catch (StorageException e) {
        if (e instanceof TemporaryStorageException) {
          if (readAttempt < maxReadRetryAttempts - 1) temporaryStorageException(e);
          else throw readException(e, maxReadRetryAttempts);
        } else throw readException(e);
    throw new AssertionError("Illegal program state");
Пример #8
  public void save(
      final Collection<InternalRelation> addedRelations,
      final Collection<InternalRelation> deletedRelations,
      final InternalTitanTransaction tx)
      throws StorageException {
    // Setup
        "Saving transaction. Added {}, removed {}", addedRelations.size(), deletedRelations.size());
    final Map<TitanType, TypeSignature> signatures = new HashMap<TitanType, TypeSignature>();
    final TransactionHandle txh = tx.getTxHandle();

    final StoreMutator mutator = getStoreMutator(txh);
    final boolean acquireLocks = tx.getTxConfiguration().hasAcquireLocks();

    // 1. Assign TitanVertex IDs
    assignIDs(addedRelations, tx);

    for (int saveAttempt = 0; saveAttempt < maxWriteRetryAttempts; saveAttempt++) {
      //        while (true) { //Indefinite loop, broken if no exception occurs, otherwise retried
      // or failed immediately
      try {
        // 2. Collect deleted edges
        ListMultimap<InternalTitanVertex, InternalRelation> mutations = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        if (deletedRelations != null && !deletedRelations.isEmpty()) {
          for (InternalRelation del : deletedRelations) {
            assert del.isRemoved();
            for (int pos = 0; pos < del.getArity(); pos++) {
              InternalTitanVertex node = del.getVertex(pos);
              if (pos == 0 || !del.isUnidirected()) {
                mutations.put(node, del);
              if (pos == 0
                  && acquireLocks
                  && del.getType().isFunctional()
                  && ((InternalTitanType) del.getType()).isFunctionalLocking()) {
                Entry entry = getEntry(tx, del, node, signatures);
                    IDHandler.getKey(node.getID()), entry.getColumn(), entry.getValue());
            if (acquireLocks && del.isProperty()) {
              lockKeyedProperty((TitanProperty) del, mutator);

        ListMultimap<InternalTitanType, InternalRelation> simpleEdgeTypes = null;
        ListMultimap<InternalTitanType, InternalRelation> otherEdgeTypes = null;

        // 3. Sort Added Edges
        for (InternalRelation edge : addedRelations) {
          if (edge.isRemoved()) continue;
          assert edge.isNew();

          TitanType et = edge.getType();

          // Give special treatment to edge type definitions
          if (SystemTypeManager.prepersistedSystemTypes.contains(et)) {
            assert edge.getVertex(0) instanceof InternalTitanType;
            InternalTitanType node = (InternalTitanType) edge.getVertex(0);
            assert node.hasID();
            if (node.isSimple()) {
              if (simpleEdgeTypes == null) simpleEdgeTypes = ArrayListMultimap.create();
              simpleEdgeTypes.put(node, edge);
            } else {
              if (otherEdgeTypes == null) otherEdgeTypes = ArrayListMultimap.create();
              otherEdgeTypes.put(node, edge);
          } else { // STANDARD TitanRelation
            assert (edge.getArity() == 1 && edge.isProperty())
                || (edge.getArity() == 2 && edge.isEdge());
            for (int pos = 0; pos < edge.getArity(); pos++) {
              InternalTitanVertex node = edge.getVertex(pos);
              assert node.hasID();
              if (pos == 0 || !edge.isUnidirected()) {
                mutations.put(node, edge);
              if (pos == 0
                  && acquireLocks
                  && edge.getType().isFunctional()
                  && !node.isNew()
                  && ((InternalTitanType) edge.getType()).isFunctionalLocking()) {
                Entry entry = getEntry(tx, edge, node, signatures, true);
                mutator.acquireEdgeLock(IDHandler.getKey(node.getID()), entry.getColumn(), null);
          if (acquireLocks && edge.isProperty()) {
            lockKeyedProperty((TitanProperty) edge, mutator);

