public final void aK(int paramInt) { if (lql != null) { lql.ds(10L); } }
public final boolean c(View paramView, MotionEvent paramMotionEvent) { int k = 8; Object localObject1 = paramView.getTag(); if ((localObject1 == null) || (!(localObject1 instanceof dg))) { u.i("!64@/B4Tb64lLpKwUcOR+EdWcgUrCDYYt5XKNxI73I2a4RomBdAK4qpVVWMkFHlOIfex", "The Tag of the View is not a instance of ItemDataTag or is null."); } Object localObject3; int i; do { return false; localObject1 = (dg)paramView.getTag(); localObject2 = ajh; localObject3 =; if ((! && (!((String)localObject3).equals(localObject2))) { break; } u.v("!64@/B4Tb64lLpKwUcOR+EdWcgUrCDYYt5XKNxI73I2a4RomBdAK4qpVVWMkFHlOIfex", "Can't talk to self and self username can't be null."); i = 0; } while (i == 0); Object localObject2 = paramView.getContext(); if (kTD == null) { localObject3 = ((Context)localObject2).getResources(); float f = ((Resources)localObject3).getDimension(2131034637); kTG = ((int)(((Resources)localObject3).getDimension(2131034576) * 2.0F + f)); cRI = View.inflate((Context)localObject2, 2131361947, null); kTE = cRI.findViewById(2131165677); kTF = cRI.findViewById(2131165678); kTF.setOnClickListener(this); kTE.setOnClickListener(this); kTF.setOnTouchListener(kTN); kTE.setOnTouchListener(kTN); kTD = new o(cRI, -2, kTG, false); kTD.setOutsideTouchable(true); localObject3 = new Rect(); if ((localObject2 instanceof Activity)) { ((Activity)localObject2).getWindow().getDecorView().getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame((Rect)localObject3); } gFu = top; localObject3 = ((Context)localObject2).getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); if (widthPixels > heightPixels) { kTH = ((Context)localObject2).getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(2131034626); label315: kTD.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(16777215)); kTK = 0; coj = new af(Looper.getMainLooper(), kTQ, false); u.i("!64@/B4Tb64lLpKwUcOR+EdWcgUrCDYYt5XKNxI73I2a4RomBdAK4qpVVWMkFHlOIfex", "Create a new PopupWindow."); } } else { localObject2 = kTD; switch (paramMotionEvent.getAction()) { } } label396: do { for (;;) { return true; i = 1; break; kTH = ((Context)localObject2).getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(2131034625); break label315; kTL = false; kTO = null; } kTO = paramView; paramView.setOnTouchListener(this); if (((o)localObject2).isShowing()) { ((o)localObject2).dismiss(); } } while (kTL); kTF.setTag(localObject1); kTE.setTag(localObject1); label496: boolean bool; label512: int j; if (( & 0x100000) == 0) { i = 1;; if ( == 2) { break label685; } bool =; if ((!bool) && (i == 0)) { break label705; } paramMotionEvent = kTF; if (!bool) { break label707; } j = 0; label535: paramMotionEvent.setVisibility(j); paramMotionEvent = kTE; j = k; if (i != 0) { j = k; if (!bool) { j = 0; } } paramMotionEvent.setVisibility(j); paramMotionEvent = new int[2]; paramView.getLocationInWindow(paramMotionEvent); i = paramMotionEvent[1]; paramView.getWidth(); j = paramView.getHeight(); kTJ = kTK; if (i > gFu + kTH + kTG) { kTJ = (-j - kTG - kTK); } kTI = 0; if (kTJ < 0) { break label714; } cRI.setBackgroundResource(2130968617); } for (;;) { coj.ds(kTP); break label396; i = 0; break label496; label685: if (( & 0x400000) == 0) { bool = true; break label512; } bool = false; break label512; label705: break; label707: j = 8; break label535; label714: cRI.setBackgroundResource(2130968627); } }