/** * retrieve the physical examination result * * @see phys_result * @param model * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/vi_checkResult") public String retrievePhysResult(Model modelmap, HttpSession httpSession) { String account = (String) httpSession.getAttribute("accountName"); Integer flag = (Integer) httpSession.getAttribute("flag"); AccountClient accountClient = accountClientDao.findClientByAccount(account); if (accountClient != null && flag != null && flag == Constant.account_client) { List<IndentVip> indentVipList = (List) indentVipDao.findByAccount(account); // For testing .......................... if (indentVipList != null) { List<Indent> indentList = new LinkedList(); List<Project> projectList = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < indentVipList.size(); i++) { Integer uidProject = indentVipList.get(i).getUidProject(); Project project = projectDao.getSingleProjectById(uidProject); Indent indent = (Indent) indentDao.findById(indentVipList.get(i).getUidIndent()); if (project != null) projectList.add(project); if (indent != null) indentList.add(indent); } // = (List)projectDao.queryAllByAccount("201231000821");//For testing // ................................ // List<TestResult> testResultList = testResultDao.queryByAccount("201231000821");//For // testing ................................ List<Map<String, String>> resultList = new LinkedList<Map<String, String>>(); for (int k = 0; k < indentVipList.size(); k++) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); result.put("phsy_sum", String.valueOf(indentVipList.size())); String YMD = projectList.get(k).getTimeBegin(); String year = "2015年"; String month = "09月"; String date = "06日"; if (YMD != null) { if (YMD.length() >= 4) year = YMD.substring(0, 4) + "年"; if (YMD.length() >= 6) month = YMD.substring(4, 6) + "月"; if (YMD.length() >= 8) date = YMD.substring(6, 8) + "日"; } result.put("phsy_time", year + month + date); String status; String updateDate; Indent indent = indentList.get(k); if (indent != null) { Boolean isPaid = indent.getIsPaid(); Boolean finishIndent = indent.getFinishIndent(); Boolean hasResult = indent.getHasResult(); String isPaidDate = indent.getIsPaidDate(); String finish_date = indent.getFinishDate(); String hasResultDate = indent.getHasResultDate(); updateDate = hasResultDate != null ? hasResultDate : finish_date != null ? finish_date : isPaidDate != null ? isPaidDate : "Unknown"; if (hasResult != null && finishIndent != null && isPaid != null) status = hasResult ? "已有结果" : finishIndent ? "已预约" : isPaid ? "已付款" : "没付款"; else status = "Unknown"; } else { updateDate = "没有更新日期"; status = "没有状态"; } result.put("phsy_status", status); result.put("phsy_update_date", updateDate); String YMD2 = updateDate; String year2 = "2015年"; String month2 = "09月"; String date2 = "06日"; if (YMD2 != null && !YMD2.equalsIgnoreCase("Unknown")) { if (YMD2.length() >= 4) year2 = YMD2.substring(0, 4) + "年"; if (YMD2.length() >= 6) month2 = YMD2.substring(4, 6) + "月"; if (YMD2.length() >= 8) date2 = YMD2.substring(6, 8) + "日"; } result.put("phsy_update_date", year2 + month2 + date2); result.put("phsy_clerk", "宫鸣"); result.put("phys_project_uid", String.valueOf(projectList.get(k).getUidProject())); result.put("phys_status_boolean", String.valueOf(status == "已有结果" ? true : false)); resultList.add(result); } modelmap.addAttribute("phys_result", resultList); } else { List<Map<String, String>> resultList = new LinkedList<Map<String, String>>(); modelmap.addAttribute("phys_result", resultList); } } else { modelmap.addAttribute("phys_result", null); } return "/vip/vi_checkResult"; }
/** * apply for appointments * * @param model * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/vi_submitAppointment", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String submitAppointment( Model modelmap, HttpSession httpSession, String year, String month, String day, Integer total, String chooseNum, String chooseId) { String account = (String) httpSession.getAttribute("accountName"); Integer flag = (Integer) httpSession.getAttribute("flag"); AccountClient accountClient = accountClientDao.findClientByAccount( account); // For testing ................................... if (accountClient != null && flag != null && flag == Constant.account_client) { boolean insertResult = false; String[] chooseIdArray = chooseId.split(","); // split List<PhysicalItem> physicalList = (List<PhysicalItem>) physicalDao.retrieveAll(); // List<String> chooseIdItems = new ArrayList<String>(); // resolve chooseId from chooseIdArray to chooseIdItems for (int i = 0; i < chooseIdArray.length; i++) { if (chooseIdArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { chooseIdItems.add(String.valueOf(i)); } } if (chooseIdItems.size() > 0) { // generate indent List indentList = (List) indentDao.queryAll(); int indentSum = indentList == null ? 