/** * Set the status of SCAP detailed result file upload settings for the given organization. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId ID of organization to work with. * @param newSettings New settings of the SCAP detailed result file upload. * @return Returns 1 for successfull change. * @xmlrpc.doc Set the status of SCAP detailed result file upload settings for the given * organization. * @xmlrpc.param #session_key() * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.param #struct("scap_upload_info") #prop_desc("boolean", "enabled", "Aggregation of * detailed SCAP results is enabled.") #prop_desc("int", "size_limit", "Limit (in Bytes) for a * single SCAP file upload.") #struct_end() * @xmlrpc.returntype #return_int_success() */ public int setPolicyForScapFileUpload( String sessionKey, Integer orgId, Map<String, Object> newSettings) { Set<String> validKeys = new HashSet<String>(); validKeys.add("enabled"); validKeys.add("size_limit"); validateMap(validKeys, newSettings); getSatAdmin(sessionKey); OrgConfig orgConfig = verifyOrgExists(orgId).getOrgConfig(); if (newSettings.containsKey("enabled")) { Boolean enabled = (Boolean) newSettings.get("enabled"); orgConfig.setScapfileUploadEnabled(enabled); } if (newSettings.containsKey("size_limit")) { Long sizeLimit = new Long(((Integer) newSettings.get("size_limit")).longValue()); orgConfig.setScapFileSizelimit(sizeLimit); } return 1; }
/** * Set the status of SCAP result deletion settings for the given organization. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId ID of organization to work with. * @param newSettings New settings of the SCAP result deletion settings. * @return Returns 1 for successfull change. * @xmlrpc.doc Set the status of SCAP result deletion settins for the given organization. * @xmlrpc.param #session_key() * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.param #struct("scap_deletion_info") #prop_desc("boolean", "enabled", "Deletion of SCAP * results is enabled") #prop_desc("int", "retention_period", "Period (in days) after which a * scan can be deleted (if enabled).") #struct_end() * @xmlrpc.returntype #return_int_success() */ public int setPolicyForScapResultDeletion( String sessionKey, Integer orgId, Map<String, Object> newSettings) { Set<String> validKeys = new HashSet<String>(); validKeys.add("enabled"); validKeys.add("retention_period"); validateMap(validKeys, newSettings); getSatAdmin(sessionKey); OrgConfig orgConfig = verifyOrgExists(orgId).getOrgConfig(); if (newSettings.containsKey("enabled")) { if ((Boolean) newSettings.get("enabled")) { orgConfig.setScapRetentionPeriodDays(new Long(90)); } else { orgConfig.setScapRetentionPeriodDays(null); } } if (newSettings.containsKey("retention_period")) { Long retentionPeriod = new Long(((Integer) newSettings.get("retention_period")).longValue()); if (orgConfig.getScapRetentionPeriodDays() != null) { orgConfig.setScapRetentionPeriodDays(retentionPeriod); } } return 1; }