/** * Delete records specified in idToNames * * @param ids * @throws Exception */ protected void deleteRecordsOnServer(Set<String> ids, String objectType) throws Exception { for (String id : ids) { RestRequest request = RestRequest.getRequestForDelete( ApiVersionStrings.getVersionNumber(targetContext), objectType, id); restClient.sendSync(request); } }
/** * Helper methods to create "count" of test records * * @param count * @return map of id to name for the created accounts * @throws Exception */ protected Map<String, String> createRecordsOnServer(int count, String objectType) throws Exception { Map<String, String> idToValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Request. String fieldValue = createRecordName(objectType); Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // add more object type if need to support to use this API // to create a new record on server switch (objectType) { case Constants.ACCOUNT: fields.put(Constants.NAME, fieldValue); break; case Constants.OPPORTUNITY: fields.put(Constants.NAME, fieldValue); fields.put("StageName", "Prospecting"); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); fields.put("CloseDate", formatter.format(new Date())); break; default: break; } RestRequest request = RestRequest.getRequestForCreate( ApiVersionStrings.getVersionNumber(targetContext), objectType, fields); // Response. RestResponse response = restClient.sendSync(request); assertNotNull("Response should not be null", response); assertTrue("Response status should be success", response.isSuccess()); String id = response.asJSONObject().getString(LID); idToValues.put(id, fieldValue); } return idToValues; }