public static void generateNativeMethodStubs( AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, InterfaceDeclaration d, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) { for (MethodDeclaration method : d.getMethods()) { Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class); if (alt_annotation != null && !alt_annotation.nativeAlt()) continue; generateMethodStub( env, type_map, writer, Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d), method, Mode.NORMAL, generate_error_checks, context_specific); if (Utils.hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(method)) generateMethodStub( env, type_map, writer, Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d), method, Mode.BUFFEROBJECT, generate_error_checks, context_specific); } }
public void process() { for (TypeDeclaration typeDecl : env.getSpecifiedTypeDeclarations()) { ExtractInterface annot = typeDecl.getAnnotation(ExtractInterface.class); if (annot == null) break; for (MethodDeclaration m : typeDecl.getMethods()) if (m.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC) && !(m.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC))) interfaceMethods.add(m); if (interfaceMethods.size() > 0) { try { PrintWriter writer = env.getFiler().createSourceFile(annot.value()); writer.println("package " + typeDecl.getPackage().getQualifiedName() + ";"); writer.println("public interface " + annot.value() + " {"); for (MethodDeclaration m : interfaceMethods) { writer.print(" public "); writer.print(m.getReturnType() + " "); writer.print(m.getSimpleName() + " ("); int i = 0; for (ParameterDeclaration parm : m.getParameters()) { writer.print(parm.getType() + " " + parm.getSimpleName()); if (++i < m.getParameters().size()) writer.print(", "); } writer.println(");"); } writer.println("}"); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } } }
public static boolean checkReturnType( AnnotationMirror mirror, MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, EclipseMessager messager) { TypeMirror returnType = methodDeclaration.getReturnType(); String returnTypeName = returnType.toString(); if (!(returnTypeName.startsWith("java.util.List") || returnTypeName.startsWith("java.util.Collection"))) { messager.printFixableError( methodDeclaration.getPosition(), "Method should return java.util.List or java.util.Collection", PLUGIN_ID, ERROR_wrong_return_type); return false; } return true; }
private boolean checkInheritedMethod( Thing data, String methodName, String returnType, ClassDeclaration superclass, boolean finalOk, InheritCheck inheritCheck) { if (inheritCheck != null) { if (inheritCheck.isInherited(data, superclass)) { return true; } } for (MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration : superclass.getMethods()) { if (methodName.equals(methodDeclaration.getSimpleName()) && methodDeclaration.getParameters().isEmpty() && returnType.equals(methodDeclaration.getReturnType().toString())) { data.put(methodName + "Inherited", true); Collection<Modifier> modifiers = methodDeclaration.getModifiers(); if ((modifiers.contains(Modifier.FINAL) || modifiers.contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) && !finalOk) { // TBD TBD TBD - ERROR!!! cannot extend class with superclass method like this - how to // report? } else if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)) { data.put(methodName + "Modifiers", "protected"); } else if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) { data.put(methodName + "Modifiers", "public"); } else { data.put(methodName + "Modifiers", ""); } return true; } } if (superclass.getSuperclass() != null) { if (superclass.getSuperclass().getDeclaration() != null) { if (checkInheritedMethod( data, methodName, returnType, superclass.getSuperclass().getDeclaration(), finalOk, inheritCheck)) { return true; } } } return false; }
private static void generateBufferParameterAddresses( TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, MethodDeclaration method, Mode mode) { boolean loopDeclared = false; for (ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters()) if (Utils.isAddressableType(param.getType()) && param.getAnnotation(Result.class) == null) loopDeclared = generateBufferParameterAddress(type_map, writer, method, param, mode, loopDeclared); }
