Пример #1
 public static OrderedTriple round(OrderedTriple ot, int mantissaLength) {
   ot = new OrderedTriple(ot);
   ot.x = Misc.round(ot.x, mantissaLength);
   ot.y = Misc.round(ot.y, mantissaLength);
   ot.z = Misc.round(ot.z, mantissaLength);
   return ot;
Пример #2
 public OrderedTriple arbitraryPerpendicular() {
   OrderedTriple perp = new OrderedTriple(1, 1, 1);
   if (x != 0) perp.x = (y + z) / -x;
   else if (y != 0) perp.y = (x + z) / -y;
   else if (z != 0) perp.z = (x + y) / -z;
   else return null;
   return perp;
Пример #3
 public static OrderedTriple[] sectSphereLine(
     OrderedTriple c, double r, OrderedTriple a, OrderedTriple b) {
   // Find the intersection(s) of the sphere with radius length r and center at
   // point c and the line containing points a and b
   OrderedTriple v = b.minus(a);
   OrderedTriple d = a.minus(c);
   try {
     double[] k = solveQuadratic(v.lengthSquared(), 2 * d.dot(v), d.lengthSquared() - r * r);
     OrderedTriple[] answer = {v.times(k[0]).plus(a), v.times(k[1]).plus(a)};
     return answer;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
Пример #4
 public static OrderedTriple sectPlaneLine(
     OrderedTriple P1, OrderedTriple P2, OrderedTriple P3, OrderedTriple L1, OrderedTriple L2) {
   // Find the 3D coordinates of the intersection of the plane containing
   // points P1, P2, P3 and the line containing L1, L2
   OrderedTriple n = P2.minus(P1).cross(P3.minus(P2));
   OrderedTriple l = L2.minus(L1);
   double A = n.dot(l);
   if (A == 0) return null;
   double B = n.dot(P1);
   double C = n.dot(L1);
   double K = (B - C) / A;
   return l.times(K).plus(L1);
Пример #5
 public static OrderedTriple sectLines(
     OrderedTriple p1, OrderedTriple p2, OrderedTriple p3, OrderedTriple p4) {
   // line from p1 through p2 and line from p3 through p4
   OrderedTriple A = p2.minus(p1);
   OrderedTriple B = p4.minus(p3);
   OrderedTriple C = p3.minus(p1);
   OrderedDouble KT1 = OrderedDouble.solveEquations(A.x, -B.x, C.x, A.y, -B.y, C.y);
   OrderedDouble KT2 = OrderedDouble.solveEquations(A.y, -B.y, C.y, A.z, -B.z, C.z);
   OrderedDouble KT3 = OrderedDouble.solveEquations(A.z, -B.z, C.z, A.x, -B.x, C.x);
   double K = 0;
   if (KT1 == null && KT2 == null && KT3 == null) {
     return LineLineIntersect(p1, p2, p3, p4);
     // return null;
   } else if (KT1 != null) {
     K = KT1.x;
   } else if (KT2 != null) {
     K = KT2.x;
   } else if (KT3 != null) {
     K = KT3.x;
   return A.times(K).plus(p1);
Пример #6
 static double[] planeFrom3Points(OrderedTriple p1, OrderedTriple p2, OrderedTriple p3) {
   return planeFromNormalAndPoint(p1.minus(p2).cross(p2.minus(p3)), p1);
Пример #7
 static double[] planeFromNormalAndPoint(OrderedTriple n, OrderedTriple p) {
   double[] answer = {n.x, n.y, n.z, n.dot(p)};
   return answer;
Пример #8
  * static OrderedTriple sectPlaneLine( OrderedTriple P1, OrderedTriple P2,
  * OrderedTriple P3, OrderedTriple L1, OrderedTriple L2 ){ OrderedTriple n =
  * P2.minus( P1 ).cross( P3.minus( P2 ) ); OrderedTriple l = L2.minus( L1 );
  * double A = n.dot( l ); if( A == 0 ) return null; double B = n.dot( P1 );
  * double C = n.dot( L1 ); double K = ( B - C )/A; return l.times( K ).plus(
  * L1 ); }
 public static double pointPlaneDistance(
     OrderedTriple p, OrderedTriple P1, OrderedTriple P2, OrderedTriple P3) {
   OrderedTriple n = P2.minus(P1).cross(P3.minus(P2));
   return sectPlaneLine(P1, P2, P3, p, p.plus(n)).distance(p);
Пример #9
 public double radBetween(OrderedTriple t) {
   return Math.acos((dot(t)) / (length() * t.length()));
Пример #10
 void towardsEquals(OrderedTriple p, double distance) {
   OrderedTriple v = p.minus(this);
   plus(v.times(distance / v.length()));
Пример #11
 OrderedTriple towards(OrderedTriple p, double distance) {
   OrderedTriple v = p.minus(this);
   return plus(v.times(distance / v.length()));
Пример #12
 public OrderedTriple mid(OrderedTriple p, double percent) {
   percent /= 100;
   return plus(p.minus(this).times(percent));
Пример #13
  private static OrderedTriple LineLineIntersect(
      OrderedTriple p1, OrderedTriple p2, OrderedTriple p3, OrderedTriple p4) {
    double EPS = 1e-12;
    OrderedTriple p13 = new OrderedTriple(),
        p43 = new OrderedTriple(),
        p21 = new OrderedTriple(),
        pa = new OrderedTriple(),
        pb = new OrderedTriple();
    double d1343, d4321, d1321, d4343, d2121;
    double numer, denom, mua, mub;

