public static XControlShape createGrid(XComponent oDoc, int height, int width, int x, int y) { Size size = new Size(); Point position = new Point(); XControlShape oCShape = null; XControlModel aControl = null; // get MSF XMultiServiceFactory oDocMSF = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, oDoc); try { Object oInt = oDocMSF.createInstance(""); Object aCon = oDocMSF.createInstance(""); XPropertySet model_props = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, aCon); model_props.setPropertyValue( "DefaultControl", ""); aControl = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlModel.class, aCon); oCShape = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XControlShape.class, oInt); size.Height = height; size.Width = width; position.X = x; position.Y = y; oCShape.setSize(size); oCShape.setPosition(position); } catch ( e) { // Some exception occurs.FAILED System.out.println("Couldn't create Grid" + e); throw new StatusException("Couldn't create Grid", e); } oCShape.setControl(aControl); return oCShape; } // finish createGrid
/** * creates a control in the document * * <p>Note that <em>control<em> here is an incorrect terminology. What the method really does is * it creates a control shape, together with a control model, and inserts them into the document * model. This will result in every view to this document creating a control described by the * model-shape pair. * * @param sFormComponentService the service name of the form component to create, e.g. "TextField" * @param nXPos the abscissa of the position of the newly inserted shape * @param nXPos the ordinate of the position of the newly inserted shape * @param nWidth the width of the newly inserted shape * @param nHeight the height of the newly inserted shape * @param xParentForm the form to use as parent for the newly create form component. May be null, * in this case a default parent is chosen by the implementation * @return the property access to the control's model */ protected XPropertySet createControlAndShape( String sFormComponentService, int nXPos, int nYPos, int nWidth, int nHeight, XIndexContainer xParentForm) throws java.lang.Exception { // let the document create a shape XMultiServiceFactory xDocAsFactory = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, m_document.getDocument()); XControlShape xShape = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlShape.class, xDocAsFactory.createInstance("")); // position and size of the shape xShape.setSize(new Size(nWidth * 100, nHeight * 100)); xShape.setPosition(new Point(nXPos * 100, nYPos * 100)); // adjust the anchor so that the control is tied to the page XPropertySet xShapeProps = UNO.queryPropertySet(xShape); TextContentAnchorType eAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH; xShapeProps.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", eAnchorType); // create the form component (the model of a form control) String sQualifiedComponentName = "" + sFormComponentService; XControlModel xModel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlModel.class, m_document.getOrb().createInstance(sQualifiedComponentName)); // insert the model into the form component hierarchy, if the caller gave us a location if (null != xParentForm) { xParentForm.insertByIndex(xParentForm.getCount(), xModel); } // knitt them xShape.setControl(xModel); // add the shape to the shapes collection of the document XDrawPage pageWhereToInsert = (m_insertPage != -1) ? m_document.getDrawPage(m_insertPage) : m_document.getMainDrawPage(); XShapes xDocShapes = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, pageWhereToInsert); xDocShapes.add(xShape); // some initializations which are the same for all controls XPropertySet xModelProps = UNO.queryPropertySet(xModel); try { XPropertySetInfo xPSI = xModelProps.getPropertySetInfo(); if (xPSI.hasPropertyByName("Border")) { if (((Short) xModelProps.getPropertyValue("Border")).shortValue() == xModelProps.setPropertyValue("Border", Short.valueOf(; } if (xPSI.hasPropertyByName("VisualEffect")) xModelProps.setPropertyValue( "VisualEffect", Short.valueOf(; if (m_document.classify() != DocumentType.CALC) if (xPSI.hasPropertyByName("BorderColor")) xModelProps.setPropertyValue("BorderColor", Integer.valueOf(0x00C0C0C0)); } catch ( e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return xModelProps; }