// private void defineListenerOrDelegate(boolean abstractOnly, Thing type, Declaration // declaration, String typeOfThing, String partOfBean, String packageName) { // TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = getType(declaration, (String) type.get("name"), packageName, // "Cannot find " + typeOfThing + " " + type.get("name") + " defined as an " + partOfBean + " in // @Bean (you probably need to fully-qualify it)"); // if (typeDeclaration == null) { // return; // } // Collection<? extends MethodDeclaration> methods = typeDeclaration.getMethods(); // for (MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration : methods) { // if (methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) { // continue; // } // if (abstractOnly) { // if (!methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) { // continue; // } // } else { // if (!methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) { // continue; // } // } // if (BeanAnnotationProcessor.METHODS_TO_SKIP.contains(methodDeclaration.getSimpleName())) { // continue; // } // // type.add("methods", setupMethod(methodDeclaration, true)); // } // } // private String getThrowsClause(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration) { Collection<ReferenceType> thrownTypes = methodDeclaration.getThrownTypes(); boolean first = true; if (!thrownTypes.isEmpty()) { String throwsClause = " throws "; for (ReferenceType thrownType : thrownTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { throwsClause += ", "; } throwsClause += Utils.getTypeName(thrownType); } return throwsClause; } else { return ""; } }
public static boolean checkTransferInfo( AnnotationMirror mirror, MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, boolean checkReturnType, EclipseMessager messager) { Map<AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration, AnnotationValue> valueMap = mirror.getElementValues(); Set<Map.Entry<AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration, AnnotationValue>> valueSet = valueMap.entrySet(); boolean found = false; for (Map.Entry<AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration, AnnotationValue> annoKeyValue : valueSet) { if (annoKeyValue.getKey().getSimpleName().equals("transferInfo")) { found = true; checkTransferInfoType(annoKeyValue.getValue(), messager); checkIfAnnotationValueAttributeIsEntity( (AnnotationMirror) annoKeyValue.getValue().getValue(), "mappedBy", messager); break; } } if (!found && checkReturnType) { TypeMirror returnType = methodDeclaration.getReturnType(); String returnTypeName = returnType.toString(); if (returnTypeName.equals("java.util.List<?>") || returnTypeName.equals("java.util.List") || returnTypeName.equals("java.util.Collection<?>") || returnTypeName.equals("java.util.Collection")) { // System.out.println(returnType); SourcePosition pos = mirror.getPosition(); messager.printFixableError( pos, CLASS_OF_THE_COLLECTION_ELEMENTS_IS_NOT_SPECIFIED_AND_TRANSFER_INFO_PARAMETER_IS_MISSING, PLUGIN_ID, ERROR_transferInfo_is_missing); return false; } } return true; }
private static boolean generateBufferParameterAddress( TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, MethodDeclaration method, ParameterDeclaration param, Mode mode, boolean loopDeclared) { NativeTypeTranslator translator = new NativeTypeTranslator(type_map, param); param.getType().accept(translator); writer.print("\t" + translator.getSignature() + param.getSimpleName()); writer.print(BUFFER_ADDRESS_POSTFIX + " = (("); writer.print(translator.getSignature()); Check check_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Check.class); writer.print(")"); if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) { writer.print( "offsetToPointer(" + param.getSimpleName() + Utils.BUFFER_OBJECT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX + "))"); } else { Class java_type = Utils.getJavaType(param.getType()); if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_type) || java_type.equals(CharSequence.class) || java_type.equals(CharSequence[].class)) { boolean explicitly_byte_sized = java_type.equals(Buffer.class) || translator.getAnnotationType().equals(type_map.getVoidType()); if (explicitly_byte_sized) writer.print("(((char *)"); if (method.getAnnotation(GenerateAutos.class) != null || (check_annotation != null && check_annotation.canBeNull())) { writer.print("safeGetBufferAddress(env, " + param.getSimpleName()); } else { writer.print("(*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, " + param.getSimpleName()); } writer.print("))"); writer.print(" + " + param.getSimpleName() + BUFFER_POSITION_POSTFIX); if (explicitly_byte_sized) writer.print("))"); } else if (java_type.equals(String.class)) { writer.print("GetStringNativeChars(env, " + param.getSimpleName() + "))"); } else throw new RuntimeException("Illegal type " + java_type); } writer.println(";"); if (param.getAnnotation(StringList.class) != null) { if (Utils.getJavaType(param.getType()) != CharSequence[].class && (param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) == null || param.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) == null || param.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class).value().length() == 0)) throw new RuntimeException( "StringList annotation can only be applied on null-terminated GLchar buffers."); if ("_str".equals(param.getSimpleName())) throw new RuntimeException( "The name '_str' is not valid for arguments annotated with StringList"); // Declare loop counters and allocate string array if (!loopDeclared) { writer.println("\tunsigned int _str_i;"); writer.println("\tGLchar *_str_address;"); loopDeclared = true; } writer.println( "\tGLchar **" + param.getSimpleName() + STRING_LIST_POSTFIX + " = (GLchar **) malloc(" + param.getAnnotation(StringList.class).value() + "*sizeof(GLchar*));"); } return loopDeclared; }