    p13.x = p1.x - p3.x;
    p13.y = p1.y - p3.y;
    p13.z = p1.z - p3.z;
    p43.x = p4.x - p3.x;
    p43.y = p4.y - p3.y;
    p43.z = p4.z - p3.z;
    if (Math.abs(p43.x) < EPS && Math.abs(p43.y) < EPS && Math.abs(p43.z) < EPS) return (null);
    p21.x = p2.x - p1.x;
    p21.y = p2.y - p1.y;
    p21.z = p2.z - p1.z;
    if (Math.abs(p21.x) < EPS && Math.abs(p21.y) < EPS && Math.abs(p21.z) < EPS) return (null);

    d1343 = p13.x * p43.x + p13.y * p43.y + p13.z * p43.z;
    d4321 = p43.x * p21.x + p43.y * p21.y + p43.z * p21.z;
    d1321 = p13.x * p21.x + p13.y * p21.y + p13.z * p21.z;
    d4343 = p43.x * p43.x + p43.y * p43.y + p43.z * p43.z;
    d2121 = p21.x * p21.x + p21.y * p21.y + p21.z * p21.z;

    denom = d2121 * d4343 - d4321 * d4321;
    if (Math.abs(denom) < EPS) return (null);
    numer = d1343 * d4321 - d1321 * d4343;

    mua = numer / denom;
    mub = (d1343 + d4321 * (mua)) / d4343;

    pa.x = p1.x + mua * p21.x;
    pa.y = p1.y + mua * p21.y;
    pa.z = p1.z + mua * p21.z;
    pb.x = p3.x + mub * p43.x;
    pb.y = p3.y + mub * p43.y;
    pb.z = p3.z + mub * p43.z;

    return pa.mid(pb);
Пример #14
  public static OrderedTriple findThirdVector(
      OrderedTriple v1, OrderedTriple v2, double a1, double a2, OrderedTriple testv)
      throws Exception {
    // v1 and v2 must be equal lengths N. returns the vector a1 rad from v1, a2
    // rad from v2 and N length. if there are two such vectors
    // it returns the one with positive component of testv
    // System.out.println( "angle between v1 & v2: " + v1.degBetween( v2 ) );
    double epsilon = 0.0001;
    if (isApprox(a1, 0, epsilon)) return new OrderedTriple(v1);
    if (isApprox(a1, Math.PI, epsilon)) return v1.negative();
    if (isApprox(a2, 0, epsilon)) return new OrderedTriple(v2);
    if (isApprox(a2, Math.PI, epsilon)) return v2.negative();
    OrderedTriple v3 = null;
    double a = v1.x;
    double b = v1.y;
    double c = v1.z;
    double d = v2.x;
    double e = v2.y;
    double f = v2.z;
    double g, h, i;
    double roots[] = null;
    double N = v1.length();
    double A = N * N * Math.cos(a1);
    double B = N * N * Math.cos(a2);

    double x12 = a * e - b * d;
    double x23 = b * f - c * e;
    double x31 = c * d - a * f;

