public void setValueAt(long value, int index) { synchronized (this) { int oldSize = getValuesSize(); for (int i = oldSize; i < index + 1; i++) { addValue(0); } int[] offset = new int[1]; for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { DataUtil.readOffset(valuesBuff, offset); } int startOffset = offset[0]; DataUtil.readOffset(valuesBuff, offset); int endOffset = offset[0]; checkValueBufferSize(value); int newValLength = DataUtil.getValueLength(value); int oldValLength = endOffset - startOffset; if (newValLength != oldValLength) { // need to move old values short delta = (short) (newValLength - oldValLength); int len = valuesBuffOffset - endOffset; System.arraycopy(valuesBuff, endOffset, valuesBuff, endOffset + delta, len); valuesBuffOffset = (short) (valuesBuffOffset + delta); } DataUtil.writeValue(valuesBuff, value, startOffset); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public long getValueAt(int index) { if (index >= nValues) return 0; offsetValue[0] = 0; // int[] offset = new int[] { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { DataUtil.readOffset(valuesBuff, offsetValue); } return DataUtil.readValue(valuesBuff, offsetValue); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void addValue(long value) { synchronized (this) { nValues++; checkValueBufferSize(value); valuesBuffOffset += DataUtil.writeValue(valuesBuff, value, valuesBuffOffset); } }
private void checkValueBufferSize(long value) { if (valuesBuff == null || valuesBuff.length < valuesBuffOffset + DataUtil.getValueLength(value)) { byte[] temp = new byte[valuesBuffOffset + 20]; if (valuesBuff != null) { System.arraycopy(valuesBuff, 0, temp, 0, valuesBuffOffset); } valuesBuff = temp; } }
Node(byte[] binary, int startIndex) { if (binary.length >= startIndex + 4) { int headerCode = DataUtil.readInt(binary, startIndex); if (headerCode == HEADER_55) { fromByteArray55(binary, startIndex + 4, VERSION_55, null); } else if (headerCode == HEADER_551) { fromByteArray55(binary, startIndex + 4, VERSION_551, null); } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ private byte[] toBinary55(int header, int ver) { int size = 0; if (ver == VERSION_55) { size = 1 + DataUtil.getValueLength(valuesBuffOffset) + valuesBuffOffset; // 1 byte for nValues } else if (ver == VERSION_551) { size = DataUtil.getValueLength(nValues) + DataUtil.getValueLength(valuesBuffOffset) + valuesBuffOffset; } // int nMsgs = 0; /* if (nMsgs > 0) { if (msgsBuff == null) { msgsBuff = new byte[nMsgs][]; } else if (msgsBuff.length < nMsgs) { byte[][] temp = new byte[nMsgs][]; System.arraycopy(msgsBuff, 0, temp, 0, msgsBuff.length); msgsBuff = temp; } } */ int len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nMsgs; i++) { if (msgsBuff[i] != null) { len += (msgsBuff[i].length + DataUtil.getValueLength(msgsBuff[i].length)); } else if (ver == VERSION_55) { len += DataUtil.getValueLength(0); } else if (ver == VERSION_551) { len += DataUtil.getValueLength(-1); } } size += (DataUtil.getValueLength(nMsgs) + len); len = 0; if (nChildren > 0) { if (childrenBuff == null) { childrenBuff = new byte[nChildren][]; } else if (childrenBuff.length < nChildren) { byte[][] temp = new byte[nChildren][]; System.arraycopy(childrenBuff, 0, temp, 0, childrenBuff.length); childrenBuff = temp; } } for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) { if (children != null && children[i] != null) { childrenBuff[i] = children[i].toBinary55(-1, ver); } if (childrenBuff[i] != null) { len += (childrenBuff[i].length + DataUtil.getValueLength(childrenBuff[i].length)); } else { len += (0 + DataUtil.getValueLength(0)); } } size += (DataUtil.getValueLength(nChildren) + len); int binLen = 0; if (binData != null) { binLen = binData.length; } size += (DataUtil.getValueLength(binLen) + binLen); if (header == HEADER_55 || header == HEADER_551) size += 4; byte[] buff = new byte[size]; int offset = 0; if (header == HEADER_55 || header == HEADER_551) { DataUtil.writeInt(buff, header, offset); offset += 4; } // do values if (ver == VERSION_55) { buff[offset++] = (byte) nValues; } else if (ver == VERSION_551) { offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, nValues, offset); } offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, valuesBuffOffset, offset); if (nValues > 0) { System.arraycopy(valuesBuff, 0, buff, offset, valuesBuffOffset); offset += valuesBuffOffset; } // do msgs offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, nMsgs, offset); for (int i = 0; i < nMsgs; i++) { if (msgsBuff[i] != null) { offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, msgsBuff[i].length, offset); System.arraycopy(msgsBuff[i], 0, buff, offset, msgsBuff[i].length); offset += msgsBuff[i].length; } else { if (ver == VERSION_55) { // 0 length indicate an empty string (relaxed protocol) offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, 0, offset); } else if (ver == VERSION_551) { // -1 length indicate a null string (to make it different from "" string) offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, -1, offset); } } } // do children offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, nChildren, offset); for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) { if (childrenBuff[i] != null) { offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, childrenBuff[i].length, offset); System.arraycopy(childrenBuff[i], 0, buff, offset, childrenBuff[i].length); offset += childrenBuff[i].length; } else { offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, 0, offset); } } // do binData offset += DataUtil.writeValue(buff, binLen, offset); if (binData != null) { System.arraycopy(binData, 0, buff, offset, binData.length); offset += binData.length; } // System.out.println(buff.length+" == "+offset); return buff; }
