private List<Game> convertToGames(Cursor cursor) { List<Game> result = new ArrayList<Game>(); Game currentGame = null; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { int currentId = cursor.getInt(0); if (currentGame == null || currentGame.getId() != currentId) { // new // Game currentGame = new Game(); currentGame.setId(currentId); currentGame.setDateStarted(cursor.getLong(1)); currentGame.setDateSaved(cursor.getLong(2)); currentGame.setName(cursor.getString(3)); result.add(currentGame); } List<PlayerScore> playerScores = new ArrayList<PlayerScore>(); // build up all the PlayerScores do { if (cursor.getInt(0) != currentId) { cursor.moveToPrevious(); // went too far break; } PlayerScore playerScore = new PlayerScore(); playerScore.setId(cursor.getInt(4)); playerScore.setName(cursor.getString(5)); playerScore.setScore(cursor.getLong(6)); playerScore.setPlayerNumber(cursor.getInt(7)); playerScore.setHistory( Delta.fromJoinedStrings( StringUtil.nullToEmpty(cursor.getString(8)), StringUtil.nullToEmpty(cursor.getString(9)))); playerScore.setLastUpdate(cursor.getLong(10)); playerScore.setPlayerColor(PlayerColor.deserialize(cursor.getString(11))); playerScores.add(playerScore); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); Collections.sort(playerScores, PlayerScore.sortByPlayerNumber()); currentGame.setPlayerScores(playerScores); } return result; }
/** * Add green color for positive entries and red color for negative entries, and convert ints to * strings. * * @param currentTime */ private Spannable fromHistory(List<Integer> history, long currentTime) { history = historyToShow(history, currentTime); if (history.isEmpty()) { return null; } history = CollectionUtil.reversedCopy(history); // if e.g. there is a double-digit delta (e.g. "+10"), then all other // strings need to be padded // so that they line up correctly // but ensure there's always at least enough space for 3 chars (e.g. '+10'), because // I think it looks nicer and more consistent with most games int maxChars = Math.max( MIN_NUM_HISTORY_CHARS, CollectionUtil.maxValue(history, Functions.INTEGER_TO_LENGTH_WITH_SIGN)); List<Spannable> spannables = CollectionUtil.transform(history, historyToSpan(maxChars)); Spannable result = new SpannableString( StringUtil.joinSpannables("\n", CollectionUtil.toArray(spannables, Spannable.class))); return result; }
public static Set<String> getAvailableSettingSets(Context context) { String available = getMeta(context).getString(AVAILABLE_SETTINGS_SET, ""); return new HashSet<String>(StringUtil.split(available, ',')); }
public static boolean isValidSettingSetName(String name) { return !StringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespace(name) && name.length() <= 50 // come on, dude - too long && !name.contains(","); // used for comma-separated list }
public List<GameSummary> findAllGameSummaries() { synchronized (GameDBHelper.class) { String[] columns = { "g." + COLUMN_ID, "g." + COLUMN_NAME, "g." + COLUMN_DATE_SAVED, // player names; the "separator" is a trick to ensure that we can cleanly separate the // response, // and put it into the proper order, since group_concat is always unordered in sqlite "group_concat(( || '" + GROUP_CONCAT_INNER_SEPARATOR + "' || ps.playerNumber), '" + GROUP_CONCAT_SEPARATOR + "')", "max(length(ps.history) - length(replace(ps.history, ',', '')) + 1)" // num rounds }; String table = TABLE_GAMES + " g join " + TABLE_PLAYER_SCORES + " ps " + " on g." + COLUMN_ID + " = ps." + COLUMN_GAME_ID; String groupBy = "g." + COLUMN_ID; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query(table, columns, null, null, groupBy, null, null); List<GameSummary> result = new ArrayList<GameSummary>(); // re-use sparse array for performance SparseArray<String> playerNumbersToNames = new SparseArray<String>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { GameSummary gameSummary = new GameSummary(); gameSummary.setId(cursor.getInt(0)); gameSummary.setName(cursor.getString(1)); gameSummary.setDateSaved(cursor.getLong(2)); String playerNumbersAndNames = cursor.getString(3); // sort by player number, get player names in order (no way to do this in sqlite, // unfortunately) playerNumbersToNames.clear(); for (String playerNumberAndName : StringUtil.split(playerNumbersAndNames, GROUP_CONCAT_SEPARATOR)) { int idx = playerNumberAndName.indexOf(GROUP_CONCAT_INNER_SEPARATOR); String playerName = playerNumberAndName.substring(0, idx); int playerNumber = Integer.parseInt( playerNumberAndName.substring(idx + GROUP_CONCAT_INNER_SEPARATOR.length())); playerNumbersToNames.put(playerNumber, playerName); } List<String> playerNames = new ArrayList<String>(playerNumbersToNames.size()); for (int i = 0, len = playerNumbersToNames.size(); i < len; i++) { int playerNumber = playerNumbersToNames.keyAt(i); playerNames.add(playerNumbersToNames.get(playerNumber)); } gameSummary.setPlayerNames(playerNames); gameSummary.setNumRounds(cursor.getInt(4)); result.add(gameSummary); } return result; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } }