private void copyAttachment(SimpleDocument attDetail, String exportPath) { String fichierJointExport = exportPath + File.separatorChar + FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(attDetail.getFilename()); AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService() .getBinaryContent(new File(fichierJointExport), attDetail.getPk(), null); }
/** * Methode de recuperation des attachements et de copie des fichiers dans le dossier d'exportation * * @param pk - PrimaryKey de l'obijet dont on veut les attachments? * @param exportPath - Repertoire dans lequel copier les fichiers * @param relativeExportPath chemin relatif du fichier copie * @param extensionFilter * @return une liste des attachmentDetail trouves */ public List<AttachmentDetail> getAttachments( WAPrimaryKey pk, String exportPath, String relativeExportPath, String extensionFilter) { // Recuperation des attachments Collection<SimpleDocument> listAttachment = AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService().listDocumentsByForeignKey(pk, null); List<AttachmentDetail> listToReturn = new ArrayList<AttachmentDetail>(listAttachment.size()); if (!listAttachment.isEmpty()) { // Pour chaque attachment trouve, on copie le fichier dans le dossier // d'exportation for (SimpleDocument attachment : listAttachment) { if (attachment.getDocumentType() != DocumentType.attachment) { // ce n est pas un fichier joint mais un fichier appartenant surement // au wysiwyg si le context // est different de images et ce quelque soit le type du fichier continue; // on ne copie pas le fichier } if (!attachment.isDownloadAllowedForRolesFrom(user)) { // The user is not allowed to download this document. No error is thrown but the // document is not exported. continue; } if (extensionFilter == null || FileRepositoryManager.getFileExtension(attachment.getFilename()) .equalsIgnoreCase(extensionFilter)) { copyAttachment(attachment, exportPath); String physicalName = relativeExportPath + File.separator + FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(attachment.getFilename()); AttachmentDetail attachDetail = new AttachmentDetail( new AttachmentPK(attachment.getId(), attachment.getInstanceId()), physicalName, attachment.getFilename(), attachment.getDescription(), attachment.getContentType(), attachment.getSize(), attachment.getDocumentType().toString(), attachment.getCreated(), new ForeignPK(attachment.getForeignId(), attachment.getInstanceId())); listToReturn.add(attachDetail); } } } return listToReturn; }
/** * Gets the wallpaper of the specified space. If the space or one of its parent have no specific * wallpaper set, then returns the default one. * * @see SilverpeasLook#getWallpaperOfSpace(java.lang.String) * @param spaceId the identifier of the space. * @return the URL of the wallpaper image or the default one if the space or its parents have no * wallpaper. */ public String getWallpaperOfSpaceOrDefaultOne(String spaceId) { String wallpaperURL = getWallpaperOfSpace(spaceId); if (!isDefined(wallpaperURL)) { GraphicElementFactory elementFactory = new GraphicElementFactory(GraphicElementFactory.defaultLookName); wallpaperURL = elementFactory.getIcon(DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_PROPERTY); if (!isDefined(wallpaperURL)) { wallpaperURL = FileServerUtils.getApplicationContext() + "/admin/jsp/icons/silverpeasV5/bandeauTop.jpg"; } } return wallpaperURL; }
/** * Computes the URL of the video to display from the identifier of the attached video file and by * taking into account the displaying context. * * @param attachmentId the identifier of the attached video file. * @param pageContext the displaying page context. * @return the URL of the video file as String. */ private String computeVideoURL(final String attachmentId, final PagesContext pageContext) { String videoURL = ""; if (StringUtil.isDefined(attachmentId)) { if (attachmentId.startsWith("/")) { videoURL = attachmentId; } else { AttachmentDetail attachment = AttachmentController.searchAttachmentByPK( new AttachmentPK(attachmentId, pageContext.getComponentId())); if (attachment != null) { String webContext = FileServerUtils.getApplicationContext(); videoURL = webContext + attachment.getAttachmentURL(); } } } return videoURL; }
