public JCTree visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree node, P p) { JCCompilationUnit t = (JCCompilationUnit) node; List<JCAnnotation> packageAnnotations = copy(t.packageAnnotations, p); JCExpression pid = copy(, p); List<JCTree> defs = copy(t.defs, p); return, pid, defs); }
public JCTree visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, P p) { JCNewArray t = (JCNewArray) node; JCExpression elemtype = copy(t.elemtype, p); List<JCExpression> dims = copy(t.dims, p); List<JCExpression> elems = copy(t.elems, p); return, dims, elems); }
public JCTree visitVariable(VariableTree node, P p) { JCVariableDecl t = (JCVariableDecl) node; JCModifiers mods = copy(t.mods, p); JCExpression vartype = copy(t.vartype, p); JCExpression init = copy(t.init, p); return,, vartype, init); }
public JCTree visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, P p) { JCMethodInvocation t = (JCMethodInvocation) node; List<JCExpression> typeargs = copy(t.typeargs, p); JCExpression meth = copy(t.meth, p); List<JCExpression> args = copy(t.args, p); return, meth, args); }
public JCTree visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree node, P p) { JCEnhancedForLoop t = (JCEnhancedForLoop) node; JCVariableDecl var = copy(t.var, p); JCExpression expr = copy(t.expr, p); JCStatement body = copy(t.body, p); return, expr, body); }
public JCTree visitIf(IfTree node, P p) { JCIf t = (JCIf) node; JCExpression cond = copy(t.cond, p); JCStatement thenpart = copy(t.thenpart, p); JCStatement elsepart = copy(t.elsepart, p); return, thenpart, elsepart); }
public JCTree visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree node, P p) { JCConditional t = (JCConditional) node; JCExpression cond = copy(t.cond, p); JCExpression truepart = copy(t.truepart, p); JCExpression falsepart = copy(t.falsepart, p); return, truepart, falsepart); }
/** * Process a single compound annotation, returning its Attribute. Used from MemberEnter for * attaching the attributes to the annotated symbol. */ Attribute.Compound enterAnnotation(JCAnnotation a, Type expected, Env<AttrContext> env) { // The annotation might have had its type attributed (but not checked) // by attr.attribAnnotationTypes during MemberEnter, in which case we do not // need to do it again. Type at = (a.annotationType.type != null ? a.annotationType.type : attr.attribType(a.annotationType, env)); a.type = chk.checkType(a.annotationType.pos(), at, expected); if (a.type.isErroneous()) return new Attribute.Compound(a.type, List.<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>>nil()); if ((a.type.tsym.flags() & Flags.ANNOTATION) == 0) { log.error(a.annotationType.pos(), "not.annotation.type", a.type.toString()); return new Attribute.Compound(a.type, List.<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>>nil()); } List<JCExpression> args = a.args; if (args.length() == 1 && args.head.getTag() != JCTree.ASSIGN) { // special case: elided "value=" assumed args.head =, args.head); } ListBuffer<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>> buf = new ListBuffer<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>>(); for (List<JCExpression> tl = args; tl.nonEmpty(); tl = tl.tail) { JCExpression t = tl.head; if (t.getTag() != JCTree.ASSIGN) { log.error(t.pos(), ""); continue; } JCAssign assign = (JCAssign) t; if (assign.lhs.getTag() != JCTree.IDENT) { log.error(t.pos(), ""); continue; } JCIdent left = (JCIdent) assign.lhs; Symbol method = rs.resolveQualifiedMethod(left.pos(), env, a.type,, List.<Type>nil(), null); left.sym = method; left.type = method.type; if (method.owner != a.type.tsym) log.error(left.pos(), "no.annotation.member",, a.type); Type result = method.type.getReturnType(); Attribute value = enterAttributeValue(result, assign.rhs, env); if (!method.type.isErroneous()) buf.append(new Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>((MethodSymbol) method, value)); t.type = result; } return new Attribute.Compound(a.type, buf.toList()); }
public JCTree visitForLoop(ForLoopTree node, P p) { JCForLoop t = (JCForLoop) node; List<JCStatement> init = copy(t.init, p); JCExpression cond = copy(t.cond, p); List<JCExpressionStatement> step = copy(t.step, p); JCStatement body = copy(t.body, p); return, cond, step, body); }
public JCTree visitTry(TryTree node, P p) { JCTry t = (JCTry) node; List<JCTree> resources = copy(t.resources, p); JCBlock body = copy(t.body, p); List<JCCatch> catchers = copy(t.catchers, p); JCBlock finalizer = copy(t.finalizer, p); return, body, catchers, finalizer); }
public JCTree visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, P p) { JCNewClass t = (JCNewClass) node; JCExpression encl = copy(t.encl, p); List<JCExpression> typeargs = copy(t.typeargs, p); JCExpression clazz = copy(t.clazz, p); List<JCExpression> args = copy(t.args, p); JCClassDecl def = copy(t.def, p); return, typeargs, clazz, args, def); }