0 : indentList.size(); Indent indent = new Indent(); indent.setUidIndent(indentSum + 1); // inital the uid of the indent indent.setMoneyIndent(total); indentDao.save(indent); // Are you sure it is ok? // generate project List projectList = (List) projectDao.queryAll(); int projectSum = projectList == null ? 0 : projectList.size(); Project project = new Project(); project.setUidProject(projectSum + 1); project.setAccount( account); // For testing ............................................................... project.setClientName( accountClient .getAccountClient()); // For testing // ............................................................... project.setPeopleNumber(1); project.setTimeBegin(year + month + day); project.setTimeEnd("UnRecord"); project.setAddressGroup("个人"); projectDao.save(project); IndentVip indentVip = new IndentVip(); List indentVipList = (List) indentVipDao.queryAll(); int indentVipSum = indentVipList.size(); indentVip.setUidIndentVip(indentVipSum + 1); // int indentVip.setUidIndent(indent.getUidIndent()); // int indentVip.setUidProject(project.getUidProject()); // int indentVip.setAccountClientIndent(account); indentVip.setIndentVipName(accountClient.getAccountClient()); indentVip.setIndentVipSex(accountClient.getSexClient()); indentVip.setIndentVipEmail(accountClient.getEmailClient()); indentVip.setIndentVipAddress(accountClient.getAddressClient()); indentVip.setIndentVipPhone(accountClient.getPhoneClient()); indentVipDao.save(indentVip); for (int j = 0; j < chooseIdItems.size(); j++) { // generate projectdetail List ProjectDetailList = (List) projectDetailDao.queryAll(); int projectDetailSum = ProjectDetailList == null ? 0 : ProjectDetailList.size(); ProjectDetail projectDetail = new ProjectDetail(); projectDetail.setUidProjectDetail(projectDetailSum + 1); projectDetail.setProject(project); projectDetail.setTestType(physicalList.get(j).getTypeItem()); projectDetailDao.save(projectDetail); // Are you sure it is ok? // generate orderdetail List orderDetailList = (List) orderDetailDao.queryAll(); int orderdetailSum = orderDetailList == null ? 0 : orderDetailList.size(); OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail(); orderDetail.setUidOrderDetail(orderdetailSum + 1); orderDetail.setIndent(indent); orderDetail.setProjectDetail(projectDetail); orderDetail.setMoneyOrder(total); orderDetail.setOrderClientName( accountClient .getAccountClient()); // For testing // ......................................................... orderDetail.setOrderTime(TimeUtils.getNowDate()); orderDetailDao.save(orderDetail); // Are you sure it is ok? List testResultSumList = ((List) testResultDao.queryAll()); int testResultSum = testResultSumList == null ? 0 : testResultSumList.size(); TestResult testResult = new TestResult(); testResult.setUidTestDetail(testResultSum + 1); testResult.setOrderDetail(orderDetail); testResult.setIdPhysicalItem(chooseIdItems.get(j)); testResult.setResult("haven't yet"); testResult.setIndentGroupMember(""); testResult.setUidProject(String.valueOf(project.getUidProject())); testResult.setAccount( account); // For testing ......................................................... testResultDao.save(testResult); } insertResult = true; } else { insertResult = false; } if (insertResult) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("id", accountClient.getAccountClient()); map.put("gender", accountClient.getSexClient()); map.put("identity", accountClient.getIdentityCardNumber()); map.put("mobilephone", accountClient.getPhoneClient()); map.put("officephone", "无"); map.put("email", accountClient.getEmailClient()); map.put("address", accountClient.getAddressClient()); map.put("sicknesshistory", accountClient.getSicknessHistory()); map.put("salesman", "Unknown"); map.put("name", accountClient.getAccountClient()); modelmap.addAttribute("user", map); modelmap.addAttribute("submitAppointmentsuccess", "true"); } } else { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("id", accountClient.getAccountClient()); map.put("gender", accountClient.getSexClient()); map.put("identity", accountClient.getIdentityCardNumber()); map.put("mobilephone", accountClient.getPhoneClient()); map.put("officephone", "无"); map.put("email", accountClient.getEmailClient()); map.put("address", accountClient.getAddressClient()); map.put("sicknesshistory", accountClient.getSicknessHistory()); map.put("salesman", "Unknown"); map.put("name", accountClient.getAccountClient()); modelmap.addAttribute("user", map); modelmap.addAttribute("submitAppointmentsuccess", null); } return "vip/vi_index"; }