@Override public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { final MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if (mob == null) return false; if (song == null) { if ((whom == null) || (commonRoomSet == null) || (!commonRoomSet.contains(whom.location())) || (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(invoker)) || (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(whom, invoker))) return unsingMe(mob, null); } if ((whom != null) && (song != null) && (affected == invoker()) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < 10)) { final Hashtable<Integer, Integer> H = getSongBenefits(song); final Vector<Integer> V = new Vector<Integer>(); for (final Enumeration<Integer> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) V.addElement(e.nextElement()); final Integer I = V.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, V.size(), -1)); final String[] chk = stuff[I.intValue()]; invoker() .location() .show(invoker(), this, whom, CMMsg.MSG_SPEAK, L("<S-NAME> sing(s) '@x1'.", chk[3])); } if (!super.tick(ticking, tickID)) return false; return true; }
public void ensureCmds() { synchronized (cmds) { if (cmds.size() == 0) { for (final String[] element : stuff) cmds.put(element[0], element); } } }
@Override public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { if (!super.tick(ticking, tickID)) return false; if ((tickID == Tickable.TICKID_MOB) && (affected instanceof MOB)) { final MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if (!DATA.containsKey(mob)) DATA.put(mob, new int[DATA_TOTAL]); final int[] data = DATA.get(mob); if ((mob.session() != null) && (mob.session().getPreviousCMD() != null)) { if ((lastCommand != null) && (!CMParms.combine(mob.session().getPreviousCMD(), 0).equals(lastCommand))) { data[DATA_TYPEDCOMMAND]++; List<MOB> V = null; if (mob.session().getAddress() != null) V = IPS.get(mob.session().getAddress()); if (V != null) for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); if (M == mob) continue; if (M.session() == null) continue; if (!CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(M, true)) continue; final String hisLastCmd = CMParms.combine(mob.session().getPreviousCMD(), 0); final Archon_Multiwatch A = (Archon_Multiwatch) M.fetchEffect(ID()); if (A != null) { if ((A.lastCommand != null) && (!A.lastCommand.equals(hisLastCmd))) data[DATA_SYNCHROFOUND]++; break; } } } lastCommand = CMParms.combine(mob.session().getPreviousCMD(), 0); } } return true; }
public static void doAnimalFreeingCheck(CharClass C, Environmental host, CMMsg msg) { if ((msg.source() != host) && (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_NOFOLLOW) && (msg.source().isMonster()) && (host instanceof MOB) && (!((MOB) host).isMonster()) && (msg.target() == host) && (msg.source().getStartRoom() != null) && (CMLib.law().isACity(msg.source().getStartRoom().getArea())) && (((MOB) host).charStats().getCurrentClass().ID().equals(C.ID())) && (CMLib.flags().isAnimalIntelligence(msg.source()) || msg.source().charStats().getMyRace().racialCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("Vegetation") || msg.source() .charStats() .getMyRace() .racialCategory() .equalsIgnoreCase("Stone Golem")) && (CMLib.flags().flaggedAffects(msg.source(), Ability.FLAG_SUMMONING).size() == 0) && (msg.source().location() != null) && (!msg.source().amDestroyed()) && (CMLib.flags().isInTheGame((MOB) host, true)) && (!CMLib.law().isACity(msg.source().location().getArea()))) { Object[] stuff = (Object[]) animalChecking.get(host); final Room room = msg.source().location(); if ((stuff == null) || (System.currentTimeMillis() - ((Long) stuff[0]).longValue() > (room.getArea().getTimeObj().getDaysInMonth() * room.getArea().getTimeObj().getHoursInDay() * CMProps.getMillisPerMudHour()))) { stuff = new Object[3]; stuff[0] = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); animalChecking.remove(host); animalChecking.put(host, stuff); stuff[1] = Integer.valueOf(0); stuff[2] = new Vector(); } if ((((Integer) stuff[1]).intValue() < 19) && (!((List) stuff[2]).contains("" + msg.source()))) { stuff[1] = Integer.valueOf(((Integer) stuff[1]).intValue() + 1); ((MOB) host) .tell( CMLib.lang() .L( "You have freed @x1 from @x2.", msg.source().name((MOB) host), (msg.source().getStartRoom().getArea().name()))); CMLib.leveler() .postExperience((MOB) host, null, null, ((Integer) stuff[1]).intValue(), false); } } }