        // 3. Persist
        if (simpleEdgeTypes != null) persist(simpleEdgeTypes, signatures, tx, mutator);
        if (otherEdgeTypes != null) persist(otherEdgeTypes, signatures, tx, mutator);

        // Commit saved EdgeTypes to TypeManager
        if (simpleEdgeTypes != null) commitEdgeTypes(simpleEdgeTypes.keySet());
        if (otherEdgeTypes != null) commitEdgeTypes(otherEdgeTypes.keySet());

        if (!mutations.isEmpty()) persist(mutations, signatures, tx, mutator);

        // Successfully completed - return to break out of loop
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (e instanceof TemporaryStorageException) {
          if (saveAttempt < maxWriteRetryAttempts - 1) temporaryStorageException(e);
            throw new PermanentStorageException(
                "Tried committing "
                    + maxWriteRetryAttempts
                    + " times on temporary exception without success",
        } else if (e instanceof StorageException) {
          throw (StorageException) e;
        } else {
          throw new PermanentStorageException(
              "Unidentified exception occurred during persistence", e);
Пример #9
  protected void loadRelations(
      Iterable<Entry> entries, VertexRelationLoader loader, InternalTitanTransaction tx) {
    Map<String, TitanType> etCache = new HashMap<String, TitanType>();
    TitanType titanType = null;

    for (Entry entry : entries) {
      ByteBuffer column = entry.getColumn();
      int dirID = IDHandler.getDirectionID(column.get(column.position()));
      long etid = IDHandler.readEdgeType(column, idManager);

      if (titanType == null || titanType.getID() != etid) {
        titanType = getTypeFromID(etid, tx);

      Object[] keys = null;
      if (!titanType.isSimple()) {
        TypeDefinition def = ((InternalTitanType) titanType).getDefinition();
        String[] keysig = def.getKeySignature();
        keys = new Object[keysig.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < keysig.length; i++)
          keys[i] = readInline(column, getEdgeType(keysig[i], etCache, tx));

      long edgeid = 0;
      if (!titanType.isFunctional()) {
        edgeid = VariableLong.readPositive(column);

      ByteBuffer value = entry.getValue();
      if (titanType.isEdgeLabel()) {
        long nodeIDDiff = VariableLong.read(value);
        if (titanType.isFunctional()) edgeid = VariableLong.readPositive(value);
        assert edgeid > 0;
        long otherid = loader.getVertexId() + nodeIDDiff;
        assert dirID == 3 || dirID == 2;
        Direction dir = dirID == 3 ? Direction.IN : Direction.OUT;
        if (!tx.isDeletedRelation(edgeid))
          loader.loadEdge(edgeid, (TitanLabel) titanType, dir, otherid);
      } else {
        assert titanType.isPropertyKey();
        assert dirID == 0;
        TitanKey propType = ((TitanKey) titanType);
        Object attribute = null;

        if (hasGenericDataType(propType)) {
          attribute = serializer.readClassAndObject(value);
        } else {
          attribute = serializer.readObjectNotNull(value, propType.getDataType());
        assert attribute != null;

        if (titanType.isFunctional()) edgeid = VariableLong.readPositive(value);
        assert edgeid > 0;
        if (!tx.isDeletedRelation(edgeid)) loader.loadProperty(edgeid, propType, attribute);

      // Read value inline edges if any
      if (!titanType.isSimple()) {
        TypeDefinition def = ((InternalTitanType) titanType).getDefinition();
        // First create all keys buffered above
        String[] keysig = def.getKeySignature();
        for (int i = 0; i < keysig.length; i++) {
          createInlineEdge(loader, getEdgeType(keysig[i], etCache, tx), keys[i]);

        // value signature
        for (String str : def.getCompactSignature())
          readLabel(loader, value, getEdgeType(str, etCache, tx));

        // Third: read rest
        while (value.hasRemaining()) {
          TitanType type =
              (TitanType) tx.getExistingVertex(IDHandler.readInlineEdgeType(value, idManager));
          readLabel(loader, value, type);