public JCTree visitClass(ClassTree node, P p) { JCClassDecl t = (JCClassDecl) node; JCModifiers mods = copy(t.mods, p); List<JCTypeParameter> typarams = copy(t.typarams, p); JCExpression extending = copy(t.extending, p); List<JCExpression> implementing = copy(t.implementing, p); List<JCTree> defs = copy(t.defs, p); return,, typarams, extending, implementing, defs); }
protected Enter(Context context) { context.put(enterKey, this); log = Log.instance(context); reader = ClassReader.instance(context); make = TreeMaker.instance(context); syms = Symtab.instance(context); chk = Check.instance(context); memberEnter = MemberEnter.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); annotate = Annotate.instance(context); lint = Lint.instance(context); predefClassDef = make.ClassDef(make.Modifiers(PUBLIC),, null, null, null, null); predefClassDef.sym = syms.predefClass; todo = Todo.instance(context); fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class); }
public JCTree visitMethod(MethodTree node, P p) { JCMethodDecl t = (JCMethodDecl) node; JCModifiers mods = copy(t.mods, p); JCExpression restype = copy(t.restype, p); List<JCTypeParameter> typarams = copy(t.typarams, p); List<JCVariableDecl> params = copy(t.params, p); List<JCExpression> thrown = copy(t.thrown, p); JCBlock body = copy(t.body, p); JCExpression defaultValue = copy(t.defaultValue, p); return .MethodDef(mods,, restype, typarams, params, thrown, body, defaultValue); }
protected Annotate(Context context) { context.put(annotateKey, this); attr = Attr.instance(context); make = TreeMaker.instance(context); log = Log.instance(context); syms = Symtab.instance(context); names = Names.instance(context); rs = Resolve.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); cfolder = ConstFold.instance(context); chk = Check.instance(context); }
public JCTree visitOther(Tree node, P p) { JCTree tree = (JCTree) node; switch (tree.getTag()) { case JCTree.LETEXPR: { LetExpr t = (LetExpr) node; List<JCVariableDecl> defs = copy(t.defs, p); JCTree expr = copy(t.expr, p); return, expr); } default: throw new AssertionError("unknown tree tag: " + tree.getTag()); } }
public JCTree visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree node, P p) { JCAssignOp t = (JCAssignOp) node; JCTree lhs = copy(t.lhs, p); JCTree rhs = copy(t.rhs, p); return, lhs, rhs); }
public JCTree visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, P p) { JCAssign t = (JCAssign) node; JCExpression lhs = copy(t.lhs, p); JCExpression rhs = copy(t.rhs, p); return, rhs); }
public JCTree visitAssert(AssertTree node, P p) { JCAssert t = (JCAssert) node; JCExpression cond = copy(t.cond, p); JCExpression detail = copy(t.detail, p); return, detail); }
public JCTree visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree node, P p) { JCAnnotation t = (JCAnnotation) node; JCTree annotationType = copy(t.annotationType, p); List<JCExpression> args = copy(t.args, p); return, args); }
public JCTree visitWildcard(WildcardTree node, P p) { JCWildcard t = (JCWildcard) node; TypeBoundKind kind =; JCTree inner = copy(t.inner, p); return, inner); }
public JCTree visitArrayType(ArrayTypeTree node, P p) { JCArrayTypeTree t = (JCArrayTypeTree) node; JCExpression elemtype = copy(t.elemtype, p); return; }
public JCTree visitUnary(UnaryTree node, P p) { JCUnary t = (JCUnary) node; JCExpression arg = copy(t.arg, p); return, arg); }
public JCTree visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree node, P p) { JCInstanceOf t = (JCInstanceOf) node; JCExpression expr = copy(t.expr, p); JCTree clazz = copy(t.clazz, p); return, clazz); }
public JCTree visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterTree node, P p) { JCTypeParameter t = (JCTypeParameter) node; List<JCExpression> bounds = copy(t.bounds, p); return, bounds); }
public JCTree visitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeTree node, P p) { JCPrimitiveTypeTree t = (JCPrimitiveTypeTree) node; return; }
public JCTree visitBinary(BinaryTree node, P p) { JCBinary t = (JCBinary) node; JCExpression lhs = copy(t.lhs, p); JCExpression rhs = copy(t.rhs, p); return, lhs, rhs); }
public JCTree visitWhileLoop(WhileLoopTree node, P p) { JCWhileLoop t = (JCWhileLoop) node; JCStatement body = copy(t.body, p); JCExpression cond = copy(t.cond, p); return, body); }
public JCTree visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree node, P p) { JCTypeCast t = (JCTypeCast) node; JCTree clazz = copy(t.clazz, p); JCExpression expr = copy(t.expr, p); return, expr); }
public JCTree visitUnionType(UnionTypeTree node, P p) { JCTypeUnion t = (JCTypeUnion) node; List<JCExpression> components = copy(t.alternatives, p); return; }