@Override public void affectCharStats(MOB affected, CharStats affectableStats) { if ((whom != null) && (song != null)) { final Hashtable<Integer, Integer> H = getSongBenefits(song); for (final Enumeration<Integer> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Integer I = e.nextElement(); final String[] chk = stuff[I.intValue()]; if ((chk != null) && (chk[1].startsWith("c"))) { int ticks = H.get(I).intValue(); if (ticks > 50) ticks = 50; if (ticks <= 0) ticks = 1; final int stat = CMath.s_int(chk[2]); if (CharStats.CODES.isBASE(stat)) if (ticks > 5) ticks = 5; affectableStats.setStat( stat, affectableStats.getStat(stat) + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); } } } }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if ((whom != null) && (song == null) && (msg.amISource(whom)) && (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(whom, invoker()))) { if (trail == null) trail = new StringBuffer(""); ensureCmds(); if (cmds.containsKey("" + msg.sourceMinor())) trail.append(msg.sourceMinor() + ";"); } super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); }
public String runMacro(ExternalHTTPRequests httpReq, String parm) { Hashtable parms = parseParms(parm); String journalName = httpReq.getRequestParameter("JOURNAL"); if (journalName == null) return " @break@"; if (CMLib.journals().isArchonJournalName(journalName)) { MOB M = Authenticate.getAuthenticatedMob(httpReq); if ((M == null) || (!CMSecurity.isASysOp(M))) return " @break@"; } String srch = httpReq.getRequestParameter("JOURNALMESSAGESEARCH"); if (srch != null) srch = srch.toLowerCase(); String last = httpReq.getRequestParameter("JOURNALMESSAGE"); int cardinal = CMath.s_int(httpReq.getRequestParameter("JOURNALCARDINAL")); if (parms.containsKey("RESET")) { if (last != null) { httpReq.removeRequestParameter("JOURNALMESSAGE"); httpReq.removeRequestParameter("JOURNALCARDINAL"); } return ""; } MOB M = Authenticate.getAuthenticatedMob(httpReq); cardinal++; JournalsLibrary.JournalEntry entry = null; List<JournalsLibrary.JournalEntry> msgs = JournalInfo.getMessages(httpReq, journalName); while ((entry == null) || (!CMLib.journals().canReadMessage(entry, srch, M, parms.contains("NOPRIV")))) { entry = JournalInfo.getNextEntry(msgs, last); if (entry == null) { httpReq.addRequestParameters("JOURNALMESSAGE", ""); if (parms.containsKey("EMPTYOK")) return "<!--EMPTY-->"; return " @break@"; } last = entry.key; } entry.cardinal = cardinal; httpReq.addRequestParameters("JOURNALCARDINAL", "" + cardinal); httpReq.addRequestParameters("JOURNALMESSAGE", last); return ""; }
@Override public void executeMsg(Environmental host, CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(host, msg); if ((affected instanceof MOB) && (msg.amISource((MOB) affected))) { if (!DATA.containsKey(msg.source())) DATA.put(msg.source(), new int[DATA_TOTAL]); final int[] data = DATA.get(msg.source()); if (data == null) return; if (msg.tool() instanceof Social) { if (nonIPnonMonsterWithMe(msg.source())) data[DATA_GOODSOCIAL]++; if ((msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (!((MOB) msg.target()).isMonster())) data[DATA_DIRSOCIAL]++; data[DATA_ANYSOCIAL]++; } else switch (msg.sourceMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK: if ((msg.othersMessage() != null) && (msg.sourceMessage() != null) && (msg.othersMinor() == msg.sourceMinor()) && (msg.source().location() != null) && (msg.source().session() != null)) { if (msg.sourceMessage().indexOf("order(s)") > 0) { if ((msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) msg.target()).session() != null) && (((MOB) msg.target()) .session() .getAddress() .equals(msg.source().session().getAddress()))) data[DATA_ORDER]++; } else { if (nonIPnonMonsterWithMe(msg.source())) data[DATA_GOODSPEECH]++; if ((msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (!((MOB) msg.target()).isMonster())) data[DATA_DIRSPEECH]++; data[DATA_ANYSPEECH]++; } } break; } } }