    double P, Q, R, S;
    P = Q = R = S = 0;

    if (!isApprox(x12, 0, epsilon)) {
      // System.out.println( "route 1" );
      P = x23 / x12;
      Q = (e * A - b * B) / x12;
      R = x31 / x12;
      S = (a * B - d * A) / x12;
      roots = solveQuadratic(1 + P * P + R * R, 2 * P * Q + 2 * R * S, Q * Q + S * S - N * N);

      i = roots[0];
      v3 = new OrderedTriple(P * i + Q, R * i + S, i);
      if (testv != null && v3.dot(testv) < 0) {
        i = roots[1];
        v3.become(P * i + Q, R * i + S, i);
    } else if (!isApprox(x23, 0, epsilon)) {
      // System.out.println( "route 2" );
      P = x31 / x23;
      Q = (f * A - c * B) / x23;
      R = x12 / x23;
      S = (b * B - e * A) / x23;
      roots = solveQuadratic(1 + P * P + R * R, 2 * P * Q + 2 * R * S, Q * Q + S * S - N * N);

      g = roots[0];
      v3 = new OrderedTriple(g, P * g + Q, R * g + S);
      if (testv != null && v3.dot(testv) < 0) {
        g = roots[1];
        v3.become(g, P * g + Q, R * g + S);
    } else if (!isApprox(x31, 0, epsilon)) {
      // System.out.println( "route 3" );
      P = x23 / x31;
      Q = (c * B - f * A) / x31;
      R = x12 / x31;
      S = (d * A - a * B) / x31;
      roots = solveQuadratic(1 + P * P + R * R, 2 * P * Q + 2 * R * S, Q * Q + S * S - N * N);

      h = roots[0];
      v3 = new OrderedTriple(P * h + Q, h, R * h + S);
      if (testv != null && v3.dot(testv) < 0) {
        h = roots[1];
        v3.become(P * h + Q, h, R * h + S);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("EXCEPTION: no route found in findThirdVector");
    // if( ! isApprox( v3.radBetween( v1 ), a1, 0.1 ) ) System.out.println(
    // "error v1" );
    // if( ! isApprox( v3.radBetween( v2 ), a2, 0.1 ) ) System.out.println(
    // "error v2" );
    return v3;
Пример #15
 public double cos(OrderedTriple v) {
   // returns the cosine of the angle between them
   return dot(v) / (length() * v.length());
Пример #16
  static OrderedTriple[] sectPlanes(
      OrderedTriple p11,
      OrderedTriple p12,
      OrderedTriple p13,
      OrderedTriple p21,
      OrderedTriple p22,
      OrderedTriple p23) {
    OrderedTriple n1 = p11.minus(p12).cross(p12.minus(p13));
    OrderedTriple n2 = p21.minus(p22).cross(p22.minus(p23));
    OrderedTriple n3 = n1.cross(n2);

    double[] m1 = {n1.x, n1.y, n1.z};
    double[] m2 = {n2.x, n2.y, n2.z};
    double[] m3 = {n3.x, n3.y, n3.z};
    double[][] m = {m1, m2, m3};
    Matrix M = new Matrix(m);
    double[] b1 = {n1.dot(p11)};
    double[] b2 = {n2.dot(p21)};
    double[] b3 = {0};
    double[][] b = {b1, b2, b3};
    Matrix B = new Matrix(b);
    Matrix S = M.inverse().times(B);
    // OrderedTriple s1 = new OrderedTriple( S.mat[0][0], S.mat[1][0],
    // S.mat[2][0] );
    OrderedTriple s1 = new OrderedTriple(S.mat[0][0], S.mat[1][0], S.mat[2][0]);
    OrderedTriple s2 = s1.plus(n3);
    OrderedTriple[] answer = {s1, s2};
    return answer;
Пример #17
 OrderedTriple bisectAngle(OrderedTriple v) {
   // v = v.times( length()/v.length() );
   v = v.unit().times(length());
   return mid(v);
Пример #18
 public OrderedTriple(OrderedTriple t1, OrderedTriple t2) {
Пример #19
 public double distance(OrderedTriple p1, OrderedTriple p2) {
   // distance to line through p1 and p2
   OrderedTriple v1 = p2.minus(p1);
   OrderedTriple v2 = minus(p1);
   return v2.length() * v2.sin(v1);