private static void generateMethodStub( AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, String interface_name, MethodDeclaration method, Mode mode, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) { if (!context_specific && method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) == null) writer.print("static "); else writer.print("JNIEXPORT "); TypeMirror result_type = Utils.getMethodReturnType(method); if (method.getAnnotation(GLpointer.class) != null) { writer.print("jlong"); } else { JNITypeTranslator translator = new JNITypeTranslator(); result_type.accept(translator); writer.print(translator.getSignature()); } writer.print(" JNICALL "); writer.print( Utils.getQualifiedNativeMethodName( interface_name, method, generate_error_checks, context_specific)); if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT) writer.print(Utils.BUFFER_OBJECT_METHOD_POSTFIX); writer.print("(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz"); generateParameters(writer, method.getParameters(), mode); if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(result_type) != null) { CachedResult cached_result_annotation = method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class); if (cached_result_annotation == null || !cached_result_annotation.isRange()) writer.print(", jlong " + Utils.RESULT_SIZE_NAME); if (cached_result_annotation != null) writer.print(", jobject " + Utils.CACHED_BUFFER_NAME); } if (context_specific) { writer.print(", jlong " + Utils.FUNCTION_POINTER_VAR_NAME); } writer.println(") {"); generateBufferParameterAddresses(type_map, writer, method, mode); Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class); if (context_specific) { String typedef_name = Utils.getTypedefName(method); writer.print( "\t" + typedef_name + " " + (alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value())); writer.print(" = (" + typedef_name + ")((intptr_t)"); writer.println(Utils.FUNCTION_POINTER_VAR_NAME + ");"); } generateStringListInits(writer, method.getParameters()); writer.print("\t"); if (!result_type.equals(env.getTypeUtils().getVoidType())) { Declaration return_declaration; ParameterDeclaration result_param = Utils.getResultParameter(method); if (result_param != null) return_declaration = result_param; else return_declaration = method; NativeTypeTranslator native_translator = new NativeTypeTranslator(type_map, return_declaration); result_type.accept(native_translator); writer.print(native_translator.getSignature() + " " + Utils.RESULT_VAR_NAME); if (result_param != null) { writer.println(";"); writer.print("\t"); } else writer.print(" = "); } writer.print((alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value()) + "("); generateCallParameters(writer, type_map, method.getParameters()); writer.print(")"); writer.println(";"); generateStringDeallocations(writer, method.getParameters()); if (!result_type.equals(env.getTypeUtils().getVoidType())) { writer.print("\treturn "); Class java_result_type = Utils.getJavaType(result_type); if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type)) { if (method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null) writer.print("safeNewBufferCached(env, "); else writer.print("safeNewBuffer(env, "); } else if (String.class.equals(java_result_type)) { writer.print("NewStringNativeUnsigned(env, "); } else if (method.getAnnotation(GLpointer.class) != null) { writer.print("(intptr_t)"); } writer.print(Utils.RESULT_VAR_NAME); if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type)) { writer.print(", "); if (method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null && method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class).isRange()) Utils.printExtraCallArguments( writer, method, method.getAnnotation(AutoResultSize.class).value()); else Utils.printExtraCallArguments(writer, method, Utils.RESULT_SIZE_NAME); } if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type) || String.class.equals(java_result_type)) writer.print(")"); writer.println(";"); } writer.println("}"); writer.println(); }
