/** * 根据商品编码从表promotion里查询出商品的单品促销信息 * * @param connection 到数据库的连接 * @param code 商品编码 * @return 普通促销信息 * @throws SQLException */ public DiscCriteria getPromotion(Connection connection, String code) throws SQLException { DiscCriteria result = null; String sql = " SELECT vgno, promtype, promprice, " + " startdate, enddate, starttime, endtime " + "FROM promotion where vgno=?; "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, code); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { String vgno = Formatter.mytrim(rs.getString("vgno")); String promtype = Formatter.mytrim(rs.getString("promtype")); double promprice = rs.getDouble("promprice"); Date startdate = rs.getDate("startdate"); Date enddate = rs.getDate("enddate"); Date starttime = rs.getDate("starttime"); Date endtime = rs.getDate("endtime"); GregorianCalendar g_start = new GregorianCalendar(); g_start.setTime(starttime); GregorianCalendar g_end = new GregorianCalendar(); g_end.setTime(endtime); result = new Promotion(vgno, (int) (100 * promprice), g_start, g_end); } return result; }
public HashMap getHeader(PosContext context, int index, int total) { HashMap paras = new HashMap(); paras.put("${ShopID}", context.getStoreid()); paras.put("${PosID}", context.getPosid()); // createrandomnum randomnum = new createrandomnum(); // String num = Integer.toString(randomnum.getrandomnum()); paras.put("${SheetID}", Integer.toString(context.getSheetid())); paras.put("${Cashier}", context.getCashierid()); paras.put("${Date}", Formatter.getDate(new Date())); paras.put("${Time}", Formatter.getTime(new Date())); paras.put("${DateTime}", Formatter.getDate(new Date()) + " " + Formatter.getTime(new Date())); paras.put("${OrderID}", Integer.toString(context.getOrderidOld())); paras.put("${PageNo}", String.valueOf(index) + "/" + String.valueOf(total)); return paras; }
/** * 根据商品编码从表promdisc_vip里查询出会员折扣 * * @param connection 到数据库的连接 * @param code 商品编码 * @return 普通促销信息 * @throws SQLException */ public DiscCriteria getDisc4Member(Connection connection, String code) throws SQLException { DiscCriteria result = null; String sql = " SELECT vgno, promlevel, promdisc, " + " startdate, enddate, starttime, endtime " + " FROM promdisc_vip where vgno=?; "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, code); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { String vgno = Formatter.mytrim(rs.getString("vgno")); int promlevel = rs.getInt("promlevel"); int promdisc = rs.getInt("promdisc"); Date startdate = rs.getDate("startdate"); Date enddate = rs.getDate("enddate"); Date starttime = rs.getDate("starttime"); Date endtime = rs.getDate("endtime"); GregorianCalendar g_start = new GregorianCalendar(); g_start.setTime(starttime); GregorianCalendar g_end = new GregorianCalendar(); g_end.setTime(endtime); result = new Disc4Member(vgno, promdisc, promlevel, g_start, g_end); } return result; }
/** * 根据商品编码在表distitem_vgno里查询商品的单品折扣 * * @param connection 到数据库的连接 * @param code 商品编码 * @return 普通促销信息 * @throws SQLException */ public DiscCriteria getDisc4Goods(Connection connection, String code) throws SQLException { DiscCriteria result = null; String sql = " SELECT vgno, distrate1, distrate2, distrate3, " + " min_amount, med_amount, max_amount, " + " starttime, endtime " + " FROM distitem_vgno where vgno=?; "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, code); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { String vgno = Formatter.mytrim(rs.getString("vgno")); int distrate1 = rs.getInt("distrate1"); int distrate2 = rs.getInt("distrate2"); int distrate3 = rs.getInt("distrate3"); int min_amount = rs.getInt("min_amount"); int med_amount = rs.getInt("med_amount"); int max_amount = rs.getInt("max_amount"); Date starttime = rs.getDate("starttime"); Date endtime = rs.getDate("endtime"); GregorianCalendar g_start = new GregorianCalendar(); g_start.setTime(starttime); GregorianCalendar g_end = new GregorianCalendar(); g_end.setTime(endtime); result = new Disc4Goods( vgno, distrate1, min_amount, distrate2, med_amount, distrate3, max_amount, g_start, g_end); } return result; }
/** * 根据商品编码从表promotion里查询出商品的单品促销信息 * * @param connection 到数据库的连接 * @param code 商品编码 * @return 普通促销信息 * @throws SQLException */ public DiscCriteria getDISCTIME(Connection connection, String code) throws SQLException { DiscCriteria result = null; SimpleDateFormat fmt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmss"); String sql = " SELECT vgno,time1,time2,time3,time4,time5,time6, " + " distrate1,distrate2,distrate3,distrate4,distrate5,distrate6 " + "FROM vgnodiscount where vgno=? and convert(char(8),getdate(),112) between convert(char(8),startdate,112) and convert(char(8),enddate,112); "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, code); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { String vgno = Formatter.mytrim(rs.getString("vgno")); // int time1 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(Date.valueOf(rs.getString("time1")))); int time1 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(rs.getTime("time1"))); int time2 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(rs.getTime("time2"))); int time3 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(rs.getTime("time3"))); int time4 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(rs.getTime("time4"))); int time5 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(rs.getTime("time5"))); int time6 = Integer.parseInt(fmt1.format(rs.getTime("time6"))); int distrate1 = rs.getInt("distrate1"); int distrate2 = rs.getInt("distrate2"); int distrate3 = rs.getInt("distrate3"); int distrate4 = rs.getInt("distrate4"); int distrate5 = rs.getInt("distrate5"); int distrate6 = rs.getInt("distrate6"); result = new DiscTime( vgno, time1, distrate1, time2, distrate2, time3, distrate3, time4, distrate4, time5, distrate5, time6, distrate6); } return result; }