private PASSTHRU_MSG passThruMessage(byte... data) { PASSTHRU_MSG msg = passThruMessage(); msg.dataSize = new NativeLong(data.length); arraycopy(data, 0,, 0, data.length); msg.write(); return msg; }
/** * Setup network protocol filter(s) to selectively restrict or limit messages received. Then purge * the PassThru device's receive buffer. * * @param channelId - handle to the open communications channel * @param mask - used to isolate the receive message header section(s) of interest * @param pattern - a message pattern to compare with the receive messages * @return the message filter ID to be used to later stop the filter */ public int startPassMsgFilter(int channelId, byte mask, byte pattern) { PASSTHRU_MSG maskMsg = passThruMessage(mask); PASSTHRU_MSG patternMsg = passThruMessage(pattern); NativeLongByReference msgId = new NativeLongByReference(); msgId.setValue(new NativeLong(0)); NativeLong ret = lib.PassThruStartMsgFilter( new NativeLong(channelId), new NativeLong(Filter.PASS_FILTER.getValue()), maskMsg.getPointer(), patternMsg.getPointer(), null, msgId); if (ret.intValue() != Status.NOERROR.getValue()) handleError("PassThruStartMsgFilter", ret.intValue()); ret = lib.PassThruIoctl( new NativeLong(channelId), new NativeLong(IOCtl.CLEAR_RX_BUFFER.getValue()), null, null); if (ret.intValue() != Status.NOERROR.getValue()) handleError("PassThruIoctl (CLEAR_RX_BUFFER)", ret.intValue()); return msgId.getValue().intValue(); }
/** * Send a message through the existing communication channel to the vehicle. * * @param channelId - handle to the open communications channel * @param data - data bytes to be transmitted to the vehicle network * @param timeout - maximum time (in milliseconds) for write completion */ public void writeMsg(int channelId, byte[] data, long timeout) { PASSTHRU_MSG msg = passThruMessage(data); LOGGER.trace("Write Msg: " + toString(msg)); NativeLongByReference numMsg = new NativeLongByReference(); numMsg.setValue(new NativeLong(1)); NativeLong ret = lib.PassThruWriteMsgs( new NativeLong(channelId), msg.getPointer(), numMsg, new NativeLong(timeout)); if (ret.intValue() != Status.NOERROR.getValue()) handleError("PassThruWriteMsgs", ret.intValue()); }
private PASSTHRU_MSG doReadMsg(int channelId) { PASSTHRU_MSG msg = passThruMessage(); NativeLongByReference pNumMsgs = new NativeLongByReference(); pNumMsgs.setValue(new NativeLong(1)); NativeLong status = lib.PassThruReadMsgs( new NativeLong(channelId), msg.getPointer(), pNumMsgs, new NativeLong(50)); if (status.intValue() != Status.NOERROR.getValue() && status.intValue() != Status.ERR_TIMEOUT.getValue() && status.intValue() != Status.ERR_BUFFER_EMPTY.getValue()) handleError("PassThruReadMsgs", status.intValue());; return msg; }
/** * This function performs an ISO14230 fast initialization sequence. * * @param channelId - handle to the open communications channel * @param input - start message to be transmitted to the vehicle network * @return response - response upon a successful initialization */ public byte[] fastInit(int channelId, byte[] input) { PASSTHRU_MSG inMsg = passThruMessage(input); PASSTHRU_MSG outMsg = passThruMessage(); LOGGER.trace("Ioctl inMsg: " + toString(inMsg)); NativeLong ret = lib.PassThruIoctl( new NativeLong(channelId), new NativeLong(IOCtl.FAST_INIT.value), inMsg.getPointer(), outMsg.getPointer()); if (ret.intValue() != Status.NOERROR.getValue()) handleError("PassThruIoctl", ret.intValue());; LOGGER.trace("Ioctl outMsg: " + toString(outMsg)); byte[] response = new byte[outMsg.dataSize.intValue()]; arraycopy(, 0, response, 0, outMsg.dataSize.intValue()); return response; }
private PASSTHRU_MSG passThruMessage() { PASSTHRU_MSG msg = new PASSTHRU_MSG(); msg.txFlags = new NativeLong(0); msg.protocolID = protocolID; return msg; }