Пример #1
 private ICredential returnCredential(Map<String, String> credMap, String acctKey)
     throws InvalidCredentialException {
   ICredential credential;
   String userName = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_USERNAME_SUFFIX);
   String password = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD_SUFFIX);
   String appId = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_APPLICATIONID_SUFFIX);
   String subject = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_SUBJECT_SUFFIX);
   if (credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_SIGNATURE_SUFFIX) != null) {
     String signature = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_SIGNATURE_SUFFIX);
     credential = new SignatureCredential(userName, password, signature);
     ((SignatureCredential) credential).setApplicationId(appId);
     if (subject != null && subject.trim().length() > 0) {
       ThirdPartyAuthorization thirdPartyAuthorization = new SubjectAuthorization(subject);
       ((SignatureCredential) credential).setThirdPartyAuthorization(thirdPartyAuthorization);
   } else if (credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_CERTPATH_SUFFIX) != null) {
     String certPath = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_CERTPATH_SUFFIX);
     String certKey = (String) credMap.get(acctKey + Constants.CREDENTIAL_CERTKEY_SUFFIX);
     credential = new CertificateCredential(userName, password, certPath, certKey);
     ((CertificateCredential) credential).setApplicationId(appId);
     if (subject != null && subject.trim().length() > 0) {
       ThirdPartyAuthorization thirdPartyAuthorization = new SubjectAuthorization(subject);
       ((CertificateCredential) credential).setThirdPartyAuthorization(thirdPartyAuthorization);
   } else {
     throw new InvalidCredentialException(
         "The account does not have a valid credential type(signature/certificate)");
   return credential;
   * Returns a credential as configured in the application configuration
  private ICredential getCredentials()
      throws InvalidCredentialException, MissingCredentialException {
    ICredential returnCredential = null;
    CredentialManager credentialManager = new CredentialManager(this.configurationMap);
    returnCredential = credentialManager.getCredentialObject(apiUserName);
    if (accessToken != null && accessToken.trim().length() > 0) {

      // Set third party authorization to token
      // if token is sent as part of request call
      ThirdPartyAuthorization tokenAuth = new TokenAuthorization(accessToken, tokenSecret);
      if (returnCredential instanceof SignatureCredential) {
        SignatureCredential sigCred = (SignatureCredential) returnCredential;
      } else if (returnCredential instanceof CertificateCredential) {
        CertificateCredential certCred = (CertificateCredential) returnCredential;
    return returnCredential;
  /** @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */
  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    session.setAttribute("url", request.getRequestURI());
        "<ul><li><a href='RequestPermissions'>RequestPermissions</a></li><li><a href='GetAccessToken'>GetAccessToken</a></li><li><a href='GetPermissions'>GetPermissions</a></li><li><a href='CancelPermissions'>CancelPermissions</a></li><li><a href='GetBasicPersonalData'>GetBasicPersonalData</a></li><li><a href='GetAdvancedPersonalData'>GetAdvancedPersonalData</a></li></ul>");

    GetAdvancedPersonalDataRequest req = new GetAdvancedPersonalDataRequest();
     * (Required) RFC 3066 language in which error messages are returned; by
     * default it is en_US, which is the only language currently supported.
    RequestEnvelope requestEnvelope = new RequestEnvelope("en_US");

     * The attributes whose value you are requesting. You specify one or
     * more of the following URIs:
     * http://axschema.org/birthDate - Date of birth
     * http://axschema.org/contact/postalCode/home - Postcode
     * http://schema.openid.net/contact/street1 - Street1
     * http://schema.openid.net/contact/street2 - Street2
     * http://axschema.org/contact/city/home - City
     * http://axschema.org/contact/state/home - State
     * http://axschema.org/contact/phone/default - Phone
    List<PersonalAttribute> lst = new ArrayList<PersonalAttribute>();
    String check[] = request.getParameterValues("attr");
    for (int i = 0; i < check.length; i++) {
    PersonalAttributeList attribute = new PersonalAttributeList();

    SignatureCredential cred = null;
    if (request.getParameter("accessToken") != null
        && request.getParameter("accessToken").length() > 0
        && request.getParameter("tokenSecret") != null
        && request.getParameter("tokenSecret").length() > 0) {
      // The access token that identifies a set of permissions.
      // The secret associated with the access token.
      ThirdPartyAuthorization thirdPartyAuth =
          new TokenAuthorization(
              request.getParameter("accessToken"), request.getParameter("tokenSecret"));

      cred =
          new SignatureCredential(

    // ## Creating service wrapper object
    // Creating service wrapper object to make API call
    // Configuration map containing mode and other required configuration.
    // For a full list of configuration parameters refer in wiki page.
    // (https://github.com/paypal/sdk-core-java/wiki/SDK-Configuration-Parameters)
    PermissionsService service = new PermissionsService(Configuration.getAcctAndConfig());
    try {

      // ## Making API call
      // Invoke the appropriate method corresponding to API in service
      // wrapper object
      GetAdvancedPersonalDataResponse resp = null;
      if (cred != null) {
        resp = service.getAdvancedPersonalData(req, cred);
      } else {
        resp = service.getAdvancedPersonalData(req);
      if (resp != null) {
        session.setAttribute("RESPONSE_OBJECT", resp);
        session.setAttribute("lastReq", service.getLastRequest());
        session.setAttribute("lastResp", service.getLastResponse());
        if (resp.getResponseEnvelope().getAck().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("SUCCESS")) {
          Map<Object, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>();
           * Acknowledgement code. It is one of the following values:
           * Success - The operation completed successfully. Failure -
           * The operation failed. Warning - Warning.
           * SuccessWithWarning - The operation completed
           * successfully; however, there is a warning message.
           * FailureWithWarning - The operation failed with a warning
           * message.
          map.put("Ack", resp.getResponseEnvelope().getAck());
          Iterator<PersonalData> iterator = resp.getResponse().getPersonalData().iterator();
          int index = 1;
          while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            PersonalData personalData = iterator.next();
             * The attributes whose values you are requesting. You
             * specify one or more of the following URIs:
             * http://axschema.org/namePerson/first - First name
             * http://axschema.org/namePerson/last - last name
             * http://axschema.org/contact/email - Email
             * http://schema.openid.net/contact/fullname - Full name
             * http://openid.net/schema/company/name - Business name
             * http://axschema.org/contact/country/home - Country
             * https://www.paypal.com/webapps/auth/schema/payerID -
             * Payer ID
            map.put("PersonalDataKey" + index, personalData.getPersonalDataKey().getValue());

            // The value associated with the key
            map.put("PersonalDataValue" + index, personalData.getPersonalDataValue());

          session.setAttribute("map", map);
        } else {
          session.setAttribute("Error", resp.getError());

    } catch (OAuthException e) {
      // TODO: handle exception
    } catch (SSLConfigurationException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (InvalidCredentialException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (HttpErrorException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (InvalidResponseDataException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (ClientActionRequiredException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (MissingCredentialException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block