/** * Creates an XHTML element that represents the video player that will play the video located at * the specified URL. * * @param videoURL the URL of the video to play. * @param parameters the parameters to pass to the video player. * @return the XHTML representation of the video player. */ private Element createVideoPlayer(String videoURL, Map<String, String> parameters) { boolean autoplay = (parameters.containsKey(PARAMETER_AUTOPLAY) ? Boolean.valueOf(parameters.get(PARAMETER_AUTOPLAY)) : false); String playerPath = FileServerUtils.getApplicationContext() + SWF_PLAYER_PATH; String videoId = VIDEO_PLAYER_ID + videoURL.hashCode(); script js = new script( "flowplayer('" + videoId + "', '" + playerPath + "', {wmode: 'opaque', clip: { autoBuffering: " + !autoplay + ", autoPlay: " + autoplay + " } });"); js.setLanguage("javascript"); js.setType("text/javascript"); return js; }
public ExportReport export(ResourcesWrapper resource) throws QuestionReplyException, ParseException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("exportFAQ"); Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH'H'mm'm'ss's'"); String dateFormatee = dateFormat.format(date); sb.append("_").append(dateFormatee); sb.append("_").append(getUserDetail().getId()); ExportReport exportReport = new ExportReport(); // Stockage de la date de démarage de l'export dans l'objet rapport exportReport.setDateDebut(new Date()); String thisExportDir = sb.toString(); // Création du dossier d'export String tempDir = FileRepositoryManager.getTemporaryPath(); File fileExportDir = new File(tempDir + thisExportDir); if (!fileExportDir.exists()) { try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(fileExportDir); } catch (UtilException ex) { throw new QuestionReplyException( "QuestionReplySessionController.export()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.MSG_FOLDER_NOT_CREATE", ex); } } // création du dossier "files" String dir = tempDir + thisExportDir; String nameForFiles = "files"; File forFiles = new File(dir + File.separator + nameForFiles); try { FileFolderManager.createFolder(forFiles); } catch (UtilException ex) { throw new QuestionReplyException( "QuestionReplySessionController.export()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "root.MSG_FOLDER_NOT_CREATE", ex); } // intégrer la css du disque dans "files" ResourceLocator settings = new ResourceLocator("com.silverpeas.questionReply.settings.questionReplySettings", ""); try { String chemin = (settings.getString("mappingDir")); if (chemin.startsWith("file:")) { chemin = chemin.substring(8); } Collection<File> files = FileFolderManager.getAllFile(chemin); for (File file : files) { File newFile = new File(dir + File.separator + nameForFiles + File.separator + file.getName()); FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(file.getPath(), newFile.getPath()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new QuestionReplyException( "QuestionReplySessionController.export()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "QuestionReply.EX_CANT_COPY_FILE", ex); } // création du fichier html File fileHTML = new File(dir + File.separator + thisExportDir + ".html"); FileWriter fileWriter = null; try { fileHTML.createNewFile(); fileWriter = new FileWriter(fileHTML.getPath()); fileWriter.write(toHTML(fileHTML, resource)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new QuestionReplyException( "QuestionReplySessioncontroller.export()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "QuestionReply.MSG_CAN_WRITE_FILE", ex); } finally { try { fileWriter.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } // Création du zip try { String zipFileName = fileExportDir.getName() + ".zip"; long zipFileSize = ZipManager.compressPathToZip(fileExportDir.getPath(), tempDir + zipFileName); exportReport.setZipFileName(zipFileName); exportReport.setZipFileSize(zipFileSize); exportReport.setZipFilePath(FileServerUtils.getUrlToTempDir(zipFileName)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new QuestionReplyException( "QuestionReplySessioncontroller.export()", SilverpeasRuntimeException.ERROR, "QuestionReply.MSG_CAN_CREATE_ZIP", ex); } // Stockage de la date de fin de l'export dans l'objet rapport exportReport.setDateFin(new Date()); return exportReport; }
private String getURLOfElement(String spaceId, String filename) { return FileServerUtils.getOnlineURL( "Space" + spaceId, filename, filename, FileUtil.getMimeType(filename), "look"); }