private void processDefaultMethods(Thing data, ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) { // find any methods that have default parameters boolean error = false; for (ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration : classDeclaration.getConstructors()) { Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = constructorDeclaration.getParameters(); for (ParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration : parameters) { Default annotation = parameterDeclaration.getAnnotation(Default.class); if (annotation != null) { error(parameterDeclaration, "@Default is not legal in constructor parameters"); error = true; } } } if (error) { return; } boolean atLeastOneDefault = false; methods: for (MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration : classDeclaration.getMethods()) { Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = methodDeclaration.getParameters(); boolean seenDefault = false; String[] names = new String[parameters.size()]; String[] types = new String[parameters.size()]; String[] defaults = new String[parameters.size()]; int n = 0; for (ParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration : parameters) { Default annotation = parameterDeclaration.getAnnotation(Default.class); names[n] = parameterDeclaration.getSimpleName(); types[n] = parameterDeclaration.getType().toString(); if (annotation != null) { seenDefault = true; if ("java.lang.String".equals(types[n])) { defaults[n] = '"' + annotation.value() + '"'; } else { defaults[n] = annotation.value(); } } else if (seenDefault) { error( parameterDeclaration, "All parameters after a parameter annotated with @Default must be annotated with @Default"); continue methods; } n++; } if (seenDefault) { atLeastOneDefault = true; if (methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) { error(methodDeclaration, "Private methods cannot use @Default parameters"); } if (methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) { error(methodDeclaration, "Static methods cannot use @Default parameters"); } String modifiers3 = ""; if (methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) { modifiers3 = "public "; } else if (methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)) { modifiers3 = "protected "; } String throwsClause = getThrowsClause(methodDeclaration); String returnType = methodDeclaration.getReturnType().toString(); String methodName = methodDeclaration.getSimpleName(); String argDecl = ""; String callArgs = ""; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (defaults[i] != null) { String callArgsWithDefaults = callArgs; for (int j = i; j < n; j++) { if (j > 0) { callArgsWithDefaults += ", "; } callArgsWithDefaults += defaults[j]; } Thing method = new Thing("method"); method.put("name", methodName); method.put("returnType", returnType); method.put("throwsClause", throwsClause); method.put("argDecls", argDecl); method.put("modifiers", modifiers3); method.put("args", callArgsWithDefaults); data.add("defaultMethods", method); } if (i > 0) { argDecl += ", "; callArgs += ", "; } argDecl += types[i] + ' ' + names[i]; callArgs += names[i]; } Thing method = new Thing("method"); method.put("name", methodName); method.put("returnType", returnType); method.put("throwsClause", throwsClause); method.put("modifiers", modifiers3); method.put("abstract", true); method.put("argDecls", argDecl); data.add("defaultMethods", method); } } data.put("atLeastOneDefault", atLeastOneDefault); if (!atLeastOneDefault) { data.setEmpty("defaultMethods"); } }
private Thing setupMethod(ExecutableDeclaration declaration, boolean forceNonAbstract) { String name = null; String returnType = null; boolean isAbstract = false; String nullBody = null; String throwsClause = ""; if (declaration instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) { name = "<init>"; } else { MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = (MethodDeclaration) declaration; name = methodDeclaration.getSimpleName(); returnType = methodDeclaration.getReturnType().toString(); if (!forceNonAbstract) { isAbstract = methodDeclaration.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT); } if ("void".equals(returnType)) { nullBody = "// null object implementation; do nothing"; } else if ("boolean".equals(returnType)) { nullBody = "false; // null object implementation"; } else if ("char".equals(returnType)) { nullBody = "' '; // null object implementation"; } else if (BeanAnnotationProcessor.PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(returnType)) { nullBody = "0; // null object implementation"; } else { nullBody = "null; // null object implementation"; } } Collection<ReferenceType> thrownTypes = declaration.getThrownTypes(); if (!thrownTypes.isEmpty()) { throwsClause = "throws " + commaSeparate(thrownTypes); } String genericDecls = null; String argDecls = null; String args = null; String modifiers = ""; Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = declaration.getParameters(); for (ParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration : parameters) { argDecls = addWithCommasBetween( argDecls, parameterDeclaration.getType() + " " + parameterDeclaration.getSimpleName()); args = addWithCommasBetween(args, parameterDeclaration.getSimpleName()); } Collection<TypeParameterDeclaration> formalTypeParameters = declaration.getFormalTypeParameters(); for (TypeParameterDeclaration typeParameterDeclaration : formalTypeParameters) { genericDecls = addWithCommasBetween(genericDecls, typeParameterDeclaration); } Collection<Modifier> modifiers2 = declaration.getModifiers(); for (Modifier modifier : modifiers2) { if (!"abstract".equals(modifier.toString())) { modifiers += modifier.toString() + ' '; } } if (genericDecls == null) { genericDecls = ""; } else { genericDecls = '<' + genericDecls + "> "; } Thing method = new Thing("method"); method.put("name", name); method.put("returnType", returnType); method.put("abstract", isAbstract); method.put("nullBody", nullBody); method.put("modifiers", modifiers); // do not normalize; already "" or has ' ' at end method.put("argDecls", normalizeList(argDecls)); method.put("args", normalizeList(args)); method.put("genericDecls", genericDecls); method.put("throwsClause", throwsClause); return method; }
public ResourceMethod(MethodDeclaration delegate, Resource parent) { super(delegate); Set<String> httpMethods = new TreeSet<String>(); Collection<AnnotationMirror> mirrors = delegate.getAnnotationMirrors(); for (AnnotationMirror mirror : mirrors) { AnnotationTypeDeclaration annotationDeclaration = mirror.getAnnotationType().getDeclaration(); HttpMethod httpMethodInfo = annotationDeclaration.getAnnotation(HttpMethod.class); if (httpMethodInfo != null) { // request method designator found. httpMethods.add(httpMethodInfo.value()); } } if (httpMethods.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A resource method must specify an HTTP method by using a request method designator annotation."); } this.httpMethods = httpMethods; Set<String> consumes; Consumes consumesInfo = delegate.getAnnotation(Consumes.class); if (consumesInfo != null) { consumes = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(JAXRSUtils.value(consumesInfo))); } else { consumes = new TreeSet<String>(parent.getConsumesMime()); } this.consumesMime = consumes; Set<String> produces; Produces producesInfo = delegate.getAnnotation(Produces.class); if (producesInfo != null) { produces = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(JAXRSUtils.value(producesInfo))); } else { produces = new TreeSet<String>(parent.getProducesMime()); } this.producesMime = produces; String subpath = null; Path pathInfo = delegate.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (pathInfo != null) { subpath = pathInfo.value(); } ResourceEntityParameter entityParameter; List<ResourceEntityParameter> declaredEntityParameters = new ArrayList<ResourceEntityParameter>(); List<ResourceParameter> resourceParameters; ResourceRepresentationMetadata outputPayload; ResourceMethodSignature signatureOverride = delegate.getAnnotation(ResourceMethodSignature.class); if (signatureOverride == null) { entityParameter = null; resourceParameters = new ArrayList<ResourceParameter>(); // if we're not overriding the signature, assume we use the real method signature. for (ParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration : getParameters()) { if (ResourceParameter.isResourceParameter(parameterDeclaration)) { resourceParameters.add(new ResourceParameter(parameterDeclaration)); } else if (ResourceParameter.isFormBeanParameter(parameterDeclaration)) { resourceParameters.addAll(ResourceParameter.getFormBeanParameters(parameterDeclaration)); } else if (parameterDeclaration.getAnnotation(Context.class) == null) { entityParameter = new ResourceEntityParameter(this, parameterDeclaration); declaredEntityParameters.add(entityParameter); } } DecoratedTypeMirror returnTypeMirror; TypeHint hintInfo = getAnnotation(TypeHint.class); if (hintInfo != null) { try { Class hint = hintInfo.value(); AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env = net.sf.jelly.apt.Context.getCurrentEnvironment(); if (TypeHint.NO_CONTENT.class.equals(hint)) { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(env.getTypeUtils().getVoidType()); } else { String hintName = hint.getName(); if (TypeHint.NONE.class.equals(hint)) { hintName = hintInfo.qualifiedName(); } if (!"