Пример #1
   * Get the begin index point
   * @return
  private static Integer getBeginIndex(Integer dataSize, SmartTableContext context)
      throws Exception {
    PreferenceConfigure configure = context.getConfigure();
    Map<String, String> parameters = context.getParameters();

    Locale locale = context.getPageContext().getResponse().getLocale();
    NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);

    Integer pageSize = configure.getPageSize();
    String page = parameters.get(SmartConstants.PARAMS_PAGE);

    Integer pageIndex = 0;
    if (page != null) pageIndex = format.parse(page).intValue();
    Integer beginIndex = pageIndex * pageSize;

    if (pageIndex <= 0) return 0;
    if (beginIndex >= dataSize) return dataSize;
    return beginIndex;
Пример #2
   * PRIORITY Preference > JSP file > interface. TODO JSP > interface if can not get the cells from
   * the JSP, get it from the bean
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public static List<SmartCell> getSmartCellList(
      SmartTableContext context, IDataColumn dataColumn, IDataColumnDecorate columnDecorate)
      throws Exception {
    PageContext pageContext = context.getPageContext();

    List<SmartCell> scs = new ArrayList<SmartCell>();
    List<DataColumn> columns = new ArrayList<DataColumn>();

    if (dataColumn != null) {
      // transfer the IDataColumn to SmartCell object
      columns = dataColumn.getDataColumns();
    } else {
      // get data column from request

      Object obj = pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(SmartConstants.DATA_COLUMN);
      if (obj != null) columns = ((IDataColumn) obj).getDataColumns();

    for (DataColumn column : columns) {
      SmartCell cell = new SmartCell();
      BeanUtils.copyProperties(cell, column);

      // get the decorate from the column object directly.
      IColumnDecorate decorate = column.getColumnDecorate();
      if (decorate == null) {
        // get the default decorate if the "decorate" column has been defined
        decorate =
                column.getDecorate(), column.getParameters());

        // still can not find it! So,get it from the interface - IDataColumnDecorate
        if (decorate == null) {
          decorate =
                  context, columnDecorate, dataColumn, cell);
    return scs;
Пример #3
  * Get the end index point
  * @return
 private static Integer getEndIndex(Integer dataSize, SmartTableContext context) throws Exception {
   PreferenceConfigure configure = context.getConfigure();
   Integer toIndex = getBeginIndex(dataSize, context) + configure.getPageSize();
   return (toIndex >= dataSize) ? dataSize : toIndex;
Пример #4
   * PRIORITY:context JSP file > interface if user has define the data by user the "list" attribute,
   * then get it at first TODO get the row data from the context
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public static List<SmartRow> getSmartRowList(
      SmartTableContext context, IDataRecordList<?> dataRecords) throws Exception {
    PageContext pageContext = context.getPageContext();
    List<SmartRow> srs = new ArrayList<SmartRow>();

    Map<String, String> parameters = context.getParameters();
    PreferenceConfigure configure = context.getConfigure();

    // get dataRecords
    IDataRecordList<?> records = dataRecords;
    if (records == null) {
      // get them from the request
      Object obj = pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(SmartConstants.DATA);
      if (obj != null && obj instanceof IDataRecordList) records = (IDataRecordList<?>) obj;

    // get filter data
    // get it from the request
    String filterName = parameters.get(SmartConstants.PARAM_NAME);
    FilterData fd = FilterDataUtil.getFilterData(pageContext, filterName);

    // if can not find the sort by and sort order in the parameters.
    // get the default value from the configure object.
    String sortBy = parameters.get(SmartConstants.PARAMS_SORT_BY);
    if (sortBy == null) sortBy = configure.getSortBy();

    String order = parameters.get(SmartConstants.PARAMS_SORT_ORDER);
    if (order == null) order = configure.getSortOrder();
    SortOrder sortOrder = SortOrderUtil.transfer(order);

    // transfer IDataRecordList to SmartRow object
    // get the row data from the context
    List beans = new ArrayList();
    if (fd != null) {
      // if the object implement the IEnableFilter interface. then get the data from the
      // "getFilterRecords" method.
      if (records instanceof IEnableFilter) {
        // change to IEnableFilter object
        IEnableFilter<?> filterList = (IEnableFilter<?>) records;

        Integer dataSize = filterList.getFilterRecordSize(fd);
        Integer beginIndex = getBeginIndex(dataSize, context);
        Integer endIndex = getEndIndex(dataSize, context);

        // invoke the getFilterRecords method
        beans = filterList.getFilterRecords(fd, beginIndex, endIndex, sortBy, sortOrder);
    } else {
      Integer dataSize = records.getAllRecordSize();
      Integer beginIndex = getBeginIndex(dataSize, context);
      Integer endIndex = getEndIndex(dataSize, context);

      // invoke the getRecords method
      beans = records.getRecords(beginIndex, endIndex, sortBy, sortOrder);

    // get the current page smart row object
    for (int i = 0; i < beans.size(); i++) {
      Object bean = beans.get(i);
      SmartRow row = new SmartRow();

    return srs;