@Override public void affectPhyStats(Physical affected, PhyStats affectableStats) { if ((whom != null) && (song != null)) { final Hashtable<Integer, Integer> H = getSongBenefits(song); for (final Enumeration<Integer> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Integer I = e.nextElement(); final String[] chk = stuff[I.intValue()]; if ((chk != null) && (chk[1].startsWith("e"))) { int ticks = H.get(I).intValue(); if (ticks <= 0) ticks = 1; switch (chk[2].charAt(0)) { case 'a': if (ticks > 25) ticks = 25; affectableStats.setAttackAdjustment( affectableStats.attackAdjustment() + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); break; default: break; } } } } }
@Override public void affectCharState(MOB affected, CharState affectableStats) { if ((whom != null) && (song != null)) { final Hashtable<Integer, Integer> H = getSongBenefits(song); for (final Enumeration<Integer> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Integer I = e.nextElement(); final String[] chk = stuff[I.intValue()]; if ((chk != null) && (chk[1].startsWith("s"))) { int ticks = H.get(I).intValue(); if (ticks > 50) ticks = 50; if (ticks <= 0) ticks = 1; switch (chk[2].charAt(0)) { case 'h': affectableStats.setHunger( affectableStats.getHunger() + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); break; case 't': affectableStats.setThirst( affectableStats.getThirst() + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); break; case 'v': affectableStats.setMovement( affectableStats.getMovement() + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); break; case 'm': affectableStats.setMana( affectableStats.getMana() + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); break; case 'i': affectableStats.setHitPoints( affectableStats.getHitPoints() + ticks + getXLEVELLevel(invoker())); break; } } } } }
public Hashtable<Integer, Integer> getSongBenefits(String s) { if (benefits != null) return benefits; benefits = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>(); int x = s.indexOf(';'); while (x >= 0) { final int code = CMath.s_int(s.substring(0, x)); s = s.substring(x + 1); x = s.indexOf(';'); if (x >= 0) { final int tick = CMath.s_int(s.substring(0, x)); s = s.substring(x + 1); benefits.put(Integer.valueOf(code), Integer.valueOf(tick)); } x = s.indexOf(';'); } return benefits; }
public Hashtable<String, String> getSongs() { if (songs != null) return songs; String t = miscText; int x = t.indexOf("|~|"); songs = new Hashtable<String, String>(); while (x >= 0) { final String n = t.substring(0, x); t = t.substring(x + 3); x = t.indexOf("[|]"); String y = ""; if (x >= 0) { y = t.substring(0, x); t = t.substring(x + 3); songs.put(n, y); } x = t.indexOf("|~|"); } return songs; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { timeOut = 0; if (auto) return false; final Hashtable<String, String> H = getSongs(); if (commands.size() == 0) { final Song_Ode A = (Song_Ode) mob.fetchEffect(ID()); if ((A != null) && (A.whom != null) && (A.song == null)) { final String str = L("^S<S-NAME> finish(es) composing the @x1.^?", A.songOf()); final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, this, (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0) | CMMsg.MSG_DELICATE_SMALL_HANDS_ACT, str); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); mob.delEffect(A); getSongs().put(A.whom.name(), A.composition()); whom = null; return true; } return false; } final StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(""); for (final Enumeration<String> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) str.append(e.nextElement() + " "); mob.tell(L("Compose or sing an ode about whom?")); if (str.length() > 0) mob.tell(L("You presently have odes written about: @x1.", str.toString().trim())); return false; } String name = CMParms.combine(commands, 0); for (final Enumeration<String> e = H.