private void fromByteArray55(byte[] buff, int offsetInt, int ver, Node parent) { setVersion(ver); this.parent = parent; if (buff == null || buff.length == 0) return; int[] offset = new int[] {1}; offset[0] = offsetInt; if (ver == VERSION_55) { this.nValues = buff[offset[0]++]; } else if (ver == VERSION_551) { this.nValues = (short) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); } this.valuesBuffOffset = (short) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); // System.out.println("TxNode55 - nValues: "+node.nValues); // System.out.println("valuesBuffOffset: "+node.valuesBuffOffset); if (this.nValues > 0) { this.valuesBuff = new byte[this.valuesBuffOffset]; System.arraycopy(buff, offset[0], this.valuesBuff, 0, this.valuesBuffOffset); } offset[0] += this.valuesBuffOffset; // do msgs this.nMsgs = (short) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); this.msgsBuff = new byte[this.nMsgs][]; for (int i = 0; i < this.nMsgs; i++) { int msgLen = (int) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); if (msgLen != -1) { this.msgsBuff[i] = new byte[msgLen]; System.arraycopy(buff, offset[0], this.msgsBuff[i], 0, msgLen); offset[0] += msgLen; } } // do children this.nChildren = (short) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); // System.out.println("nChildren: "+nChildren); this.childrenBuff = new byte[this.nChildren][]; for (int i = 0; i < this.nChildren; i++) { int childLen = (int) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); if (childLen > 0) { if (childLen + offset[0] > buff.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad data buffer for TxNode55: specified length is " + childLen + ", actually have just " + (buff.length - offset[0]) + " bytes left."); } this.childrenBuff[i] = new byte[childLen]; System.arraycopy(buff, offset[0], this.childrenBuff[i], 0, childLen); offset[0] += childLen; } } // do binData int binLen = (int) DataUtil.readValue(buff, offset); // System.out.println("binLen: "+binLen); if (binLen > 0) { this.binData = new byte[binLen]; if (offset[0] < 0 || offset[0] + binLen > buff.length) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "Bad index: " + "buff size=" + buff.length + ", offset=" + offset[0] + "/" + offsetInt + ", length=" + binLen); } System.arraycopy(buff, offset[0], this.binData, 0, binLen); } }
public void updateSpeedLimit(boolean isSpeedLimitExceeded, int speedLimit) { Preference speedLimits = ((DaoManager) DaoManager.getInstance()) .getPreferenceDao() .getPreference(Preference.ID_PREFERENCE_SPEED_LIMITS); isDisabled = speedLimits != null && speedLimits.getIntValue() == Preference.SPEED_LIMIT_OFF; int speedLimitFeature = FeaturesManager.getInstance().getStatus(FeaturesManager.FEATURE_CODE_NAV_SPEED_LIMIT); boolean isEnabled = speedLimitFeature == FeaturesManager.FE_ENABLED || speedLimitFeature == FeaturesManager.FE_PURCHASED; isDisabled = isDisabled || !isEnabled; int routeStyle = DaoManager.getInstance().getTripsDao().getIntValue(Preference.ID_PREFERENCE_ROUTETYPE); boolean isInPedestrian = routeStyle == Route.ROUTE_PEDESTRIAN ? true : false; isDisabled = isDisabled || isInPedestrian; if (isDisabled) { NavBottomStatusBarHelper.getInstance().setIsOverSpeedLimit(false); requestPaint(); return; } Preference preference = ((DaoManager) DaoManager.getInstance()) .getPreferenceDao() .getPreference(Preference.ID_PREFERENCE_DISTANCEUNIT); if (preference != null && preference.getIntValue() == Preference.UNIT_USCUSTOM) { // mph currentSpeedLimit = DataUtil.kmToMileInHighAccuracy(speedLimit); // currentUnit = "MPH"; currentUnit = ResourceManager.getInstance() .getCurrentBundle() .getString(IStringNav.RES_SPEED_LIMIT, IStringNav.FAMILY_NAV); } else { // kph currentSpeedLimit = speedLimit; // currentUnit = "KPH"; currentUnit = ResourceManager.getInstance() .getCurrentBundle() .getString(IStringNav.RES_SPEED_LIMIT, IStringNav.FAMILY_NAV); } if (speedLimit <= 0) { speedStr = "---"; unitStr = currentUnit; NavBottomStatusBarHelper.getInstance().setIsOverSpeedLimit(false); requestPaint(); return; } if (isSpeedLimitExceeded) { NavBottomStatusBarHelper.getInstance().setIsOverSpeedLimit(true); } else { NavBottomStatusBarHelper.getInstance().setIsOverSpeedLimit(false); } speedStr = currentSpeedLimit + ""; unitStr = currentUnit; requestPaint(); }