Пример #1
  protected double blackPrice(
      final double spot,
      final double strike,
      final double expiry,
      final double rate,
      final double carry,
      final double vol,
      final boolean isCall) {

    final Function1D<Double, Double> intCon = ICP.getEuropeanPayoff(strike, isCall);
    final ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DStandardCoefficients pde =
        PDE.getBlackScholes(rate, rate - carry, vol);

    double sMin = 0.0;
    double sMax = spot * Math.exp(_z * Math.sqrt(expiry));
    BoundaryCondition lower;
    BoundaryCondition upper;
    if (isCall) {
      lower = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(0.0, sMin);
      Function1D<Double, Double> upperValue =
          new Function1D<Double, Double>() {
            public Double evaluate(Double tau) {
              return Math.exp(-rate * tau) * (spot * Math.exp(carry * tau) - strike);
      upper = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(upperValue, sMax);
    } else {
      Function1D<Double, Double> lowerValue =
          new Function1D<Double, Double>() {
            public Double evaluate(Double tau) {
              return Math.exp(-rate * tau) * strike;
      lower = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(lowerValue, sMin);
      upper = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(0.0, sMax);

    final MeshingFunction tMesh = new ExponentialMeshing(0, expiry, _nTNodes, _lambda);
    final MeshingFunction xMesh = new HyperbolicMeshing(sMin, sMax, spot, _nXNodes, _bunching);
    final PDEGrid1D grid = new PDEGrid1D(tMesh, xMesh);
    PDE1DDataBundle<ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DCoefficients> pdeData =
        new PDE1DDataBundle<ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DCoefficients>(pde, intCon, lower, upper, grid);

    PDEResults1D res = SOLVER.solve(pdeData);
    // for now just do linear interpolation on price. TODO replace this with something more robust
    final double[] xNodes = grid.getSpaceNodes();
    final int index = SurfaceArrayUtils.getLowerBoundIndex(xNodes, spot);
    final double w = (xNodes[index + 1] - spot) / (xNodes[index + 1] - xNodes[index]);
    return w * res.getFunctionValue(index) + (1 - w) * res.getFunctionValue(index + 1);
Пример #2
   * Computes the price of a one-touch out barrier option in the Black-Scholes world by solving the
   * BS PDE on a finite difference grid. If a barrier is hit at any time before expiry, the option
   * is cancelled (knocked-out) and a rebate (which is often zero) is paid <b>immediately</b>. If
   * the barrier is not hit, then a normal European option payment is made.
   * <p>If the barrier is above the spot it is assumed to be an up-and-out barrier (otherwise it
   * would expire immediately) otherwise it is a down-and-out barrier As there are exact formulae
   * for this case (see {@link BlackBarrierPriceFunction}), this is purely for testing purposes.
   * @param spot The current (i.e. option price time) of the underlying
   * @param barrierLevel The barrier level
   * @param strike The strike of the European option
   * @param expiry The expiry of the option
   * @param rate The interest rate.
   * @param carry The cost-of-carry (i.e. the forward = spot*exp(costOfCarry*T) )
   * @param vol The Black volatility.
   * @param isCall true for call
   * @param rebate The rebate amount.
   * @return The price.
  public double outBarrier(
      final double spot,
      final double barrierLevel,
      final double strike,
      final double expiry,
      final double rate,
      final double carry,
      final double vol,
      final boolean isCall,
      final double rebate) {

    final Function1D<Double, Double> intCon = ICP.getEuropeanPayoff(strike, isCall);
    final ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DStandardCoefficients pde =
        PDE.getBlackScholes(rate, rate - carry, vol);
    final boolean isUp = barrierLevel > spot;

    final double adj = 0.0; // _lambda == 0 ? ZETA * vol * Math.sqrt(expiry / (_nTNodes - 1)) : 0.0;
    // System.out.println("adjustment: " + adj);

    double sMin;
    double sMax;
    BoundaryCondition lower;
    BoundaryCondition upper;
    if (isUp) {
      sMin = 0.0;
      sMax =
              * Math.exp(-adj); // bring the barrier DOWN slightly to adjust for discrete monitoring
      if (isCall) {
        lower = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(0.0, sMin);
      } else {
        Function1D<Double, Double> lowerValue =
            new Function1D<Double, Double>() {
              public Double evaluate(Double tau) {
                return Math.exp(-rate * tau) * strike;
        lower = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(lowerValue, sMin);
      upper = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(rebate, sMax);
    } else {
      sMin =
              * Math.exp(adj); // bring the barrier UP slightly to adjust for discrete monitoring
      sMax = spot * Math.exp(_z * Math.sqrt(expiry));
      lower = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(rebate, sMin);

      if (isCall) {
        Function1D<Double, Double> upperValue =
            new Function1D<Double, Double>() {
              public Double evaluate(Double tau) {
                return Math.exp(-rate * tau) * (spot * Math.exp(carry * tau) - strike);
        upper = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(upperValue, sMax);
      } else {
        upper = new DirichletBoundaryCondition(0.0, sMax);

    final MeshingFunction tMesh = new ExponentialMeshing(0, expiry, _nTNodes, _lambda);
    final MeshingFunction xMesh = new HyperbolicMeshing(sMin, sMax, spot, _nXNodes, _bunching);
    final PDEGrid1D grid = new PDEGrid1D(tMesh, xMesh);
    PDE1DDataBundle<ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DCoefficients> pdeData =
        new PDE1DDataBundle<ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DCoefficients>(pde, intCon, lower, upper, grid);

    PDEResults1D res = SOLVER.solve(pdeData);
    // for now just do linear interpolation on price. TODO replace this with something more robust
    final double[] xNodes = grid.getSpaceNodes();
    final int index = SurfaceArrayUtils.getLowerBoundIndex(xNodes, spot);
    final double w = (xNodes[index + 1] - spot) / (xNodes[index + 1] - xNodes[index]);
    return w * res.getFunctionValue(index) + (1 - w) * res.getFunctionValue(index + 1);