##NONE".equals(hintName)) { TypeDeclaration type = env.getTypeDeclaration(hintName); returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(env.getTypeUtils().getDeclaredType(type)); } else { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) getReturnType(); } } } catch (MirroredTypeException e) { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(e.getTypeMirror()); } returnTypeMirror.setDocComment(((DecoratedTypeMirror) getReturnType()).getDocComment()); } else { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) getReturnType(); if (getJavaDoc().get("returnWrapped") != null) { // support jax-doclets. see String fqn = getJavaDoc().get("returnWrapped").get(0); AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env = net.sf.jelly.apt.Context.getCurrentEnvironment(); TypeDeclaration type = env.getTypeDeclaration(fqn); if (type != null) { returnTypeMirror = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate(env.getTypeUtils().getDeclaredType(type)); } } // in the case where the return type is com.sun.jersey.api.JResponse, // we can use the type argument to get the entity type if (returnTypeMirror.isClass() && returnTypeMirror.isInstanceOf("com.sun.jersey.api.JResponse")) { DecoratedClassType jresponse = (DecoratedClassType) returnTypeMirror; if (!jresponse.getActualTypeArguments().isEmpty()) { DecoratedTypeMirror responseType = (DecoratedTypeMirror) TypeMirrorDecorator.decorate( jresponse.getActualTypeArguments().iterator().next()); if (responseType.isDeclared()) { responseType.setDocComment(returnTypeMirror.getDocComment()); returnTypeMirror = responseType; } } } } outputPayload = returnTypeMirror.isVoid() ? null : new ResourceRepresentationMetadata(returnTypeMirror); } else { entityParameter = loadEntityParameter(signatureOverride); declaredEntityParameters.add(entityParameter); resourceParameters = loadResourceParameters(signatureOverride); outputPayload = loadOutputPayload(signatureOverride); } JavaDoc.JavaDocTagList doclets = getJavaDoc() .get( "RequestHeader"); // support jax-doclets. see // if (doclets != null) { for (String doclet : doclets) { int firstspace = doclet.indexOf(' '); String header = firstspace > 0 ? doclet.substring(0, firstspace) : doclet; String doc = ((firstspace > 0) && (firstspace + 1 < doclet.length())) ? doclet.substring(firstspace + 1) : ""; resourceParameters.add( new ExplicitResourceParameter(this, doc, header, ResourceParameterType.HEADER)); } } ArrayList<ResponseCode> statusCodes = new ArrayList<ResponseCode>(); ArrayList<ResponseCode> warnings = new ArrayList<ResponseCode>(); StatusCodes codes = getAnnotation(StatusCodes.class); if (codes != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : codes.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); statusCodes.add(rc); } } doclets = getJavaDoc() .get("HTTP"); // support jax-doclets. see if (doclets != null) { for (String doclet : doclets) { int firstspace = doclet.indexOf(' '); String code = firstspace > 0 ? doclet.substring(0, firstspace) : doclet; String doc = ((firstspace > 0) && (firstspace + 1 < doclet.length())) ? doclet.substring(firstspace + 1) : ""; try { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(Integer.parseInt(code)); rc.setCondition(doc); statusCodes.add(rc); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // fall through... } } } Warnings warningInfo = getAnnotation(Warnings.class); if (warningInfo != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : warningInfo.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); warnings.add(rc); } } codes = parent.getAnnotation(StatusCodes.class); if (codes != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : codes.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); statusCodes.add(rc); } } warningInfo = parent.getAnnotation(Warnings.class); if (warningInfo != null) { for (org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode code : warningInfo.value()) { ResponseCode rc = new ResponseCode(); rc.setCode(code.code()); rc.setCondition(code.condition()); warnings.add(rc); } } ResponseHeaders responseHeaders = parent.getAnnotation(ResponseHeaders.class); if (responseHeaders != null) { for (ResponseHeader header : responseHeaders.value()) { this.responseHeaders.put(, header.description()); } } responseHeaders = getAnnotation(ResponseHeaders.class); if (responseHeaders != null) { for (ResponseHeader header : responseHeaders.value()) { this.responseHeaders.put(, header.description()); } } doclets = getJavaDoc() .get( "ResponseHeader"); // support jax-doclets. see // if (doclets != null) { for (String doclet : doclets) { int firstspace = doclet.indexOf(' '); String header = firstspace > 0 ? doclet.substring(0, firstspace) : doclet; String doc = ((firstspace > 0) && (firstspace + 1 < doclet.length())) ? doclet.substring(firstspace + 1) : ""; this.responseHeaders.put(header, doc); } } this.entityParameter = entityParameter; this.resourceParameters = resourceParameters; this.subpath = subpath; this.parent = parent; this.statusCodes = statusCodes; this.warnings = warnings; this.representationMetadata = outputPayload; this.declaredEntityParameters = declaredEntityParameters; }
public String methodToString(MethodDeclaration method) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(method.getSimpleName()); for (ParameterDeclaration param : method.getParameters()) buf.append(";" + param.getType().toString()); return buf.toString(); }