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String key = e.nextElement(); if (CMLib.english().containsString(key, name)) { invoker = mob; originRoom = mob.location(); commonRoomSet = getInvokerScopeRoomSet(null); name = key; song = H.get(name); benefits = null; whom = mob.location().fetchInhabitant(name); if ((whom == null) || (!whom.name().equals(name))) whom = CMLib.players().getPlayer(name); if ((whom == null) || (!whom.name().equals(name))) { whom = CMClass.getMOB("StdMOB"); whom.setName(name); whom.setLocation(mob.location()); } return super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel); } } final MOB target = getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget); if (target == null) return false; if (target == mob) { mob.tell(L("You may not compose an ode about yourself!")); return false; } final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { unsingAll(mob, mob); invoker = mob; originRoom = mob.location(); commonRoomSet = getInvokerScopeRoomSet(null); whom = target; final String str = L("^S<S-NAME> begin(s) to compose an @x1.^?", songOf()); final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, this, (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0) | CMMsg.MSG_DELICATE_SMALL_HANDS_ACT, str); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); invoker = mob; final Song_Ode newOne = (Song_Ode) copyOf(); newOne.whom = target; newOne.trail = new StringBuffer(""); newOne.song = null; mob.addEffect(newOne); } } else mob.location() .show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_NOISE, L("<S-NAME> lose(s) <S-HIS-HER> inspiration.")); return success; }
@Override public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { if (CMParms.combine(commands, 0).equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) { DATA.clear(); IPS.clear(); final Hashtable<String, List<MOB>> ipes = new Hashtable<String, List<MOB>>(); for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S.getAddress().length() > 0) && (S.mob() != null)) { List V = ipes.get(S.getAddress()); if (V == null) { V = new Vector(); ipes.put(S.getAddress(), V); } if (!V.contains(S.mob())) V.add(S.mob()); } } final StringBuffer rpt = new StringBuffer(""); for (final Enumeration e = ipes.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String addr = (String) e.nextElement(); final List<MOB> names = ipes.get(addr); if (names.size() > 1) { IPS.put(addr, names); rpt.append("Watch #" + (IPS.size()) + " added: "); for (int n = 0; n < names.size(); n++) { final MOB MN = names.get(n); if (MN.fetchEffect(ID()) == null) { final Ability A = (Ability) copyOf(); MN.addNonUninvokableEffect(A); A.setSavable(false); } rpt.append(MN.Name() + " "); } rpt.append("\n\r"); } } if (rpt.length() == 0) rpt.append("No users with duplicate IDs found. Try MULTIWATCH ADD name1 name2 ... "); mob.tell(rpt.toString()); return true; } else if (CMParms.combine(commands, 0).equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) { boolean foundLegacy = false; for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S != null) && (S.mob() != null) && (S.mob().fetchEffect(ID()) != null)) { foundLegacy = true; break; } } if ((DATA.size() == 0) && (IPS.size() == 0) && (!foundLegacy)) { mob.tell(L("Multiwatch is already off.")); return false; } for (final Enumeration<List<MOB>> e = IPS.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final List<MOB> V = e.nextElement(); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); final Ability A = M.fetchEffect(ID()); if (A != null) M.delEffect(A); } } for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().localOnlineIterable()) { if ((S != null) && (S.mob() != null)) { final MOB M = S.mob(); final Ability A = M.fetchEffect(ID()); if (A != null) M.delEffect(A); } } mob.tell(L("Multiplay watcher is now turned off.")); DATA.clear(); IPS.clear(); return true; } else if ((commands.size() > 1) && ((String) commands.firstElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("add")) { final Vector V = new Vector(); for (int i = 1; i < commands.size(); i++) { final String name = (String) commands.elementAt(i); final MOB M = CMLib.players().getPlayer(name); if ((M.session() != null) && (CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(M, true))) V.addElement(M); else mob.tell(L("'@x1' is not online.", name)); } if (V.size() > 1) { for (int n = 0; n < V.size(); n++) { final MOB MN = (MOB) V.elementAt(n); if (MN.fetchEffect(ID()) == null) { final Ability A = (Ability) copyOf(); MN.addNonUninvokableEffect(A); A.setSavable(false); } } IPS.put("MANUAL" + (IPS.size() + 1), V); mob.tell(L("Manual Watch #@x1 added.", "" + IPS.size())); } return true; } else if ((commands.size() == 0) && (DATA.size() > 0) && (IPS.size() > 0)) { final StringBuffer report = new StringBuffer(""); for (final Enumeration<String> e = IPS.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String key = e.nextElement(); int sync = 0; final List<MOB> V = IPS.get(key); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); final int data[] = DATA.get(M); if (data != null) sync += data[DATA_SYNCHROFOUND]; } report.append("^x" + key + "^?^., Syncs: " + sync + "\n\r"); report.append( CMStrings.padRight(L("Name"), 25) + CMStrings.padRight(L("Speech"), 15) + CMStrings.padRight(L("Socials"), 15) + CMStrings.padRight(L("CMD"), 10) + CMStrings.padRight(L("ORDERS"), 10) + "\n\r"); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) { final MOB M = V.get(v); int data[] = DATA.get(M); if (data == null) data = new int[DATA_TOTAL]; report.append(CMStrings.padRight(M.Name(), 25)); report.append( CMStrings.padRight( data[DATA_GOODSPEECH] + "/" + data[DATA_DIRSPEECH] + "/" + data[DATA_ANYSPEECH], 15)); report.append( CMStrings.padRight( data[DATA_GOODSOCIAL] + "/" + data[DATA_DIRSOCIAL] + "/" + data[DATA_ANYSOCIAL], 15)); report.append(CMStrings.padRight(data[DATA_TYPEDCOMMAND] + "", 10)); report.append(CMStrings.padRight(data[DATA_ORDER] + "", 10)); report.append("\n\r"); } report.append("\n\r"); } mob.tell(report.toString()); return true; } else { mob.tell(L("Try MULTIWATCH AUTO, MULTIWATCH STOP, or MULTIWATCH ADD name1 name2..")); return false; } }
public String runMacro(ExternalHTTPRequests httpReq, String parm) { if (!CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.SYSTEMB_MUDSTARTED)) return CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDSTATUS); Hashtable parms = parseParms(parm); String last = httpReq.getRequestParameter("PLAYER"); if (last == null) return " @break@"; if (last.length() > 0) { MOB M = CMLib.players().getLoadPlayer(last); if (M == null) { MOB authM = Authenticate.getAuthenticatedMob(httpReq); if ((authM != null) && (authM.Name().equalsIgnoreCase(last))) M = authM; else return " @break@"; } boolean firstTime = (!httpReq.isRequestParameter("ACTION")) || (httpReq.getRequestParameter("ACTION")).equals("FIRSTTIME"); StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < MOB.AUTODESC.length; i++) { if (parms.containsKey(MOB.AUTODESC[i])) { boolean set = CMath.isSet(M.getBitmap(), i); if (MOB.AUTOREV[i]) set = !set; str.append((set ? "ON" : "OFF") + ","); } } for (int i : CharStats.CODES.ALL()) { String stat = CharStats.CODES.NAME(i); if (!stat.equalsIgnoreCase("GENDER")) { CharStats C = M.charStats(); if (parms.containsKey(stat)) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter(stat); if ((firstTime) || (old.length() == 0)) { if ((!CharStats.CODES.isBASE(i)) && (i != CharStats.STAT_GENDER)) old = "" + C.getSave(i); else old = "" + C.getStat(i); } str.append(old + ", "); } } } for (int i : CharStats.CODES.ALL()) { String stat = CharStats.CODES.NAME(i); if (!stat.equalsIgnoreCase("GENDER")) { CharStats C = M.baseCharStats(); if (parms.containsKey("BASE" + stat)) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter("BASE" + stat); if ((firstTime) || (old.length() == 0)) old = "" + C.getStat(i); str.append(old + ", "); } } } for (int i = 0; i < BASICS.length; i++) { if (parms.containsKey(BASICS[i])) { if (httpReq.isRequestParameter(BASICS[i])) str.append(httpReq.getRequestParameter(BASICS[i]) + ", "); else str.append(getBasic(M, i)); } } if (parms.containsKey("RACE")) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter("RACE"); if ((firstTime) || (old.length() == 0)) old = "" + M.baseCharStats().getMyRace().ID(); for (Enumeration r = CMClass.races(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { Race R2 = (Race) r.nextElement(); str.append("<OPTION VALUE=\"" + R2.ID() + "\""); if (R2.ID().equals(old)) str.append(" SELECTED"); str.append(">" + R2.name()); } } if (parms.containsKey("DEITY")) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter("DEITY"); if (firstTime) old = M.getWorshipCharID(); str.append("<OPTION " + ((old.length() == 0) ? "SELECTED" : "") + " VALUE=\"\">Godless"); for (Enumeration e = CMLib.map().deities(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Deity E = (Deity) e.nextElement(); str.append("<OPTION VALUE=\"" + E.Name() + "\""); if (E.Name().equalsIgnoreCase(old)) str.append(" SELECTED"); str.append(">" + E.Name()); } } if (parms.containsKey("TITLELIST")) { if (M.playerStats() != null) { int b = 0; Vector titles = new Vector(); if (firstTime) CMParms.addToVector(M.playerStats().getTitles(), titles); else while (httpReq.isRequestParameter("TITLE" + b)) { String B = httpReq.getRequestParameter("TITLE" + b); if ((B != null) && (B.trim().length() > 0)) titles.addElement(B); b++; } for (b = 0; b < titles.size(); b++) { String B = (String) titles.elementAt(b); if (B != null) str.append( "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=TITLE" + b + " SIZE=" + B.length() + " VALUE=\"" + CMStrings.replaceAll(B, "\"", """) + "\"><BR>"); } str.append("<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=TITLE" + titles.size() + " SIZE=60 VALUE=\"\">"); } } if (parms.containsKey("CLAN")) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter("CLAN"); if (firstTime) old = M.getClanID(); str.append("<OPTION " + ((old.length() == 0) ? "SELECTED" : "") + " VALUE=\"\">Clanless"); for (Enumeration e = CMLib.clans().allClans(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Clan C = (Clan) e.nextElement(); str.append("<OPTION VALUE=\"" + C.clanID() + "\""); if (C.clanID().equalsIgnoreCase(old)) str.append(" SELECTED"); str.append(">" + C.getName()); } } if (parms.containsKey("ALIGNMENT")) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter("ALIGNMENT"); if ((firstTime) || (old.length() == 0)) old = "" + M.fetchFaction(CMLib.factions().AlignID()); if (CMLib.factions().getFaction(CMLib.factions().AlignID()) != null) { for (int v = 1; v < Faction.ALIGN_NAMES.length; v++) { str.append("<OPTION VALUE=" + Faction.ALIGN_NAMES[v]); if (old.equalsIgnoreCase(Faction.ALIGN_NAMES[v])) str.append(" SELECTED"); str.append(">" + CMStrings.capitalizeAndLower(Faction.ALIGN_NAMES[v].toLowerCase())); } } } if (parms.containsKey("BASEGENDER")) { String old = httpReq.getRequestParameter("BASEGENDER"); if (firstTime) old = "" + M.baseCharStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_GENDER); str.append("<OPTION VALUE=M " + ((old.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">M"); str.append("<OPTION VALUE=F " + ((old.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">F"); str.append("<OPTION VALUE=N " + ((old.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">N"); } str.append(MobData.expertiseList(M, httpReq, parms)); str.append(MobData.classList(M, httpReq, parms)); str.append(MobData.itemList(M, M, httpReq, parms, 0)); str.append(MobData.abilities(M, httpReq, parms, 0)); str.append(MobData.factions(M, httpReq, parms, 0)); str.append(AreaData.affectsNBehaves(M, httpReq, parms, 0)); str.append(ExitData.dispositions(M, firstTime, httpReq, parms)); str.append(MobData.senses(M, firstTime, httpReq, parms)); String strstr = str.toString(); if (strstr.endsWith(", ")) strstr = strstr.substring(0, strstr.length() - 2); return clearWebMacros(strstr); } return ""; }
public Map<String, String> makeMySpellsH(List<Ability> V) { final Hashtable<String, String> spellH = new Hashtable<String, String>(); for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) spellH.put(V.get(v).ID(), V.get(v).ID()); return spellH; }